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Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

An introduction to Precambrian basins: their characteristics

and genesis
P.G. Eriksson a,*, M.A. Martins-Neto b, D.R. Nelson c, L.B. Aspler d, J.R. Chiarenzelli e,
O. Catuneanu f, S. Sarkar g, W. Altermann h, C.J. de W. Rautenbach a
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa
Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Caixa Postal 173, 35400-000 Ouro Preto/MG, Brazil
Geological Survey of Western Australia, Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA, 6004, Australia
23 Newton Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 2S6
Environmental Research Center, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126, USA
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2E3
Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Calcutta 700-032, India
Institut fuÈr Allgemeine und Angewandte Geologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitaÈt, Luisenstrasse 37, D-80333 MuÈnchen, Germany
Accepted 19 January 2001

Precambrian and younger basins re¯ect the interaction of sediment supply and subsidence; the latter is generally ascribed to
tectonic, magmatic and related thermal processes. The interplay of supply and subsidence is further modi®ed by eustasy and
palaeoclimate. Problems and enigmas inherent in analysis of Precambrian basin-®lls include: a spectrum of ideas on the
maximum age of Phanerozoic-style plate tectonics in the rock record; Archaean heat ¯ow up to two to three times present
values; changes in magmatism over time (including global magmatic events); the evolution of atmospheric composition and of
life and their in¯uence on weathering, erosion and sediment supply rates; degree of preservation, deformation and metamorph-
ism, and preservational bias (especially of intracratonic basins which would lack evidence for early plate tectonics); a limited
rock record; poor age constraints, inherent errors in geochronological techniques and dif®culty in dating the time of deposition
of sedimentary rocks.
Major in¯uences on Precambrian basin formation are assumed to include magmatism, plate tectonics, eustasy and palaeo-
climate, all of which interacted. Models for greenstone belt evolution include plate tectonic intra-oceanic generation, plume-
generated oceanic plateau, and global catastrophic magmatic events that may have been transitional to a plate tectonic regime
over several hundred million years. The latter transition may have included the onset of the supercontinent cycle. Insigni®cant
preservation of Precambrian ocean ¯oor makes evaluation of these models problematic. Eustasy was intrinsically related to
continental crustal growth rates, continental freeboard and the hypsometric curves of emerging cratons. Possible maximum
crustal growth rates near the Archaean±Proterozoic boundary led to globally elevated sea levels, and the formation of enormous
carbonate-banded iron formation platforms where cyanobacterial mats, which produced oxygen, ¯ourished. The combination of
changes in cratonic growth rates, thermal elevation of cratons, eustasy, weathering and palaeo-atmosphere composition may
have combined to produce the ®rst global glaciation at ca. 2.4±2.2 Ga.
Examples of basins discussed here emphasise the interaction of tectonism, magmatism, eustasy and palaeoclimate in their
evolution. For the Neoarchaean Witwatersrand basin (Kaapvaal craton, South Africa), evidence for all these factors is preserved

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 127-12-4202238; fax: 127-12-3625219.

E-mail addresses: (P.G. Eriksson), (P.G. Eriksson).

0037-0738/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0037-073 8(01)00066-5
2 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

in the basin-®ll, whereas for the Neoproterozoic MacauÂbas basin (SaÄo Francisco craton, Brazil), clear evidence for eustasy is
more limited. The ca. ,2.45± , 1.9 Ga preserved Hurwitz basin (Hearne domain, Canada) suggests a predominant tectonic
control, but with signi®cant in¯uences from magmatic processes, eustasy and palaeoclimate. For the ca. 2.7 Ga Ventersdorp
Supergroup, which succeeded the Witwatersrand Supergroup, a strong case can be made for magmatism as a prime in¯uence,
with an inferred mantle plume having caused lithospheric stretching and thermal subsidence. The Ventersdorp formed part of an
inferred global magmatic event, succeeded on the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons by the NeoArchaean±Palaeoproterozoic
Hamersley and Lower Transvaal carbonate-banded iron formation platform successions, ascribed largely to globally high
sea levels, allied to an aggressive weathering regime. Evidence for both eustasy and weathering are limited in the preserved
basin-®ll of the Palaeoproterozoic Timeball Hill (upper Transvaal Supergroup, Kaapvaal) depository, formed during the ca.
2.4±2.2 Ga global glaciation, probably due to tectonic subsidence. For the ca. 1.7±1.5 Ga EspinhacËo basin (SaÄo Francisco
craton, Brazil) evidence supports lithospheric stretching and thermal subsidence as prime in¯uences.
The origin of greenstone basins remains contentious. That magmatism was a major factor in their evolution is accepted by
most, but whether this was plate-independent or plate-driven is less certain; the role of mantle plumes and the possibility of
greenstones having been ridge-generated are also discussed by some workers. Episodic magmatism on a global scale may have
played a role in the evolution of early basins such as the greenstones, Witwatersrand and Ventersdorp, and with a possible
transition to plate tectonics into the Palaeoproterozoic, mid-ocean ridge growth related to either supercontinent break-up or to
continental crustal growth rates probably in¯uenced the eustatically controlled Hamersley and Lower Transvaal basin sedi-
mentation. The possibility that early plate tectonics was characterised by variable spreading and subduction rates is discussed in
the light of evidence from the Witwatersrand basin, the North American, Baltic and Siberian cratons, and the Transvaal
Supergroup. In conclusion, Precambrian basin evolution probably re¯ects the variable interaction of tectonism, magmatism,
eustasy and palaeoclimate (as also found for Phanerozoic basins), with the most signi®cant difference compared to younger
basins lying in the relative rates of processes such as ridge-spreading, subduction, crustal growth, weathering and atmospheric
compositional change. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Precambrian basins; Tectonism; Magmatism; Eustasy and palaeoclimate; Rates of change

1. Introduction con®dence (Miall, 1990) in establishing its time of

initiation, although a strong school of thought
Analysis of Phanerozoic basins is a highly devel- supports Archaean plate tectonics in recognisable
oped science, premised largely on the accumulated form (e.g. De Wit et al., 1992; Krapez, 1993; Wind-
wisdom of the petroleum industry. Modern treatises ley, 1995; De Wit and Hynes, 1995; Kusky, 1997;
on basin analysis (e.g. Miall, 1990; Allen and Allen, Kusky and Vearncombe, 1997; Brandl and De Wit,
1990) emphasise that the approach to the subject 1997; Mueller and Corcoran, 1998, 2001).
should be made within the plate tectonic paradigm. Basins are commonly considered to be the products
The Glossary of Geology (Bates and Jackson, 1980) of isostatic compensation due to tectono-thermal
de®nes a basin as a `low area in the Earth's crust, of processes operating at the lithospheric scale (Allen
tectonic origin' and then de®nes several examples. and Allen, 1990). From a sedimentological perspec-
This de®nition also embraces the geosyncline tive, the formation of a basin involves interplay
concept, introduced by Hall (1859); for him, and between sediment supply and basin ¯oor subsidence.
others like Suess (1875), a geosyncline represented a Such interplay may be in¯uenced by eustatic and
large downwarped area, which was almost axiomati- palaeoclimatic variation over geological time scales;
cally a centre of deposition. This concept predomi- this is the essence of basin analysis (Miall, 1990,
nated in sedimentary basin analysis for over a 1996; Allen and Allen, 1990). Subsidence generally
century and was replaced by plate tectonics in the leads to continuous basin evolution, whereas basin
early 1970s; some geologists, however, still ®nd ¯oor rise normally results in uplift and cannibalisation
value in the outdated geosyncline concept for ancient of basin-®ll deposits (e.g. Ojakangas et al., 2001c).
basin-®lls. Although there is little doubt that plate This special issue aims to examine the evolution of
tectonics was operative during the Mesoproterozoic Precambrian basins over time, and to evaluate the
to Neoproterozoic (e.g. Windley, 1995), there is less roles of four factors: tectonics, magmatism, eustasy
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 3

and palaeoclimate. We use the term `tectonics' to such ideas need to be tested against the rock record.
include both plate and non-plate mechanical and ther- For example, Catuneanu (2001) discusses the possibi-
mal models, and emphasise that we use the term lity of slower, or at least variable, subduction rates in
`magmatism' to include both plate-boundary (spread- the Archaean. Care must be taken when trying to
ing centre, subduction zone, major transform) and discriminate between secular changes related to
plume-related magmatic and thermal processes. To evolution in global conditions and the intrinsic varia-
provide a background for the remaining papers in tion of individual basin-level magmatic, tectonic,
this special volume, we have selected several Precam- palaeoclimatic and eustatic processes. Furthermore,
brian basins to illustrate the variable degree to which secular changes may well have been diachronous.
each of these four factors may interact during basin For example, cratonisation appears to have taken
evolution. place in parts of Australia (e.g. Smithies et al.,
2001) and southern Africa in the Mesoarchaean,
whereas most of North America was not stabilised
2. Problems and enigmas inherent in Precambrian until the end of the Neoarchaean (`Zuluan Wedge'
basin analysis of Cloud, 1976; Young, 1979; Mueller and Corcoran,
2.1. De®nition
2.3. Secular changes in atmosphere and biosphere
A Precambrian basin may be de®ned as: the repo-
sitory for the accumulation of a succession of sedi- Secular changes in magmatism (e.g. Nelson, 1998)
mentary and/or volcanic rocks, whose ®ll has a and atmospheric composition (e.g. Kasting, 1993),
signi®cant preserved surface area and total thickness. allied to evolution of source rock compositions as
Obviously, this de®nition is debatable, and adjudging continental crust evolved over Precambrian time
each case on its dimensional merits is probably prefer- (Eriksson, 1995), as well as the concomitant evolution
able to constraints such as several thousand square of life would have combined to in¯uence weathering
kilometres area and in excess of 1 km thickness, and erosion processes and consequently, sediment
even if such ®gures seem reasonable. Martins-Neto supply rates. Sedimentation rates possibly were
et al. (2001) emphasise the signi®cance of de®ning greater compared to the Phanerozoic (Corcoran et
®rst-order basin-®ll cycles (based largely on al., 1998), and basin-®ll architecture should be inter-
tectono-stratigraphy). Mueller and Corcoran (2001) preted with such processes in mind. However, because
emphasise that even thin Archaean supracrustal the evidence for abundant over-®lled basins in the
sequences can provide important evidence for early Precambrian is lacking, average subsidence
tectono-sedimentary processes operating in the early rates probably kept pace with enhanced sedimentation
Precambrian. rates. With a generally humid (ocean-dominated)
palaeoclimate inferred for the early Precambrian
2.2. Secular changes in heat ¯ow and tectonics when emergent cratonic areas were limited, modern
deserts provide a poor analogue to pre-2.0 Ga
It is widely accepted that Archaean heat ¯ow was
erosional landscapes; their low weathering rates also
two to three times greater than at present, and that it
compare poorly with the aggressive weathering
has decreased exponentially since the early Archaean.
regimes of the CO2-rich atmospheric regime prior to
Smaller plates and faster recycling of oceanic crust is
ca. 2.0 Ga (Corcoran et al., 1998; Eriksson et al.,
generally suggested for enhanced Archaean heat loss
1998; Mueller and Corcoran, 2001).
(Burke et al., 1976; Windley, 1995). Presumably,
magmatism would have been more in¯uential in 2.4. Degree of preservation
basin formation, and faster subduction and smaller
plates would most likely have promoted pervasive Although Phanerozoic geologists commonly view
crustal shortening across small, emerging cratons. Precambrian successions as `high-grade crystalline
Inferred secular changes such as these should be basement', many Precambrian basins are remarkably
re¯ected in the evolution of Precambrian basins, and well preserved, relatively undeformed and at low
4 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

Fig. 1. Simpli®ed geological map of the Pilbara craton, Western Australia, showing greenstone belts, the Mallina basin, the Hamersley Group
(basin), and the outcrop area of the Fortescue Group.

