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Diatom Research

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Diversity, temporal distribution and physiology

of the centric diatom Leptocylindrus Cleve
(Bacillariophyta) from a southern hemisphere
upwelling system

Penelope A. Ajani, Linda H. Armbrecht, Oliver Kersten, Gurjeet S. Kohli &

Shauna A. Murray

To cite this article: Penelope A. Ajani, Linda H. Armbrecht, Oliver Kersten, Gurjeet S. Kohli &
Shauna A. Murray (2016): Diversity, temporal distribution and physiology of the centric diatom
Leptocylindrus Cleve (Bacillariophyta) from a southern hemisphere upwelling system, Diatom
Research, DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2016.1260058

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Diatom Research, 2016

Diversity, temporal distribution and physiology of the centric diatom Leptocylindrus Cleve
(Bacillariophyta) from a southern hemisphere upwelling system
1 Climate Change Cluster (C3), University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Australia
2 Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
3 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

The marine diatom Leptocylindrus is a major component of phytoplankton blooms in coastal ecosystems and upwelling regions world-
wide, however, little is known about this genus in the southern hemisphere. Whilst Leptocylindrus danicus has been reported from
south-eastern (SE) Australia since the 1930s, there has been neither unequivocal species identification nor focused examination of the
temporal abundance of Leptocylindrus in this region. Such investigations are crucial in the context of climate change and the strengthen-
ing of the East Australian Current, which is expected to result in alterations to the seasonal abundance and distribution of Leptocylindrus
along the east Australian coast. Thus we also describe the temporal distribution of Leptocylindrus based on 50 years of records, revealing
that this diatom is a key component of the seasonal phytoplankton cycle, with greatest abundance in the austral spring and summer. Using
light and transmission electron microscopy and molecular phylogenetics based on the nuclear-encoded ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rDNA region,
our study unambiguously revealed three species, L. danicus, Leptocylindrus convexus and Leptocylindrus aporus from 34 clonal iso-
lates from SE Australia, with the majority (82%) of strains identified as L. danicus. Furthermore, we investigated the growth, auxospore
and resting spore formation of the most commonly occurring species, L. danicus, under four temperature and irradiance scenarios. The
diatom reached maximum growth rates (μMax, 1.71 divisions day−1 ) under relatively high temperatures (25°C) and light conditions (100
μmol photons m−2 s−1 ) between days 2 and 7 of the experiment. When temperature and light regimes were reduced (18°C, 50 μmol
photons m−2 s−1 ) auxospores and resting spores were formed. The rapid growth rate and potential of L. danicus to form auxospores
are important survival mechanisms in coastal upwelling systems and likely to result in the continued success of this species in Eastern
Australia. The ecological, physiological and evolutionary response of this significant diatom group to further ocean warming should be
the focus of future investigations.
Keywords: Auxospore, climate change, East Australian Current, life cycle, phytoplankton, resting spore

Introduction Ward 2011, Huang et al. 2011, Morales & Anabalon 2012).
Diatoms are a highly productive and diverse class of When cold, nutrient-rich bottom water wells up into the
unicellular marine eukaryotes, performing ∼ 25% of the euphotic zone, diatoms can take up nutrients rapidly and
world’s photosynthesis (Armbrust 2009) and generating efficiently, with populations growing 3–4 times their nor-
∼ 40% of the 45–50 metric tons of organic matter produced mal abundance in just a few days (Zingone et al. 2010).
by the ocean each year (Bowler et al. 2010). Diatoms also Towards the end of this ‘bloom period’, when water col-
control the biological portion of the silicon cycle in today’s umn nutrients become depleted, some diatoms form heav-
oceans and are a food source for higher trophic organ- ily silicified resting spores, which sink to the bottom, and
isms, thus maintaining important fisheries (Richardson & remain dormant until conditions again become optimal for
Poloczanska 2008). Carbon fixed within diatoms is recy- germination (McQuoid & Hobson 1996).
cled by sinking and decomposition, whilst re-suspension The cosmopolitan, centric diatom Leptocylindrus Cleve
occurs via upwelling and ocean currents. Crude oil deposits (Bacillariophyta, Leptocylindraceae) is a major compo-
are largely composed of fossilized diatoms, emphasizing nent of coastal phytoplankton communities and upwelling
their significance in the ocean’s biogeochemical cycles regions worldwide (Nanjappa et al. 2013). A recent inves-
(Falkowski & Oliver 2007). tigation in the Gulf of Naples revealed that there are
Diatoms are particularly abundant in dynamic upwelling five morphologically distinct species belonging to this
regions around the world (Uitz et al. 2010, Fawcett & genus. Key differences between the species included the

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

† Present address: Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

(Received 10 June 2016; accepted 1 November 2016)

