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Stems Grammar cry I piacere di apprendere EUROPASS (i torile Alessandra Brunetti Janet Harmer UMMER fuice 1 ca crs eR Tae Ly for this Cre Le es es oats ig gy oer UMMER uice 1 Secu Ryne on your A ad Grae ART TUR 4, 2B The sword inthe stone mice 12 - ae 8 arin to London Pace 14 1am baby in danger mos 6 MED An astonishing discovery race 16 2 GD arturs new lite moss 7D king Arthurin Camelot mae 18 3D anhur grows up race 10 ‘The story in short pace 20 COMMUNICATION TIME Maa Welcome | Chieceree dare | indeterminatiAAN Guess I to my blog! | informazioni personali | * Pronomi personali soggetto A riddle * Countries and | ell verbo BE (essere) - Simple Tongue mecicreliies | Present twister | + Alcuni usi di BE & pace 22 | pace 24 pace 27 @Q Family ties Pas della famiglia | HAVE GOT e HAVE Simple Present | Riddles * Family tree |» Parole interrogative (WH-WORDS) | Crossword |< Aggettivi possessivi time & pace 28 | Pace 30 Pace 33 — It’s sports | Parlare della propria | « Plurale dei sostantivi Riddles ! St Pri di tempo AT, IN, ON Oi seroractvities | Simple reent= Forma afermativa | Letterbox a | « avwerbi ed espressioni di frequenza | -Verbo LIKE | & pace 34 | pace 36 pace 39 OF ee Raksmetacane = eableo *On the menu heekitryl | - Sostantivi numerabili | (COUNTABLE) e non numerabili | (UNCOUNTABLE) | © I partitivi SOME, ANY e NO | © C’e, ci sono -THERE IS /THERE ARE | = La quantita —A LOT OF MUCH e | MANY | & pace 40 | pace 42 pace 45 (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, oe Ue Mae UUs Seal Parlare dei propri © Imperative 'o— passatempi * Forma -ING del verbo Sncctae for Max _| * Pastimes and * Present Progressive hobbies & PAGE 46 PAGE 48 PAGE 51 Chimps Parlare di cid che complemento | Secret can talk! | $2”no fare alcuni © Sostantivi pluraliirregolari wees animali *Verbo CAN rea © Parts of the bod\ * Differenza tra Simple Present e y Present Progressive crossword & PAGE 52 pace 54 Pace 57 ‘Aweekend | Descrivere la casa ‘A puzzle in Detling | + Houses and furniture | “Esortarefinvitare qualeuno afere | Hy +9 make qualcosa * Dimostrativi -THIS /THAT /THESE / Sea ere THOSE plastic bottles & Pace 58 pace60|@ race 63 Towards Invalsi and Final Exam — race 64 @ Listening 1 e. Listening 2 & nus Reading 1° Reading 2+ Reading 3 Glossary pace 70 reac er examples. Responsabile editoriale: ‘Simona Franzoni Redazione e ricerca iconografica: Eleonora Calamita Revisione linguist Janet Harmer Art Director: Enrica Bologni Progetto grafico e copertina: Enrica Bologni Disegni: Raffaella Cosco, Claudio Cerri, Mauro Sacco ed Elisa Vallarino Coordinamento editoriale: Marco Mauri Impaginazione: Valentina Greco Roferenze iconogratiche ‘Shutterstock; Wikimedia Commons (p. 22) Immagine di copertina ‘Shutterstock an 70 dla oggen 659981 consent, npr, Gi potr zara pa ao nen comme leat per protte sree dover rehidore proververets ‘Teanseno dtfautor, essen posi tare as ‘nse redure brant op duopersexcusvamen- {ep fin didi 0a ems e dscssione oro eipadion! a8 immgntsoparenet & toni iar n qustopare estore & 2 seposone tag ever cits nen pot repr, sone er eer tu on volute emision eo oor atibutone nt rman es eimmapn lata prom an 4s preaet inquest volume sono cancers come Ssempiiutone a scop dstonscoondo fe nora dl Code Auterogolamertasone gol sete etorale duetva del arodaone alana Eto New Summer Juice 1 ‘con Now Handy Grammar 1 ISBN 978-88-416-5139-1 versione digitale ISBN 976-88-67065196 € veal rprosaone, arch pail, con cust ‘aro etleuat, compress a ftocop, ance 0 Into 0 autem non surat Le floc pet ‘so peso dl ator pssono exsre fetus Kut de oo asin volume dito papement ls SAE de compengo previ daa 8, comm #5 Sala fegge 22 api 1941 8. Le rireduso’ pet {alta crate professional, eeonoica © cm morale o comunque per uso dverso da quel pa. ‘nal, possono ere eflotuat a sega species Storezaronerlascata da CLEAR (carta Teorze { tuoneravon pert iprodaor eon, cose & Font Romana 10,2012" Mino, om atari. NiGeered.or eo och wor ered. org. Lear forse - erate de est set feo publ atevero | aigpo © (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, ‘wu pnipatot © wrw.gippstit-mtel lik Sit tore pt ecusvoment pet fl dati 0 pe ha nese covllah des sh couonl. Perro Fear nonresponse neppireietarent, do ‘entaato dale mag rprodoe sta sn data Stozesve quel dle publeadoe, dopo avr contol Ia cots gh deals mend. Casa Editvice G, Prncipato Via G.B. Fauché 10 - 20154 Milano siti web: hitpsiwwwprincipatoit httpshwnw.gruppoeliit emai: info principatoit Ia ampora convo varia natura €patant pe fhe, dopo la pubblcaoe, sano rarontabt Impreon. a casa esvickrngrania find or ch vera sagnalal e: Sevieo efor Pingpsto ema Intosprncpaei| Printed in italy © 2022 — Proprietaleteraria riservata ‘Stampa: Tecnostampa -Pigini Group Printing Division ~ Loreto ~ Trevi 21,88.033.0° | OR ae Ce tts to read takes place a long, Ce Ene) eu ae Bese tnd PoC CMe UC RCS Canim PNTe utr id enue Peer oe O Teen ue) a powerful magician Eee ea See CU RUC ITS Pea is married to the eC ae cre) POD eet Recerca See eg See LG Pe ote) PCR Ue RSC ead re eer aca ut! must leave his family. Merlin Peer een es Cori ECan WHAT CAN I DOP) HOW CAN I SAVE. MY SON? YOU'RE IN DANGER, MY LITTLE BABY! Cen pondi alle domande su un foglio. in his thirties sui trent anni 1. Who is King Uther and where does he live? rumours voci plot complotto 2. Can you describe him? iBinome patina 3. Why is he worried and nervous? cradle culla 4. Who is Igraine? fireplace camino 5. What does Merlin look like? Ne el 6. What does Merlin know about the king's potions pozioni sends for manda achiamare situation? is breaking out scoppi will die morirs (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, TLL CALL MERLIN, THE MAGICIAN. HE CAN turn into HE CAN PREPARE MAGIC potions... © Usa le espressioni nel box per concludere le frasi qui sotto. C’é un’espressione in pit 1. King Uther doesn’t know 2. Arthur is Uther and 3. Uther asks Merli 4, Merlin is a magician 5, Merlin asks Uther (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, ECan I.NEED ECTOR'S HELP! Mae Glossary nega svt: © Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. cloth coperta fate destino 1, Uther is because baby Arthur goes to live with knight cavaliere E feel bussa 2. Ector accepts baby Arthur because he trusts him ha fiducia in lui hands him gli porge 3. Merlin asks Ector to raise Arthur at once subito bright 4. Kay is the name of 5. Arthur that Ector isn’t his real father. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, MERLIN/ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? DON'T ASK ME ABOUT HIM I CAN'T TELL YOU! ‘ Mone . of

a0 el Foner ote oP iS Snow FO An hour later Arthur is standing in front of the stone with the other knights. He is worried and confused. The place is full of people and animals: hens, dogs, squirrels running around. Children, young and old men and women have come from all parts to see who will draw the sword from the stone. ©® Forma cinque frasi abbinando le diverse parti del discorso. 1. Ector and Arthur ride from the Great Church. 2. The churchyard is out of the white stone. 3. Arthur is standing behind all parts of England. 4. Arthur can easily pull the sword infront of _| the rock. 5. There are people to the churchyard. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 17 ECan (lO ay raise sollevare breath respiro grips affera shouts grida mist foschia rule governare wedding matrimonio I. KNOW THE PAST AND I KNOW THE FUTURE. THIS BOY HERE IS KING UTHER'S SON. HIS NAME IS ARTHUR AND HE WILL BE THE GREATEST KING OF ENGLAND/ ® aAscotta e leggi i con ¥ se le frasi sono vere [To false (F. Correggi false su un fos When Arthur pulls out the sword everybody is happy. Merlin appears and tells everybody that Arthur is the real king. 3. Guinevere gives Arthur Excalibur, the magic sword. 4, The centre of Arthur's kingdom is London. 5. Arthur's knights sit at an oval table. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, TAKE THIS ‘SWORD, ARTHUR. IT'S CALLED ‘EXCALIBUR’, IT'S h MAGIC AND IT WILL MAKE YOU INVINCIBLE. THIS TABLE IS ROUND. NOBODY CAN SAY “I'M THE, BEST” BECAUSE WE'RE ALL EQUAL ROUND THIS TABLE. @ Unisci le parole alla loro spiegazione. 4. Merlin a.a very good king. (fran 2. Excalibi Cuca of the Round xcalibur ravest knights in England. CMU 3. Arthur ¢.a magician, equal. The 4. The knights of the Round Table — d. the capital of Arthur's reign. were powerful 5. Camelot e. Arthur's wife. Cae 6. Guinevere f.Arthur’s magic sword. