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The Institutional framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area serves several key
functions in accordance with the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade

1. Policy Coordination1;
It ensures a uniform approach to trade laws, rules, and standards by establishing a single
market for commodities, etc. among member nations. This promotes coordination
2. Dispute Resolution2;
The framework provides procedures for settling conflicts amongst member states in ord
er to encourage steady and equitable trade
3. Trade facilitation3;
Trade facilitation aims to lower obstacles and promote seamless cross-border movemen
t of goods and services by streamlining and harmonizing trade procedures.
4. Capacity Building4;
The AfCFTA framework seeks to improve member nations' capacities, especially in
relation to trade-related skills, infrastructure development, and customs procedures.
Institutions increase the ability of member governments to divide commerce.
5. Market Access5;
By giving member states a platform to enter a bigger market, the agreement promotes
economic development and growth by expanding trade opportunities.
6. Institutional Support6; It establishes institutions to support the implementation of the
AfCFTA including the Secretariat, which plays a crucial role in coordinating activities and
supporting member states.
7. Policy Research and Development7; The framework encourages research and
development activities to inform policies that promote sustainable and inclusive
economic growth across the continent.
8. Regulatory Convergence8; The AfCFTA aims to align regulatory frameworks across
member states to minimize non-tariff barriers and create a more conducive
environment for trade.

Part I, Art 3(a)
Articles 4(f) and 20(1)(2)(3)
Part III, Art 15
Part VI, Art 27
Part IV, Art 19
Part III, Art 13
Part III, Art 3(i)
Part IV, Art 8
9. Promotion of Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)9; The institutional framework
recognizes the importance of SMEs in economic development and includes measures to
support their integration into the regional market, this increases market access.

Part IV, Art 19

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