© 2016 The International Society for Diatom Research

2 Ajani et al.

divergence of the nuclear-encoded ITS2 region of the downstream, phytoplankton investigations have been cen-
rDNA, and both frustule and resting spore morphology tred on the Port Hacking 100 m coastal station, 8 km off
(Nanjappa et al. 2013, Nanjappa, Audic et al. 2014). In two shore from Sydney (34°S) (hereafter PH100m ) (Jeffrey &
of the species, Leptocylindricus danicus Cleve and Lepto- Carpenter 1974, Hallegraeff & Reid 1986, Ajani et al.
cylindrus hargravesii Nanjappa & Zingone sexual repro- 2001, Ajani et al. 2014a, b) (Fig. 1). Like other WBCs
duction is followed by the production of spine-bearing around the world, the EAC has intensified (poleward exten-
resting spores as part of its auxosporulation process (Har- sion of approximately 350 km) and undergone significant
graves 1976, Davis et al. 1980, French & Hargraves 1985, warming (2.28°C/century) (Ridgway & Hill 2012). This
Nanjappa et al. 2013). It has been hypothesized that this life warming trend is expected to continue with impacts pre-
cycle strategy provides a competitive advantage, ensuring dicted for phytoplankton communities, including south-
that these species will survive until favourable conditions ward shifts in species distributions, changes in the timing
return, that is, when water temperatures increase (seasonal of seasonal activity (phenological shifts), and possible
warming/mixing) and nutrients again become available alterations to food web structures (Thompson et al. 2009).
(via upwelling) (Ishizaka et al. 1987). Along this coastline, nine sampling sites – Coffs
Leptocylindrus danicus was first reported in south- Harbour (30.3°S, 153.1°E), Forster (32.2°S, 152.5°E),
eastern (SE) Australia in 1933 (Dakin & Colefax 1933), Watsons Bay (33.8°S, 151.3°E), Coogee Beach (33.9°S,
and is considered an important component of the phy- 151.2°E), Clovelly Beach (33.9°S, 151.26°E), Maroubra
toplankton community (Hallegraeff & Reid 1986, Ajani Beach (33.9°S, 151.24°E), Port Hacking (PH25m ), Port
et al. 2014a, b). However, there has been no definitive Hacking (PH100m ) (34.1°S, 151.2°E) and Bendalong
identification of this species in these waters and the pos- (35.2°S, 150.5°E) were selected for sample collection
sibility of hidden diversity exists. The aim of this study, (Table 1, Fig. 1).
therefore, was to examine L. cf. danicus in SE Australia,
including species morphology and molecular phylogeny.
Furthermore, the multi-scaled temporal distribution of this Phytoplankton collection, enumeration and culture
genus over the past 50 years in these waters was examined. maintenance
Expected future changes in the local oceanography of this Non-axenic monoclonal batch cultures of Leptocylindrus
region with climate change, such as the strengthening of (n = 43) were established by single cell or single filament
southward flowing East Australian Current (EAC) (Ridg- isolation, using drawn out Pasteur pipettes (micropipettes),
way 2007), may impact the abundance and distribution of from net samples (20 μm mesh size) collected at vari-
this genus. Thus, we investigated the growth of L. dani- ous locations along the SE Australian coastline (Table 1,
cus under differing temperature and irradiance scenarios, as Figs 1–2). Leptocylindrus isolates were grown in 24-well
well as its potential to form auxospores and resting spores. plates containing f/2 media (Guillard 1975) and monitored
Based on our results, we assess the suitability of L. danicus by light microscopy (LM). Once established each strain
as a model diatom for future population connectivity and was transferred to 50 mL culture flasks and maintained in
stress response studies in upwelling regions worldwide. a constant temperature incubator at 16–18°C under a white
light flux of 60–100 μmol photon m−2 s−1 and a 12-hr light
(L):12-h dark (D) cycle. One millilitre of culture from each
strain was transferred into fresh media every two weeks to
Materials and methods maintain healthy and exponentially growing cultures over
the duration of the study.
Study location
The SE Australian coast stretches from the sub-tropics in
the north (28°S) to temperate regions in the south (43°S), Morphological examination
flanked by the Tasman Sea. The region is dominated by the Morphological examination was carried out on all field
EAC –the Western Boundary Current (WBC) of the South samples, as well as all exponentially growing and sex-
Pacific Gyre – which transports warm water from tropi- ually reproductive clonal cultures. A maximum magni-
cal to temperate latitudes (Godfrey et al. 1980) (Figs 1–2). fication of × 400 and a Nikon Eclipse TS100 inverted
The EAC flows southward along the edge of the conti- microscope equipped with a Lumenera Infinity 3 digital
nental shelf (7–16 Sv, Ridgway & Godfrey 1997) until camera (Ottawa, Canada) was used for all cell isolations
it transitions ( ∼ 30°S) and separates ( ∼ 32°S) into east- and LM examination of all clones. For transmission elec-
ern and southern components (Church 1987, Ridgway & tron microscopy (TEM) selected clonal cultures were pre-
Dunn 2003) (Fig. 2). Upstream of the separation zone, served in Lugol’s iodine prior to cleaning using the method
phytoplankton investigations have focused on the sub- of Hasle & Fryxell (1970). Once cleaned, samples were
tropical-temperate Coffs Harbour region (30°S) (hereafter placed on formvar-coated copper grids and loaded into a
CH) (Armbrecht, Roughan et al. 2014, Armbrecht, Schaef- FEI Tecnai T20 TEM (LaB6), operated at a high tension
fer et al. 2015, Armbrecht, Thompson et al. 2015), whilst of 120 kV and equipped with a Gatan 894 CCD 2k × 2k
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 3

Figs 1–2. Map of study area showing southeast Australia and the sampling locations from north to south, Coffs Harbour (white square),
Forster (black triangle) Watsons Bay inside Sydney Harbour (grey square), Coogee Beach (black square), Clovelly Beach (white triangle),
Maroubra Beach (white circle), the coastal monitoring stations PH25 m (grey circle) and PH100 m (black circle) and Bendalong (grey
triangle). Fig. 2. EAC travels south along the SE Australian coastline (study range shown by black rectangle) and is recognized by the
warm sea surface temperature. EAC ‘separation zone’ and eddy formation shown by black arrow. Image source: New South Wales Office
of Environment and Heritage.