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, THE sTORY IN SHORT ARTHUR Leggi i testi e guarda le illustrazioni. Poi riordina gli elementi (A-H) e numerali (1-8) per ricostruire % il riassunto della storia di Arthur. Merlin uses his magic to stop the fight. On Christmas Day during a terrible storm, he gathers all the people outside the Great Church in London where a massive stone suddenly appears with a sword stuck in it. “Whoever can pull this sword from the stoneis the true King”, is written on the stone. Some people try to pull the sword out, but in vain. LET'S SEE WHO THE NEXT KING WILL BE.. Kay says that it isn’t his sword. When Ector is informed that Arthur has pulled the sword from the stone near the Great Church, he kneels to ‘the true King of England’. Arthur is astonished and Ector tells him the true story of his life. Later, all the knights try to pull the sword out but only Arthur is able to do so. ‘OH, NOY MY SWORD? IE FORGOT IT As the tournament is about to begin, Kay realizes that he has left his sword at the inn and Arthur offers to fetch it, Itis late and the tournament is about to begin. On his way, Arthur sees the sword in the stone and decides to borrow it and take it back after the tournament. The sword easily comes out of the stone. Some days later, an important tournament is organized not far from the Great Church. Among the best knights who come to show their ability is Sir Kay, accompanied by Sir Ector and Arthur. The knights will fight and also try to pull the magic sword from the stone. 20 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA Sixteen years pass. King Uther falls ill and asks Merlin for advice. The wizard suggests he tells his subjects that his son Arthur will be the next king. And that's what the sick king does before he dies. After his death, many lords and knights fight for the succession to the throne of England. THIS TABLE, ‘IS ROUND. NOBODY CAN SAY "IM, THE BEST BECAUSE WE'RE ALL equal ROUND THIS TABLE. Merlin takes baby Arthur to Sir Ector and his lady, who live far from the court. They don’t know who Arthur is but gladly accept him into their family. They treat him and love him like their own son, Kay. Arthur and Kay grow up together riding, hunting, fighting with swords and spears and studying, too. King Uther lives in Camelot with his wife and baby son, called Arthur. The King is worried: he is in danger because a rebellion is rising, and he is anxious for his son. So Uther asks the wizard Merlin for help and gives him baby Arthur. MERLIN, 2M ILL.'M GOING TO DIE. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. CALL YOUR SUBIECTS AND TELL THEM THAT YOUR SON ARTHUR WILL BE THE NEXT KING! Merlin appears to announce that Arthur is Uther’s son and the true King of England. He will be the greatest king of all. At first, Merlin helps Arthur, who receives Excalibur, a magic sword, as a present from the Lady of the Lake. Later, he becomes very popular among his people. He sets up his castle at Camelot, marries Guinevere and gathers the best and bravest knights around his Round Table. DON'T ASK ME ABOUT HIM! ICANT TELL YOU! EQ WHO Is THIS BABY? (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, 21 22 L * nickname soprannome write © completa la tabella con le (eee anaes aM te Welcome to my blog! USTEN AND READ @) 4 Fiona é una ragazzina inglese che oggi ha aperto un blog. Ascolta e leggi quello che scrive. Hi there! Welcome to my new blog. Let me introduce myself. My name's Fiona McEwan and I'm a twelve-year-old student... and I'm a blogger, too! Ilive in Stratford-upon-Avon, a town in central England. Stratford is a very popular place. Do you know why? Well, William Shakespeare was born here! We all love him and call him Willie as a nickname. \live with my parents, Paula, my mum, is American, from Washington (the capital of the U.S.A.) and my dad, Alan, is English from Stratford but my grandparents are from Scotland. YP QTVHimyname's {) Hhave a brother, Tim, who is older than me and a baby William Shakespeare. sister, Agatha. We have got a dog, Wilson and a cat, Patsy. | was bom in 1564, that’s [| | like sports and music. | also like writing and posting on a long time ago! | write dramas, comedies and my blog ct course! poems and I’m very popular in London. One of my most famous plays is Romeo and Juliet, a tragic love story between two teenagers from Verona... Pre Cae a ar ear Cn Beers otuerc formazioni su Fiona. Age Nationality Town Parents Brothers/sisters Pets Likes (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, SPEAK AND WRITE © Rispondi prima oralmente e poi scrivi le risposte su un foglio. 1. Why is Stratford popular? 4, Do Fiona’s grandparents live in Stratford? 2. Where was Fiona’s mum born? _5. Is Agatha Fiona’s mother? 3. Where is Fiona’s father from? ‘6. Who is Willie? usten Ano ware @) 4 cia ppena arrivata all'international Summer School per una vacanza studio e va in segreteria per l'iscrizione (enrolment). Ascotta il dialogo tra Giada segretaria e completa la scheda associativa (membership card). >) MEMBERSHIP CARD N° NAME ‘SURNAME NATIONALITY TOWN AGE) READ AND WRITE © Utilizza il modulo qui sotto e la MEMBERSHIP CARD a lato per completare il paragrafo su Huan. MEMBERSHIP CARD N° 12549 NAME Huan eo SURNAME Chen NATIONALITY Chinese TOWN Shanghai OCCUPATION student AGE |3 earrrirey Halian summer cous ane otses and exceptional klents aged i1co rp Huan Chen is a (1) student from (2) - He's thirteen years (3) He's in Florence for a summer (4) because he wants to learn (5) Countries and nationalities LISTEN AND maTcH @ © avbina ciascun paese alla nazionalita corretta tra quelle elencate nel riquadro. Poi ascolta, verifica e ripeti. trons 6. []@) canada aRomerian itch 7.) S united states b. Portuguese a. American 8.(_]@) France ©. Spanish h. Moroccan 9. 1B aritain 4. Canadian irish ». Fr h j. Greek 10.[_] O)tretand ofrene bree (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 23 | Time for Grammar EDS \ WG Articoli determinativi e indeterminativi iteerisy THE In inglese I'articolo determinativo THE é invariabile nel genere e nel numero. Si usa per parlare di qualcosa 0 qualcuno di specifico e definito. THE non si usa davanti © agli aggettivi possessivi My favourite videogame is Minecraft. a Mr, Mrs, Miss Mr Sullivan is the head teacher. © alle materie scolastiche, comprese le lingue Do you like German? e continenti (ad eccezione di the U.S.A. e the U.K.) Australia is the smallest continent. * ai nomi dei pasti Breakfast is my favourite meal. * ai nomi degli sport They prefer rugby to football, © ai nomi plurali usati in senso generale Students love holidays. © ai nomi non numerabili usati in senso generale Fruit is good for you. ° ai giorni della settimana Sunday is our favourite day. A-AN AN si usa davanti a vocale o h muta: Esistono due forme dell'articolo an umbrella an hour an orange juice indaterminativo:iA.e BAL AJAN si usano davanti ai nomi che indicano A siusa davanti a consonante: una professione: smartphone ahorrorfilm acar I'mateacher. She is an engineer. © inserisci correttamente THE o nessun articolo (in questo caso metti una X). 1. Yang is from China. 6. science is an interesting subject. 2. Why don’t you like Maths? 7. What's capital of United 3. Rome is my favourite city. States? 4. Alan, dinner is ready! 8. Spanish is @ nice language. 5. That's Mr Harm, new teacher. 9. my uncle is a doctor. Pronomi personali soggetto i pronomi personali soggeto in inglese si esprimono |; ie sempre, a differenza dellitaliano. - —— waeae yen YOU _|tu, Lei (forma di cortesia) HE _/lui, egli IT si riferisce a cosa 0 animale non domestico. ees sisi a eaten 4 T esso/a Si usa IT anche per riferirsi a una persona di cui non : si conosce I’identita nella domanda e nella risposta. pees na Who is it? It's me. / It’s my friend. ol THEY _| loro, essi 24 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA Il verbo Alcuni verbi come BE, HAVE, CAN e DO le risposte brevi (short answers). Nelle short (quando é ausiliare) hanno forme estese answers il soggetto é sempre un pronome e forme contratte, che si usano nella lingua _personale. di tutti i giorni. La negazione “non” in inglese é NOT (la forma Generalmente non si risponde a una contratta é N’T). NOT segue sempre il verbo 0 domanda solo con Yes 0 No, ma si usano Vausiliare. Il verbo BE (essere) - SIMPLE PRESENT FORMA AFFERMATIVA: soggetto + AM (M)/S (‘S)/ ARE (‘RE) + resto della frase FORMA NEGATIVA: soggetto + AM NOT ('M NOT)/IS NOT (ISN'T) / ARE NOT (AREN'T) + resto della frase FORMA INTERROGATIVA: AM / IS ('S)/ ARE + soggetto + resto della frase FORMA INTERROGATIVA-NEGATIVA: AM | NOT/|SN’T/ AREN'T + soggetto + resto della frase ‘SHORT ANSWERS: YES, | AM. NO, I'M NOT. YES, HE/SHEIIT IS. NO, HE/SHE/T ISN'T. YES, YOUWE/THEY ARE. NO, YOUWE/THEY AREN'T. Alcuni usi di BE © Dire eta I'm fourteen, Ho 14 anni. * Esprimere un bisogno We're hungry! Abbiamo fame! Parlare del tempo atmosferico It’s so hot today! Fa cosi caldo oggil Dire la professione His mum is a nurse. Sua mamma fa I'infermiera. Dire l'ora_ What time is it? it's 8 o'clock. Che ore sono? Sono le 8. Il verbo BE con | le ore & sempre al singolare! © completa con il pronome personale soggetto e il verbo BE nella forma affermativa. Usa le forme contratte quando possibile. 