metamorphic grade. Furthermore, many Precambrian But even in regions where supracrustal sequences are
deposits display exquisite preservation of primary deformed, metamorphosed and lack physical continu-
sedimentary structures that would otherwise have ity, valuable palaeogeographic information can be
been destroyed by bioturbation, as is commonly the derived (see examples in Eriksson et al., 1988;
case in younger basins (e.g. Pratt, 2001). Some parti- Walker, 1988), detailed sedimentology and sequence
cularly good examples of well-preserved early stratigraphy can be undertaken (e.g. Catuneanu and
Precambrian basins include: the 3074±2714 Ma Biddulph, 2001), and reconstructions of plate tectonic
Witwatersrand (Robb and Meyer, 1995; Els, 1998; settings for basin evolution may be inferred. For
Karpeta and Els, 1999) and the ca. 2.7±2.05 Ga example, the ca. 1730±1500 Ma EspinhacËo basin in
Transvaal basins, Kaapvaal craton, South Africa southeastern Brazil (Fig. 4) was deformed during the
(Fig. 3) (Eriksson et al., 1995a), and the ca. 3.1 Ga Late Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny,
Mallina and Neoarchaean Hamersley basins of the but slices of the basin are well preserved between
Pilbara craton, Australia (Fig. 1) (e.g. Nelson et al., shear zones, allowing accurate palaeogeographic
1999; Smithies et al., 1999, 2001). reconstructions and basin analysis (Martins-Neto,
This is not to say that tectonothermal processes 1996, 2000; Martins-Neto et al., 2001). Similarly,
have not all but obliterated primary sedimentary struc- although the Palaeoproterozoic Hurwitz Basin of
tures and textures in many Precambrian successions, northern Canada (Fig. 5) is preserved in a discontin-
and in some cases (e.g. Woodburn Lake Group, Rae uous series of outliers that represent the synformal
domain, northern Canada; Donaldson and de Kemp, keels of doubly plunging basement-cover infolds,
1998) specifying a sedimentary origin is a challenge. basin reconstructions have been made (Aspler and
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 5

Chiarenzelli, 1997; Aspler et al., 2001). Although in many granite±greenstone terrains (e.g. Goodwin,
broadly coeval Palaeoproterozoic Karelian succes- 1973; Hickman, 1983; Hamilton, 1998; Mueller and
sions of the Fennoscandian shield experienced poly- Corcoran, 2001), and ®eld and geochronologic data
phase deformation and metamorphism and are call into question interpretations that structural breaks
preserved in discontinuous belts separated by within some greenstone belts are sutures marking
Archaean crust (e.g. Ojakangas et al., 2001a), Strand terrane boundaries (Slave Province: Padgham, 1992;
and Laajoki (1999) have been able to successfully Superior Province: Heather et al., 1995; Yilgarn
apply sequence stratigraphic modelling, allowing craton, Australia: Nelson, 1997; Belingwe greenstone
them to correlate transgressive systems tracts between belt, Zimbabwe: Blenkinsop et al., 1993; see,
isolated belts. One potential advantage to the study of however, Hofmann et al., 2001).
polydeformed basins is that high amplitude cross- The oldest undeformed oceanic crust in present-day
folds may produce signi®cant structural relief. As oceans is Jurassic (Allen and Allen, 1990) and well-
stated by Hoffman et al. (1988, p. 27) ªthere is no documented examples of Precambrian ophiolites are
reason for shield geologists to suffer mountain sparse. Notable inferred exceptions are in the
envyº. Not only can the lowest strata of such basins Mesoarchaean Barberton belt, South Africa (de Wit
be studied without recourse to deep drilling or et al., 1987), the Neoarchaean Kam Group, Slave
geophysical studies, but the basement can be exam- Province, Canada (Helmstaedt et al., 1986), the ca.
ined directly, and thus substrate control of basin subsi- 2.0 Ga Purtuniq ophiolite in the Ungava Orogen of
dence may be easier to evaluate than in most deeply northern Quebec, Canada (Scott et al., 1992), the ca.
buried Phanerozoic basins (e.g. Stel et al., 1993; 1.9 Ga Jormua ophiolite complex of Finland (Ojakan-
Martins-Neto and Hercos, 2001). gas et al., 2001a) and the Neoproterozoic RibeiraÄo da
Because the present-day limits of Precambrian Folha ophiolites of eastern Brazil (Pedrosa-Soares et
basins rarely coincide with original basin margins, al., 1998; Martins-Neto et al., 2001). Lithologies
evaluating the degree to which isolated exposures preserved in the .3.7 Ga Isua greenstone belt in
represent primary repositories rather than `accidents Greenland are interpreted as re¯ecting at least some
of preservation' (Fraser et al., 1970) remains a chal- of the components of ocean crust (Fedo et al., 2001).
lenge. Preservation bias is a related problem, and Thus, not only is the rock record available for the
whether preserved fragments fully represent a basin's study of intrinsic Precambrian problems limited, but
®ll or constitute small parts of complex depositional it appears to be heavily biased in favour of basins
systems needs to be addressed. For example, the ¯oored by continental crust. However, this bias may
Transvaal basin comprises almost exclusively distal be more apparent than real, and many Archaean
facies associations (Eriksson et al., 1995b) and so the greenstone belts may represent obducted oceanic frag-
original extent of the basin can only be speculated ments that originated at the back-arc or ocean ridge
upon. Only two fragments remain of the greater spreading centres (Tarney et al., 1976; Helmstaedt et
Witwatersrand depository, which represents only al., 1986; Fyson and Helmstaedt, 1988; Hoffman and
about 30% of an epeiric embayment that once may Ranalli, 1988; Nelson, 1997) or accreted oceanic
have measured at least 240,000 km 2 (Eriksson et al., plateaus related to plumes, and/or spreading ridges
1998; cf. Catuneanu, 2001, who infers greater preser- (e.g. Desrochers et al., 1993; Abbott, 1996; Saunders
vation). The primary extent of Archaean greenstone et al., 1996; Puchtel et al., 1998) that lack the full
belts is an historical problem (see Pettijohn, 1970) of characteristics of classical ophiolites (for opposing
particular importance for evaluating tectonic models. views see Bickle et al., 1994; Hamilton, 1998).
Do isolated remnants represent relatively continuous
depocentres that were structurally dismembered, or do 2.5. Importance of geochronologic data
they re¯ect multiple depocentres that were tectoni-
cally accreted? Although accretionary-type models Of additional serious concern, and possibly greater
have gained ascendancy in recent years (e.g. Taira import than partial preservation, is the level of age
et al., 1992; Myers, 1995), physical continuity of constraint available for many older Precambrian
depositional basins over large areas has been inferred basins, in the absence of usable fossils for this
6 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

purpose. However, the maximum known age of multi- basins appears to be inconsistent with postulates of
cellular heterotrophic eukaryotes is increasing; mole- rapid crustal movements promoted by signi®cantly
cular geneticists' claim for the appearance of the higher heat ¯ow in the early Precambrian. For exam-
common ancestor of metazoans at least 1 billion ple, Catuneanu and Eriksson (1999) speculated that
years back has recently been borne out by trace fossil the ca. 700 Ma duration of the Transvaal basin (Fig.
discoveries from the Vindhyan Supergroup, India 3) might re¯ect slower tectonic processes. However,
(Sarkar et al., 1996), and by the existence of coelo- in an alternate hypothesis, Eriksson et al. (2001)
mate metazoans by at least 1.1 Ga (Seilacher et al., consider that the Transvaal basin comprises at least
1998). Any attempt to apply modern concepts of basin four major basin-®ll cycles that are separated by three
analysis and sequence stratigraphy to Precambrian unconformities. Although reliable geochronologic
successions is likely to be frustrated without precise data are sparse, and the time gaps represented by the
geochronologic data, and dramatic reappraisals of unconformities are of uncertain duration, the basin-®ll
basin evolution are commonly required as new chron- cycles may re¯ect ®rst-order tectonic events of dura-
ological data become available (e.g. Aspler et al., tion shorter than 700 Ma, thus negating the implica-
2001). However, when geochronological data are tion of slower rates of tectonism. In addition,
unavoidably sparse, successful basin analysis is possi- geochronologic data may point to major time breaks
ble in certain cases, by de®ning inter-regional, ®rst- in apparently conformable successions, such as in the
order unconformities and applying models for the Hurwitz Basin (Fig. 5), where new data demonstrate a
inferred tectonic evolution of the ®rst-order basin- previously unrecognised lacuna at least 200 Ma long
®ll cycles (Martins-Neto et al., 2001; Ojakangas et (Aspler et al., 2001).
al., 2001a).
The radiometric dating of the time of deposition of
3. Major in¯uences on the formation and evolution
sedimentary rocks is notoriously dif®cult (Nelson,
of Precambrian basins
2001). U±Pb dating of zircon in volcanic beds
provides the most reliable depositional ages within a
It must be emphasised that the four genetic in¯u-
largely sedimentary succession. Dates on cross-
ences considered in this paper to be the most pertinent
cutting intrusive rocks, or on so-called `diagenetic'
to Precambrian basin evolution (magmatism, plate
(for example, U±Pb dating of xenotime or apatite)
tectonics, eustasy and palaeoclimate) are interdepen-
or metamorphic minerals (monazite and other phos-
dent processes. In our view, shared by many, the inter-
phates, or by Rb±Sr dating of micas) may provide
play of magmatic and tectonic processes may be
useful minimum ages for sediment deposition. Alter-
considered as primary, and their combined effects
natively, U±Pb dating of detrital zircons may provide
on the sedimentation cycle are modi®ed by related
maximum deposition ages (e.g. Smithies et al., 2001).
and secondary processes such as eustasy and palaeo-
These approaches require considerable effort and
climate (e.g. Bose et al., 2001). For this reason we
access to substantial resources if they are to provide
discuss below two groups of major genetic in¯uences
reliable constraints of the time of sediment deposition
on Precambrian basin-®ll successions, but in no way
(Nelson, 2001). Even in basins where volcanic inter-
wish to imply that they operate separately from each
calations or radiogenic cements provide more direct
age estimates, limited stratigraphic ranges generally
result in levels of chronologic resolution that fall short 3.1. Magmatism and plate tectonics
of those realised in fossil-rich Phanerozoic basins.
Furthermore, even the most precise single crystal A plate tectonic approach to basin analysis is
zircon chronology has inherent errors of at least emphasised in modern sources (e.g. Miall, 1990,
^1 Ma, thus making use of higher frequency 2000; Allen and Allen, 1990; Ingersoll and Busby,
sequences, with durations of 10 0 2 10 1 Ma, impracti- 1995). However, the long-standing (see Hunter and
cal (Catuneanu and Eriksson, 1999). Stowe, 1997) debate on plate tectonics during the
As a consequence of inadequate geochronologic Precambrian, particularly the Archaean, is far from
control, the apparent longevity of some Precambrian resolved. Many consider Phanerozoic-style plate
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 7

tectonics to have been operative (e.g. De Wit et al., magmatic events, such as that suggested for Karelia
1992; Sleep, 1992; Krapez, 1993; Windley, 1995; De and North America at ca. 2.45 Ga (Ojakangas et al.,
Wit and Hynes, 1995; Kusky, 1997; Kusky and 2001a).
Vearncombe, 1997; Brandl and De Wit, 1997; De Nelson (1998) postulated that a transition may have
Wit, 1998; Mueller and Corcoran, 1998, 2001), taken place from Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic
whereas others maintain that plate-independent time, during which the in¯uence on crust formation
magmatic models are more appropriate (e.g. Camp- by large-scale, catastrophic mantle overturn events,
bell and Hill, 1988; Hill et al., 1992; Goodwin, 1996; gave way to plate tectonic processes similar to those
Hamilton, 1998). The interaction of plate tectonics from Phanerozoic and modern periods. The inferred
and mantle plume in¯uences on basin formation are 2760±2680 Ma global peak in volcanism was
well illustrated by the Mesoproterozoic Midcontinent succeeded by the well-known peak in banded iron
Rift System in the USA (Ojakangas et al., 2001c). formation (BIF) deposition, marked by particularly
Many recent studies invoke initiation of Archaean well-preserved carbonate-BIF basins in Australia
greenstones as plume-generated oceanic plateaus that and South Africa, possibly re¯ecting the high eustatic
were subsequently accreted to continental nuclei (e.g. sea levels, due to rapid mid-ocean ridge growth,
Desrochers et al., 1993; Abbott, 1996; Kent et al., accompanied by hydrothermal ferruginisation of the
1996; Saunders et al., 1996; Polat et al., 1998; Puchtel world ocean ¯oored by widespread ultrama®c lava
et al., 1998), although the existence of plumes has plains (Simonson and Hassler, 1996; Isley and Abbott,
been called into question by other researchers (e.g. 1999; Nelson et al., 1999).
Anderson et al., 1992; Anderson, 1994; King and As an illustration of inferring a signi®cant plate
Anderson, 1995; Hamilton, 1998; Sheth, 1999; tectonic in¯uence on early Precambrian basin forma-
Smith and Lewis, 1999). Some workers consider tion, Aspler and Chiarenzelli (1998) have recognised
that layered mantle convection gave way to whole- the importance of intracratonic and passive margin
mantle convection during short-lived episodes, and basins in characterising the interiors and margins of
that the Archaean witnessed global catastrophic components of `Kenorland', a postulated Neoarch-
magmatic events that may have been superimposed aean North American-Baltic supercontinent (see also
on plate tectonic processes (Nelson, 1998; Condie, Ojakangas et al., 2001a,b). This is inferred to have
1998; Nelson et al., 1999). On the scale of individual undergone protracted attenuation in the Palaeoproter-
basins, the interaction of tectonism with thermal ozoic, before breaking up and dispersing at ca. 2.1±
processes can be more important than a direct rela- 2.0 Ga. This postulated break-up close to 2.0 Ga is
tionship to magmas (see, however, Ojakangas et al., approximately coeval with the probable plate tectonic
2001c). assembly of the Eburnean-Transamazonian supercon-
Examining the Kaapvaal and Pilbara cratons, tinent, which comprises many of the present-day
Nelson et al. (1999) recognised global magmatic cratons and cratonic elements of Africa and South
events of 60±200 Ma duration, which affected the America (Alkmim and Marshak, 1998; Eriksson et
style of crustal growth, volcanism, subaerial erosion al., 1999; Martins-Neto et al., 2001). Even such an
and eustasy. These authors detailed evidence for a outspoken critic of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic
2760±2680 Ma global event, characterised by the plate tectonics as Hamilton (1998) accepts that it had
eruption of thick volcanic sequences onto the Pilbara, become pertinent and, indeed important, by ca.
Amazon, SaÄo Francisco, Kaapvaal and Karnatka 2.0 Ga. In the Mesoproterozoic Belt basin, North
cratons, coeval with signi®cant crustal growth of the America, evidence for shallow and deep water
Superior and Yilgarn cratons. In addition, similar ages tsunami deposits suggests an important role for synse-
(2700±2670 Ma) have been reported from felsic dimentary tectonism (Pratt, 2001). When direct
volcanic rocks of the Ennadai-Rankin greenstone evidence of tectonic in¯uences on basin evolution is
belt in the Hearne domain of northern Canada, and limited, small-scale sedimentary features and detailed
in the adjacent Rae Province (Aspler and Chiarenzelli, sequence stratigraphic analysis may still enable the
1996; Davis and Peterson, 1998; Davis and Zaleski, importance of tectonic control on basin evolution to
1998). Earlier workers have also proposed global be determined (e.g. Bose et al., 2001; Pratt, 2001).
8 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