camera. Distinctive morphometric diagnoses for the struc- clonal cultures of Leptocylindrus species were ITS-for
ture of Leptocylindrus were guided by French & Hargraves (ATATGCTTAAATTCAGCGGGT) and ITS-rev (TTTC-
(1985, 1986) and Nanjappa et al. (2013) and analysed using CGTAGCTGAACCTGCGG) (Murray et al. 2012). PCR
Image J software ( was conducted using the following cycle conditions: ini-
tial denaturation at 95°C for 10 min followed by 30 cycles
of denaturation at 95°C for 30 s, primer annealing at 55°C
Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analyses for 30 s and an extension at 72°C for 1 min followed by
A 10 mL subsample of cultured material from each strain a final extension step at 72°C for 1 min. Amplicons were
was concentrated by centrifugation at 1000g for 10 min separated on 1% w/v agarose gel stained with Gel Red™
and frozen at − 80°C prior to DNA extraction (Table 1). (Biotium, Hayward, CA, USA) and visualized under UV
DNA extraction was conducted using the MP Biomedi- light. PCR products were purified using a SureClean purifi-
cals FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil as per manufacturer’s cation kit (Bioline) according to the manufacturer’s proto-
protocols. The nuclear-encoded partial ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 cols and sequenced using the external sequencing service
rDNA region was amplified using the readymade PCR Macrogen Inc. (Seoul, Korea).
mix Immomix™ (Bioline, London, UK). The primers All steps for the phylogenetic analysis were per-
used to amplify the ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rDNA from the formed in Geneious software (Kearse et al. 2012).
4 Ajani et al.

Table 1. List of Leptocylindrus species isolated in this study including clone designation, collection location, sampling dates and
Genbank Accession number (to be advised).

Species identification Clone designation Collection location Date sampled accession no.

Leptocylindrus danicus CH–280212–1a Coffs Harbour 28/02/2012 NA

COOG–100215–1 Coogee Beach 10/02/2015 KY008558
COOG–100215–2 Coogee Beach 10/02/2015 KY008559
BEND–150215–1 Bendalong 15/02/2015 KY008546
WAT–190215–1 Watsons Bay 19/02/2015 KY008556
PH–260215–2 Port Hacking 100 m 26/02/2015 KY008552
PH–230715–2 Port Hacking 25 m 23/07/2015 KY008541
PH–230715–3 Port Hacking 25 m 23/07/2015 KY008555
MAR091215–4 Maroubra Beach 09/12/2015 KY008543
MAR091215–12 Maroubra Beach 09/12/2015 KY008553
CLOV101215–1 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008538
CLOV101215–2 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008536
CLOV101215–6 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008551
CLOV101215–7 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008554
CLOV101215–9 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008537
CH230116–3 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008547
CH230116–5 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008560
CH230116–9 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008550
CH230116–10 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008548
CH230116–18 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008549
CH230116–20 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008562
CH230116–21 Coffs Harbour 23/01/2016 KY008557
CLOV280216–2 Clovelly Beach 28/02/2016 KY008561
CLOV280216–3 Clovelly Beach 28/02/2016 KY008542
FOS180216–1 Forster Beach 18/02/2016 KY008544
FOS180216–7 Forster Beach 18/02/2016 KY008545
FOS180216–17 Forster Beach 18/02/2016 KY008539
FOS180216–25 Forster Beach 18/02/2016 KY008540
Leptocylindrus convexus PH–230715–6 Port Hacking 25 m 23/07/2015 KY008564
MAR091215–9 Maroubra Beach 09/12/2015 KY008566
MAR091215–10 Maroubra Beach 09/12/2015 KY008565
MAR091215–11 Maroubra Beach 09/12/2015 KY008567
CLOV101215–3 Clovelly Beach 10/12/2015 KY008563
Leptocylindrus aporus COOG–100215–7 Coogee Beach 10/02/2015 KY008568
a No molecular data available.

ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rDNA sequences were examined visually performed using the general time reversible (GTR) sub-
and combined with published species belonging to Lep- stitution model, with 1,100,000 iterations, a subsample
tocylindrus and the closely related genus Tenuicylindrus frequency of 200, and a burnin of 110,000, at which time
Nanjappa & Zingone selected from the National Center for the standard deviation of split frequencies was < 0.01.
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nucleotide database The final tree was the consensus Bayesian tree of the final (accessed 04/09/2015). Other sampled 4951 trees.
centric diatoms included in the analysis were Rhizosolenia
setigera Brightwell, Guinardia striata (Stolterfoth) Hasle,
Stephanopyxis turris (Greville) Ralfs and the silicoflag- Growth rate including auxospore and resting spore
ellates, Dictyocha octonaria Ehrenberg and Dictyocha formation
speculum Ehrenberg, as outgroups. All selected sequences To investigate the growth rate of SE Australian L. dani-
were aligned and trimmed with the final alignment con- cus and its potential to form auxospores and resting spores
taining 47 sequences of 634 bp length including gaps. under differing temperature and irradiance, four replicate
Phylogenetic analyses were performed using RAxML ver- clones, grown from a single cell isolated off Coffs Har-
sion 7.2.8 (Stamatakis et al. 2006), using the Gamma + P bour on 28 February 2015 (clone CH–280212–1), were
Invar model of rate heterogeneity to obtain the best tree acclimated for at least seven days to one of four (labo-
for the maximum likelihood analysis. Bootstrap analyses ratory available) combinations of two temperatures, 25°C
were performed using 500 replicates. A Bayesian analy- and 18°C, and two irradiances, 50 and 100 μmol pho-
sis (MrBayes V 3.2, Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) was tons m−2 s−1 , each with a L:D cycle of 12:12 h. Once
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 5