1. That's Miss Smith. the school secretary. . “Pam, Emy, hurry up! eight o'clock!” “Sorry Miss Jones. __ ____ new here.” x 3. Here are Sandro and Anna. __ Italian. 4, “What's this?” ” my membership card.” 5, Mr Sullivan? in class B2. 6. Can | have a sandwich? hungry! 7. "Who, ee the postman!” B.We __ from Oxford. Our house __ the old one on the left. 9. Ann, David, hurry up! You late as usual! (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 25 | AU =e le ile © su un fogtio formula domande seguendo I'esempio. Poi completa la risposta con il verbo BE. 1, Janet/from Scotland? No/from Ireland. Is Janet from Scotland? No, she isn’t. She's from Ireland. 2. Your parents/at home? No/at the cinema. 3. That dog/a pit bull? No/a Rottweiler. 4. Youlafraid of spiders? No/afraid of snakes. 5. Thoselyour videogames? No/Paul’s videogames. 6. The cats/in the garden? No/in the garage. MIM ria reewte\ tices iannlonnosseneaicon’ sleurelteqeeretel tizea Kinet ar il dialogo tra Matthew e Susan e completalo con le forme affermativa, negativa o interrogativa del verbo BE. Poi ascolta e verifi MATTHEW Excuse me. this seat free? SUSAN Yes, it Sit down! MATTHEW Thank you. My name’ Matthew, and this __ Lucas. SUSAN Hi.’ Susan, and these Andreas and Katja. MATTHEW you English? SUSAN No, we -We' Greek. And you? you and Lucas English? MATTHEW I’ English, but Lucas English. He’ Romanian. alt nearly six o'clock. you hungry? -Yes,| Here a sandwich for you. Something to drink? —No, thanks. | thirsty. 2.- Look, Ann and Paolo are over there. -Who they? -They my friends from Imperia. ~Imperia? Where that? it in France? —No, it lt near France. You very good at Geography! Q@ abbina te domande alle relative risposte. 1, Where are they from? 2. Who's that boy? 3. What day is it today? 4, How old is your sister? 5, Isn't this a new song by Ultimo? 6. What nationality are you? 7. Aren't you English? 8. Is Fiona a blogger? a. She's fifteen. b. Senegal, | think. c. We're Indian. d. A student from the summer school. e. No, we're from Wales. f. Yes, I think so. a. Yes, she is. h. Tuesday. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, GUESS iT! @ segui te istruzioni e scopri la nazionalita di questo ragazzo. The second letter in The second letter in D) The first letter in ARS) The fifth letter in The last letter What nationality is he? ans wa ARiDDLE 6 @ Ascolta e indovina. TONGUE TWISTER © @ ascotte questo ingua e completa il testo. Poi prova a ripeterlo! un, Cer Pere ce) oe reek Soa mel C) ‘in English’! Qe mate reeaeee 27 FASE IISATEI TTT TERY ENTE QV canterbury is a historic town in south-east England. Canterbury Cathedral is one of the oldest Christian churches in England and was founded more than 1,400 years ago. (One of the Cathedral's attractions is its choir. Originally it was composed only of male members, but in 2014 girls were finally admitted. Today there are 24 girls aged between 12 and 18, and their concerts are always a success. * Choir coro * He's made friends ha fatto amicizia * was founded fu fondata © male maschili © wore... admitted furono ammesse © ascottae leggi il blog Hi there! Today | want to tell you about my cousins Brian and Jane. Brian's thirteen and lives in Canterbury with his sister and his mum, Deborah. Jane is fifteen. She’s a singer and sings in a band. She's also a member of Canterbury Cathedral Girls’ Choir. Jane and Brian's dad, Colin, is my father’s brother and our uncle. He doesn't live with his family; he's abroad on business. This summer Brian and Jane are on holiday with our grandparents, Lora and Albert. They're at the seaside in Italy, in a town called Viareggio. Brian is a very good swimmer (he's the school champion) and every day he swims for hours! I've just got some pictures and a video from him at the seaside. He’s made friends with two local girls; their names are Maggie and Paola. Rispondi ad alta voce e scrivi. 1. How many people are there in Brian’s family? 2. Who is Colin? 3. Why isn’t Colin in Canterbury? 4. Where does Jane sing? 5. Where are Jane and Brian on holiday? 28 (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, Abbina i nomi i parentela alla loro traduzione. 1.[_]childrenvkids 7.{_]husbana . nipotefemmina —f._figli 2.|_| daughter 8.|_|wife (di zii) 4g. nipote maschio (di zii) 3.__|son 9.[_|niece b. moglie h. figlia 4.[_|grandchildren _10.|_] nephew ¢. nipoti (di noni) i. nipote maschio 5.|_|granddaughter 11.[_| partner d, figlio (di noni) 6.|_|grandson e. nipotefemmina —_—j._ compagno/a (di nonni) k. marito Rileggi i primi 2 blog di Fiona per completare il suo family tree con i nomi dei membri della famiglia. eects Pre Then take eae rg cere Fiona Pree Eorrig ag cect - Guarda il family tree e completa. 1. Fiona is Deborah and Colin's 4. Colin is Tim's 2. Tim is Lora's . 8. Jane is Agatha's 3. Albert is Lora’s 6. Lora is Alan's INVALSI © > Ascota Brian che sta mostrando la sua famiglia sullo smartphone a Maggie e Paola. Poi leggi e cerchia l’opzione corretta. 1. Brian's mum/dad/sister doesn't live with him. 3. Brian’s grandparents have got a flat/boat/ 2. Brian is on holiday with his sister and his kios! reggio. fatherlmother/grandparents. 4. Brian’s mum/dad/grandma works in August. 5. Brian’s sister is at the kiosk/in the sea/at home. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 29 30 y) AU =e le ile HAVE GOT e HAVE - SIMPLE PRESENT DY Il verbo HAVE ha due forme: HAVE e HAS ev HAVE GOT é una forma “rinforzata” del verbo have e si usa per per ripassare indicare possesso, rapporti famili i (arts Usi di HAVE senza GOT ll verbo HAVE @ usato come un verbo ordinario* have a break fare una pausa in espressioni come: Students have a break at 11. * have fun/a great time divertirsi * have a holiday/a party fare una vacanzal J always have a great time at her parties. una festa * have breakfast/lunch/dinner fare colazione/ ‘She generally has a holiday in June. pranzare/cenare We have lunch at 1 o'clock. * have a shower/a bath Attenzione perché fare una doccia/un bagno si usa il verbo fare! Jusually have a shower in the morning. © con o senza GOT? Cerchi 1. Theo is Lucky! He has/has got a party every month. 2. They haven’t/haven’t got much homework this summer. 3. Sean has/has got a shower every night before going to bed. 4. Alison hasn’v/nasn’t got a new laptop, she has/has got a new smartphone. 5. We always hnave/have got a great time with our friends on the beach! 6. Look at that funny dog in the sea! It has/has got a stone in its mouth! la forma verbale corretta. © completa con HAVE GOT/HAS GOT nel a seconda del significato. forma affermativa/negativa/interrogativa 1. Jimmy is a very good student. He any bad marks on his report! S&S . 2" (you) a pet?” “No, | ” At 3. Our dad much time for us because he a lot of work. 4. My parents red hair but | brown hair. 5." (we) a new classroom this year?” “Yes, we . tS It’s on the ground floor and it three windows!” Led 7 6. Tim, Sam! (you) the tickets for the cinema? te 7. (Harry) time for breakfast? No, he -Wstoo ate. QR 8. Atchoo! Sorry, | acold. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, Genitivo sassone II genitivo sassone @ usato per esprimere un Quando ci sono pil possessori prende la 's possesso e ha questa struttura: solo l'ultimo: possessore + 'S + cosa posseduta Alan and Maggie's parents. li possessore va al primo posto con Tagglunt® wise si usa per chiedere “dich 8” qualoosa. ‘My mother’s car. A.una domanda con whose si risponde con un genitivo sassone: Se il possessore termina per s generalmente si Whose trousers are these? aggiunge solo I'apostrofo: Jenny's. The boys’ skateboards. JIM © osserva le foto di Penny e Jim e rispondi je domande usando il genitivo sassone. 1. Whose hair is long and blonde? 2. Whose hoodie is blue? 3. Whose trousers are pink? 4. Whose T-shirt is striped? 