The tectonic setting of preserved Precambrian basins acting factors (Reading and Levell, 1996) but longer
may also be inferred from geochemical and isotopic term changes of regional or global scale may be
data, which additionally, can provide insights into ascribed to orogenesis, volcanism, glaciation, sedi-
palaeoclimate and possible palaeolatitudes (Condie ment supply, compaction, loading, isostacy and ther-
et al., 2001). mal processes (Dewey and Pitman, 1998; Eriksson,
It is commonly accepted that structural-strati- 1999). Continental freeboard, the elevation of a conti-
graphic basin models based on the plate tectonic para- nent above mean sea level (Wise, 1972, 1974), re¯ects
digm have a wide application to the sedimentary the interaction of sea level changes, continental crus-
geological record (e.g. Miall, 1984, 1990, 2000). Irre- tal growth rates, denudation rates and the hypsometric
spective of whether plate tectonic or plate-indepen- curve (Eriksson, 1999). Lowered continental free-
dent magmatic models are applied to pre-2.0 Ga board due to aggressive early Precambrian denudation
crustal evolution, preserved basins of this age are rates would have combined with eustatic sea level rise
heavily biased in favour of those ¯oored by continen- due to high rates of continental crustal growth to
tal rather than oceanic crust (cf. the paucity of accommodate vast Neoarchaean to Early Palaeopro-
Precambrian ophiolites, Section 2.4 above). This terozoic epeiric seas such as the Witwatersrand,
makes comparison of Precambrian basin types with Hamersley and Transvaal transgressive successions.
some of their Phanerozoic-modern equivalents The ultimate control of the Earth's atmospheric
problematic. Using extensional basins as an illustra- chemistry lies in energy released by radionuclides in
tion, Phanerozoic-modern examples ascribed to litho- the core, mantle and crust, by electromagnetic radia-
spheric stretching comprise a continuum beginning tion received from the sun, and by energy released
with intracratonic rifts, and passing through proto- from impacts of extraterrestrial objects with The
oceanic basins, to fully developed large oceans Earth. Recent models of planetary accretion (Kasting,
bounded by passive margin basin systems (e.g. 1993) suggest that the Earth's interior was initially hot
Allen and Allen, 1990). For the Precambrian, without as a consequence of large impact events. Volatiles
any signi®cant preservation of ocean crust, it is not released by impacts might have formed a transient
always certain that preserved basins with apparent steam atmosphere during at least part of the accretion-
passive margin-like characteristics were related to ary period (Hartmann et al., 1986). By ca. 3.9 Ga
the opening of large ocean basins (see, however, (Schopf, 1999), the surface heat ¯ux would have
Martins-Neto et al., 2001; see also Ojakangas et al., decreased and the steam atmosphere would have
2001c, who infer that rifting in the Mesoproterozoic condensed to form the oceans (Kasting, 1993). The
Midcontinent Rift System, USA, ceased shortly remaining atmosphere was probably dominated by
before formation of a proto-ocean). Flooding to CO2, CO and N2; CO2 and CO contents of about
form Archaean±Palaeoproterozoic epicontinental 10 bars and N2 of approximately 1 bar appear to be
marine basins may also have resulted from thermally plausible for the atmosphere during the ®rst several
controlled changes in continental freeboard, or as a million years following ocean formation (Kasting,
consequence of high rates of global continental crustal 1993). Once life originated, processes of anaerobic
growth (e.g. Eriksson et al., 1999), as discussed in the decay could have provided ample quantities of CH4.
next section. Carbon dioxide, CH4 and other greenhouse gases
probably offset the effect of the lower luminosity of
3.2. Palaeoclimate, eustasy and freeboard the young sun (Kuhn et al., 1989). The Earth's rota-
tion rate, which has decreased exponentially with time
Precambrian palaeoclimates, intimately linked to (e.g. rotation speed was ca. 1.32 times the present rate
secular changes in atmospheric composition, played at 900 Ma; Williams, 1998) would have caused lesser
an important role in basin evolution by controlling poleward energy transfer. The consequent cooler
rates of weathering and denudation and, during global polar temperatures and larger ice sheets would have
glaciations, strongly in¯uencing sea level (e.g. Dehler resulted in a larger global albedo (Hunt, 1979). The
et al., 2001; Ojakangas et al., 2001a,b). Short term and albedo would have been controlled by the proportion
localised changes in sea level re¯ect a myriad of inter- of land to sea and their distribution; its palaeoclimatic
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 9

effect was possibly of secondary importance (Kuhn et (e.g. Mueller and Corcoran, 2001); the estimation of
al., 1989). Except for the inferred global glaciation tectonic activity is crucial for such inferences,
from ca. 2.4 to 2.2 Ga (Young et al., 2001), and because orogenesis and tectonic uplift are the prime
those of the Neoproterozoic, surface temperature esti- factors in sediment supply to basins. Although the
mates for the Precambrian are always high (Eriksson lower Witwatersrand basin-®ll records a starved
et al., 1998). The overall temperature variability in the basin, the upper Witwatersrand stratigraphy has
Precambrian, however, seems to have been small; over-®lled basin af®nities concomitant with a high
global mean surface temperature over most of this sediment supply; Nelson et al. (1999) and Nelson
era was ca. 58C higher than today (Kuhn et al., 1989). (2001) postulate a global period of extensive cratonic
Carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere denudation from ca. 3125 to 3000 Ma, immediately
decreased in a complex fashion through geologic preceding Witwatersrand deposition.
time, as palaeosols indicate (Holland et al., 1986; In contrast, there appears to have been a prolonged
Rye and Holland, 1998). BIF, with minor exceptions, period lacking signi®cant clastic sedimentation
formed before 1.85 Ga (Kasting, 1991; Trendall, between ca. 2.68 and 2.45 Ga when, for the ®rst
2001) and deposits of detrital pyrite and uraninite time in the Earth's history, huge accumulations of
(unstable in oxidising environments) are restricted to platformal carbonates and BIF accumulated on
pre-2.0 Ga sequences (Condie, 1997). Subaerial red many cratons. These deposits were most likely conse-
beds sensu stricto were virtually absent before ca. quent upon an inferred period of maximum growth of
2.0 Ga (Eriksson and Cheney, 1992) and their appear- continental crust in the Neoarchaean (e.g. Eriksson,
ance thereafter indicates a substantial increase in 1995), when rapid development of mid-ocean ridges
atmospheric O2 levels (Kasting, 1993; Rye and and the formation of emergent cratons promoted
Holland, 1998). Palaeosol composition further corro- global eustatic rise. Allied to lowered freeboard due
borates an abrupt rise in oxygen content in the atmo- to the aggressive weathering regime, supra-cratonic
sphere close to ca. 1.9 Ga (Holland, 1994), from shallow marine epeiric basins with large dimensions
5 £ 10 24 atm prior to 2.44 Ga, to 0.03 atm between (several hundred kilometres along preserved basin
2.2 and 2.0 Ga (Rye and Holland, 1998). Mass margins) and deposits characterised by layer-cake-
balance calculations suggest that atmospheric O2 like stratigraphy became important; excellent exam-
levels did not exceed 0.03 PAL until the deep oceans ples are the Hamersley and Lower Transvaal basins
remained in a reducing state (Kasting, 1993). Photo- (see below). Although tectonic and thermal subsi-
synthetic cyanobacteria were already in existence by dence are implicit in the formation of these basins,
ca. 3.5 Ga (Schopf, 1999) and photosynthesis their evolution appears to have been controlled mainly
followed by burial of organic carbon most likely by eustasy and palaeoclimate.
was the principal source of the O2 (Wallace and As a result of a diminishing greenhouse effect due
Hobbs, 1977). to increasing oxygen content in the Palaeoproterozoic
As a result of atmospheric changes, palaeoclimates atmosphere, and most likely also as a result of a grow-
in the Archaean were probably both humid (due to a ing importance for Phanerozoic-style plate tectonics
high ocean:continent ratio) and warm (due to the towards ca. 2.0 Ga (Nelson, 1998; Nelson et al.,
greenhouse atmospheric composition) (Eriksson et 1999), these enormous eustatically in¯uenced basins
al., 1998). Such conditions, combined with the aggres- gave way to largely tectonically and thermally in¯u-
sive nature of the Neoarchaean atmosphere (Corcoran enced basins. Related effects of changing palaeo-
et al., 1998) would have led to weathering rates higher climatic regimes presumably were responsible for
than known from the Phanerozoic-modern eras. Due the ®rst known global glaciation at ca. 2.4±2.2 Ga
to the absence of land vegetation (apart from cyano- (e.g. Young, 1991; Young et al., 2001) and the
bacterial mats in permanently damp environments) advent of large, unequivocal desert sedimentation
and thick soils, the rate of erosion of weathered detri- systems by about 1.8 Ga (Eriksson and Simpson,
tus would have been high. These combined effects 1998). Ojakangas et al. (2001a) discuss evidence
would have resulted in high sediment supply rates to for extensive evaporite beds at ca. 2.1 Ga in the
basins, provided that palaeoslopes were maintained Karelian Supergroup (Fennoscandian shield), with
10 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

similar indications of aridity in approximately coeval are no serious dissenters from the axiomatic view-
dolomitic beds in the Lake Superior region (Ojakan- point that mantle heat ¯ow drives magmatism, plate
gas et al., 2001b). Much of the late Palaeoproterozoic tectonics and eustasy, and that palaeoclimate is
and Mesoproterozoic appear to have been charac- largely determined by this tripartite interaction. For
terised by warm and dry palaeoclimates (Condie, the Precambrian rock record, however, especially the
1997). This may be ascribed to a still partly green- earlier part thereof, certain additional factors need to
house-style atmosphere combined with large land- be considered. Probably the most important relate to
masses. In the Neoproterozoic, when rapid chemical higher Archaean heat ¯ow and crustal growth rates
changes appear to have affected the atmosphere, which were signi®cantly higher than recycling of
multiple global glaciations occurred (e.g. Eriksson et continental crust. As a consequence, mantle plumes
al., 1998 and references therein; Dehler et al., 2001). were most likely more common and had a greater
Although the earliest fossils of multicellular photo- in¯uence on the plate tectonic cycle and may have
synthetic eukaryotes (plants) date back only to the been responsible for variable rather than uniformly
Silurian, carbon isotopic data from carbonates suggest higher rates of plate movement. This primary interac-
the existence of land plants in the late Mesoprotero- tion would have made continental freeboard and its
zoic (Sarkar et al., 1996); this would have reduced in¯uences on sedimentation patterns within basins
sediment supply rates, aided also by less aggressive more signi®cant, as well as having a major in¯uence
weathering as the greenhouse atmosphere waned on both eustasy and palaeoclimate. Thermal elevation
towards the Neoproterozoic. of continents may have been imposed on the assembly
and dispersion of supercontinents in controlling sea
level and climatic regimes. For the latter, changing
4. Examples of basins illustrating the variable atmospheric compositions in the Precambrian were
interaction of tectonism, magmatism and thermal also of prime importance, in contrast to younger eras.
processes, palaeoclimate and eustasy
4.1. Greenstone basins
In the following sections, selected Precambrian
basins are summarised to illustrate the interaction of 4.1.1. Greenstones in the Pilbara and Yilgarn cratons,
magmatism, tectonism, palaeoclimate and eustasy. Australia
Although modern basin classi®cation schemes Field evidence from Archaean granite±greenstone
emphasise tectonic setting (e.g. Dickinson, 1974; terrains of the Pilbara craton (Fig. 1), the largest
Bally and Snelson, 1980; Klemme, 1980; Kingston continuous exposure of such rocks known, led Hick-
et al., 1983; Miall, 1984, 1990; Ingersoll and Busby, man (1983) to suggest a coherent stratigraphy which
1995), Dickinson (1993) stressed that most classi®ca- he was able to correlate across much of the craton
tions comprise a quasi-static catalogue of reference (Trendall, 1995). Although recent dating (summary
end-members, and suggested that alternative schemes in Nelson et al., 1999) provides some support for
could be based on fundamental basin-forming this model, particularly for volcanic greenstone
processes which combine in different ways to yield successions in the eastern Pilbara, Krapez (1993)
a spectrum of basin types. Furthermore, many basins takes the alternative view, suggesting that tectonic
`travel' in a trajectory across different tectonic repetition due to crustal shortening has in fact
settings, and are subjected to different subsidence occurred in Pilbara.
mechanisms, simultaneously or serially (`polyhistory In the Yilgarn craton, precise U±Pb zircon chron-
basins' of Allen and Allen, 1990). In the examples of ology has demonstrated similar stratigraphic continu-
Precambrian depositories discussed below, the ity of predominantly volcanic greenstone lithologies
various basin-®lls often bear clear evidence only of across large tracts of this terrain, and that subsequent
one or more of the four genetic factors rather than the deformation and structural complexity were accom-
expected interaction of them all, which is almost panied by voluminous granitic plutons (Nelson, 1998)
certainly a direct consequence of preservation. to produce the well-known association of large bath-
For the Phanerozoic and modern rock record there oliths separated by arcuate greenstone belts. In the
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 11

