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Keeping the customer satisfied The facts Even if you make the best product in the world but do not have the right marketing 4%, policy, you wil probably fail to! market/sell = | __ it. So whats Successful marketing? The marketing mix s First you must carefully determine and mix the “Four Ps”, which are: The product New products or services are developed, or existing ones are adapted because of the 10 changing needs and tastes of the market and of growing competition. The price le must first include production costs and a {2 profie margin. But you should also adaptit to <7 1s the target” public; make it low enough if you 5) want to compate on price, or high enough if you want to compete on quality or on the image (for luxury goods, for example). Or you may strike a balance? between the two. 20 The place How and where are you going to sell your ‘goods? 5 This will depend on your market: in small shops, large supermarkets, department as storest, directly to customers by mail order ‘or catalogues (this is also called direct mar- keting) or now through the Internet. Promotion This includes communication (directly with se consumers, or through advertising, or through PR/public relations), and also packaging’ (a product must be packaged and labelled® so as to attract customers). Promoting brand names is essential. Market segments They are the different parts of a market or categories of prospective customers for & product. They are determined by factors such a age, sex, income, interests etc. It is impor- tant for you to target your market segment. 4 For example, you will not sell a luxury per- fume in a supermarket. Conversely, you will not sell hamburgers and chips in a three-star restaurant. Nevertheless, the idea is to satisfy as many of the segments as possible or else 4s to concentrate on the most profitable ones. All four Ps in the marketing mix are deter- mined by what segments of the market are being targeted. Advertising Not only is advertising a means by which «0 the seller of a product attempts to get peo- ple to buy his product; at the same time it is also used to create needs. The selection of the advertising medium depends on the market or the market segment that is tar- ss geted and on the relative costs and effec- tiveness of using different media. ~ Banners’ on web pages can theoretically be aimed at worldwide audiences but there is ever-increasing caution® about their use- fulness. Today, fewer than one in 200 tors to websites click on them to see what's behind. Website banners cost between $10 and $100 per 1,000 visits (regardless of? whether or not they are clicked on). Rich és media"? ads can also be used. These are ads using sound and video. = TVand radio commercials" can be directed at large audiences but they are expensive especially at prime time, they give litde 70 information and people do not always pay attention. ~The press: newspaper advertisements/ads can target large or specific groups. = Posters: they can be found on large bill- 7s boards"? dlong streets or in shop windows. But they are increasingly blamed for pollut- the landscape. CHECK THE FACTS 1. What are the four constituents ofthe marketing mig 2. What determines the price? ‘3. Name some ofthe various distribution systems. 4. What factors enter into the concept of promotion? ‘5. What are market segments? 6 What does the selection of the advertising medium depend on? 7. What are advertising campaigns. How long do they last? 8. What do advertising agencies do? = Other media: catalogues and leaflets", window displays", neon signs, mailing, sponsorship, free samples'’, vouchers'® etc. Advertising campaigns ‘These are planned sets of advertising opera- tions spread over a given length of time and. across several different advertising media. ‘A campaign may run for only a short length of time but it can also run for a few years ~ if itis successful. Is aim is to have the strongest possible influence on the minds of consumers. ‘Advertising agencies ‘These are firms which provide a specialised service by advising companies on the best way of advertising their products, and gener- ally managing their advertising activities. 