the acclimation period was complete, four replicates of sampling period April 1965 to April 1966 (Grant & Kerr
each acclimated strain were grown under four differ- 1970, Oceanographic Station List Vol. 85 & 86). The sec-
ent treatment combinations: high light + high tempera- ond dataset ranged from April 1978 to April 1979. The
ture (HLHT); low light + high temperature (LLHT); high third sampling regime covered the period April 1997 to
light + low temperature (HLLT); and low light + low April 1998 and enumerated the group of Leptocylindrus
temperature (LLLT) conditions in sterile 160 mL vented and Cerataulina together (Ajani et al. 2001). The fourth
culture flasks (EasYFlasks Nunclon Nunc., Denmark) at sampling campaign lasted from August 1998 to Decem-
an initial concentration of 313 cells L−1 . The experiment ber 2009 (Ajani et al. 2014a, b). The final dataset from
therefore had a 1 × 4 × 4 factorial design (16 experi- Port Hacking, February 2009 to December 2012, identified
ment units), with 4 replicate clones grown under the 4 Leptocylindrus to species level (Integrated Marine Observ-
treatments. In order to follow the growth of L. danicus ing System (IMOS) National Reference Station PH100 m
in the four treatments, 3 mL of unfixed subsample from (unpublished data)).
each of three experimental cultures were taken at 2–3-day
intervals and cells counted immediately under an inverted
light microscope (Leica DMI3000B, Wetzlar, Germany)
following the Utermöhl method (1958). The fourth repli- A total of 34 clonal cultures were established from nine
cate was subsampled and counted at 4–5-day intervals due locations from SE Australia from February 2012 to Febru-
to time constraints. Each subsample was allowed to settle ary 2016 (Table 1, Fig. 1). Twenty-eight clonal cultures
in an Utermöhl chamber (HydroBios Kiel, Germany) for were subsequently identified as L. danicus, five as Lep-
30 min prior to counting. A minimum of 400 ‘live’ cells tocylindrus convexus Nanjappa & Zingone and one as
(dead cells = empty frustules) were counted per subsam- Leptocylindrus aporus (French III and Hargraves) Nan-
ple. Maximum growth rates (µMax in divisions per day) jappa & Zingone. Whilst cells resembling Leptocylindrus
during the exponential growth phase were calculated based cf. minimus/belgicus were also observed in field samples,
on Equation (1), with LC1 and LC2 being cell numbers at these species were not the focus of this study and thus not
sampling time t1 and t2 . investigated further. Moreover, strain CH–280212–1 died
  before molecular sequencing, thus we assigned it to L. cf.
ln LCLC2
1 danicus due to its auxospore and resting spore formation, a
µMax = . distinct morphological feature seen only in L. danicus and
t 2 − t1
L. hargravesii (see Discussion).
Due to auxospore and resting spore formation in the
LLLT treatment, the counting procedure in the four repli-
cate cultures under this regime was adjusted slightly. Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve
Short gametangial cells, and those forming enlarge- Vegetative cells were cylindrical and either solitary, or
ments/swellings on their terminal ends prior to auxospore forming chains with cells joined by their valve faces.
and resting spore formation, were counted as ‘living’ cells. Chains were both straight and undulating, sometimes
Empty frustules were again considered ‘dead’ cells. The within the same culture (Fig. 3). Cells had a diameter of
experiment was stopped on day 32, when cultures had 6.4–11.8 μm (mean 9.4 ± 1.3 μm) and a cell length of
either died or were examined for the presence of aux- 17.9–59.8 μm (mean 32.9 ± 8.6 μm) (Table 2). Numerous
ospores or resting spores. discoid plastids were observed ( > 6 per cell) (Fig. 4). The
mean diameter of the valve face was 8.6 ± 1.8 μm and
valve face to mantle ratio was 9.3 ± 2.6 (Table 2, Fig. 5).
Temporal distribution of Leptocylindrus Between the valve and the mantle, a surrounding row of
To examine the importance of Leptocylindrus in a southern spaced, yet small, flaps was observed (Fig. 5). Valve areo-
hemisphere upwelling system, we extracted and examined lae were present (13.5 ± 1.2 areolae in 1 μm) and arranged
the temporal distribution of this genus from five historical in radiating striae ( 8 ± 0.6 in 1 μm) (Table 2, Fig. 5). A
datasets. Firstly, we extracted the seasonal distribution data sub-central pore was present and observed to be adjacent,
from a one-year dataset collected offshore from Coffs Har- or close to, the annulus (Fig. 5). The girdle bands were
bour, New South Wales (Armbrecht, Roughan et al. 2014, elongated and trapezoidal (no image available).
Armbrecht, Schaeffer et al. 2015). Secondly, we examined By day ∼ 10 (after initial transfer), unequal divi-
the inter-annual pattern of Leptocylindrus from samples sion of cells into one long, highly pigmented female
collected monthly over an 11-year period (1998–2009) gametangium (egg-producing cell) and one short, weakly
from PH100m (Ajani et al. 2014a, b). Finally, we extracted pigmented male gametangium (spermatogonium) was
and examined the status of Leptocylindrus amongst the observed (Fig. 6). Curvature of the female gametangium
top 20 taxa from 5 phytoplankton sampling campaigns then occurred ( ∼ 1.3 of cell length, Fig. 7) in preparation
spanning 50 years from the same location (Ajani et al. for the conjugation with the sperm (not observed). By day
in press). The first dataset from Port Hacking covered the ∼ 17 the auxospore was formed, the cytoplasm was seen to
6 Ajani et al.

