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Eu: make a detailed roadmap to study C++ data structures

ChatGPT: Here is a detailed roadmap to study C++ data structures:

1. Start with the basics: Before diving into data structures, it is important to have a good
understanding of basic programming concepts, such as variables, data types, and basic
2. Study arrays: Learn about arrays, how to declare and initialize them, and how to use them
to store and manipulate data. Study different types of arrays, such as one-dimensional
arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, and dynamic arrays.
3. Study linked lists: Learn about linked lists, how to declare and implement them, and how
to use them to store and manipulate data. Study different types of linked lists, such as
singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists.
4. Study stacks and queues: Learn about stacks and queues, how to declare and implement
them, and how to use them to store and manipulate data. Study different types of stacks
and queues, such as arrays, linked lists, and dynamic arrays.
5. Study trees: Learn about trees, how to declare and implement them, and how to use them
to store and manipulate data. Study different types of trees, such as binary trees, AVL
trees, and B-trees.
6. Study graphs: Learn about graphs, how to declare and implement them, and how to use
them to store and manipulate data. Study different types of graphs, such as directed
graphs, undirected graphs, and weighted graphs.
7. Study hash tables: Learn about hash tables, how to declare and implement them, and how
to use them to store and manipulate data. Study different types of hash tables, such as
open addressing, chaining, and linear probing.
8. Study sorting and searching algorithms: Learn about sorting and searching algorithms,
such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, linear search, and
binary search, and how to implement them in C++.
9. Study advanced data structures: Once you have a good understanding of the basic data
structures, you can study advanced data structures, such as heaps, segment trees, and

It is important to practice and apply what you learn at each step of the way. Writing code and
solving problems will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the data structures in C++.

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