Fig. 2. Sketch map showing Archaean geology of the eastern part of the Yilgarn craton, illustrating the distribution of greenstone belts, their
ultrama®c lithologies, and the uppermost polymict conglomerate units in the greenstone successions (Merougil Beds, Kurrawang Formation,
Mount Belches Greywacke, Penny Dam Conglomerate, Yilgangi Conglomerate and the Kalluweerie Conglomerate).

eastern Yilgarn (Fig. 2), the greenstone sequences of volcanism at ca. 2665 Ma, polymictic conglomer-
consist predominantly of bimodal (ma®c±ultrama®c ates containing clasts of locally derived felsic
and dacitic) volcanic lithologies, with minor propor- porphyry, granite, chert and ma®c rock that occurred
tions of intermediate volcanic rocks, clastic sedimen- were laid down, and are widely preserved throughout
tary rocks and BIF. U±Pb zircon ages on felsic the eastern Yilgarn craton (e.g. the Penny Dam
volcanic and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks at wide- conglomerate (Swager, 1994a; Ahmat, 1995), the
spread sites throughout the eastern part of the craton Merougil beds (Grif®n, 1990), the Kurrawang Forma-
indicate a major episode of volcanism between 2705 tion (Witt, 1994) and the Yilgangi conglomerates
and 2675 Ma, from a number of dispersed volcanic (Swager, 1994b; Fig. 2). The conglomerates deposi-
centres (Nelson, 1997). Shortly after the termination tion, either in developing synclines, or adjacent to
12 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

Fig. 3. Sketch map of the Kaapvaal craton, showing the location of major outcrops of the Barberton greenstone belt, the approximately coeval
Pongola and Witwatersrand Supergroups, the Ventersdorp and Transvaal Supergroups.

active D3 shear zones, was therefore closely linked to Wit, 1997). Structural relationships between these
the development of syn-tectonic depositional basins two blocks are not yet clear, because each has a
during the latter stages of formation of the granite± distinctive assemblage of tectono-stratigraphic units.
greenstone crust of the Yilgarn craton. In the southern block, the Onverwacht Group (ca.
3490±3450 Ma) contains predominantly ultrama®c
4.1.2. Barberton greenstone belt, Kaapvaal craton, and ma®c extrusive to intrusive rocks, including abun-
South Africa dant pillowed lavas, thin chert beds, and minor felsic
Mesoarchaean successions at Barberton (Fig. 3), volcanic rocks (Brandl and De Wit, 1997). In the
the largest greenstone belt preserved on the Kaapvaal northern block, the Fig Tree and Moodies Groups
craton, are preserved in two blocks that may have outcrop in isolated synclines surrounded by Onver-
originated as two distinct terrains (Brandl and De wacht lithologies (Eriksson et al., 1997). The Fig
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 13

Tree comprises a ca. 3260±3227 Ma assemblage of arkoses, probably deposited in shallow marine to
wackes, shales and conglomerates, up to 2000 m shelf environments (Schrank and Silva, 1993).
thick, which are ascribed to fan-delta and turbidite In the oldest greenstone basins (Contendas-Mirante
deposition at water depths above storm wave-base and Umburanas, central SaÄo Francisco craton; Fig. 4),
(Eriksson et al., 1997). Conglomerates, wackes and Sm±Nd and geochemical data from 3.1±3.0 Ga
arenites of the Moodies Group, up to 3000 m thick, komatiites and tholeiitic basalts suggest an ensialic
are interpreted as braided ¯uvial, littoral and shelf environment for the initial magmatism, with only
sedimentation systems (Eriksson et al., 1997). Clasts minor basalts of possible MORB af®nity (Schrank
derived from the Onverwacht and Fig Tree groups are and Silva, 1993; Leal, 1998). Calc-alkaline volcanism
common in the Moodies Group; other clasts re¯ect and coeval intrusion of calc-alkaline granitoids at ca.
surrounding gneisses, granitoid rocks and BIF, 2.8±2.7 Ga in the Umburanas belt, and at ca. 2.6±
although in situ BIF outcrops have not been found 2.5 Ga in the Contendas-Mirante belt, were accompa-
(Eriksson et al., 1997). nied by deformation, metamorphism and migmatisa-
Amalgamation of the northern and southern tion (Nutman and Cordani, 1993; Barbosa, 1997;
Barberton blocks probably occurred at ca. 3230 Ma Leal, 1998).
(Brandl and De Wit, 1997), with a southern Fig In the ca. 2860±2720 Ma (Machado et al., 1992;
Tree facies preceding this event, and a northern Fig Noce, 1995) Rio das Velhas greenstone belt (Fig. 4),
Tree Facies which was coeval with Moodies ¯uvial geochemistry and Sm±Nd data from basal komatiite/
feeder systems, succeeding the postulated cryptic tholeiitic basalts indicate crustal contamination and
suture (Eriksson et al., 1997). There is strong evidence within-plate magmatism (Carneiro et al., 1998).
for syndepositional deformation at Barberton (Lamb, Provenance studies of medial turbidites (Zucchetti
1984a,b; Heubeck, 1993; Heubeck and Lowe, 1994), and Baltazar, 1998) indicate an island-arc source
and at ca. 3080 Ma a rapid shift from shortening to (Golia, 1997). Syntectonic tonalite and granodiorite
transtension is inferred (Brandl and De Wit, 1997). plutons (2778 1 3/22 Ma; Machado and Carneiro,
The ages of deformation, metamorphism and granitic 1992; Carneiro et al., 1998) intrude these medial
emplacement documented by Brandl and De Wit rocks and uppermost clastic sediments were deposited
(1997) are correlated, with noticeable concordance in coastal to ¯uvial environments (Zucchetti and
at ca. 3.45, 3.23 and 3.1 Ga. Baltazar, 1998). The maximum life span of the Rio
das Velhas basin of ca. 140 m.y. is considerably
shorter than the older greenstone basins (ca.
4.1.3. Greenstone belts in the SaÄo Francisco craton, 300 m.y. for the Umburanas and ca. 500 m.y. for the
Brazil Contendas-Mirante greenstone belt).
Greenstone belts in the ca. 3.4±3.0 Ga (Nutman In the youngest belt, the Rio Itapicuru (ca. 2.2±
and Cordani, 1993; Noce, 1995; Barbosa, 1997; 2.0 Ga; Barbosa, 1997; Fig. 4) the basal ma®c±ultra-
Leal, 1998; Carneiro et al., 1998) basement of the ma®c suite has a MORB signature, whereas overlying
SaÄo Francisco craton, eastern Brazil (Fig. 4), display calc-alkaline volcanic and associated intrusive rocks
the classic greenstone succession of predominantly have an island-arc af®nity (Schrank and Silva, 1993).
komatiites and tholeiitic basalts at the base, medial The clastic sediments change from basal turbidites to
intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks associated shallow marine to uppermost ¯uvial deposits, and
with some sedimentary rocks, and an uppermost sedi- provenance studies indicate unroo®ng of an increas-
mentary interval with associated volcanoclastic rocks. ingly dissected arc (Lebede and Hoppe, 1990). In
BIF, cherts and calc-silicate rocks tend to predominate summary, an evolution through successive accretions
in the lower part of the intermediate package asso- of island-arcs in a plate tectonics framework may be
ciated with some turbidite beds (graywackes, pelites inferred for the greenstone belt basins of the SaÄo Fran-
and some quartzites), whereas turbidites generally cisco craton. Geochemical evidence for crustal
predominate in the upper part of the intermediate contamination of the basal ultrama®c rocks of the
package. The uppermost package normally has basal Archaean belts suggests initial backarc stretching of
turbidite beds, overlain by coarser quartzites and a continental Mesoarchaean TTG lithosphere (Leal,
14 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

Fig. 4. Simpli®ed geological map of part of the SaÄo Francisco craton and the AracËuaõÂ and BrasõÂlia fold belts (modi®ed after Schobbenhaus et al.,
1984), showing the location of sedimentary basins cited in the text. 1, Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean basement and cover rocks; 2, greenstone
belt basins (U, Umburanas; CM, Contendas-Mirante; RV, Rio das Velhas; RI, Rio ItapicuruÂ); 3, Palaeo/Mesoproterozoic EspinhacËo mega-
sequence; 4, Meso/Neoproterozoic cover rocks reworked in the BrasõÂlia fold belt; 5, rift deposits of the Neoproterozoic MacauÂbas megase-
quence; 6, passive margin deposits of the Neoproterozoic MacauÂbas megasequence; 7, Neoproterozoic BambuõÂ megasequence and correlatives;
8, Palaeo/Mesozoic Parana Basin deposits; 9, Mesozoic cover rocks; 10, limit of the SaÄo Francisco craton.
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 15

1998; Carneiro et al., 1998), whereas the Palaeopro- provided the accommodation space for West Rand
terozoic Rio Itapicuru greenstone basin probably epicontinental marine deposition (Stanistreet and
evolved since its inception in an oceanic backarc McCarthy, 1991).
setting (Schrank and Silva, 1993). The Central Rand Group traditionally has been
regarded as a product of alluvial fan and braided
4.2. Witwatersrand basin, Kaapvaal craton, South ¯uvial deposition, with varying degrees of shallow
Africa marine reworking, by tides and waves, where the
prograding alluvial coastline passed into a shallow
As a result of gold mining activities, an extensive epeiric sea (e.g. Tankard et al., 1982; Burke et al.,
data base has accumulated for the ca. 3074 ± 2714 Ma 1986; Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1991). However,
(Robb and Meyer, 1995) Witwatersrand basin (see recent detailed studies suggest that fans were absent
summaries in Burke et al., 1986; Robb and Meyer, and that predominantly braided ¯uvial systems passed
1995; Els, 1998) (Fig. 3). The supergroup comprises directly into a strongly tidal shallow epeiric sea (Els,
a lower unit (3086±3074 Ma Dominion Group) 1998). Distal Central Rand Group sedimentation may
containing thin basal arenaceous sediments overlain re¯ect a large measure of eustatic control, as inferred
by up to 2.25 km of volcanic rocks, a middle unit from the high frequency stratigraphic cyclicity (Catu-
(,2970±2914 Ma West Rand Group) with up to neanu and Biddulph, 2001), even though the famous
7.5 km of predominantly mudrocks and texturally gold palaeoplacers in the more proximal reaches of
mature sandstones, and an upper unit (,2894± the basin are ¯uvial deposits that were largely
2780? Ma Central Rand Group) consisting of predo- controlled by source area tectonism (Karpeta and
minantly sandstones and conglomerates up to 2.88 km Els, 1999).
thick. In the Dominion Group, braided stream sand- Most workers (e.g. Burke et al., 1986; Winter,
stones, up to 60 m thick, grade up to largely andesitic 1987; De Wit et al., 1992) have interpreted the Central
lavas and pyroclastic rocks that are conformably over- Rand Group as a foreland basin related to the
lain by mainly acidic volcanic rocks (Tankard et al., Limpopo orogeny. Catuneanu (2001) emphasises
1982). The Pongola Supergroup, preserved in the that the Witwatersrand foreland system appears to
southeastern part of the Kaapvaal craton (Fig. 3), is re¯ect thrusting and loading from two directions,
thought to correlate with the Dominion and West with a convergence angle of ca. 1008; this may re¯ect
Rand Groups (Beukes and Cairncross, 1991) and its complex arc±continent collisions rather than an
sedimentary rocks appear to have been laid down approximately orthogonal continent±continent colli-
largely by a more distal and wave-dominated ¯uvial sion implicit within the Limpopo orogeny. Recently,
coastline of the greater Witwatersrand epeiric embay- Coward et al. (1995) interpreted the Witwatersrand
ment (Eriksson et al., 1998). The Dominion Group is depository as a ¯exural hinterland basin, with thick-
interpreted as re¯ecting lithospheric stretching and skinned thrusting partially related to the Limpopo
thermal collapse, leading to voluminous volcanism mobile belt to the north, and accretionary plate
(Robb and Meyer, 1995). tectonic processes to the west. Catuneanu (2001)
Palaeoenvironments interpreted from the West strongly supports the validity of the foreland postulate
Rand sediments include shoreline and subtidal and notes that the preserved Witwatersrand stratigra-
settings (Eriksson et al., 1981), tidal and storm phy shows a typical ¯exural foredeep transition from
settings (Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1991), and a under®lled (West Rand Group) to over®lled (Central
continuum from beach deposits to those of a distal Rand Group) phases of basin-®ll. Catuneanu (2001)
shelf af®nity (Burke et al., 1986). These and other has related the presumably correlative Pongola
workers have noted the general upward-deepening, succession to the back-bulge region of the foreland
starved basin character of the West Rand succession. system, with uplift and erosion of the intervening
Thermal subsidence, as a consequence of Dominion forebulge region being responsible for preservation
volcanism, or due to foreland basin loading related to of the Witwatersrand and Pongola Supergroups in
the Limpopo belt orogeny (inferred collision between two geographically separate basins.
Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons) is thought to have Comparisons of this Archaean foreland basin
16 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