Figs 3–9. Micrographs of stages in the life cycle of L. danicus from SE Australian coastal waters. All images are of strain PH–260215–2.
Fig. 3. Typical vegetative chain-forming cells in girdle view. Fig. 4. Numerous plastids per cell. Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrograph
of valve showing inner, lighter area and valve mantle (darker marginal area), row of spaced, yet small, flaps (top inset, arrowhead) and
central annulus with sub-central pore (bottom inset, arrowhead) either adjacent or very close to the annulus. Figs 6–7. Unequal division
of cells into one long, highly pigmented, female gametangium and one short, weakly pigmented, male gametangium (spermatogonium).
Fig. 8. Formation of an auxospore, cytoplasm contraction and release of resting spore from parent cell. Fig. 9. Resting spores. Scale bars
represent: 40 μm (Fig. 3), 20 μm (Figs 4, 6–8), 1 μm (Fig. 5).

contract (Fig. 8), and a heavily silicified resting spore with although swelling of individual cells was noted on/after
numerous spines was freed from the auxospore (Fig. 9). day ∼ 14. No auxospores or resting spores were observed.

Leptocylindrus convexus Nanjappa & Zingone Leptocylindrus aporus (French & Hargraves) Nanjappa
Cells were cylindrical and solitary or in straight chains & Zingone
joined together at their valve faces (Fig. 10). Cells had Cells were cylindrical and only observed as solitary cells
a diameter of 10.0–12.7 μm (mean 11.6 ± 0.5 μm) and (Fig. 13). Cells were comparatively narrower, with a diam-
a cell length of 22.6–137.9 μm (mean 49.0 ± 22.6 μm) eter of 2.6–10.6 μm (mean 5.1 ± 2.3) and a cell length
(Table 2). Plastids were few and usually elongated and of 11.5–64.2 μm (mean 29.7 ± 12.6) (Table 2). Plastids
located in the centre of the cell (Figs 10–11). The mean were few to many and ovoid in shape (Fig. 13). The mean
diameter of the valve face was 6.0 ± 0.6 μm, and valve diameter of the valve face was 6.0 ± 1.3 μm and valve
face to mantle ratio was 4.0 ± 1.0 (Table 2). Between the face to mantle ratio was 5.6 ± 0.5 (Table 2). Between the
valve and the wide mantle, a continuous ring of flaps was valve and the mantle, a ring of distinct and spaced tri-
observed (Fig. 12). Valve areolae were present ( 10.4 ± 1.0 angular flaps was observed (Fig. 14). Valve areolae were
in 1 μm), arranged in radiating striae (6.8 ± 1.0 in 1 μm) present (11 ± 0.6 in 1 μm ) and arranged in radiating striae
(Table 2, Fig. 10). No sub-central pore was observed ( 7.9 ± 0.9 in 1 μm) (Table 2, Fig. 14). The annulus was
(Fig. 10 inset). Sexual reproduction was not observed small with no sub-central pore (Fig. 14 inset). Although
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 7

Table 2. Main morphological characters (Nanjappa et al. 2013) of the clonal cultures of Leptocylindrus from SE Australian waters
using both light and TEM.

Cell Valve
Cell diameter Cell length Valve face Valve face to Valve areolae Striae (in 1 μm,
Species (μm) (μm) diameter (μm) mantle ratio (in 1 μm) edge)

Leptocylindrus danicus 6.4–11.8 17.9–59.8 4.9–11.6 5.1–14.9 12–17 7–9

9.4 ± 1.3 32.9 ± 8.6 8.6 ± 1.8 9.3 ± 2.6 13.5 ± 1.2 8 ± 0.6
(n = 55) (n = 82) (n = 21) (n = 21) (n = 16) (n = 16)
Leptocylindrus convexus 10.0–12.7 22.6–137.9 4.8–7.2 2.8–6.2 9–13 6–9
11.6 ± 0.5 49.0 ± 22.6 6.0 ± 0.6 4.0 ± 1.0 10.4 ± 1.0 6.8 ± 1.0
(n = 71) (n = 83) (n = 20) (n = 20) (n = 16) (n = 16)
Leptocylindrus aporus 2.6–10.6 11.5–64.2 4.5–8.4 4.8–6.2 10–12 7–9
5.1 ± 2.3 29.7 ± 12.6 6.0 ± 1.3 5.6 ± 0.5 11 ± 0.6 7.9 ± 0.9
(n = 20) (n = 38) (n = 9) (n = 9) (n = 7) (n = 7)

Note: data are given as minimum and maximum range (above), and mean, ± SD (below).

Figs 10–12. Micrographs of L. convexus from SE Australian coastal waters. Fig. 10. Light micrograph of typical vegetative chain-form-
ing cells in girdle view (strain MAR091215–10). Fig. 11. Plastids concentrated towards the centre of each cell (strain CLOV–101215–3).
Fig. 12. Transmission electron micrograph of valve showing wide mantle and continuous ring of flaps (indicated by arrow). Inset showing
central annulus and absence of sub-central pore (strain MAR–091215–9). Scale bars represent 40 μm (Fig. 11), 20 μm (Fig. 10), 1 μm
(Fig. 12).

no gametes or spores were observed, cell extrusion into an positioned on a slightly longer branch than the L. dani-
auxospore-like sphere was observed (not illustrated). cus strains (Fig. 15). Similarly, L. convexus and L. aporus
strains from SE Australia grouped with all other similarly
identified sequences from the Gulf of Naples.