1. to fail tor ne pas réussir/échouer 2. earget ble 3. to strike a balance: établir un équilibre ‘4, department store: grand magasin '. packaging: emballage/conditionnement 6. to label: Giqueter 7. banner: bannire de public 'B. caution: prudence 9. regardless of: Sans tenir compte de 10, rich media riche en mulkimédia 11, commercial: spot publiciaire 12. billboard: panneau publictare 13, leaflee dépliant publcitaire 14. window display: étalage, devancure cde magasin 15. sample: échantillon 16, voucher: bon, coupon LEXICAL WORK Find the words or expressions in the text (with the articles if there are any) which mean: a. the amount that a seller hopes to eam b. expensive and beautiful articles «someone who may become a customer dito aim a €e. a high-class restaurant {advertisements on the ntemet 8. advertisements on TV ofthe radio Choose three words or expressions and make sentences with them. I» Lexical work acheter au comptant/ to buy cash! + étude de marché marker survey a crécit. ‘on credit + exposer/mettre to display/to exhibit acheter en groshrac to buy in bulk a Fétalage acheteur buyer » exposition/salon showlfairlexhibition « affaire (faire une) to dolto make a deal force de vente sales force bas de gamme downmarket/cheap » gamme de marchandise range of goods ‘biens de consommation consumer goods « grossiste wholesaler «bonne affaire bargain haut de gamme upmarket ecaisse checkout (in a self: + hypermarché hypermarket (dans un libre-service) service store) ‘image de marque brand image « caution/arrhes deposit + intermédiaire middleman centre commercial shopping mall lancer une campagne to launch ciblecibler (co) target ‘a campaign client customericlient « livraison delivery, + commanditaire sponsor oliver to deliver + commanditer! to sponsor +magasin d'usine factory outlet sponsoriser ‘occasion (d) second-hand + commergant shopkeeper + part de marché ‘market share ‘ecommerce commercetrade! epénétrer un marché to crack a market business «a présentoir display stand ‘ecommerce de gros wholesale trade «prix soldé reduced/bargain + compétitiviee competitiveness price ‘sconcessionnaire/ dealer = pubicité da) advertising revendeur + publicté une) advertiserent/ad! + consommateur consumer advert ecréneau nichelopportunity rayon department/shelf + détaillant retailer solder to sell off i + distribuer to distribute! «soldes (clearance) sale(s) to market + sondage opinion survey «distributeur vending/stot = stockage stocking automatique machine stocker to stock + échantillon sample vendeur shop assistant! ‘eentrepotlentreposer —_(to) warehouse ‘salesman épuiséimanquant sold out : evente ale ‘« étre dans le commerce de to deal in © vente aux enchéres USE THE LIST 1. Find the words which mean: ‘a. a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods are stored until they are exported or distributed to shops b. not new a shop where you can buy things at factory prices 4. the person or Company that buys things ffor the people who produce ther and sels them to the people who want to buy them of good qualty and expensive Wb 84-2. Choose five words above and write sentences with them. & theme A) Le quartier commergant a été rénové I'an passé afin d’essayer d’attrer plus de cliente 2. Un nouveau centre commercial a été inauguré prés ddechez nous, Ilest ouvert 7 jours sur 7. 3. I travaille pour une maison de VPC depuis {quelques années. 4. Elle commande régulidrement ses robes a cette maison de VPC. 5. Je fais mes courses au Prisunic du coin deux fois par semaine, 6 Usestétabli dans le quarter 'an passé I avait longtemps qu'un commerce n'avait pas ouvert 7. Test grossiste de pére en fils. La maison est éablie dans laville depuis belle luette. 8. Isest associé & son fréve pour vendre du matériel informatique, Révisions : temps, futur 9 10. 1 15. 16. 1 fit ses vitrines & chaque saison. Cela fait deux mois quill n'a pas changé les étalages. Chaque fois que je vais faire les courses au supermarché du coin, je prends un chariot. La boutique du quartier est fermée pour été et ne rouvrira qu’en septembre. La caissitre n'est pas encore arrivée. Elle est toujours en retard. Vous ne m’aver pas donné de requ pour mes achats. Crest la valse des étiquettes dans les lieux de villégiature sur la Cote d'Azur. Noubliez pas de joindre la facture a votre envoi. Pai commandé un nouveau vélo chez Sears and Roebuck. Jen'ai pas encore été live, Cela ne saurait tarder, Actiyities Fl Talking about the marketing mix 1. Look at the two pens below and classify the following words under product 1 or product 2. downmarket - upmarket - inexpensive/cheap - expensive - mass market - targeted market - stationery shops/stores - gift shops/stores - department stores - supermarket catalogues - flyers - businessmen/women - strategic points in stores talking sign - banner