0 @ Leggi la presentazione di Harry ¢ inserisci le parole mancanti sce fra quelle date nel box sotto. Poi ascolta e verifica. HARRY, THE PRINCE Hi, there! My name’s Harry and I'm a member of the Royal (1) . In fact I'm the Duke of Sussex. My (2) is the Queen of England: (3) son, Charles, who is also the Prince of Wales, is my (4) _ ___. My brother William is the Duke of Cambridge. I'm (5) children’s uncle. (6) mother, Princess Diana, died when she was 37. My (7) name is Meghan and (8) two children. (9) names are Archie and Lilibet Diana. I’ve also got an aunt, two uncles, six cousins, two (10) and a niece. 1. Guard / Family / Academy 6. My / His / Our 2. grandmother / grandpa / aunt 7. wife / wife's / of wife 3. his / her / their 8. we've got / we've / we have 4. grandpa / father / uncle 9. Their Our / The our 5. the /his / their 10. grandsons / granddaughters / nephews (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 31 32 y) MWe le title Parole interrogative (WH-WORDS) WHAT (che, che cosa, quale/ “What have you got there?” “A new quali) videogame” WHICH (quale/quali — per un “Which shoes do you prefer?” “The black numero limitato) trainers” WHO (chi) “Who is it?” “It's Jack!” WHOSE (di chi) “Whose book is that?” “Jack's.” WHERE (dove) “Where's the water?” “In the fridge” WHERE... FROM (da dove) “Where is she from?” “She's from Hungary.” WHEN. (quando) “When's your birthday?” “In July.” WHY (“perché” nelle domande; —_| “Why are you sad?” nelle risposte si usa because) | “Because it's Monday morning” HOW (come) “How are you today?” “I'm fine, thanks.” © completa te frasi usando la WH-word adeguata. ae does your cousin live?” “She lives in Paris.” Zag 's your teacher's name?” “Paul Lennox.” 3am bike is yours, the red one or the blue one?” “The red one.” an isn’t Leyla here?” “Because she’s ill.” 5.4 are your friends from?” “They're from Portugal.” 6.” does school finish?” “In June.” ae ‘s that man?” “The new lifeguard.” sis old is your father?” “He's 38.” 9." tablet is this?” “It’s Harry's.” 10.“ are you this morning?” “I'm better, thanks.” Aggettivi possessivi MY ITS (suo di esso) YOUR OUR In inglese gli aggettivi possessivi sono HIS (suo di lui) YOUR invariabili e non sono mai preceduti HER (suo di lei) THEIR dall’articolo. © completa le frasi con raggettive possessive corretto, 4. Brian and sister are in Italy with grandparents. 2. Annie and | want to invite all friends to end-of-school party. 3. “Hi, Tim. Is brother at the swimming-pool?” “No, brother is busy with homework.” 4, Look at that gir shoes are fantastic! (© Casa Eatice G. Principat SpA, RiDDLES 0 @ Ascott: e indovina. Se Tree wh COE eS ro) BERR Rs lt ame lee Pe Re Mum and dad have Ps ee Ce Bee Mca Pesce How many people are there in the family? L J CROSSWORD TiME © Risotvi it cruciverba. 1. My father's sister is my... 2. A group of singers in a church. 3. The son of a king or queen. 4, Shakespeare's birthplace. 5. Fiona is her parents’... 6. My brother's daughter is my... 7. My brother is my parents’... 8. She always .... a bath in the evening. 9. A very important church in Canterbury. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA fees Peed Ret Lo Cee the other one Paice cd 2 Ree Cr ial A 34 DD Ascotae leggi il blog di Fiona. Hi there! Lots of new things since my last blog! I'm in Windermere now, a place that has the largest natural lake in England! I'm here on a five-day sailing course with my friends Amy, Pete and Liam. It’s our first time away from our families! when in the canteen. from 9.30 board the boats. 'm crazy about sailing, the boat, the sails, the wind and all the water around us... It's great! Back from the lake and then to the canteen for lunch because we're starving! to 12. In the afternoon from among different activities: sports (horse riding, tennis, netball, swimming, etc.), QV Windermere Lake drama, dance, arts and design. In the evening after dinner we is situated in the Lake District, an |” get together in the meeting hall fora area in the north-west of England. The Lake District is a chat, a video game or we go for a walk in the park. ‘mountainous region, famous for its lakes, forests, mountains and for its wildlife. + board the boats saliamo sulle barche *1'm crazy about vado pazze per 3. 1s she alone? Desi Rispondi ad alta voce e scrivi. 1. Where's Fiona right now? 2. What is she doing there? la giornata di Fiona su un foglio. Utilizza le frasi € trasformale alla terza persona. Se Comincia con Fiona’s day starts... Ora racconta la tua giornata tipo quando sei in vacanza da scuola. Puoi cominciare con When I’m on holiday my day starts at... (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, The 4 1. diving 2. cycling 3. rock cli 4. rafting benefits of sport raid errr) RT Cara Er rcip cg PENS Panty ai benefici dello sport. and fitness self-esteem team work cooperation 5. rollerblading 6. skiing mbing 7. skateboarding 8. trekking 23 love I'm crazy about ‘don't like 3 ko @ irate @® ascotta a giornata tipo di Matt Richards, campione europeo di nuoto nel 2020. Completa la tabella con I'ora o I'attivita svolta da Matt. Wakes up Relaxes or has a nap ‘Swimming pool again Shower and breakfast Does weightlifting Bedtime (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 35 Il plurale dei sostantivi si forma generalmente aggiungendo una s al nome. fe: © sostantivi terminanti in -y preceduta da consonante: y — ies jes family — families Nya yA boy—> boys car— cars eerie O serivi it piuraie eae + eS class classes dish dishes potato — potatoes 1. ring 6. day 2. bush 7. girl 3. bus 8. tomato 4. party 9. cherry 5. box 10. sandwich Preposizioni di tempo AT, IN, ON *con le ore | get up at seven. con le festivita We always go to the mountains at at Easter. ‘con espressioni che indicano _at midday, at midnight, at noon, momenti precisi at weekends, at night renin un/azione che si * con i mesi, le stagioni, We go on holiday in August. ripete usiamo ni It often rains in spring. i giorni della IN My brother was born in 2009. settimana al con le parti del giorno in the morning, in the evening, plurale. in the afternoon I get up late © con i giorni della settimana _Let’s meet on Sunday. m1 euncavee con le date Christmas is on the twenty-fifth ragnigeles (iit on lof Dacambar. le domeniche). *con le seguenti espressioni on holiday on time on my birthday © completa le frasi con AT, IN, ON. 1. We've got a party Thursday. 6. We can’t go out night. 2. Igo to bed ten the evening. 7. Can you and Pat come to my house 3. We've got English ___ Mondays. _____ Saturday __ 5 p.m.? 4. School is closed __ summer. 8. Yes, sure. I'm free __ the afternoon. 5. Let's meet at the park four. 9. But | think Pat is holiday. (© Casa Eatice G. Principat SpA, SIMPLE PRESENT - Forma affermativa II Simple Present si usa generalmente per descrivere azioni che si compiono abitualmente. 1 go to bed early. Nella forma affermativa il verbo prende la s alla terza persona singolare. © scegli la forma corretta del verbo. 1, My brother |ike/likes playing tennis. 2. I golgoes to the cinema at the weekends. 3. She watchs/watches television in the evening. 4, My mum and dad do/does sport on Sundays. © Trastorma le forme verbali a 1. The bus to the centre (run) 5 minutes. 2. Albert (go) to bed early during the week. 6. every 5. 3. Bob (watch) television every evening. 7. 4, My maths teacher (give) usatest 8. every week. Avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza Gli avverbi di frequenza nelle frasi al Simple Present: * seguono il verbo be, gli ausiliari (do, does, did, have, has) e i verbi modali (come can) I'm always late. © con tutti gli altri verbi alla forma affermativa stanno tra il soggetto e il verbo | sometimes play videogames. * Altre espressioni che indicano la frequenza sono: every day / week / month / year ogni giorno / settimana / mese / anno once/twice a day /a week /a month /a year una volta/due volte al giorno / alla settimana / al mese /all’anno © Riordina le parole per formare frasi corrette. 1. are / teachers / late. / Our / never 2. usually / breakfast / at / have / 7.30. /We 3. 4. 17 YOU WORK HE / SHE / IT WORKS WE/YOU/ THEY WORK 5. Tom plaies/plays the guitar. 6. School finishs/finishes at 3.45. 