Molecular phylogeny
The ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 sequences of all strains of Lepto- Leptocylindrus cf. danicus growth rate and
cylindrus from SE Australia (Table 1) were > 98% similar auxospore/resting spore formation
to all other Leptocylindrus strains from Genbank (all from Leptocylindrus danicus cultures from SE Australia
the Gulf of Naples, Italy). Furthermore, all Leptocylindrus exposed to high temperature conditions (HLHT µMax
sequences were well supported as a monophyletic group, 1.64 ± 0.02, LLHT µMax 1.71 ± 0.11) showed a similar
and together formed a sister clade to the closely related growth rate to each other, as did the cultures grown under
genus Tenuicylindrus (Fig. 15). The 28 L. danicus strains low temperature conditions (HLLT µMax 1.15 ± 0.03,
from SE Australia, in turn, formed a well-supported clade LLLT µMax 1.27 ± 0.04) (Figs 16–17). Cultures grown
with the Gulf of Naples strains, including their closest mor- under high temperature conditions, however, grew sig-
phological relative L. hargravesii, although the latter was nificantly faster in the exponential growth phase, and
8 Ajani et al.

Figs 13–14. Micrographs of L. aporus from SE Australian coastal waters. Fig. 13. Light micrograph of typical vegetative cell in girdle
view with plastids shown as many and ovoid in shape (strain COOG101215–7, scale bar = 20 μm). Fig. 14. Transmission electron
micrograph of valve showing mantle and ring of distinct and spaced triangular flaps (indicated by arrow). Insets showing central annulus
and absence of sub-central pore (strain COOG101215–7, scale bar = 1 μm).

entered senescence earlier than cultures exposed to low density of 59,241 cells L−1 in February 2012 (Armbrecht,
temperature conditions ((Table 3, Fig. 17). Under high and Schaeffer et al. 2015) (Fig. 18a). The weekly distribu-
low temperature conditions, L. cf. danicus reached µMax tion of Leptocylindrus over an 11-year period (1998–2009)
between days 2–7 and days 5–10, with the highest and low- from PH100m shows a seasonal signal, with a temporal win-
est µMax found in the LLHT and HLLT treatments, respec- dow of highest cell abundances occurring from late austral
tively (Table 3, Fig. 17). Under high and low temperature spring (max cell concentration 4203 cells L−1 , 12 Novem-
conditions the experiment lasted 16 and 32 days, respec- ber 1998) through to summer/early autumn (Fig. 18b),
tively (Fig. 17). The high temperature cultures entered similar to the seasonal window of L. convexus and L. dan-
senescence at this time with no sign of auxospore or resting icus observed in the Gulf of Naples (Nanjappa, D’ippolito
spore formation, whilst the low temperature cultures con- et al. 2014). The inter-annual pattern of Leptocylindrus
tinued to grow until they either died or formed auxospores at this location was highly variable. Nevertheless, with
and resting spores. The latter was observed in all four repli- the exception of 2 (1999, 2001), all years experienced
cate cultures of the LLLT treatment. Deformation of L. cf. periods with cell concentrations exceeding 500 cells L−1 ,
danicus cells (onset of sexual reproduction) under low tem- and in 8 of those years (1998, 2002–2006, 2008 and
perature conditions towards the end of the experiment (and 2009) cell densities approached or exceeded 1000 cells L−1
preceding resting spore formation in LLLT cultures) com- (Fig. 18c).
plicated our counting procedure, resulting in relatively high Examination of five phytoplankton sampling cam-
variations in cell numbers after day 18 (Fig. 17). paigns spanning 50 years from PH100m identified this
genus, or species belonging to this genus, to be amongst
the top 20 most abundant species across all campaigns
Temporal distribution of Leptocylindrus (Fig. 19). Whilst these data are heterogeneous, and dif-
Monthly averaged cell counts of Leptocylindrus from ferences in collection methods vary across sampling cam-
Coffs Harbour May 2011–Sept 2012 showed peak cell paigns preventing direct comparison of absolute cell
densities from November to February with a maximum cell abundances across years, Leptocylindrus was invariably
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 9

Fig 15. Phylogenetic analysis of centric diatoms, outgroups (Dicytocha spp.) and all Leptocylindrus strains (highlighted) from SE Aus-
tralia based on a Bayesian analysis of the ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rRNA gene region. Support values are ML bootstrap values based on the
GTR model of rate heterogeneity, 500 bootstraps and Bayesian Posterior probability values (ML/PP). All Leptocylindrus sequences are
labelled by species identification, strain numbers and Genbank accession numbers. All other sequences are labelled by species identifi-
cation and Genbank accession numbers. Sequences generated during this study are in bold. See Supplementary Table 1 for details of all
other Leptocylindrus strains used in this analysis.
10 Ajani et al.

Table 3. Average maximum growth rate (μMax ) of Leptocylindrus danicus (clone CH–280212–1) grown under
HLHT, LLHT, HLLT and LLLT conditions, including one standard deviation from the mean. The last three columns
show the p-values determined by one-way analysis of variance (Tukey HSD), comparing differences between means
of µMax (n = 3) under each treatment.

Average µMax SD µMax HLHT LLHT HLLT

HLHT 1.64 0.02

LLHT 1.71 0.11 0.505
HLLT 1.15 0.03 < 0.001 < 0.001
LLLT 1.27 0.04 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.158

Figs 16-17. Graph showing abundances of L. danicus under

different growth regimes. Fig. 16. Light micrograph of L. dan-
icus from Coffs Harbour (Scale bar = 10 μm). This clone died
before its molecular sequence could be determined. Fig. 17.
Average abundance of ‘live’ L. danicus (clone CH–280212–1)
under four different temperatures and irradiances (n = 3–4 for all

abundant. It was the second most abundant taxon from

April 1965 to April 1966; ninth most abundant during
the second sampling campaign from April 1978 to April
1979; grouped with Cerataulina spp., the sixth most abun-
dant taxon during the April 1997 to April 1998 sampling
regime; as L. danicus was the seventh most abundant dur-
ing the fourth sampling campaign from August 1998 to
December 2009; and finally, was the second most abundant
taxon February 2009 to December 2012.

