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Sashko Fokin committed

suicide. Sashko fokin

Born in October 2000 in Kiev in the Fokin family.

In 2018, in one of his new videos, he admitted

that due to participation in a TV show (where he
became a character in Internet memes), he had
problems communicating with girls, and teachers
at school began to underestimate his grades.

Študenti z Nové Mesto nad Váhom

prišli na to, ako sa zbaviť bruška za 4
Keto Diet

Neuveriteľné! 95% Slovákov o tejto

možnosti nevie!

Her heroes were the Fokin family from Kiev:
mother, grandmother, Alexander himself (Sashko)
and his younger brother (Alexey). In fact, his
mother could not control his behavior due to
computer addiction him. Spawned a lot of memes


Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom má

veľa peňazí, naučili sa trik z roku


The second part of this program was associated

not only with Fokin himself, but also with his

The plot with Sashko became popular on the

Internet, was parodied on YouTube, numerous
collages and demotivators with him also
appeared. Minute video with the phrase "I will
install all the games!" has collected nearly 10
million views and more than 15 thousand
comments to date.

But this popularity was spread as follows: Mom

and grandmother could not control Sashko,
because Sasha spent hours hanging out in the
computer, and they decided to contact the
presenters and operators of the STB channel to
shoot a video for the program "Darling, we are
killing children" ( Ukrainian Kokhana, mi vbivamo
children). The video shows the consequences of
computer games, especially games about murder
and violence. Parents turned to operators to help
fix Sashko so that he would not be angry with his
loved ones and would not depend on computer
games, because close people are the only miracle
that a person has, or it will be much harder to
live, because loved ones are a support for life, this
is Ambulance for life and the only miracle that
every person has.

Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom má

veľa peňazí, naučili sa trik z roku 1987

Ako vypáliť tučné brucho za 14 dní?


Almost every person on the planet wants to

become famous and popular. People are glorified
through any kind of human activity, especially
striking in their originality, eccentricity and
sometimes asociality. Thus, Sashko Fokin became
famous on the network, who fell into the category
of Internet meme.

Sashko, a boy who was born and lives in Kiev. His

family consists of a mother named Elena,
grandmother and brother Alyosha. Until a certain
time, their family did not attract the attention of
TV people and netizens. After my mother turned
to the program "Kokhana, we drive children",
their family became popular.


Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom

pozná 1 trik na 7250 eur mesačne.


Elena decided to turn to this program after she

noticed that her child Sashko spends a lot of time
playing games on the computer and does not

The host of the program, together with the

operators, visited their house and gave certain
instructions, rules that were supposed to correct
the situation in their family. However, as soon as
Sashko began to deprive him of his favorite
games, he began to send everyone and hysteria.
He tried to jump out the window, but he changed
his mind. After the wave of hysteria and
indignation passed, Sashko began to behave well,

Closer to Sashko's birthday, his mother allowed

him to play again, unlocked everything that was
blocked, and he again started throwing tantrums,
sending everyone. So Sasha became famous as
Sashko, visited a couple of times on the program
"Let them talk", gave an interview to the NTV
program. The already famous photo at the
moment of his discontent spreads like a meme on
the network. This meme is signed with various
comments, such as "Sashko is unhappy with
something." Using videos with him, netizens
create numerous remixes.

Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom má

veľa peňazí, naučili sa trik z roku 1987

Ak máte 100 €, čoskoro budete mať

33100 €! Pozrite sa na to!

Sashko mentioned on the programs that he wants

to become a cook. He himself also loves to eat and
significantly exceeds in weight, relative to his age
and height. There are memes on the network that
use his photo along with other images and
comments on them regarding weight.

From a conversation with Sashko's mother, it

became clear to everyone that she absolutely did
not care about raising children. What she forbade,
after a while she allowed again. As a result, such a
conniving style led to the fact that her little son
Lesha was lagging behind in his development. In
the vocabulary of children, there is mainly mate
and various curses.

In the situation with Sashko, there are no positive

changes in his dependence on computer games so
far. On the other hand, there has been a big rise in
its popularity as an internet meme.

Sashko Fokin
Fokin- Ukrainian schoolboy who became
popular thanks to the program "Darling, we are
killing children." His phrase "I will install all the
games now!" became a meme, like a shot from the
program, where Sashko, in tears, puts his fist to
his cheek.


Ak máte 2 €, čoskoro budete mať

5002 €! Pozrite sa na to!


