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pax: “Hello everyone welcome back to the podcast, I’m here today with my co-host

Martin Paredes.”

mp: “Hellooooo.”

pax: “So, I wanted to touch on an interesting topic today. You’re quite a mysterious
man, aren’t you?”

mp:”I am? I always thought I was pretty open about most stuff”

pax:”Not really. Anyways, I wanted to ask you….do you have a family?”

mp:”....What kind of question is that?”

pax:”I just didn’t know how else to phrase it!”

mp:”It’s still a pretty weird question. but to answer you, Yes I do, in fact, have a

pax:”Wow, and do you get along with them?”

mp:yeahhh? I mean, we may not agree on most stuff but, i've seen worse haha, how
about you? Do you get along with your family?

pax:”Oh yeah! I consider me and my family to have a preeeetty good relationship with
them. We uh…we had some problems in the past but I guess we all got to learn from
that and now we get along super well!”

mp:”Oh that’s nice, by the way, have you ever been told you look kind of like your mom?”
pax:”Not really, some people say that because our facial structure is pretty similar, but
I’ve been told I look a lot like my grandma, I agree.”

mp:”You look like a grandma.”

pax:”So mature Martin. Speaking of maturity, do you admire anyone in your family?”

mp: well? I think I admire my mom mostly. She's been a hard worker throughout all her
life, always determined to pull through and find a way to solve things. She's a teacher
too, so her patience is something I really admire as well. Do you admire anybody?
pax:”Hmmm I really admire my mom, she’s a super smart and serious woman who has
confronted every single hardship life has thrown at her with fiery determination, she’s
a writer, one of the best teachers I know, and a really good mom, I aspire to be more
like her, we’re not really alike, actually I would say we’re worlds apart but we still get
along pretty great. She's such an incredible woman!

mp:”Awww, that’s sweet, you can tell you really admire her”

pax:”Because I really do.”

mp:”But you said something before, you said you’re not really alike. Who do you think
you’re more like then?”

pax:”Oh I definitely take after my dad, we’re both really goofy and fun people with a
weird sense of humor. We like the same music and shows and honestly I’ve learned a lot
of stuff from him, he’s a really wise man and he’s always been there to support me, he’s
really cool and I love him and spending time with him, probably one of the only people
who truly understands me. but enough about me and my silly pa, do you have anyone you
take after?”

mp:ehh not really? but I DO have a lot in common with my sister, we're both energetic,
sarcastic, kind of rude too hah. We also both have a common liking for cinema and
comedy, so that's fun

pax:Man that’s so cool, she sounds like a really cool gal, too bad she has to deal with

mp:”Shut up already.”

pax:”Hehe no but to be honest with you, I think you’re a really cool dude, you’re like…
part of my chosen family

mp:”What’s that?”

pax:”Oh you know, it’s the family that you choose, your closest friends basically. I think
one of the coolest things that has happened to me is to have you and the rest of the
gang as my friends, you guys are really like a family to me. I love y’all.
m: sounds cheesy, and lame, but thank you? alriiight enough about family and love and all
that stuff, why don't we talk about something that's actually cool

p: like what?

m: uhhhh idk


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