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Ideas bank

Basketball game

Use an empty wastepaper bin as a “basket” for this game.

You will also need a ball.
Divide the class into two teams. Show a flashcard to a child from one team. If they
answer correctly they can shoot. If not they lose a turn.
The teams with the highest score is the winner.

Cross the river

Place flashcads spaced out on the floor. Tell the children that eachflashcard represents
a stepping Stone along the river. The children must say the Word on the flashcard in
order to step over ir and move forward along the river.

Jumping the line

Draw an imaginary line diving the room. Designate one side as “true” and the other one
as “false”. Hold up a flashcard and say the Word. If the Word and pic matches they will
have to jump to the true side, otherwise they will have to choose the false side.
If they make a mistake they will have to leave the game. The winner is the one last
student standing.

Divide the class into two teams. One team has flashcards and the other has wordcards.
Each teams deals a card. If they match, they say Snap!

Musical cards
Place the flashcards or wordcards around the classroom and play some music. Tell the
children to walk around the room. When you stop the music and name a card, they
must go to the card you named.
Don’t hesitate, don’t repeat yourself
Divide the class into two or three teams.
Choose some topics. For eg: food, animals, clothes, etc.
One of the children from one of the groups must say as many food ítems as possible.
The resto of the class must count the words and the teacher will write them on the
board. If this students stops, forgets a word, or repeats himself, it’s the other team’s
Continue playing until categories are over and count the words.

Word chains
Putt he children into small groups of three or four. Write a starter Word on the board.
Eg. Maths. Teams take turns to add a word to the beginning or the end of the word.
“MUM” or “SNAKE” for eg. They can write it on the board or on a piece of paper. How
long can they make the Word chain?

Board pelmanism
Mix up flashcards and wordcards. Spread them fase down on the board or on the floor.
Take turns to pick up two cards. If they are the same, keep them fase up and have
children say the Word. Continue until all pairs are found.

No time to draw or buy flashcards? Have children create them on their own!

Source: Teacher’s book. Learn with us.

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