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PSY513(Forensic Psychology)

Assignment 1 Solution
Abdul Qadeer


Submitted by: Abdul Qadeer

Submitted to: Miss Rabia Jabeen

Student ID: BC200204406

Date: 15-11-2023
1. Scenario:
Officer Aslam has been in law enforcement for over a decade. During a recent incident,
he Was forced to use lethal force to protect civilians from an armed assailant. Following
the Incident, Mark experiences recurrent nightmares, heightened anxiety, and anger
towards the Deceased assailant. He has difficulty sleeping, withdraws from social
interactions, and often Feels on edge.
Identification: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Justification: In this particular scenario, Officer Aslam is dealing with a spectrum of
anxiety symptoms, including vivid nightmares, pervasive anxiety, and a palpable
undercurrent of anger. These manifestations are intricately consistent with the well-
defined criteria characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is essential to
delve into the nature of PTSD, the psychological response that develops as a result of
exposure to a traumatic event. In the case of Officer Aslam, the precipitating factor
appears to be an emotionally charged use of deadly force, setting in motion a cascade
of psychological effects.

2. Scenario:
Detective Sarah, known for her excellent investigative skills, has recently displayed
unusual Behavior, including sudden mood swings, excessive tardiness, and neglecting
personal Hygiene. Her superiors are concerned about her fitness for duty and order a
comprehensive Psychological assessment to determine her readiness to continue in her
high-stress position.
Identification: Occupational Burnout
Justification: The noticeable changes in Detective Sarah’s behavior resemble a
complex tapestry woven with mood swings and a conspicuous abandonment of
personal well-being. These discernible changes are emblematic of a pervasive problem
known as burnout, a phenomenon that weaves its tendrils through professions marked
by relentless stressors, with law enforcement a prime example. It follows that there is a
need to better understand the toll the demanding nature of their profession takes on the
mental and emotional well-being of individuals like Detective Sarah.

3. Scenario:
A high-profile murder case has the public’s attention. A suspect named Ali, who is
Emotionally vulnerable and easily influenced, is interrogated relentlessly by the police.
Due To intense pressure and threats, Ali falsely confesses to the crime, despite having
no Involvement. The confession leads to Alex’s arrest.
Identification: False Confession
Justification: The confession extracted from Ali, shrouded in the shadow of coercion
and threats, unfolds a complex tapestry that casts doubt on its veracity. This scenario
serves as a poignant illustration that sheds light on the treacherous terrain of false
confessions. In the complex field of police psychology, the phenomenon of coerced
confessions reveals a layer of psychological vulnerability and coercion, underscoring
the need for careful scrutiny and ethical considerations.

4. Scenario:
In a bustling city, a peaceful protest was taking place, and the police were present to
Maintain order. As the day went on, a group of protesters started to vandalize public
property. In response, the police decided to disperse the crowd using tear gas and
rubber bullets. However, one officer went beyond the orders and started physically
assaulting several Protesters. The officer’s excessive use of force caused serious
injuries and panic among the Demonstrators. Psychologists are called in to determine
whether the officer’s actions were Indeed excessive and to assess the psychological
factors that might have contributed to this Behavior
Identification: Police Brutality
Justification: The police officer’s use of disproportionate force and subsequent
examination by psychologists together crystallize into a powerful story exposing the
ever-present specter of police brutality. This delicate issue revolves around cases where
law enforcement agencies resort to unnecessary and disproportionate force, raising
legitimate concerns about the ethical compass that guides their actions. The
involvement of psychologists in this process becomes a tool for revealing the complex
interplay of factors that contribute to such cases.

5. Scenario:
In a small town, the local police force has been dealing with an increasing number of
drug-Related cases. Over time, rumors have spread about some officers being involved
in drug Trafficking and accepting bribes to protect drug dealers. The citizens are losing
trust in their Police force, and the department’s reputation is tarnished. Psychologists
specializing in Police psychology are asked to conduct a thorough internal investigation
to identify officers Involved in corruption, assess the extent of their involvement, and
provide recommendations to root out this systemic issue. The psychological
assessment will help in understanding the Underlying motives and influences that lead
to such unethical behavior within the police Force.
Identification: Police Corruption
Justification: In this story, a disturbing picture develops in which police officers find
themselves entangled in a web of ethically dubious practices that include drug
trafficking and bribery in particular. This complex scenario serves as a stark lens
through which the endemic problem of police corruption emerges starkly. Psychologists
are called to the fore, tasked with painstakingly unraveling the web of motivations that
drive individuals in law enforcement to commit such morally reprehensible acts.

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