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| TAMIL NADU MEDICAL CORPORATION Limp GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE TED C.RSCAN CENTRE, DINDIGUL. or ana) PATIENT NAME: KATHIRESAN AGH 43 SEX :M ‘ABDOMEN PLAIN _____CT'~ REPORT Serial axial sections of Abdomen were studied Liver normal in size. No e/o. IBHR/ mass lesion Gall bladder show no abnormality. Pancreas appear normal Pancreatic duct not dilated. Spleen not enlarged Both kidneys shows normal in size with ne-e/e-ealeuhis-or hydronephrosis: Aorta and IVC reations appear normal. No pelvic lymphnode enlargement seen. Leht Git: No mass , no free fluid Fe eo (1386 wm) hy Mesenteric fat appear normal. No fluid in the pleural spaces / peritoneal cavity. @E) ANG Uren \ Urinary bladder appear normal. ae Aen Impression : - WOp Coon NOQRMALSFODY, © ml4@® HN This modality is not meant for medico legal purposes and should be used only for clinical purposes RADIOLOGIST mn Da M.SABARIRATA DEPART: ROVT. BINDISUE Created with ScanWritr Online editor https://wwi

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