system with Phanerozoic equivalents suggests that the sedimentary rocks, deposited in intermontane grabens
forebulge unconformity in the former as opposed to above an erosional unconformity (Van der Westhui-
forebulge sequences in the latter is a consequence of zen et al., 1991). The volcanic rocks encompass a
slow subduction. Another difference between the bimodal suite of ma®c to felsic lavas and pyroclastic
Witwatersrand basin, formed on young less rigid lithologies. Extension to enable formation of the Plat-
lithosphere, and Phanerozoic depositories on older berg grabens appears to have been accommodated by
stable plates, is that Precambrian foreland basins relaxation of syn-Central Rand Group fault systems
might be expected to have shorter ¯exural wave- (Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1990). The sedimentary
lengths, with the Witwatersrand being about half rocks consist of gravity-¯ow and stream-¯ow alluvial
that of the Mesozoic Karoo basin on Kaapvaal (Catu- fan deposits (commonly developed adjacent to the
neanu, 2001). Although the age of the Limpopo colli- faulted margins of the graben), relatively distal sand-
sion is subject to dispute (ca. 2.7 Ga, De Wit et al., stones of braided ¯uvial to sheet¯ood origin, and
1992; 2.68±2.58 Ga, Treloar and Blenkinsop, 1995; approximately centrally located ®ne siliciclastic and
2.05±1.95 Ga, Holzer et al., 1998), there can be little chemical lacustrine deposits which include ooids
doubt of the in¯uence of tectonic shortening on and stromatolites (Myers et al., 1990a; Van der
Central Rand Group deposition. Robb and Meyer Westhuizen et al., 1991). Some of the lavas are over-
(1995) have additionally noted that episodic granite lain by bedded cherts, interpreted as magadiitic playa
plutonism, coincident with hiatuses in Central Rand lacustrine beds formed during hiatuses in volcanic
deposition, may have been related to pulses of placer activity (Karpeta, 1989). Clast compositions in the
sedimentation. Platberg sediments indicate initial denudation of
underlying Klipriviersberg volcanic sources, with
4.3. Ventersdorp basin, Kaapvaal craton, South increasing evidence for a Witwatersrand Supergroup
Africa provenance stratigraphically higher in the group
(Myers et al., 1990a).
The Ventersdorp Supergroup (Fig. 3) unconform- The unconformity-bounded Pniel Group (undated),
ably overlies the Witwatersrand basin, attaining a is the uppermost unit of the Ventersdorp Supergroup
maximum thickness of 5100 m. Although it comprises (Cheney et al., 1990). Relatively mature sandy sedi-
predominantly subaerial volcanic rocks, sedimentary ments of the Bothaville Formation, ascribed to conti-
beds with a cumulative thickness up to 2900 m have nental sedimentation in an extensive basin are
been identi®ed in boreholes (Winter, 1976; Van der followed by widespread, mainly basaltic, lavas of
Westhuizen et al., 1991). At the base the 2714 ^ 8 Ma the Allanridge Formation (Van der Westhuizen et
(Armstrong et al., 1991) Klipriviersberg Group is up al., 1991). Thermal subsidence may have accommo-
to 2000 m thick and covers an area in excess of dated the widespread Pniel Group volcanism and sedi-
30,000 km 2 (Myers et al., 1990b). It contains alkali- mentation (Clendenin et al., 1988), but local
rich tholeiites and local ultrama®c lavas (including komatiites in the Allanridge Formation suggest
komatiites) (Van der Westhuizen et al., 1991). continued extension (Van der Westhuizen et al.,
These form homogenous, largely amygdaloidal ¯ow 1991).
units lacking signi®cant inter¯ow sedimentary beds,
and display a geochemical stratigraphy that is consis- 4.4. Hamersley (Pilbara craton, Australia) and lower
tent over wide areas (Myers et al., 1990b). The Transvaal (Kaapvaal craton, South Africa) basins
generation of these lavas is attributed to a mantle
plume (Hatton, 1995). The absence of sedimentary Due to the remarkable lithostratigraphic similarity
interbeds suggests effusive volcanism, and the of the Hamersley (Fig. 1) and Lower Transvaal (Fig.
presence of komatiites suggests that regional exten- 3) basin-®ll successions (e.g. Cheney, 1996), only one
sion allowed rapid ascent of primitive magmas from will be discussed here. The Transvaal Supergroup,
depth (Nisbet, 1982; Van der Westhuizen et al., 1991). Kaapvaal craton, is preserved in the Transvaal and
The overlying Platberg Group (ca. 2709 ^ 4 Ma; Griqualand West basins of South Africa and Kanye
Armstrong et al., 1991) comprises both volcanic and basin of Botswana (Fig. 3) (Eriksson and Altermann,
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 17

1998). These three basins represent structurally photic water depths (,ca. 100 m) were maintained
preserved portions of what originated as a single, (Eriksson and Altermann, 1998). If stromatolitic reef
large depository. With the exception of the Transvaal growth had not matched subsidence, the basin would
basin, where initial fault-controlled volcanic and sili- have developed a starved character, as happened with
ciclastic rocks that accumulated in discrete sub-basins the onset of BIF sedimentation.
were mantled by Black Reef ¯uvial sheet sandstones, Tectonic and or thermal subsidence, and or eustasy,
the basal Transvaal succession (known as the Chunie- induced a second drowning event at ca. 2.5 Ga, result-
spoort-Ghaap-Taupone Groups, CGTG, here termed ing in uppermost CGTG shelf carbonates, which
the `Lower Transvaal') comprises carbonate and BIF gradually were replaced by deeper water shales and
lithologies, with minor siliciclastic rocks and tuffs succeeding BIF sediments (Altermann and Wother-
(Eriksson and Reczko, 1995). spoon, 1995). The latter comprise mainly micro- to
Lavas in the basal mixed siliciclastic-chemical unit macro-BIFs, but toward the northwest, these grade to
of the CGTG in Griqualand West and tuffs in the ferruginous mudrocks (Eriksson and Reczko, 1995).
uppermost carbonate unit of the same basin indicate Various models exist for the Transvaal BIF: Klein and
an age of 2642 ^ 3±2516 ^ 4 Ma for the carbonates, Beukes (1989) and Beukes et al. (1990) infer that the
and ca. 2.5±2432 ^ 31 Ma for overlying BIF (Alter- BIF are deep-basin facies equivalents of the carbonate
mann and Nelson, 1998; Eriksson and Altermann, rocks, and relate iron precipitation to a chemocline
1998; Nelson et al., 1999). The total thickness of that separated shallow oxygenated waters and deep
carbonates preserved is almost 3000 m in Griqualand waters upwelling from a hydrothermal iron-rich
West (Altermann and Siegfried, 1997) and ca. 1200 m source; HaÈlbich et al. (1992, 1993) envisaged a gradu-
in the Transvaal basin (Eriksson and Altermann, ally shoaling basin in which iron precipitated due to
1998). Overlying BIF sediments are up to ca. mixing of sea water and fresh water containing iron
1050 m thick in the Griqualand West basin (Tsikos, derived from weathering of Ventersdorp Supergroup
1999) and ca. 640 m in the Transvaal basin (Eriksson lavas; Klemm (1991) suggested an evaporitic shallow
and Reczko, 1995). The contact between carbonates marine depositional setting. However, most workers
and BIF is gradational. The carbonate beds (mainly agree on a deeper shelf setting for BIF deposition (e.g.
dolostones) are typically stromatolitic (giant domal Altermann and Nelson, 1998).
stromatolites, columnar stromatolites, microbial Altermann and Nelson (1998) established that,
laminites ^ fenestral fabrics) and are locally oolitic when corrected for compaction, sedimentation rates
(Altermann and Siegfried, 1997). In the southwest for the entire range of facies deposited in the
of the Griqualand West basin, about 600 m of carbo- Transvaal epeiric sea were comparable to similar
nates grade up to a section of about 175 m of Phanerozoic deposits. In addition, they identi®ed
mudrock, which is lacking elsewhere (Altermann four second-order cycles of transgressive deposits
and Nelson, 1998). followed by upward-shoaling sediments. They used
Carbonate deposition in the greater Transvaal basin their SHRIMP-based calculations of sedimentation
began with shallow peritidal carbonate ¯ats in the rates to infer a rift-related setting for the Transvaal
southwestern portion, concurrent with a possible carbonate-BIF sediments, with both thermal and
volcanic arc positioned in the south (Altermann, tectonic subsidence. Thermal relaxation following
1996; Eriksson and Altermann, 1998). A major trans- the Ventersdorp ¯ood basalts (see above), allied to
gression at ca. 2550 Ma resulted in drowning of the globally high sea levels in the Neoarchaean concomi-
southwestern facies and deposition of muddy, possi- tant with maximum rates of continental crustal growth
bly arc-derived sediments. Concurrently, in the north and enhanced mid-ocean ridge development (e.g.
and northeast parts of the basin, the carbonate plat- Eriksson, 1995), probably helped to accommodate
form expanded, covering the areas where the three the Transvaal epeiric basin. High chemical weather-
basins are preserved today (Altermann and Wother- ing rates due to atmospheric composition (Corcoran et
spoon, 1995). This enormous carbonate platform al., 1998) may have lowered freeboard to facilitate
probably covered ca. 600,000 km 2 (Beukes, 1987); drowning events. The conspicuous lack of siliciclastic
stromatolitic reef growth matched subsidence, and source areas caused by aggravated denudation and
18 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

