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Name: Freanne Hyacinth S.

Mercado BSM 3A


Gender issues are societal problems that arise from the different ways in which societies treat
individuals based on their gender. These issues often stem from deeply ingrained cultural norms,
legal systems, and social practices. The three gender issues selected for discussion are:
1. Gender Wage Gap: This refers to the disparity in earnings between men and women. It is often
quantified as the ratio of female to male median yearly earnings among full-time, year-round workers.
2. Gender-Based Violence: This encompasses a range of harmful behaviors directed at individuals
based on their gender. This includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, as well as threats,
coercion, and economic or educational deprivation.
3. Underrepresentation in Leadership Roles: This issue pertains to the disproportionately low
number of women in positions of power and decision-making in various sectors, including politics,
business, and academia.
Solutions to these issues involve a combination of policy changes, societal shifts, and educational
1. Solutions to the Gender Wage Gap:
- Implementing and enforcing equal pay laws.
- Promoting transparency in salary information.
- Encouraging and supporting women in pursuing careers in higher-paying fields.
- Providing parental leave and childcare support to alleviate the career interruptions often faced by
2. Solutions to Gender-Based Violence:
- Strengthening legal frameworks to protect victims and punish perpetrators.
- Increasing public awareness and education to change societal attitudes.
- Providing support services for victims, such as shelters, counseling, and legal aid.
- Encouraging bystander intervention and community-based prevention programs.
3. Solutions to Underrepresentation in Leadership:
- Implementing policies like quotas or affirmative action to increase female representation.
- Providing mentorship and networking opportunities for women.
- Addressing unconscious bias in hiring and promotion processes.
- Offering leadership training and development programs targeted at women.

These solutions require a multi-faceted approach involving governments, organizations, and

individuals to create a more gender-equitable society.

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