7. Birds ‘ly/flies in the sky. 8, Boys hate/hates love stories. terza persona singolare. Carol's brother (do) in the evening. My baby brother (cry) when he's tired. Our English lesson (finish) ata, My grandma (fly) to Rome every his homework weekend. ALWAYS: |_| USUALLY ime! OFTEN im ceneratly BECO SOMETIMES LOCO RARELY Ga_LLL SELDOM OOO HaroLy ever BL NEVER OOOO NEVER (non... mai) si usa con ‘Wg il verbo alla forma affermativa. We never have classes on Saturdays. Non abbiamo mai lezione il sabato. once / restaurant / a/ the / They /to / month. / go have / together. / and / My /|/ parents / rarely / lunch (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, 37 38 3 MWe le title Verbo LIKE Il verbo LIKE ha una costruzione diversa Quando LIKE @ seguito da un verbo, questo rispetto all’italiano. verbo prende la forma in -ing. Hike fresh fruit. I don’t like playing alone. She likes swimming. © osserva la tabella e rispondi alle domande. cycling [football [swimming [running Pete | ) 8 vo oe . any | 8 fe) 3 doesn't ike = g gy (GO hates 1. Who likes swimming? 5. What's Pete's favourite sport? 2, Who hates football? 6. What sport does Andy like? 3. Does Amy love swimming? 7. What sport doesn't he like? 4, What does Pete hate? 8. Who likes all the sports? QO Riordin loves/ crazy about likes parole per formare frasi corrette. 1. rock / My / likes / mother / to / music. / listening 2. her / dad's / car. / Anna / washing / hates 3. travelling / by / loves / My / plane. / father 4. e-mails. / writing /1/ long / hate 5. watching / don’t /films. / horror / They / like a a 6. doesn't / early. / sister / My / like / getting / up start * finish * getup * do © play * have (3) * catch * go (2) a Monday is a typical day for Alan. He (1) gets up at seven and (2) a shower before breakfast. At 7.45 he (3) the bus to school with his friend Jeremy. Classes (4) at 9 and finish at 12.30. Then Alan (5) lunch at school. After lunch the students © outdoors. Alan (7) back home in the afternoon and (8) his homework before playing video games. At seven he (9) dinner with his family. Alan's day (10) at 9.30, when he (11) to bed. But at weekends, everything is different... (© Casa Eatice G. Principat SpA, RiDDLES 0 Risolvi questi enigmi. Pa nee Perr Saas pha ee Dee Uae? Lean ELE ee La ane EROR . ree) Gans 26 we we di parole. Bec ; ln Pear Care in British LETTERBOX ae © rrova 16 sportin orizzontale e verticale nel letterbox. 1. Which are watersports? Poi rispondi. al Tie|R|P t\v/r|N wl E Ojt {old © | 2 which are ball games? alrle|Hi/e/ri|y| ztiy|sjolecl|cle|rR R|UNIN|TIN|6|FlU/Als|TlEel|y|a t\alelrelel|tle ylelzril«! zlH| tle | 3:Which are winter sports? oly|Flo/o/tia| afe|e|al/ rio] elt Bla ririwitiele|F{z|t|s|¢|w|z| 4 which sport has two N/A} s|a/e/R|T E;NIN|T/s|k|UIN different names? Flo H|s|tiuly|Tie|6|N|Bl/E|N|S slk[tirinieleinitlele|R|¥/olU! 5 which sports needs Bi} c\niwie|/ei/ais|ki/e tT) Bialeie arrows? alFlé|rRis|y|c s|wir|mM|M|rIN|6 (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 39 4 (eee anaes aM te fe Stay healthy! _ LISTEN AND READ 0a Ascolta e leggi il blog di Fiona. Hi, again! Back home from Windermere, I'm a bit sad... **) | miss my sailing classes but it's nice to be back anyway. Today | want to tell you something about STEM (short for Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). Do you know what it is? It is. away to solve a specific problem through science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. I'm in a STEM team at school and this year we won the school STEM competition. The problem was how to make our school friends aware of the importance of healthy food. First, we calculated how many calories Sos raeerg at and veggies and do outdoor activities! teenagers need every day. Then we measured the calories in some unhealthy dishes, like for example this hamburger. It has e of nearly 1,300 calories! GMS e Finally, we organized a ‘ y school party basedonhealthy — Cajorios:1299 = - dishes, like the ones in the picture. | Fat: 90g all Do you recognize any ingredients? | Sodium: 1829 mg Recommended Daily Calories 1 glass of soft drinks Calories | =stay healthy Age Calories Coca-Cola/Pepsi/Sprite/Fanta 440 state sani * anyway comunque o-131,800-2,200 fice tea 95 Female 44-18 2,400 Orange juice 45 O13 2,000-2,600 Milk 40 consapevoli di Male 14-18 2,800-3200 | Water —=S=S*~<“C*~*‘“‘*~*S*S*SC*& Ck ton come quel READ AND TICK 6 Vero (T) 0 falso (F)? Correggi le frasi false. 1. STEM is short for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. 2. In Fiona’s school pupils solve problems only through STEM. 3. Fiona’s school organizes STEM competitions every month. Fl] 4. Fiona is a member of her school’s STEM team. rT] (LF 5. The problem the team had to solve was what to eat at school. rT] (F} 6. Girls aged 9-13 need 1,800-2,000 calories a day. 1) Fl 7. The final step of the STEM team was to organize a party based on healthy food. TF) 40 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA oy, “aw ST Peg Pasa Ce aay Ceteet Cakes and pastries Ice cream and tiramisu, panna cotta, ete. Hamburgers Pizza and focaccia LISTEN AND MATCH & ©® ascotta e abbina le immagini alle parole/espressioni corrispondenti. 1. fruit and vegetables 2. beans 3. fish 4. nuts 5. lean meats 6. eggs and low-fat milk products 7. whole grains d = : ‘lean magre ‘low-fat milk products latticini a basso contenuto di grassi or. STEN AND waire €9 4D Brian va con le sue amiche Maggie e Paola in una pizzeria, Ascolta mentre i tre ragazzi scelgono pizza e dessert. Poi, su un foglio, rispondi alle domande. 1. Where are Brian and his friends? 2. What does he order? | Usa la pinzatrice eallega qui _ Vesercizio ©. ——— he (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA a 3. What's in a ‘Capricciosa’, apart from mushrooms? 4. Does Brian often go for a pizza in Ireland? 5. What do they have for dessert? 42 yh AU =e le ile SIMPLE PRESENT - Forma interrogativa e negativa FORMA INTERROGATIVA Gli awerbi di frequenza " DOIDOES + soggetto + verbo forma base si collocano dopo Pere) il soggetto nelle frasi_ PPytoryey FORMA NEGATIVA interrogative e dopo FPSWspeerehs soggetto + DON'T/DOESN'T + verbo forma DON'T/DOESN'T tr Tle base in quelle negative. Quando HAVE ha il significato di “prendere’ “fare” “mangiare” come nelle espressioni: have breakfast/lunch/dinner/a shower (fare colazione/pranzare/cenare/fare una doccia), si comporta come un verbo ordinario. I don’t have cornflakes for breakfast. Do you always have a shower in the evening? © Trastorma te frasi alla forma negativa e poi interrogati 1. We like pizza. We don't like pizza. Do you like pizza? 2. Dad puts milk in his tea. 3. Alan drinks coffee for breakfast. 4. They have a picnic on Sundays. 5. Vegetarians only eat vegetables. 6. Sara has dinner at 7 p.m. © Riordina le seguenti frasi. 1. in/ the / Does / study / Pam / ?/ evening 2. films / ever / horror /?/ you / Do / watch 3. my/ answer / messages / don’t / They / always 4. coke / She / drink / doesn’t 5. doesn’t / like / He /ice cream 6. have / don’t / the / We /in/ canteen / lunch © su un fogtio cotloca nelle frasi seguenti gli avverbi di frequenza dati tra parentesi Poi rispondi con una risposta breve. 1. Do you go to school by bus? (usually) 2. Do you quarrel with your friends? (sometimes) 3. Do you study on Sundays? (often) 4. Do you listen to English songs? (ever) 5. Does your family eat at a Chinese restaurant? (ever) © Casa Eatice G. Principat f Sostantivi numerabili (COUNTABLE) e non numerabili (UNCOUNTABLE) Sostantivi Sostantivi numerabili non numerabi ‘a book — four books | milk, coffee, leat two apples _ intelligence, 1, in inglese alcuni (capelli), homework casa), furniture (mobili), luggage (bagagli), money (soldi) non sono numerabili, day. wood sono accompagnati dal verbo al singolare e non Fruit is good for | | Prendono a/an. your health. Your hair is too long. © indica se questi nomi sono numerabili (C) 0 non numerabili (U). 1.[_] smartphone 4. [_] money 7. [_] butter 2. (_] strawberry 5. |_] water 8. |_| child 3.) fruit 6. [_] horse 9. |] cherry © completa te frasi con i sostantivi non numerabili contenuti nel box. milk ° oil ° furniture * water * hair * money * luggage 1, Put some olive ‘on your vegetables. 2, Sorry, I haven't got any for the tickets. 3. I'm thirsty. Can | have some 2 4. Isher long and black? No, it’s red and curly. 5. Your isn't on the train, it’s at the airport. 6. I don't like this for my room. 7. Would you like some in your coffee? | partitivi SOME, ANY e NO Indicano una quantita indefinita (un po’ di, del, della, dei, delle, alcuni/e, nessun/a) e si usano con i sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili. © Trastorma le frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa. 1. There are some cartoons on TV. 2, We haven't got any bread. 