lack of palaeoslopes to facilitate transport of detritus (Eriksson et al., 1994b). An angular unconformity
to the basin enabled the establishment of vast micro- separates the Timeball Hill Formation from overlying
bial mat colonies. Drowning of the carbonate plat- ¯uvial deposits of the Boshoek Formation. The latter
forms is speculative, but relative sea level rise, are overlain by thick andesitic lavas of the Hekpoort
in¯ux of large volumes of pelitic sediment and possi- Formation (2224 ^ 21 Ma; Rb±Sr; Walraven and
bly a palaeoclimate change could have contributed to Martini, 1995).
preventing the rate of platform growth keeping pace The Timeball Hill Formation comprises lower and
with subsidence rates, and starved basin BIF sedimen- upper mudrock members, separated by a sandstone
tation ensued. unit (Eriksson et al., 1994c). Minor lenses of poorly
Based on remarkable lithostratigraphic similarities sorted diamictite and wackes, ascribed to reworking
between the Ventersdorp-CGTG in Africa and the of periglacial detritus have also been identi®ed
Fortescue-Hamersley successions in Australia (Fig. (Visser, 1971). A variety of genetic facies associations
1), many workers have suggested that the Kaapvaal are recognised in the formation: pelagic suspension
and Pilbara cratons originated as contiguous compo- deposits, distal and proximal turbidites, contourites
nents of a single supercontinent termed `Vaalbara' and lower and upper tidal ¯at deposits (Eriksson and
(e.g. Cheney, 1996). However, Nelson et al. (1999) Reczko, 1998). Thin stromatolitic carbonate interbeds
have pointed out signi®cant differences in the timing in Timeball Hill mudrocks suggest that, although sedi-
and stratigraphic occurrence of magmatic events, and mentation may have been deep, it was within the
suggested that ®rst- and second-order cycles photic zone. An epeiric embayment depositional
expressed on both cratons may be related to global model has been proposed (Eriksson et al., 1995a;
eustasy, and thus be irrelevant to the question of Eriksson and Reczko, 1998).
former contiguity (see also Eriksson et al., 1999). Although the age constraints of the Timeball Hill
Thus, although subsidence to accommodate Trans- Formation are poor, they indicate deposition within
vaal-Hamerlsey chemical epeiric sedimentation was the span of the ca. 2.4±2.2 Ga global glaciation
at the ®rst-order level related to thermal and tectonic (Young, 1995; Eriksson et al., 1998; Martin, 1999;
processes, the development of thick accumulations of Young et al., 2001). As evidence for extensive ice
shallow marine sediments may also be ascribed to cover on the Kaapvaal craton is limited, sea levels
globally higher sea levels close to the Archaean± were most likely low and freeboard high (emergent,
Proterozoic boundary. glaciated continents) and, additionally, weathering
rates would have been low (cold temperatures). As a
4.5. Timeball hill (Transvaal) basin, Kaapvaal craton, consequence, the shallow marine deposits of the
South Africa Timeball Hill basin were most likely related to predo-
minantly tectonic and/or thermal subsidence to induce
The Timeball Hill Formation, comprising predomi- epeiric drowning. A tectonic in¯uence for initial basin
nantly of mudrocks and lesser sandstones up to ca. formation is supported by the alluvial fan deposits of
1400 m thick, forms part of the Pretoria Group, Trans- the underlying Rooihoogte Formation, and by thin
vaal Supergroup (Fig. 3). It is underlain by the Rooi- lavas and tuffs found at the Timeball Hill±Rooihoogte
hoogte Formation which consists of karstic breccias contact. The Rooihoogte Formation may thus repre-
developed at the expense of a dolostone and BIF sent initial rift-related alluvial and volcanic deposits,
(dated at 2432 ^ 31 Ma, U±Pb; Walraven and with subsequent transgressive epeiric Timeball Hill
Martini, 1995) substrate, conglomerates, sandstones mudrocks and sandstones re¯ecting thermal subsi-
and mudrocks, ascribed largely to alluvial fan, ¯uvial dence and deposition of a more widespread basinal
and locally lacustrine deposition (Eriksson, 1988; facies. In view of low synglacial sea levels, subsi-
Eriksson and Reczko, 1995). Although the Rooi- dence to accommodate epeiric drowning must have
hoogte±Timeball Hill transition appears to be been signi®cant. Due to denudation and the intrusion
conformable, the contact is marked by up to 90 m of of the Bushveld Complex (ca. 2.05 Ga) into the
highly altered lavas in the southern part of the basin, central Transvaal basin, only distal facies are
and by thin reworked tuffs at several other localities preserved in the Timeball Hill basin; the original
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 19

extent of the basin is thus unknown and it is uncertain gone protracted break-up between ca. 2.4 and 2.1 Ga
whether a `steer's head' geometry (White and above a large-scale mantle upwelling (Aspler and
McKenzie, 1988) was relevant for the combined Chiarenzelli, 1998). These rocks, together with
Rooihoogte±Timeball Hill succession. For the same equivalent units elsewhere in North America (Huro-
reasons, it is dif®cult to infer detailed subsidence nian Supergroup and Palaeoproterozoic rocks in the
mechanisms for this basin. Lake Superior area ¯anking the Superior Province;
Termination of Timeball Hill marine sedimentation Snowy Pass Supergroup, ¯anking the Wyoming
was abrupt, with common soft sediment deformation in Province) substantiate long-standing interpretations
the upper mudrocks, followed by deep erosive down- of the worldwide ca. 2.4±2.2 Ga Huronian glacial
cutting of the Boshoek fans and rivers into underling episode (e.g. Young, 1970; Young et al., 2001;
Timeball Hill mudrocks (Eriksson and Reczko, 1995). Ojakangas et al., 2001b). Regional sagging during
This inferred rapid uplift was probably related to the sequence 1 culminated with sheet deposition of super-
mantle plume responsible for the Hekpoort ¯ood basalts mature quartz arenites across an area of at least
(Reczko et al., 1995), rather than re¯ecting isostatic 100,000 km 2 (Kinga Formation). The development
rebound which was probably not signi®cant due to of a broad, shallow, continental depression during
limited ice cover on the Kaapvaal craton. deposition of sequence 1 is consistent with post ca.
2.45 Ga lithospheric stretching of relatively young
4.6. Hurwitz basin, western Churchill province, lithosphere recovering from Neoarchean orogenic
Canada events.
Sedimentation of continental quartz arenites was
During the assembly of the supercontinent Lauren- terminated and replaced by texturally and composi-
tia, the Western Churchill Province of the Canadian tionally immature deep-water siliciclastic rocks of
Shield (Hearne and Rae domains, Fig. 5) formed a sequence 2. The abrupt change in depositional regime
central strip along which the Slave, Superior, Sask, re¯ects sudden drowning in the central part of the
and Wyoming cratons were welded. Caught between basin and the appearance of angular and labile grains
Trans-Hudson orogen (ca. 1.92±1.69 Ga) in the east, represents concurrent arching and erosional stripping
and Taltson/Thelon orogen (ca. 2.0±1.9 Ga) and of basement near the margins of the basin. Sequence 2
Wopmay orogen (ca. 1.97±1.84 Ga) in the west, the is interpreted to have formed in response to a second
Hearne and Rae domains were subjected to a complex episode of stretching. During this episode, ¯exural
sequence of post-ca. 2.0 Ga tectonic processes, isostatic rebound led to high-amplitude ¯exural uplift
historically referred to as the `Hudsonian orogeny'. of the unextended basin ¯anks and basin overdeepen-
Continental and marine deposits of the Hurwitz ing, possibly because of high magnitudes and rates of
Group de®ne four major sequences that record the extension and/or because the lithosphere had aged.
evolution of an intracratonic basin that covered Magmatic upwelling related to emplacement of a ca.
much of the Hearne domain, and whose history 2.2 Ga curvilinear gabbro dyke swarm northwest of
spanned a period from ca. ,2.45 to ca. ,1.91 Ga the Hurwitz Basin (Tulemalu dykes) may have
(see Aspler et al., 2001, and references therein). augmented arching. Geochemical and Sm±Nd isoto-
Continental deposits that comprise sequence 1 pic data indicate that a regional swarm of ca. 2.1 Ga
(Noomut, Padlei and Kinga Formations) de®ne a gabbro sills and dykes within the Hurwitz Group
conformable pattern in which successive units onlap resulted from the melting of lithospheric mantle due
a low-relief basement, and record radially expanding to continued extension and thinning which together
subsidence during the initiation of the Hurwitz Basin. with similarly aged magmatic rocks elsewhere in
Voluminous quartz-rich sandstones in the Noomut North America and the Baltic Shield (Ojakangas et
Formation, and cold climate (glacial?) indicators in al., 2001a), ultmately led to dispersion of daughter
lacustrine rhythmites of the Padlei Formation, are fragments of the Kenorland supercontinent.
consistent with the atmospheric and hydrospheric Sequence 3 de®nes a regressive pro®le in which a
effects of a high-standing supercontinent (the storm-dominated, microtidal, mixed siliciclastic-
Neoarchaean Kenorland) postulated to have under- carbonate ramp (Watterson Formation) was
20 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

Fig. 5. Simpli®ed geological map of the Western Churchill province, northern Canada, illustrating the Rae and Hearne domains, and location of
the Hurwitz Group.

succeeded by prograding deltaic, ¯uvial and lacus- siliciclastic debris, and marine ¯ooding resulted in
trine deposits (Ducker Formation, lower Tavani concurrent carbonate sedimentation. Mechanisms
Formation) that led away from a basement-cored that induced crustal ¯exure during sequence 3 remain
arch. It records rejuvenation of the Hurwitz basin enigmatic, but recent U±Pb SHRIMP data (Davis et
after an hiatus of at least 200 m.y., during which crus- al., 2000) and Sm±Nd and Pb±Pb isotope data (Aspler
tal ¯exure led to a ramp topography and generation of et al., 2001) demonstrate that basin rejuvenation
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 21

occurred during post ca. 1.91 Ga shortening on the lacustrine deposits, lacking evidence of synsedimen-
western margin of the Rae domain (related to Talt- tary faulting (Martins-Neto, 2000). Deposition is
son/Thelon and Wopmay orogens and assembly of inferred to have occurred during sagging resulting
Laurentia), and either during late extension on the from ductile stretching below the elastic limit of the
eastern margin of the Hearne domain or early (ca. upper crust (Martins-Neto, 2000; Martins-Neto et al.,
1.87 Ga) collisional processes in western Trans- 2001). The succeeding rift stage consists of three
Hudson orogen. Sequence 4 mixed siliciclastic- tectonosequences each bounded by angular unconfor-
carbonate strata are considered to represent re- mities. The lower Natureza rift tectonosequence, up to
establishment of the ramp following marine ¯ooding 200 m thick, is characterised by coarse alluvial fan
of the lower Tavani Formation continental deposits. and succeeding interbedded ¯uvial braidplain and
Local evaporites in sequence 4 suggest a climatic shift aeolian sandstones (Reis, 1999). The basal angular
toward arid conditions. unconformity and the character of the conglomerate
In summary, although previous postulates that sections supports syntectonic block tilting; the limited
sequences 1 and 2 were deposited during protracted extent of the unit suggests a restricted rift basin
break-up of Kenorland remain tenable, new data indi- (Martins-Neto, 2000).
cate that deposition of sequences 3 and 4 overlapped Ma®c rocks near the base of the SaÄo JoaÄo da
with the assembly of Laurentia on the western ¯ank of Chapada tectonosequence mark the onset of rift-
the Rae domain, and with either late dispersion of related volcanism in the EspinhacËo basin (Dussin
Kenorland crustal blocks or early collision on the east- and Dussin, 1995). This tectonosequence, up to
ern margin of the Hearne domain. The predominant 300 m thick, has a basal angular unconformity; clast
control on subsidence and ®ll of the Hurwitz basin compositions indicate repeated local fault-controlled
appears to have been tectonic, although the effects uplifts, and cannibalisation of underlying Natureza
of eustasy (low sea level during sequence 1; ¯ooding sandstones (Martins-Neto, 1993). Overall upward
at the start of sequences 2, 3 and 4), palaeoclimate coarsening re¯ects transitions from lacustrine to
(alternating wet/warm and periglacial or glacial deltaic to predominantly ¯uvial environments and,
during sequence 1; warm tropical during sequence suggests rapid initial subsidence followed by gradual
3, shifting to arid during sequence 4), and magmatism ®lling (Martins-Neto, 2000). Synrift phase 3 (Sopa-
(ca. 2.1 Ga gabbro sills) were signi®cant (Aspler et al., Brumadinho tectonosequence) comprises siliciclastic
2001). metasediments and bimodal metavolcanic rocks,
organised in stacked coarsening- to ®ning-upward
4.7. EspinhacËo basin, SaÄo Francisco craton, Brazil intervals, reaching 800 m in thickness (Reis, 1999;
Martins-Neto et al., 1999) and ascribed to lacustrine,
The ca. 1730±1500 Ma (Brito Neves et al., 1979; fan-delta and ¯uvial sedimentation (Martins-Neto,
Machado et al., 1989) EspinhacËo basin in southeastern 2000). Episodic subsidence was controlled by block
Brazil (Fig. 4) unconformably overlies Archaean tilting in separate asymmetric half-grabens. This
basement and Archaean±Palaeoproterozoic cover tectonosequence marks the peak of extensional
rocks (P¯ug, 1965), and is unconformably overlain tectonism in the evolution of the EspinhacËo basin
by the Neoproterozoic SaÄo Francisco Supergroup (Martins-Neto, 1996, 2000).
(Martins-Neto et al., 1997). A .3 km thick succession The three synrift tectonosequences are overlain by
of siliciclastic metasedimentary and subordinate a transgressive surface marking the ®rst marine incur-
volcanic rocks (EspinhacËo megasequence) is divided sion and the onset of the transitional stage in Espi-
into six tectonosequences that are separated by regio- nhacËo basin development (Martins-Neto, 1993). Above
nal unconformities and which include linked deposi- the transgressive surface, the Galho do Miguel tecto-
tional systems formed during a speci®c tectonic phase nosequence is characterised by basal shallow marine
of basin development (Martins-Neto, 2000; Martins- deposits onlapping underlying units from the east, as
Neto et al., 2001). well as by widespread aeolian sandsheets prograding
The basal Olaria tectonosequence, ca. 150 m thick, from the west (Martins-Neto, 2000). Initially, relative
comprises alluvial braidplain and local aeolian and sea level rise outpaced sedimentation rate, but for the
22 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

