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User stories for the payback reward redemption market

1. As a Customer, I want to easily access my reward points on the Payback platform, so that I
can view mycurrent reward points.

2. As a Customer, I want to browse a catalog of available rewards and their redemption options,
so that I can redeem E-Vouchers, Miles, and Recharge.

3. As a Customer, I want to filter reward options by categories such including E-Vouchers,

PhysicalProducts, Miles, and Recharge, so that it makes easier to find rewards.

4. As a Customer, I want to see detailed information about each reward option, so that I can
check expiry date, and any restrictions.

5. As a Customers, I want to redeem my reward points, so that I can buy E-Vouchers, Physical
6. As a Customer, I want to receive instant confirmation of my reward redemptions, so that I
can have the option to receive a digital reward voucher.

7. As a Customer, I want to receive notifications about exclusive promotions, so that I can get
the special offers.

8. As a Customer, I want to provide feedback on the redemption process, so that I can express
my overall experience.

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