In December 2011, the 4th edition of the program
"Darling, I am killing children" was released on
the Ukrainian TV channel STB. Its heroes were
the Fokin family from Kiev: mother, grandmother,
Sashko himself and his younger brother. In the
story, the woman was tired of her son's lifestyle,
which boiled down to playing games on the
computer, and she decided to fix it through a
transfer. In the course of the program, Sashko
gave out epic phrases, every now and then he
broke down and yelled at his mother, cried and
threw tantrums.

The episodes from the issue became a favorite

source in the environment, frames from the video
diverged into memes, like Sashko's quotes.

Я буду устанавливать се…

After the release of the program, the boy (he was

11 years old at that time) suddenly became
popular, even outside Ukraine. For some time he
actively forced himself on Russian imageboards,
making faces and local memes out of him.

Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom má

veľa peňazí, naučili sa trik z roku 1987

Ak máte 100 €, čoskoro budete mať

33100 €! Pozrite sa na to!

Sashko was a guest on almost all Russian TV

channels, including several times was in the
program “Let them talk” on Channel One.

Сашко на Первом в прог…

There is an opinion that the whole story with
Sashko was invented by TV people, and he
himself is a noble troll.

In the most common picture of Sashko, you can

see a large bruise on his face. In fact, this is not a
bruise from a beating, but a congenital capillary
hemangioma. Such a spot turns red depending on
the fullness of blood.

Fokin's last public appearance was at the end of

2015 on the STB TV channel's New Year program.
Fifteen-year-old Sashko, judging by his behavior,
has not changed much. Or maybe he hasn't left
the image yet.

Сашко Фокин закрыл рот…

Read also



Ako sa zbaviť brušného tuku. -12kg

za týždeň. Recept


Neuveriteľné! 95% Slovákov o tejto

možnosti nevie!

Ak máte 100 €, čoskoro budete mať

33100 €! Pozrite sa na to!

Sashko Fokin is a legendary computer monster, as

he was dubbed on the net. Several years have
passed since the release of the Ukrainian program
"Darling, we are killing children", where a story
was told about this unruly boy who was so
dependent on a computer that he often took his
anger out on his own mother. Over time, he
became a walking meme and his images and
video inserts with his quotes flashed in various
Internet content. But where is Sashko Fokin now,
what brought him such popularity, and how did
his future fate develop in 2018? We will talk about
this today. But first, a little history.

Sashko Fokin - A boy from an ordinary Ukrainian
family who was addicted to computer games
before hysteria. He spent all his free time in
computer games, for which he received the
nickname "Computer Monster". His mother
contacted the program Dear, we are killing
children to help her. True, in the end, they helped
her for the worse.

According to the terms of the transfer, now the

family had to adhere to the new rules, and Sashko
could spend time playing no more than 1 hour a
day, which clearly did not suit the hot-tempered
boy. True, he had no choice, otherwise he would
have lost his computer altogether. He eventually
had to agree.


Ak máte 2 €, čoskoro budete mať

5002 €! Pozrite sa na to!


For a while he was white and fluffy, but then

everything returned to the same place and Sashko
again began to hysteria, curse and bring his inner
demon into real world... In general, I recommend
that you watch a video where you can learn in
detail everything about that same boy.

Сашко Фокин (Компьюте…

From the video, we can clearly see all the features

of his behavior: how he swore, fell into hysterics,
beat his brother and even wished the death of his
own mother, calling her a fool (over the heat of
the moment).

Many also believe that this is just a play and this

whole story is played up in order to increase the
ratings of the program, and the boy is actually

Rodina z Nové Mesto nad Váhom má

veľa peňazí, naučili sa trik z roku 1987

Nové Mesto nad Váhom: Sedím doma a

za týždeň zarábam mesačný plat

We lean towards both points of view. Most likely,

part of the plot is really played and replayed
somewhere, and perhaps Fokin himself in
childhood was not so frostbitten. But the TV
channel demanded more inadequacy in order to
raise the ratings. They certainly raised the
ratings, but in the future this program will come
back to haunt him, as it will simply break his life.

What happened to Sashko

For many years nothing was ?-#(/-'/"/"'49-#'.4&%53'&
heard about Sashko
012"3'31'*-ľ&'4-ň&(56 .@27#%-/-'A;':B'(&'A'/Cž#%-D
Fokin. Until now, old memes are used on the

Internet, and phrases like "I will now install all

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