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Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures

Nadareishvili, Paul, Pirtskhelani & Sainishvili
Fall semester 2022

Exercises below are your homework; they will be discussed during exercise classes. Problems marked
with a * are more challenging.
Worksheet 12
1. Prove for all integers a, k and n
gcd(a, n) = gcd(a + kn, n).
2. Let (d, x, y) = EXT-EUCL(899, 493). Compute d, x and y.
3. Rewrite the ordinary Euclidean algorithm EUCL(a, b) in iterative form such that it uses only a
constant number of integer variables (whose values are not larger than the original inputs).
4. Draw the group operation tables for (Z4 , +4 ) and (Z∗5 , ·5 ). Show that there is a bijective mapping
α : Z4 → Z∗5 satisfying
a +4 b = c ↔ α(a) ·5 α(b) = α(c),
in other words
α(a +4 b) = α(a) ·5 α(b).
5. List all subgroups of Z9 and Z∗13 .

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