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From my perspective it does, because every ethnic group has their own beliefs, languages,
traditions and customs. Those things can affect the way every person sees the world,
themselves, and how do they perceive other people that aren´t in their ethnic group.
Firstly, it can affect socially, because not every person thinks that getting alone with
“different people” is correct, and they don´t think they have the same opportunities as them,
so they refer to them as inferior. So that makes that people from different ethnics or roots
feel rejected by society or isolated, and this affects their mental health in a long or short
term. Secondly, many ethnic groups receive a low-quality education, or migrated to other
countries to have better opportunities, or sometimes they don’t even finish their basics
studies, which makes them having less work opportunities and not having enough
economic solvency to maintain themselves or their families. This is caused by people who
think they should be in their country or doing other things, that are supposed to be better for
those ethnic groups; Which brings me to the next point, without money they can’t have a
good health care. Even though there are public and free systems, sometimes they don’t
have the access to that too because they live in very remote areas, or due to that they don’t
believe in the medical treatments, and they prefer to do their own methods.
Migration causes the idea of “they should return to their countries”, which causes the points
i said before. But this belief privates the ethnic groups to have a decent life, or having the
liberty of making the use of their human rights.
In my opinion ethnic groups will be better if they had a little bit of support from the
government, but unjustly, sometimes authorities treat them bad too, for the same reason i
mentioned before. So, this obviously affects their success in life, because they need to
produce money to survive, they need to be healthy, and they need to be understood, as they
should understand people with different roots.

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