progradational sediments, supply exceeded base-level ment palaeohighs. Deep palaeovalleys were ®lled
rise, leading to over®lling of the basin. The basin with tillites, mass-¯ow diamictites, ¯uvial sandstones
enlarged as a result of continued high sedimentation and lacustrine rhythmites. These inter®nger with
rates and increased ¯exural rigidity of the lithosphere proglacial outwash deposits that prograded axially.
due to cooling (Martins-Neto, 2000). The Galho do Block tilting, indicated by asymmetric angular rela-
Miguel tectonosequence thus records a change from tionships at the sub-MacauÂbas unconformity across
mainly mechanical, locally compensated subsidence the Serra da A Â gua Fria, was most likely responsible
to a regime marked by thermal, regionally compen- for basin partitioning, and re¯ects Early Neoprotero-
sated subsidence, and a steer's head geometry (White zoic extensional tectonics during Rodinia break-up
and McKenzie, 1988) resulted. (Martins-Neto et al., 1997; Martins-Neto and Hercos,
The uppermost, ¯exural stage of the EspinhacËo 2001).
basin comprises the ca. 900 m thick Conselheiro Previous workers (e.g. Karfunkel and Hoppe, 1988;
Mata tectonosequence, which begins with a maximum D'Agrella-Filho et al., 1990; Uhlein et al., 1995,
¯ooding surface marking the maximum extent of the 1999) interpreted MacauÂbas glaciogenic deposits to
EspinhacËo palaeo-sea (Espinoza, 1996). Dupont represent a continental ice sheet moving uniformly
(1995) recognised three depositional sequences, eastward. However, the data presented in Martins-
each with a transgressive base and a progradational Neto and Hercos (2001) indicate multiple depocentres
top: (1) barred nearshore deposits passing up into and a more complex dispersion pattern. The sub-
progradational beach and shallow marine sediments; basins preserved in the cratonic and transitional
(2) shelf sediments passing upward to alluvial plain domains represent subsidiary structures to the main
and coastal deposits; (3) shelf deposits passing up into rift depocentre of the MacauÂbas/Salinas basin, and
coastal to ¯uvial sediments. These three depositional the Serra de GraÄo Mogol represents an Early Neopro-
sequences each suggest initial rapid subsidence and terozoic rift shoulder. Uplift related to the elastic
starved basin conditions followed by over®lled basin rebound of the rift shoulders most likely contributed
conditions (Martins-Neto, 2000). to the MacauÂbas glaciation (Martins-Neto and Hercos,
2001). In addition, the rifting process which generated
4.8. The MacauÂbas/Salinas basin, SaÄo Francisco the MacauÂbas/Salinas basin may be related to a
craton, Brazil mantle plume (Martins-Neto, 1998). Correa-Gomes
and Oliveira (1997) have proposed an early Neopro-
The Neoproterozoic MacauÂbas megasequence (SaÄo terozoic mantle plume in the region where the AracËuaõÂ
Francisco craton, Brazil; Fig. 4) represents rift to drift and West Congo fold belts are now located, based on
sedimentation related to the break-up of Rodinia reconstruction of ¯ow-directions in ma®c dykes in
(Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1992, 1998; Martins-Neto east±southeast Brazil and the Congo craton, as well
and Hercos, 2001; Martins-Neto et al., 2001). Inter- as on lithogeochemical analysis. Initial regional
mediate to felsic volcanic rocks, interpreted as domal uplift due to plume activity would have gener-
products of initial stretching, have U±Pb zircon ages ated elevated rift structures and, consequently,
of ca. 1000 Ma (Brito Neves et al., 1993); MacauÂbas favoured the generation of glaciers on the rift
diamictites contain 950±900 Ma detrital zircons shoulders (Martins-Neto, 1998).
(Buchwaldt et al., 1999). The passive-margin wedge
includes shelf, slope and deep-sea deposits (Lima et
al., submitted for publication). Rocks inferred to 5. Discussion
represent related oceanic crust (RibeiraÄo da Folha
ophiolites, northern termination of the Adamastor 5.1. Variable interaction of tectonism, magmatism,
Ocean) have a Sm±Nd age of 816 ^ 72 Ma eustasy and palaeoclimate
(Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1992, 1998). Ice-proximal
and proglacial sedimentation in the cratonic and tran- An important question arising from the study of the
sitional domains of the MacauÂbas megasequence Precambrian rock record is to what extent the full
occurred in sub-basins that were separated by base- variety of basins as known today, and as inferred for
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 23

the Phanerozoic, may provide analogues for the history. There can be little doubt about the data
Precambrian and more speci®cally for the earlier supporting synsedimentary tectonism, particularly
portion thereof? It is this very basic question which shortening (e.g. Hofmann et al., 2001), the latter
this special issue will attempt to answer, rather than being easily explained by convergent margins.
the examples of Precambrian basins outlined above, Those who do not believe that plate tectonic processes
which do not provide a large enough sample. However, had evolved during the Archaean (e.g. Goodwin,
the basins discussed here do strongly support the 1996; Hamilton, 1998) cite a number of arguments,
importance of the interaction of tectonism, magma- including the apparent absence of Archaean accretion-
tism, eustasy and palaeoclimate in their genesis, as is ary prisms (melange deposits). However, preserved
the case for Phanerozoic-modern depositories. greenstone deposits are generally poor in mudrocks,
For the Witwatersrand basin, the preserved basin- and structurally competent intra-prism sandy succes-
®ll exhibits convincing evidence for the interplay of sions are less known and harder to identify than
all four of the factors, and for the MacauÂbas/Salinas argillaceous equivalents (Devaney, 1999). Some
basin the rock record supports three as having been deformation in greenstone belts may be directly
important, with eustasy apparently being responsible related to granitic batholiths (Trendall, 1995; Ridley
only for the relatively late post-glacial sea level rise et al., 1997). However, although there is evidence of
and for the internal stratigraphic framework of the early batholiths in Barberton, elsewhere they are late
passive margin wedge. The preserved Hurwitz in greenstone history (Myers and KroÈner, 1994; Dirks
basin-®ll suggests predominant tectonism, but with and Jelsma, 1998; Schwerdtner, 1990). Regardless of
signi®cant eustatic, palaeoclimatic and magmatic whether or not plate tectonic models are appropriate
in¯uences. In the Ventersdorp basin, the presence of for the Archaean, with few exceptions (e.g. Slave
small quantities of komatiite in the uppermost lavas province, Canada; Padgham, 1992), greenstone belts
suggests that a plume may have been in¯uential constitute `large igneous provinces' with voluminous
throughout, and that lithospheric stretching and ther- magmatic rocks. What is less certain is whether this
mal subsidence were secondary processes (see also magmatism is independent of plates, or plate-driven
Ojakangas et al., 2001c, for another Precambrian (e.g. Fedo et al., 2001).
basin where a plume appears to have been of cardinal Most recent reviews of greenstone belts stress that
importance). In the Hamersley and Lower Transvaal they formed in a variety of tectonic settings (e.g.
basins, although both mechanical and thermal subsi- Windley, 1993; Condie, 1994; Eriksson et al.,
dence were important, the over-riding in¯uence upon 1994a, 1997; Arndt et al., 1997; Sylvester et al.,
the preserved sedimentary succession appears to have 1997; De Wit, 1998). Brandl and De Wit (1997) relate
been globally high sea levels, whose effect was the tectonic setting of the Barberton greenstone belt to
magni®ed due to aggressive early Precambrian weath- an arc-related plate tectonic model, also envisaged for
ering (palaeoclimate) as a result of atmospheric the Brazilian belts (Section 4.1.3), and the evolution
composition. For the upper Transvaal Timeball Hill of continental crust is commonly ascribed to obduc-
basin, inferred glacial in¯uences suggest low sea tion of oceanic lithosphere and the development and
levels and minimal weathering; although glacial subsequent collision of arc systems during orogenesis
erosion should have provided large amounts of debris, (e.g. De Wit et al., 1992; Kusky and Vearncombe,
little such material is preserved in the basin-®ll. For 1997). Although the evidence in favour of Archaean
the EspinhacËo basin, a lithospheric stretching model ophiolites is contentious, low-angle thrusts have been
can be interpreted with some con®dence. identi®ed (e.g. Hofmann et al., 2001), and in the oldest
greenstone belt, Isua, there is evidence for highly
5.2. Origin of greenstone basins metamorphosed and deformed components of ocean
crust having been preserved (Fedo et al., 2001).
Strong similarity of the few examples of preserved Hofmann et al. (2001) provide detailed sedimentary
greenstone basin-®ll successions described herein, evidence which strongly supports deposition of the
also observed for most such basins (De Wit and Neoarchaean Cheshire Formation (Belingwe green-
Ashwal, 1997), suggests a common evolutionary stone belt, Zimbabwe) within a foreland basin, with
24 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

sediment being partly derived from advancing thrust continent assembly and dispersion events close to ca.
sheets of pillowed basalts. Mueller and Corcoran 2.0 Ga.
(2001) discuss volcanism and sedimentation patterns Episodic magmatic events appear to have been
related to rifting of a continental arc in the Neoarch- more important in basin evolution early in the
aean Raquette Lake Formation, Slave Province, Precambrian, as illustrated by the greenstone-Witwa-
Canada. tersrand, Ventersdorp basins discussed in this paper.
Another long-standing model relates greenstone The Witwatersrand basin has a number of aspects
belts to spreading ocean-ridge systems or to ascending analogous to greenstone basin-®lls; both exhibit
plumes (Windley, 1973; Hunter, 1974; Condie and evidence for compressional tectonics and an impor-
Hunter, 1976; Tarney et al., 1976; Hunter and tant in¯uence of granitic batholiths. The Witwaters-
Stowe, 1997). Greenstones in the Slave Province rand succession has the same overall vertical
have been interpreted as representing obducted sea- transition from volcanics to deep water to shallow
¯oor spreading oceanic slices (either full ocean or water sediments seen in many greenstone belts, the
back-arc basin ridge-generated) (Helmstaedt et al., main difference being that this sequence for the
1986; Fyson and Helmstaedt, 1988), and in a more former is fully cratonic. The subsequent Ventersdorp
general model based on rheological analysis of ocea- Supergroup on the Kaapvaal craton also enjoyed a
nic crust, Hoffman and Ranalli (1988) made an analo- major magmatic in¯uence. The style of epeiric basin
gous proposal. Many recent papers have offered sedimentation observed in the Witwatersrand basin is
oceanic plateaus as analogues for greenstone belts, very similar to that seen in Hamersley and Lower
some relating the plateaus to spreading ridges or Transvaal, with the latter two containing predomi-
suggesting an intimate association of plumes and nantly chemical deposits compared to the siliciclastic
ridges (e.g. Abbott, 1996; Saunders et al., 1996). sediments of the former. The greater degree of trans-
Arndt (1999) ascribed the subaqueous character of gression for the Transvaal and Hamersley examples
voluminous crust-contaminated submarine basalts in most likely re¯ects the inferred maximum rates of
many Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic greenstone continental crustal growth close to the Archaean±
belts to high sea levels resulting from ocean basin Proterozoic boundary (Eriksson, 1995), greater
volume reduction in response to either extensive/ cratonic stability, allied to the palaeoclimatically
active mid-ocean ridges or enhanced oceanic plateau induced low freeboard resulting from aggressive
growth rates. weathering, hence allowing a predominance of chemi-
cal sedimentation (e.g. Eriksson et al., 1999). It is thus
5.3. Secular changes in the in¯uence of tectonics and possible that the Witwatersrand basin represents a
magmatism on Precambrian basin evolution? transition from the crustal instability and predominant
magmatism characteristic of Archaean greenstone
The common concordance of ages for magmatic, belt settings, to the emerging stability of micro-conti-
deformational and metamorphic events in greenstone nents subject to plate tectonism and whose growth
belts (e.g. Barberton and the Brazilian belts above) is rates promoted epeiric drowning of emergent land-
also compatible with the ideas of Nelson (1998) (see masses. Detrital zircon geochronology of the ca.
also Nelson et al., 1999), that plate tectonics and 2990±2945 Ma Mallina basin, Pilbara craton, Austra-
global magmatic events were major parallel in¯u- lia, suggests an intracratonic depository which under-
ences on the evolution of the Earth's crust and its went rifting and subsequent compression (Smithies et
basins during the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic. al., 2001), supporting the apparent in¯uence of plate
Global magmatic events may have given way to tectonics on the earliest cratonic plates. The possibly
increasingly predominant plate tectonism towards unique and probably short-lived style of basin devel-
approximately 2.0 Ga (Nelson, 1998). Also notable opment inferred for the Witwatersrand succession,
are the major atmospheric changes (e.g. Holland et which took place soon after an apparently global
al., 1986; Schopf, 1999) that appear to have occurred period of enhanced erosion at ca. 3125±3000 Ma
at about the same time, as outlined in Section 3.2 (Nelson et al., 1999) and under aggressively weath-
above. These changes probably relate also to super- ering palaeoclimatic conditions (Corcoran et al.,
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 25

