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SUDHANSHU KESARWANI ƒ +91-9721406192

Roll No.: 20200053 #

B.Tech #
Civil Engineering § GitHub Profile
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology ï LinkedIn Profile
Allahabad, Prayagraj

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
• 2024
B.Tech, Civil Engineering CPI: 6.82

Ewing Christian Public School

• 2019
CBSE, Uttar Pradesh CGPA/Percentage: 91.5

Ewing Christian Public School

• 2017
CBSE, Uttar Pradesh CGPA/Percentage: 9.4

Personal Projects
Flappy Bird Game

Flappy Bird is an arcade-style game in which the player controls the bird with mouse clicks.

– Tech Stack Used: ReactJS with styled components, CSS in depth with handling props.
– Implemented a fun game FLAPPY BIRD in which users can play and record their scores.

Netflix clone

Created a websites which replicates the functionality and features of original Netflix

– Tech Stack Used: ReactJS with styled components, Redux toolkit, Firebase for Login and Signup.
– Implemented authentication in login and signup page using firebase auth, selection of movies according to genres
and also incorporated pagination to fetch limited number of entries, thus making website efficient and stable.

Portfolio Website

This is a "Portfolio" website made with ReactJS, completely responsive for all devices and hosted online at

– Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJs

– This website has all the information about all my minor and major projects

Technical Skills and Area Of Interests

Languages: C/C++, Python, JavaScript, Java
Backend : Node.js
Frameworks: ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, Bootstrap, Express.js
Cloud/Databases: MongoDB, MYSQL
Technologies/IDEs: VS Code, Sublime Text Editor, Git/Github
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Areas of Interest: Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms, Web development

5 star problem solving Hackerrank

Global rank 140th December challenge 2021 in Codechef

Competitive Programming(max rating 824) Codeforces

Extracurricular and hobbies

Solving puzzles and challenges

Studying about Finance and Trading

Playing guitar and drums

Travelling and exploring new things

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