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Grade 6- Extra questions –FUNCTIONS

Mathematical Functions:

1.What does the SUM function do in Excel?

A: The SUM function adds up a range of cells.
2. How can you multiply two cells in Excel?
A: You can use the formula `=A1*B1` to multiply the values in cells A1 and
3. What is the purpose of the AVERAGE function?
A: The AVERAGE function calculates the average of a range of cells.
4. How do you round a number to the nearest integer in Excel?
A: The ROUND function can be used, like this: `=ROUND(A1, 0)`.

Logical Functions:
5. What does the IF function do?
A: The IF function allows you to perform different actions based on whether
a condition is true or false.
6. How can you check if a value is greater than another using a formula?
A: You can use the greater than operator with an IF statement, like this:
`=IF(A1>B1, "True", "False")`.
7. What is the purpose of the AND function?
A: The AND function returns TRUE if all conditions specified are true;
otherwise, it returns FALSE.

8. How do you use the NOT function in Excel?

A: The NOT function is used to reverse the logical value of its argument.

Text Functions:
9. What does the CONCATENATE function do?
A: CONCATENATE combines two or more strings of text into one string.
10. How can you extract a specific number of characters from a text string?
A: The LEFT or RIGHT function can be used, like this: `=LEFT(A1, 5)` to extract
the first 5 characters.
11. What does the LEN function calculate?
A: The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string.
12. How can you convert text to uppercase in Excel?
A: The UPPER function can be used, like this: `=UPPER(A1)`.

Combination Functions:
13. How can you concatenate two text strings and a number?
A: You can use the "&" operator, like this: `=A1 & " - " & B1`.
14. What is the purpose of the IFERROR function?
A: IFERROR allows you to specify what should be returned if a formula
produces an error.
15. How can you perform a conditional sum based on a criteria in another
A: The SUMIFS function can be used, like this: `=SUMIFS(C:C, A:A,

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