1998), may help explain the greatest placer gold the well-known Neoarchaean Limpopo mobile belt,
deposit in the world. formed when the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons
Catuneanu (2001), in his application of a foredeep of southern Africa collided. Many workers agree
model to the Witwatersrand basin, suggests that in that coarse upper sedimentation in the Witwatersrand
addition to many favourable comparisons with Group may be ascribed to the ®rst effects of the
Phanerozoic ¯exural foredeep basin-®lls, there may Limpopo orogenesis (e.g. Burke et al., 1986; see,
have been slow subduction, and short ¯exural wave- however, Catuneanu, 2001; Eriksson et al., 2001);
lengths due to basin formation on young, less rigid this sedimentation occurred between 2894 and
lithosphere. There is additional evidence in support 2714 Ma, as indicated by precise dating of detrital
of slower, or, more likely, variable rates of plate zircon grains (Robb and Meyer, 1995). The last
movement during this time period. Supercontinent major event in the Limpopo collision is dated at ca.
assembly and break-up cycles in the Phanerozoic 2.58 Ga (Treloar and Blenkinsop, 1995); the closure
occur at time scales of approximately 200 m.y. (e.g. of the Limpopo ocean between these two cratons may
Vail et al., 1977). The inferred Precambrian Kenor- thus have encompassed some 300 m.y. Such inferred
land supercontinent, comprising cratons now forming slower spreading rates during the Archaean may
parts of North America, and the Baltic and Siberian merely re¯ect preservational bias. In addition, there
shields, appears to have undergone protracted attenua- is still a controversy over the age of the Limpopo belt,
tion from ca. 2.4±2.1 Ga, followed by dispersion from with strong evidence in favour of a 2.0 Ga orogeny
ca. 2.1±2.0 Ga (Aspler and Chiarenzelli, 1998; Aspler (Holzer et al., 1998). There is thus no strong evidence
et al., 2001; Ojakangas et al., 2001b). For the assem- to qualify the generally accepted higher heat ¯ow
bly of the Eburnean/Transamazonian supercontinent, values inferred for the early Precambrian, and to
comprising cratons from present-day Africa and doubt that these decreased as the Earth aged. Never-
South America, a time period of ca. 300 m.y. is indi- theless, the interaction of large mantle plume events
cated, from approximately 2.1±1.8 Ga (Eriksson et with plate motions, may well have resulted in variable
al., 1999). The possibility that `normal' plate tectonic plate motion rates on the surface of a gradually cool-
processes and migration rates may be affected and ing Earth during the Precambrian, as it had done in the
effectively halted by major mantle plumes has been Phanerozoic (Burke, 1996).
discussed for the African plate for the period since
30 Ma (Burke, 1996; see, however, Ojakangas et al., 5.4. Secular changes in weathering and erosion rates?
2001c). The possible in¯uence of a plume on Kenor-
land has also been discussed by Aspler and Chiaren- Subsidence of basins such as the Witwatersrand,
zelli (1998). For the Neoarchaean±Palaeoproterozoic Hamersley and Lower Transvaal has been recently
Transvaal Supergroup, Catuneanu and Eriksson investigated in some detail and the ®ndings do not
(1999) have proposed a ®rst-order cycle of ca. support greater denudation rates than those demon-
650 m.y. length, and second-order cycles of relative strated for Phanerozoic-modern basin-®lls of similar
sea level change with an average duration of ca. inferred tectonic style. In the Transvaal basin, Alter-
130 m.y. Analogous second-order cycles in the Kare- mann and Nelson (1998) calculated non-backstripped
lian Supergroup have an average length of ca. sedimentation rates for the Lower Transvaal carbo-
115 m.y. (Ojakangas et al., 2001a). These estimates nate-BIF-shale succession which indicate physical,
are markedly longer than Phanerozoic cycles (e.g. biological and chemical processes of sedimentation
Vail et al., 1977) and may be ascribed to moderated for varying shallow marine facies realms analogous
plate tectonic processes. However, Eriksson et al. to those found in equivalent post-600 Ma deposits.
(2001) emphasise the signi®cant unconformities and The same data allowed identi®cation of second-
hiatuses in Transvaal sedimentation, and these indivi- order cycles of sedimentation for the Transvaal,
dual unconformity-bounded successions resemble which could also be inferred for the Hamersley
Phanerozoic cycle lengths, given the poor geochro- basin-®ll (Altermann and Nelson, 1998). These
nology available. authors thus concluded that subsidence rates, due to
Variable rates of plate motion are also suggested by thermal and mechanical processes, and continental
26 P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35

denudation rates resemble those from Phanerozoic levels via enhanced magmatic (volcanic emissions)
basins. Full decompacted and backstripped subsi- inputs, raise sea level, and result in periods of global
dence rates calculated by Maynard and Klein (1995) warming. The lowered sea levels related to this ®rst
for the Witwatersrand basin similarly support analo- global glacial event at ca. 2.4±2.2 Ga support tectonic
gous conditions to those in young basins. It may thus and or thermal subsidence as a major formative factor
be inferred that the thermal behaviour of even the in our interpretation of the epeiric Timeball Hill
earliest Archaean continents such as Kaapvaal and basin-®ll, which was associated with localised glacial
Pilbara, combined with emerging plate tectonic in¯uences on the Kaapvaal craton. The approximately
processes, enabled the creation of accommodation coeval, yet much more widespread glaciogenic depos-
space that allowed basin-®ll evolution of Phanerozoic its of the Sariolian Group (Karelian Supergroup,
character. Fennoscandian shield) appear to have been pre-
dominantly glaciomarine and are thought to re¯ect
5.5. Precambrian supercontinents and basin evolution ice-house conditions associated with transgression
(Ojakangas et al., 2001a). The interaction of glacio-
Supercontinents were probably able to develop eustatic processes and differential subsidence in the
when plate tectonics became predominant over evolution of Neoproterozoic rift, immature and subse-
mantle plume activity in the Palaeoproterozoic (e.g. quent mature passive margin basins (Mojave desert,
Kenorland, and the Eburnean-Transamazonian super- southeastern California) related to the fragmentation
continent; Aspler and Chiarenzelli, 1998; Eriksson et of Rodinia is discussed by Fedo and Cooper (2001).
al., 1999; Aspler et al., 2001; Martins-Neto et al., Extension due to distant tectonic break-up of Rodinia
2001; Ojakangas et al., 2001a,b). This transition prob- also affected fully cratonic basins such as that within
ably resulted from decreasing heat ¯ow in general, which the Chuar Group (Grand Canyon) was depos-
and from the more ef®cient heat loss at MORs. ited, strongly in¯uenced by the interaction of
However, major mantle plume events still in¯uenced glacioeustasy and local differential tectonic subsi-
younger Precambrian basin formation, as illustrated dence (Dehler et al., 2001). The latter authors relate
by the ca. 1109±1087 Ma Midcontinent Rift Sysytem, subordinate dolomites within the siliciclastic Chuar
USA, where a combination of plate tectonic and succession to rapid palaeoclimatic changes dependent
magmatic processes was predominant (Ojakangas et largely on high frequency glacioeustatic cyclicity.
al., 2001c). While the exact cause of supercontinent
cyclicity has yet to be fully elucidated, the ultimate
root of supercontinent assembly and dispersal is 6. Conclusions
believed to be mantle convection (Gurnis, 1988). A
high-freeboard Precambrian supercontinent would The prime control on Precambrian basin evolution
maximise the amount of weathering and terrestrial would appear to be magmatic processes and plate
sedimentation, and most likely lead to a decrease of tectonics; the interaction of these two overlapping
CO2, already minimised by reductions in volcanism. processes over most of the Precambrian time
Such weathering would also have been maximised at exceeded the combined effects of eustasy/freeboard
low palaeolatitudes (Young et al., 2001). and palaeoclimate, which tended to modify this ®rst-
The Hurwitz basin probably re¯ects a combination order in¯uence. This is essentially the same as for
of analogous thermal, plate tectonic (supercontinent Phanerozoic-modern basins (e.g. Miall, 1990, 2000;
break-up) and palaeoclimatic (lowered sea level and Allen and Allen, 1990). It should be emphasised, once
reduced weathering) in¯uences in its preservation of again, that magmatism, tectonics, eustasy and palaeo-
glacial deposits (Aspler et al., 2001). Repeated, self- climate form a coherent group of interdependent in¯u-
limiting feedback cycles could explain glacial ences on basin evolution.
sequences intercalated with mature quartz arenites in For greenstone basin-®ll successions an unique
the approximately coeval Huronian basin of Canada combination of high heat ¯ow magmatism, perhaps
(Young, 1991; Young et al., 2001). Eventually, conti- at mid-ocean ridges, in island-arc settings, in plate-
nental break-up and dispersal would elevate CO2 independent ocean plateaus (mantle plumes?), or
P.G. Eriksson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 141±142 (2001) 1±35 27

indeed all of these settings, preserved a suite of rocks Phanerozoic-modern basins, especially in the early
which some consider to be unique to the Archaean, with Precambrian, lay in the relative rates of processes,
minor occurrences up to about 2.0 Ga. Others, however, such as the rates of MOR spreading and subduction,
maintain that greenstones are still forming today. As denudation rates, tempo of continental crustal genesis
proto-cratons formed by these processes, they would and in the changing atmospheric composition; the
have become subject to the modifying in¯uences of principal of actualism may thus be broadly applied
weathering in aggressive palaeoclimatic regimes, and to Precambrian basins (e.g. Donaldson, 1999).
eustasy; there is evidence to support a global erosional
period from ca. 3125±3000 Ma (Nelson et al., 1999),
and globally high sea levels related to a maxima of Acknowledgements
continental crustal growth in the Neoarchaean (e.g.
Eriksson, 1995). The lithological succession of the ca. P.G.E. and C.J. de W.R. acknowledge the generous
3074±2714 Ma Witwatersrand basin resembles green- research funding from the University of Pretoria, and
stone successions to a certain degree, but differs from the National Research Foundation. S.S. thanks the
greenstone deposits in that it was also strongly in¯u- National Research Foundation of South Africa and
enced by increasing cratonic stability and the combina- the University of Pretoria, as well as the Department
tion of eustasy and palaeoclimate. The subsequent of Science and Technology, Government of India, the
Ventersdorp basin on Kaapvaal demonstrates that Indian National Science Academy and the Jadavpur
magmatic in¯uences were still strong in the Neoarch- University for research support. M.A.M-N acknowl-
aean. The two interacting processes of palaeoclimate edges the grants from FAPEMIG, the Research
and eustasy produced a style of basin on many cratons Support Foundation of Minas Gerais State, Brazil
at ca. 2.5 Ga (e.g. Hamersley and Lower Transvaal) (contract number CEX 895/95) and the CNPq, the
where high sea levels predominated over mechanical Brazilian National Research Council, for a research
and thermal subsidence, and in which several kilometres fellowship (contract number 300404/94-8). O.C.
of carbonate-BIF sediment accumulated. Their evolu- thanks the University of Alberta for ®nancial support.
tion and the cyanobacterial colonies that inhabited these Numerous discussions over many years with collea-
basin ¯oors began the process of atmospheric composi- gues, in particular Ken Eriksson, Ed Simpson, Kent
tional change, which in the Palaeoproterozoic, Condie, Dietrich Klemm and Jon Devaney, were also
combined with supercontinentality to produce the ®rst most bene®cial. We acknowledge the support and
global glaciation (e.g. Hurwitz and Timeball Hill helpful suggestions offered by friends and co-workers
basins). in the Global Precambrian Sedimentation Syndicate.
By ca. 2.0 Ga, greenstone formation was either less Referees Andrew Miall and Al Donaldson, as always,
important or had come to an end (e.g. the ca. 2.2± provided constructive criticism and valued advice; we
2.0 Ga Rio Itapicuru belt, Brazil) and with an increas- also thank Andrew Miall for subediting this paper and
ingly oxygenated atmosphere, aggressive weathering wholeheartedly supporting the entire special issue.
decreased. In addition, most continental crustal Femke Wallien at Elsevier was, as usual, a model of
growth had been achieved by this stage, and MOR support and cooperation.
growth rates rather than those of crust formation
increasingly controlled freeboard and sea levels.
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and MacauÂbas basins). Western Australia Geological Survey, 1: 100,000 Geological
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