In a recent reappraisal of Leptocylindrus by Nanjappa et al.
(2013), strains isolated from the Gulf of Naples (40.80°N,
14.25°E) were examined using both morphological and
molecular markers. Five species were identified, two new
species L. hargravesii and L. convexus were described,
and L. danicus var. apora was raised to species level
(L. aporus). Ultrastructural differences in a fifth species,
L. belgicus Meunier, resulted in the erection of a new genus Fig 18. Graphs showing temporal variation in cell densities of
Leptocylindrus. (a) Monthly averaged cell counts of Leptocylin-
Tenuicylindrus, with its first member being Tenuicylindrus drus from Coffs Harbour, May 2011–September 2012, showing
belgicus (Meunier) Nanjappa & Zingone. Leptocylindrus peak cell densities from November 2011–February 2012. Discrete
minimus Gran, another species was not found in the Gulf of bottle samples, data pooled 0–90 m (Armbrecht, Schaeffer et al.
Naples (Nanjappa et al. 2013). Leptocylindrus hargravesii 2015). (b) Weekly distribution of L. danicus abundance for each
was described as being morphologically very similar to L. sampling occasion over 11 years (1998–2009) from coastal sta-
tion PH100 m, showing seasonal/temporal window of high cell
danicus, differing only in the number of areolae in 1 μm. concentrations from mid-November to mid-March. n = 113, 50
Leptocylindrus danicus has 18–30 areolae in 1 μm com- m vertical net haul – 20 μm mesh (Ajani et al. 2014a, b). (c)
pared to 10–14 in 1 μm in L. hargravesii. The sub-central Inter-annual distribution of Leptocylindrus using the same dataset
pore is adjacent to the annulus in L. danicus in ‘at least in showing high variability but high abundance across most years.
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 11

Fig 19. Graphs showing the top 20 taxa from PH100 m revealing Leptocylindrus (indicated by the stars) as a dominant component of
the phytoplankton community in each sampling campaign. (a) Grant & Kerr (1970) (Oceanographic Station List Vol. 85 & 86), sampling
dates April 1965 to April 1966, n = 24, discrete bottle samples, data pooled for 0–50 m. (b) Hallegraeff (1981) and Hallegraeff & Reid
(1986), sampling dates April 1978 to April 1979, n = 36, discrete bottle samples, data pooled for 0–50 m. (c) Ajani et al. (2001), sampling
dates April 1997 to April 1998, n = 49, 100 m vertical net haul – 37 μm mesh. (d) Ajani et al. (2014a, b), sampling dates August 1998
to December 2009, n = 113, 50 m vertical net haul – 20 μm mesh. (e) IMOS National Reference Station PH100 m (unpublished data);
sampling dates February 2009 to December 2012, n = 44, discrete bottle samples, data pooled for 0–50 m.

80% of the observed valves’, but ‘never adjacent’ to the The diagnostic characteristics of L. convexus and L.
annulus (and sometimes at the valve margin) in L. har- aporus observed in this study, the first reports from the
gravesii (Nanjappa et al. 2013). The two species differed southern hemisphere, agree closely with the descriptions of
in the ITS–1 and ITS–2 regions of their rDNA, showing Nanjappa et al. (2013). Similarly, L. danicus differed little
base changes at ∼ 29 positions, and 4 hemi-compensatory from Cleve’s (1889) original description or from amended
base changes in the ITS–2 secondary structure (Nanjappa
et al. 2013).
12 Ajani et al.

