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During the the 19th century begins the industrial revolution that envolves all the European

countries. In the 1886, in Germany the "Benz Patent Moterwagen" invented the first car called
"Velociped". In the 90's in France was born the first film titled "the exit's of the Lumière's
officine" and the artistic movement called "Belle Epoque". In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti,
published in the newspaper "Le Figaro" the "Manifesto del futurismo" and thanks to him, begins
in Italy the new important artistic movement called "Futurismo". In thes years, exactly in the
1914, begains the First Word War that envolves lots of countries all over the word and
unfortunatly caused lots of victims. During the 20th century, especially from the year 1919 to
the year 1921, there is the Irish War od Indipendence fought between the Great Britain and
civils who wanted the Irish Indipendence and only in the 1922 Suoth Ireland obtained the
indipendence meanwhile the North part remains under the controll of the UK. This fight, was
very important for William B. Yeats becouse he was born in Dublin and he himself fought
personally for the Irish Indipendence foughting and writing one of his mastepieces "Easter 1916"
that now i'm going to analize.
Ireland is divided in 2 parts: North Ireland
goverbed by the UK and the South Ireland that is
the indipendent part.
This happened becouse in 1916 Irish people
rebelled against the UK power and the Southen
part obtained, after a long civil war, the
indipendence in 1922 becoming the Irish free
state. There are lots od differences beetwen
north Ireland and South Ireland like the
lenguage (North is English, in South is Irish),
the religion (North is protestant, South is
cattolic) and the culture differences.
William B. Yeats
Stanza 1 Stanza 2 Stanza 3
In the first stanza it's very In the second stanza, the In the third stanza, Yeats
very important the place, author talks about the rebels
describe the river Stone and
that he heard or he dreamed
Dublin, that is the place the life that surround the
and it is possible to understand
were the Irish rebellion that the rebels are common river: animals (like horses,
takes place. people, very poor and they are roosters).
just fighting for theyr country
and theyr freedom.

At the end of all the four Stanza's there is a very important frase that is: "A terrible beauty is born", here the author puts two different
concempts one frase: the rebellion and the victims of the civil war for the indipendence of the Ireland (with the word "Terrible"), and the
freedom finally obtained from the Irish (with the word "beauty").
Global Goals number Global Goal number 3 is
10 is important about important becouse due to
the war for the Irish the several wars there are
Indipendence more victims and so less
attention to the health.

Global Goal number 16 is Global Goal number

very important for the 4 is important
several wars that we found becouse Yeats with
during the 20th century. his poetry brings
culture and
istruction to people.
I composed the music by myself and I titled the
composition "Peace and Justice" becouse peace and justice
are against the war and I wont to express my opinions
against the war with my relaxing and peacefull music.
Book "It's literature 2" pages 161-162-163.
English, History, art notes.
W. B. Yeats, "Easter 1916".
Slides about the Modern Age.
Slides about global goals.

Project and Music made by Anton Andrea Moscatelli VC

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