3. She hasn't got any friends here. 4, | have some cheese and ham for breakfast. 5. There are no restaurants open after 11 p.m. 6. There isn’t any food for the cat. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA a3 yh AU =e le ile C’e, ci sono - THERE IS / THERE ARE Affermativa Negativa THERE IS ('S) + sostantivo singolare THERE ARE + sostantivo plurale THERE IS NOT (ISN'T) + sostantivo singolare THERE ARE NOT (AREN'T) + sostantivo plurale Interrogativa ISTHERE + sostantivo singolare ARETHERE + sostantivo plurale @ Guarda it menu e s Poi rispondi con YES, THERE IS/ARE 0 NO, THERE ISN’'T/AREN'T. Osserva I'esempio. Are there any sandwiches? Yes, there are. Is there any chicken soup? No, there isn’t. su un foglio almeno 8 domande per chiedere se ci sono i cibi. La quantita - A LOT OF, MUCH e MANY Davanti a sostantivi numerabili Frasi affermative ALOT OF (molti/e) A LOT OF (molto/a) There are a lot of things to eat. _| There's a lot of food. Frasiinterrogative | MANY (molti/e) 0 negative There aren't many things to eat. _| There isn’t much food. MUCH (molto/a) Per chiedere la quantita usiamo: * HOW MUCH (quanto/a) davanti ai sostantivi non numerabili * HOW MANY (quanti/e) davanti a quelli numerabili (3) ea Mary e Harry vogliono preparare una frittata. Completa il dialogo inserendo le parole contenute nel box. Poi ascolta e verifica, a lot (2)* many * got * some any (2) an * there MARY Let's make (1) ___ omelette... We need four eggs. HARRY How (2) eggs are (3). inthe fridge? MARY Look, we've got (4) of eggs. What about butter? HARRY Oh, no! There isn’t (5) butter. But there’s (6) olive oil. MARY Ok. Are there (7) potatoes and onions? HARRY Yes, there are... fe potatoes and (8) of onions. MARY Fine. We've (9) 44 everything! (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, EDIBLE ART ~—_ © Leaoi c impara come fare dell'arte... mangiando! Do you know that you can make art from food? Some dishes are quite easy, others a bit more complex, but it’s all fun, anyway! Here's the first one. It's made with a pancake and some fruit. * edible art arte da mangiare © osserva e rispondi. 1. What does the image represent? 2. What are the eyes and the nose made of in your opinion? 3. Which fruit is the hair made with? Choose among the following: a.raspberries _b. blackberries c.strawberries d.plums _e. blueberries © © hccotta Fiona e completa la ricetta sulla preparazione del pancakes. a Preparation Vighiopcien OS, sd ‘Step 1 Put 100g flour, two (1) sd 300m! milk, 1 tbsp (2) Fee \d a pinch of salt (3 oe a and a pinch of salt (3) _ 300m mitk is short for bow! , then whisk. ee Ree ee Step 2 Put a frying pan (4) Utensils a medium heat and wipe it with some I oiled kitchen paper. => Step 3 When the pan is (5) —, : a cook your pancakes for (5) oT inute on each sie. Step 4 Enjoy your pancakes! awhisk Jf some kitchen , at ck ‘ pinch pizzico + heat calore (pele * whisk sbatti * wipe it... oiled ungila con © osservae risponai. Here are some more ‘examples of edible art. What are these dishes made with? Can you find a title for each dish? 46 @ ascot e leggi il blog di Fiona. there! Great news today! I'm not alone in my blog, as you see... We have a guest at home! It’s Max, a boy from Canada. He's in Stratford on a cultural programme and he's staying with us for a month. | interviewed him last drama group night, so here's the interview, there are interesting things... ‘gruppo teatrale Now, Max, tell us something about yourself... MAX — Hi Fiona... well, I'm fifteen and | live in Toronto. I'm of Chinese origin but | was born in Canada. Why are you here? MAX — Drama is my hobby and I’m in a drama group at school in Toronto... That's why I'm here. I'm attending a junior course with a company called Stratfordeast... The sessions are fun and we're ga working for a live performance at the end of . the cure VN Great! What are you working on? MAX It's a secret, but I can tell you something. It's a modem version of Romeo and Juliet, they're in a sort of video game and the i end is not as tragic as in Shakespeare’s tragedy. Wow! That's fantastic! Thank you Max... Ora rispondi su un foglio. 1. Who is Max? 2. What's his hobby? 3. Why is he in Stratford? — 4, Where is he staying? ny 5. How long is he staying in Stratford? sine 6. What is Romeo and Juliet? 7. What are Max's company working on? (© Casa Eatice G. Pricipato SpA, e Ascolta e ripeti. Poi abbina queste foto a 4 passatempi della lista. listening to pop, rock, classical music watching TV cooking playing videogames chatting with friends online singing Pie , oad ed PORT ret rae pastime? Be do you chat eo) fits PT Lsua Ces eae do you Ascolta Greg che parla dei suoi passatemy Vero (T) 0 falso (FI? 1. Greg's favourite pastime is collecting different things. 2. He collects foreign stamps. A a 3. Greg's father is a stamp collector. EF) 4. Greg often gets stamps as a present. Oe 5. Greg can’t travel all over the world. fF (© Casa Eatice G. Principal 47 LS) MWe le title vedi HANDY Ca oa Imperativo reareris FORMA AFFERMATIVA FORMA NEGATIVA Limperativo @ uguale alla forma base del Limperativo negativo si ottiene verbo e corrisponde alla 2° persona singolare e | premettendo DON'T alla forma base del verbo. plurale. Don’t go out now! Listen to me! Don't open the window, please! Have a nice weekend! © completa inserendo la forma corretta dell'imperativo. 1. Bye! (have) a nice time! 2. The drama class is starting — (hurry) up! a) (cat) that hamburger if you don’t feel well! 4 (worry)! lean help you with your homework. 5. Max, Amy, I'm here! (come) in! 6. (close) the window, please. It's cold. 7. (watch out)! (cross) the street here because it's dangerous. Forma -ING del verbo Si costruisce con la forma base del verbo + ING go> going walk -> walking Siusa: * nei verbi che terminano in -e la “e” cade * dopo verbi come like, hate, prefer have > having | ike/hate/prefer cooking. * i verbi di una sola sillaba che terminano * come soggetto della frase quando questo @ con una consonante preceduta da una sola un verbo vocale (sit, swim, put, stop...) raddoppiano Running is my favourite pastime. laconsonante | = per formare il Present Progressive (vedi alla sit sitting swim swimming pagina successiva) © completa ta tabelta con ta form: forma base del verbo -ing form .g © con la forma base del verbo. driving 5. travel — 6. listening 438 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Il Present Progressive (0 Present Continuous) si usa per descrivere un‘azione che si sta svolgendo nel momento in cui si parla. Si costruisce con BE + la forma -ing del verbo. © wnat are THEY DOING? Indovina che cosa fanno queste persone e scrivilo sotto 1. What are they doing? 2. What is she doing? 3. What is he doing? © Leqq/ it testo e poi sottolinea la risposta corretta nelle frasi sotto. Hs 8.45 and Miss Jones, the English teacher, is lote todoy. She's still driving to school. Her students are waiting for her but the classroom is noisy! Pete and Jim ore loughing, Sally is drawing on the blackboard. Totminy is reading bis fovourite comic book. Debby ond Alan are singing, Laura is surfing the net and the others are chatting with their friends on the phone. . It's 8.45: Miss Jones isn't teaching/isn’t driving. . The students aren’t behaving well/aren’t waiting for her. . Jim is laughingfis drawing. . Sally is drawing/is writing on the blackboard . Tommy is readingfis writing. . Alan is singingfis dancing. . Laura is playing videogames/is surfing the net. . The rest of the class are chatting/are surfing the net with their smartphones. SN enewonsa (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA a9 50 5 AU =e le ile © osserva ta foto e completa il testo con i verbi al Present Progressive. This is a picture of me and some friends. We (1) (have) a great time on the river. I’m the boy on the left and I (2) (play) the violin. The girls who (3) (sit) on the grass are my friends Anna and Katy. The girl with her legs crossed is Anna. She (4) (play) the guitar. Next to her, Katy (5) (read) a book. Sylvia, my sister, (6) ____________ (hold) some balloons and (7) jump). © Riordina le parole per formare frasi con il Present Progressive. 1. sweatshirt / are / you /?