descriptions (Gran, 1915, French & Hargraves, 1986). Lep- rates for a variety of phytoplankton species grown over
tocylindrus danicus cells from SE Australia were cylindri- several temperature and light regimes (0.14 to 3.0 divi-
cal, contained numerous plastids and formed long chains. sions day−1 , Ichimi et al. 2012). The rapid growth rates of
They also formed spiny resting spores via auxosporulation. L. danicus observed in our study are similar to those seen
Using electron microscopy, Hargraves (1976) reported in other diatoms (Edwards et al. 2015), supporting the fact
a sub-central pore external to the valve hyaline ring which that coastal diatoms can grow rapidly and quickly build up
was also observed in SE Australian strains. Addition- biomass under favourable conditions.
ally, L. danicus from SE Australia was morphologically Auxospore and resting spore formation in L. dan-
and molecularly similar to L. danicus from Mediterranean icus has been observed in cultured strains (Hargraves
waters (Nanjappa et al. 2013). Leptocylindrus danicus was 1976, French & Hargraves 1986), controlled experimen-
also, however, morphologically similar to L. hargravesii tal systems (Davis et al. 1980, French & Hargraves 1985)
from Naples, with SE Australian strains of L. danicus and from natural ocean sediments (Ishizaka et al. 1987,
showing some shared morphological features with L. har- Ishikawa et al. 2011). Under experimental conditions, aux-
gravesii. The number of areolae per 1 μm in L. danicus ospore formation was induced by temperatures between
from SE Australia was 12–17 (13.5 ± 1.2), intermediate 2°C and 15°C, but not 20°C (French & Hargraves 1985),
between that reported for L. hargravesii and L. danicus by and reduced nutrient levels ( < 0.5 mM nitrate) (Davis
Nanjappa et al. (2013). Moreover, the radiating striae of et al. 1980). Field studies also suggest that resting spores
L. danicus in SE Australian strains did not always reach of L. danicus can form rapidly in response to nutrient
the mantle (Fig. 3), a feature described only from L. har- depletion in coastal waters (Ishizaka et al. 1987). Resting
gravesii, not L. danicus, from Naples (Nanjappa et al. spores sink from the euphotic layer to the sediments where
2013). they survive in cold, dark conditions, becoming the ‘seed’
Nanjappa et al. (2013) considered that the subtle mor- population for future blooms (McQuoid & Hobson 1996,
phological features of the valve were consistently different Ishikawa et al. 2011).
between L. danicus and L. hargravesii from Naples, and In the current study, we report the onset of sexual repro-
combined with genetic profiling, supported the hypothe- duction at ∼ day 10 in our monoclonal cultures. This was
sis that these strains belong to different species. On the also observed in our growth rate experiments, where strains
other hand, our findings raise some uncertainty, at least on of L. danicus kept at 18°C, grew more slowly than those
a morphological level, over the discrimination between L. kept at 25°C, but also commenced auxospore formation
danicus and L. hargravesii. Whilst we made no attempt after this time. Conversely, cultures kept at 25°C showed
to quantify inter-clone variability, the uncertainty about higher growth rates, but died before auxospores or resting
L. danicus and L. hargravesii clearly warrants further spores were observed ( ∼ day 16). In the light of the docu-
examination. mented triggers for the onset of sexual reproduction in L.
Whilst all clones selected for experimentation were danicus, we hypothesize that sexual reproduction in strains
observed to form auxospores and resting spores under of L. danicus from SE Australia was most likely induced by
reduced light and temperature conditions, these clones died a combination of low temperature (18°C), nutrient deple-
before molecular confirmation could be undertaken, pre- tion and high cell densities. However, we believe that,
venting any clear discrimination between L. danicus and L. with summer sea surface temperatures in eastern Australia
hargravesii. However, due to the absence of L. hargravesii already at 22°C, and a 2.6°C increase in ocean tempera-
in this region to date, we designated these clones as L. ture predicted by the end of the twenty-first century (Lough
danicus, although we cannot rule out that they may be L. 2009), our 25°C experimental treatment reflects a realistic
hargravesii. In any case, both species have demonstrated projection for this region. Nevertheless, since our exper-
rapid growth rates and resting spore formation under nutri- iment involved only four experimental treatments (two
ent depletion (Nanjappa et al. 2013), suggesting that they different light and two different temperature regimes), addi-
are functionally similar in the marine ecosystem. tional experiments are required to determine the optimal
As observed in our study, stages in the life history of L. growth conditions for L. danicus. It will be necessary to
danicus, that is, vegetative cell growth followed by sexual manipulate additional environmental variables (photope-
reproduction including auxospore and resting spore for- riod, salinity nutrients, pH, etc.) add more temperature
mation, have also been reported by Davis et al. (1980), treatments (between 18°C and 25°C), and additional clones
Verity (1982), French & Hargraves (1985, 1986) and Nan- to examine intra-species variation, Additionally, field stud-
jappa et al. (2013). The maximum growth rate of 1.71 ies to examine the ecological significance of resting spores,
divisions day−1 (at 25°C) (this study) is slightly lower than including the optimal conditions for survival, transport and
other published growth rates for this species. Verity (1982) germination, would allow for a deeper understanding of the
reported a growth rate of 2.7 divisions day−1 (20°C) whilst life cycle and population dynamics of this diatom.
French & Hargraves (1986) reported a growth rate of 2.07 Our findings have important implications for the
divisions day−1 (15°C). All these growth rates, including success and persistence of Leptocylindrus in coastal
this study, are towards the high end of a range of growth
Leptocylindrus in a southern hemisphere upwelling system 13

phytoplankton communities. In upwelling systems world- Moninya Roughan, David Raftos, Ruth Jakobs, Ulysse Bove and
wide, a fast growth rate and the potential to form aux- Amanda Scholes for assistance with these parts of the study.
ospores and resting spores, are clear advantages to survival. We would also like to thank Drew Allen, Anthony Richardson,
Alex Coughlan and Gustaaf Hallegraeff for assistance with the
With the increasing strength of boundary currents world- Port Hacking historical datasets. We would also like to thank
wide and higher frequency in upwelling events (Snyder Katie McBean from The University of Technology Sydney for
et al. 2003 and references therein), L. danicus may be a assistance with transmission electron microscopy.
clear ecological winner. On the other hand, decreasing sil-
icate concentrations and ocean warming, as reported for
SE Australia (Thompson et al. 2009), might counteract Disclosure statement
the success of silicic acid-requiring diatoms in this region. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The physiological and genetic response of diatoms to these
changing conditions remains largely unknown. Further-
more, the adaptation of diatoms to environmental change is Funding
unlikely to be uniform within a species, as apparently cos- PA would like to thank the University of Technology Sydney
Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme for funding. LHA
mopolitan diatom populations can be highly diverse and was funded by Macquarie University (Higher Degree Research
genetically structured (Koester et al. 2013). Within a pop- Fund).
ulation, selection will act to determine the frequency of
specific genotypes in relation to their response to envi-
ronmental perturbation. Before the genetic response of a Supplemental data
species to a particular environmental forcing can be deter- Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here
mined, intraspecific diversity must be taken into account 10.1080/0269249X.2016.1260058.
(Balloux & Lugon-Moulin 2002, Bowler et al. 2010).
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