displays - poster stands - gondolas r —_ 1 Product 1 Product 2 2. Use the vocabulary from exercise 1 to complete the text below. __product sold ata very _or inexpensive price. In ad _and local _andis aimed at the mass. s-1u.and displayed on. product and will be sold at a. o market such as business men. Sales will be generated in more | ae gift and __stores and will be advertised in magazines or on the internet. | Product one is tion, it will be sold in. ede | _. advertised in supermarket | On the other hand, product two is an _ eee sixty one 61 Are You an Adventurer or a Traditionalist? Even when it comes to shopping we all have different personality types—and retailers are increasingly taking note in abid to boost sales. cE __Tribes of ‘The Harmonizer a ! 3.3% | Social family-oriented, creature of habit. Loves nature and ‘0 | attached to hometown. Likes ‘welcoming, open environments with = | opportunity to socialize. Natural material, rounded shapes. The Open-Minded 18% | Indulgent, life-affirming optimist who is savouring, imaginative, | and easygoing. = 7 | The Traditionalist Risk-conscious and security-oriented. Very brand loyal and attached 0 local retailers. Wants consistency, easy orientation and cleanliness. ‘The Disciplined 430% | Concentration on equality and functionality Love for justice and ‘0 | modesty. Prefers a focus on ‘quality, subtle colours, and a clear | | assortment with few product alternatives. ‘The Hedonist Early adopter. Prefers inspiring, fashionable, and aspirational stores with intense lighting and bright signs. ‘The Performer Prestige and performance-oriented, prefers strong branded statements, graphics; subdued lighting with spot-on products and | the impression of scarcity. The Adventurer ‘Attracted to risk. Unconventional thinker, Impulse purchase areas | should be designed to appeal to this type. i wor he Shopping © Teaduise sm Framgan tua diffanta cat gory ee climb Find what type of shopper you are and find examples to explain. » te 2 Jason speaks about the evolution of the shop he created. Pick out information about Jason's company between 2003 and Find how it changed after 2009. Advertising to child Pressure is growing to ban advertising aimed children. an advertiser's view- toy advertising on television is, children are a splen- » banned between 7am and did audience. They watch lots i of television; they spend ots sof pocket money; they go. shopping with Mum,’and nag her to death to buy the, latest: We're out of stock. We'll get new supplies next week The shop wil be put up forsale a5 Soon asthe oe has been made. ‘Weare about to start the suramer sales, Sales are on. I hope business is going to pick up. We are to start sales at the beginning of next week, It’s the regulation. T'll be happy when I have cleared off all the merchandise. When I talked to the salesgirl she said that sales were to start at the end of the month. If we are to believe the sales-force, business has been slack over the past few weeks. We are to go downtown to take advantage of the red tag sales. 10. When will there be a new mark-down? UNIT 63 Exercises 63.1 632 Use the words in brackets to answer these questions, Example: Wy did you go out? (buy some bread) Lent buy Some: bread... 1 My do you have to go tothe bank? (change some money) Thave t0 £0 ennnn en 2 Why did she knock on your door? (wake me up) 3 Why are you saving money? (go to Canada) | ‘4 Why is Ron going ico hospital (have an operation) 5. Why are you wearing two puliovecs (keep warm) E § Why did you go tothe police sation? (eporthat my car bad bce sala) Now you have to complete these sentences with a suitable verb. Examples: The minister has a bodyguard... 2. Prateek: him, There were no chairs . ‘on, so we all had to sit on the floor. Ann's birthday, the newspaper today. in, 1 Weare having a 2 I didn’t have enough time 3. We've got no furniture — not even a bed 4 Ithink I need some new clothes. 8 It’s pity we haven’t got any pictures 9 Iwish Thad enough money In this exercise you have to write sentences with so that, Examples: { hurried. I didn’t want to be late. lhurried.sotdat: | wouldn't, Pe lake... Tjgiveyou my number. I want you tobe able to phone me, {Hh glee. youcrny nurnber San lorinll beable tm) phone. me... snes MOORE 4 Please arrive early. We want to be able Please arrive ... 2 5 She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed, 6 I slowed down wanted the car behind tobe sbiowy overtake. 127

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