/ wearing / my / Why 2. Today / at / isn’t / Ann / having / school / lunch 3. shop / you /I'm / the / outside / for / waiting 4. is / to / Dad / news / listening / the 5. trying /I/ a pair /‘m//jeans / of /on 6. leaving / is / bus / The ari Is / for / waiting / the / The / aren't / school bus 8. working / in a/ My / summer / bookshop / brother / this / is (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, GUESS THE HOBBY © Legai te parole-chiave e indovina di che hobby si trata, 1. BLACK AND WHITE - ELEVEN - GOAL 2. CAMERA ~ PEOPLE/LANDSCAPE ~ PICTURES 3. ICE - BLADES - COLD 4. FAST - SNEAKERS - MARATHON 5. SONGS ~ HEADPHONES ~ MANESKIN 6. HELMET ~ PEDALS ~ WHEELS © >segsi it brano su Maddy e sottolinea la definizione ai ‘cosplay’. Poi rispondi alle domande. Cosplay, an unusual hobby characters from comics. films, books or videogames. “I love Japanese animated series anime’) and | spend weeks or months designing and making costumes by hand from the characters in the series. | also recycle materials and old clothes,” says Maddy. “Before cosplay | was really shy ‘and uncomfortable with my body but now I'm OK. I can be someone else, even for just a day. This helps me Ciera would you like (4 ey eso Maddy is a 17-year-old student from Ohio and like many teenagers she finds cosplay fascinating. What is cosplay? It's short for costume play, that is, wearing costumes of popular to improve my personality and my relationship with others. In fact peopte stop me at cosplay gatherings for a photo of the costumes | made myself. That's funt 1. What are ‘anime’? 2. Who makes Maddy's costumes? 3. What does she recycle when she makes her costumes? 4. How does cosplay help Maddy? 51 (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA ©) Ascott ¢ leggiil blog di Fiona. Hi everybody! Today | want to tell you about my favourite animals, chimpanzees (or chimps). I've just read an interesting article about them. Even though their brain is smaller than a human brain, these animals are extremely intelligent. They can solve problems and can also communicate. In fact, they can “talk” to each other using different gestures and facial expressions. Did you know the DINA of chimps and humans is 98.5% the same? They have expressive faces, big toes and hands that can grasp. Like us, chimps laugh when playing, hug to show affection, walk upright and can also utter sounds such as hoots, grunts and screams. As a result, they are quite Category: Great apes similar to us. Classification: Mammal a Status: Endangered species Net > A Lifespan: 45 years f rs isthe a Weight: 32-60 kg ‘ that carries all the information about how a living being will look and function. DNA can determine \ such things as the colour of the eyes or how the different parts of the Zi work. Food: Omnivore. Fruit (their favourite), leaves, flowers, seeds, bird eggs, insects and even small animals Habitat: Tropical forests and woodland savannahs of West and Central Africa © grasp afferrare _* apes scimmie © hug abbracciano + endangered “utteremettere in pericolo © hoots ululati, uri di estinzione ® orunts grugniti —* lifespan durata * screams still della vita Seri 1. What category do chimps belong to? 2. How are they classified? 3. How long do they live? 4. How much do they weigh? 5. How tall are they? 6. What do they eat and where do they live? —— 7. What's their status? ‘su un foglio le risposte intere e preparati a ripeterle. 52 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA Parts of the body LISTEN AND WRITE 6a Osserva la foto e completa il paragrafo sugli scimpanzé. neck Poi ascolta e verifica. —— > dark hair large ear shoulders Chimpanzees have got large nose long (1) that extend below their (2) / large mouth oem short legs and black rr covering almost their entire (4) Their (5) are flat and hairless with (6) eyes, a small nose and a large (7) . fingers short leg knee five-toed feet foot LISTEN. TRUE OR FALSE? EY @ Ascolta la conversazione tra questi due ragazzi e di se le frasi sono vere (T) 0 false (F). Poi correggi le frasi false. 1. Paul, Jerry’s friend, is inviting him 4. Jerry is going with his sister. to a karaoke evening. MF 5. Lara is going with Paul. 2. Jerry likes karaoke because he can sing very well. [LF] 6. Jerry and his friend are meeting in front of the bookshop. el 3. He accepts the invitation. mr ing your Cad © Casa Editice G. Prinipato SpA 54 6 AU =e le ile PRONOMI PERSONAL! COMPLEMENTO ME - YOU - HIM, HER, IT - US - YOU - THEM Il pronome personale complemento, a differenza dell'italiano, segue sempre il verbo: Can you see him? Pud anche essere preceduto da una preposizione. Can | go with them? PND Ud peared err © completa con il pronome personale complemento eorretto. 1. | like computer games. What about you? Do you like , too? 2. My grandmother is quite old. | sometimes help with the housework. 3. Jenny and | are going to the cinema. Why don’t you come with 2 4. Sorry, girls! | can’t come to the party with evening. 5. You are thirsty. Here's a glass of water for 6. “Who's that boy? Do you know 2" "Yes, he’s Andy's cousi 7. Your car is very dirty. Wash SOSTANTIVI PLURALI IRREGOLARI Ecco alcuni plurali irregolari: foot feet tooth teeth mouse —> mice child children man men woman — women | sostantivi che terminano in F 0 FE in genere trasformano F > VES shelf» shelves Attenzione perd: roof—> roofs 6 Completa le frasi con il plurale delle parole nel box. knife * woman « shelf » foot * man * mouse * tooth 1. First put the forks on the table and then the 2. Aghh! My are hurting after the hike! 3. The books are on the near the desk. 4.Help! There are two in the garage! 5.Who are those 2 They're Ann‘s and Paul's mothers. 6. My baby sister has only got three __ _. 7. There are three working in the street. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, Verbo CAN CAN ha un‘unica forma per tutte le persone. _—_* chiedere o concedere un permesso La forma negativa 6 CAN'T (CANNOT forma Can | go to Pam’s party? Yes, you can. intera). + fare una richiesta Can you pass me the salt? CAN @ usato per: La forma negativa CAN'T indica © impossibilita Sorry, | can't come. © incapacita Jamie can’t solve this problem. * rifiuto You can’t go out. It’s late. jicare capacita (in italiano “essere capace ‘sapere’ “riuscire”) She can speak chinese. © su un foglio trasforma queste frasi in negative e poi in interrogativ 1. Superman can fly. 3.We can scuba dive. 2.1 can speak Japanese. 4. Jim and Ted can go to Dinah’s party. © inserisci CAN 0 CAN'T in queste frasi. ake you cook?” “, | 2 2."Sorry.|____—_ speak German, but!__speak English.” a2 Charlie paint pottery?” “No, he but he knit!” a you help us?” “Of course we ig cr I go to the disco?” “No, you - You're only 13.” 6. Chimpanzees communicate with one another. 7. They also solve problems. chimps think like humans? 8 © Riordina le parole per formare frasi di senso compiuto. Poi segna quali frasi capacita o incapacita (C), quali permesso concesso 0 rifiutato (P) e quali una richiesta (R). 1. you / your / Can / please? / call / sister 2. ski / well. / They / very / can't ea 3. the / can’t / go / cinema / to / today. / You 4. help / exercise? / with / me / Can/ this / you 5. Louise / run / fast. / Ted / can / very / and 6.can‘t / You / football / here. / play oooooe © osserva le regole ii questo college e cerca di spiegarle usando la forma YOU CAN'T... COLLEGE RULES No football in the garden. No smartphones after dinner. No singing or dancing in the rooms. No playing on the playstation after 3 pm. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 55 6 AU =e le ile Differenza tra SIMPLE PRESENT e PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Simple Present - azioni abitual ren eae: ~azioni che si stanno svolgendo in Al and Beth get up at seven on Today it’s Sunday. It’s nine o'clock and they’re still weekdays. sleeping. Mary works in a shop. John is working in a shop for the summer. Jusually walk to school. But today it’s raining, so I'm going to school by bus. QO Completa con la forma del Simple Present 0 del Present Progressive. 1. "What (you/do) in the garden?” zt (water) the flowers.” 2."Why ‘Amy (Amy/not do) her homework?” "Becauseshe (chat) with herr friends.” 3. My parents sometimes (go) to the pub in the evening. 4t (not always walk) to school, | sometimes (take) a bus. Today my parents (drive) me there. “What (the kids usually do) after school?”"They usually (play) in the garden. But today it (snow) and they (play) on the playstation in their room. 6. “Oh, no! Look, my new laptop {not work)!” “You can ask Mick to help you. He always (help) his friends.” © su un fostio riordina le seguenti parole per ottenere sei frasi. 1. home. / lunch / having / John / is / at / Today 2. my / nice /1/ with / staying / at / hotel /‘m / parents. / a 3.wateh / dinner / TV. / we / After / chat / or / usually 4. door? / Who / knocking / the / is / at 5. karaoke / think / Brian / does / What / of /? 6. great / cousins / time / are / having / Italy /a/in/ My © Legsi e completa con le forme del Simple Present o del Present Progressive. It’s Saturday morning. Val and her friend Lara (1) (go) to the swimming pool. They (2) (like) swimming and they always (3) (practise) on Saturdays. Val's parents (4) (drive) the girls to the pool. Val's sister Ann is at home right now. She (5) (write) something on her tablet. She’s a blogger and always (6) (write) her blog in the afternoon. (© Casa Eatice G. Principato SpA, SECRET MESSAGES [From © scopri che cosa dicono i messaggi e riscrivili con la giusta punteggiatura. WHERE SG\ADAONHOLIDA YSHESONASUMMER COLIRSEINTHENOR THOFENGLANDISSHE STAYINGWITHAFAMILYORATACOLLEGE SHESSTAYINGWITTHANENGLISHFAMILY ozs d Imnewherewhattimedoesschool Bw RCE EN Ee a rae bo ; 1. You use them to walk, run and ride your bike. THE BODY CROSSWORD a O iisotvi it cruciverba. 3. They are similar 1 to fingers but not in your hands. -|E . ‘ 4, You can think with it. ona leeal 5. (oown) You can see with them. (across) You can listen with them. 6. You can talk, eat, drink, sing with it. 7. Anagram of LEORHDUS. 8 I can turn my head with it. 9, Anagram of MAR. 10. It can be long or short, curly or straight. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 87 © Ascott e leggi il blog di jona. everybody! This is a busy weekend! I'm in Detling, a small village in Kent. My grandparents live here and I'm staying with them for the weekend. The house is old and quite big. On the ground floor there's a kitchen, a large living room and a bathroom. Upstairs there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's also an attic with some old furniture and a couple of trunks with things and photos of my grandparents and even my great-grandparents! Round the house there's a beautiful garden. Grandma is crazy about gardening... and so am I! e yO She has even made a vertical garden with plastic bottles on 2. ~~ oe OE. the walls of the house! av At the back of the house there’s a garage where grandpa Dems ee ae keeps his old Mini. My grandparents have got a dog, Polly. September dog show called Paws in) Polly is fantastic, | love her! She's a four-year-old golden tne Park. Allkinds of dogs take partin | retriever and she's also a long jump champion, a popular games and activities, incuding Casi | sport for dogs here. Every year in September there's an In the Long dussp competion the important dog show in Detling, called Paws in the Park, and dog's owner throws a tennis ball over | Polly is taking part in the competition! ings po wa Th cng tip Temp and launches tsel into the confor ens el Gani Cross is encther fun game. in this competition the dog’s owner and. the dog run together as fast as they can. The fastest couple wins the race, i are Ent 7 co trunks bauli eS to decorate ong jump salto in tungo ir * Paws zampe ryt * throws lancia © runs up a ramp corre su per la rampa Le frasi qui sotto sono vere (T) o false (F)? Correggi quelle false su un foglio. 1.Fiona’s grandparents don't live in Stratford. 2. They have got an old house in the country. 3. The bedrooms are in the attic. 4. Fiona’s grandma has made a vertical garden in the garage. 5. Polly is the name of Fiona’s dog. 6. There is a popular dog show in Detling after the summer. 7. There are activities and games but only for big dogs. EAIEIBIEIIe) RRP 58 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA TCH ©€J Abbina ciascun tipo di casa alla sua traduzione. a. casa di campagna_b. casa bifamiliare ¢.casaaschiera_d. palazzo con appartamenti . < r : aey tras 1. terraced house 2. block of flats 3. cottage 4, semi-detached house TCH ©) Abbina ciascun oggetto all’immagine corrispondente. 1. armchair 2. bookcase 3. carpet 4.clock 5. floor 6. fridge 7.lamp 8. oven 9. sink 10. sofa 11. staircase j= Eta] E FALSE & Ascolta la descrizione di questa casa sugli alberi in Africa. Poi decidi se le frasi sono vere (T) 0 false (F). 1. The treehouse has two floors. 2. There are two bedrooms on the ground floor. 3. The wardrobe is in the bedroom on the ground floor. 4. The bathroom is on the second floor. 5. There are two beds on the second floor. (© Casa Editrice G. Principato SpA 59 7 AU =e le ile LEU Preposizioni di luogo CG Peary oreo in,a IN indica un luogo inteso ; come ‘area’ BEHIND dietro — in,a To indica un movimento verso un luogo su, sopra 3 ONTHE LEFT asinistra eo. ONTHE RIGHT | adestra NEAR vicino a IN FRONT OF | davantia UNDER sotto fra/tra indica una cosa o una BETWEEN | persona che sta tra due cose o persone GD eae cncervarnmanterccompie'siaiereristenetden stesmertcvUamelnseren dal le preposizioni appropriate. Poi ascolta e verifica. 60 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA Jamie's bedroom is in a mess, as usual! There are clothes (1) the bed; his smartphone is right in the middle of the room, the bed and lots of the bed. On the small table (7) the bed and the bookcase there are some papers and other objects, while pair of trainers (2) (3) the bookcase. There is a racket (4) the armchair (6) books (5) Jamie's rucksack is (8) ‘one of the bookshelves. the floor and a Esortare/invitare qualcuno a fare qualcosa Ci sono vari modi per proporre a qualcuno di fare qualcosa. LET'S + forma base del verbo Let's go for a pizza! HOW ABOUT / WHAT ABOUT seguiti: ‘ Pla How about / What about a pizza? - dalla fora in -ing dl verbo How about / What about going for a pizza? DO YOU WANT TO + forma base del verbo Do you want to come for a pizza? © vu0i proporre a un amico di andare allo skate park. Scrivi tre modi per invitarlo. Dimostrativi - THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE \dimost aggettivi sia pronomi. indicano qualcosa o qualcuno vicino 0 lontano da chi parla. Possono essere sia Singolare Plurale THIS (questo, questa) THESE (questi, queste) This girl is my sister. These girls are my sisters. This is my cat. These are my cats. THAT (quel, quello, quella) THOSE (quei, quelli, quelle) That girl is my sister. That is my cat. Those girls are my sisters. Those are my cats. (© Casa Eatice G. Principat SpA, 61 7 AU =e le ile Who are creatures? is my new tablet. © inserisci it dimostrativo corretto. 1. room here is the kitchen and room over there is the living room. 2. Look at dolphins over there! They're jumping! 3.Hey, isn’t my bike... it’s blue! My bike is red! 4. Look at videogame in the shop window... wow! 5._______ chips are fantastic... yummy! © Penny ha fatto un video della sua mensa scolastica per Instagram e questo @ il suo commento. Scegli la parola corretta tra quelle date per completare il brano. Look, (1)___ new building over there with (2) __large windows is our new school canteen. (3) __go inside! (4) women are the dinner ladies... They serve the food. The furniture (5) new and there are (6) coloured tables and chairs. The canteen is (7) of the gym, (8) ground floor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. these that Howabout |These is lot of between | in that this Don’twe |Those —_|are alot onthe left | on those _ those _| Let's This have _|alotof | near at 62 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA Con che corrispondono ai disegni. oy Py ENCE Pee Listen Cincy su come costruire un giardino verticale. { To make a vertical garden, you need: clean plastic bottles "\ string ‘scissors soil seedlings {the best bottles | are the 2-litre water | / 2 Z sd bottles) —a en Lan GS Cut openings lengthwise in the bottles. Lay the 2-litre plastic bottles horizontally, then cut out part of the side. To hang the bottles, cut out two small holes for the string at the bottom of each bottle. ‘Thread the string through the holes Y and tie a knot on the neck of the bottle. Fill the bottles partially with soil ee Choose the plants you want to grow and... » there you are! You've got a plastic bottle > vertical garden! Some suggestions? Iplanted basil, rosemary, ‘thyme, sage and lettuce. ‘lengthwise in lunghezza * thread .. through infla ‘ knot fai un nodo ‘thyme timo sage salvia Towards INVALSI and Final Exam Cie (Scuneiner iii Poe ery Cg re LISTENING 1 0 poet poommee= occa Per ciascuna conversazione scegli la foto corretta e metti un nella casella. Een Cre feats UCry BETTER! A. What time is the tennis class? Wey wey 10 2 10 2 9 3 9 <3 8 4 8 4 LJ Which football player does Sarah like best? Cristiano Ronaldo Bukayo Saka Lionel Messi Neymar Jr U O U U What's Nick’s favourite pastime? S : P. ol 42a O U O O 64 © Casa Estee G. Principato SpA

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