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G: Hello Zenit, hello Sheyla.

Z: Hi, Gustavo
S: Hi Gustavo, How are you?
G: I’m fine, I’m reading about mysteries in Peru.
Did you hear about the Tunche? It's a mystery of the Jungle in Peru.
Z: Yes,I listened, maybe he was a bad man and that when he died with an impure soul his
spirit began to torment in the immense jungle in search of lost victims.
S: Yes, I heard that, my uncle lives in Tarapoto, and he one day told me that he saw the
G: But in my book it says that Tunche is a irreal. So, is the mystery about the Tunche real?
S: The tunche may be real, but there isn't proof for them.
Z: I’m not sure, for me it may not be real because there is no evidence like a photo to prove
it. this story may be something to scare us.
S: I remember that my mom talked to me about vampires. Do you think that vampires are
G: I think that vampires can’t be real, because humans don’t have or didn’t have any wings
on the back.
Z: I think . that vampires can't be real because there's no proof
Maybe they only created these stories about vampires to make movies
S: I believe that vampires still exist in distant communities.
Do you think it is possible that these beings only feed on blood?
G: I know that humans can’t live, only eat blood. because our meals can be balanced, there
are vegetables, meat, and cereals.
Z: I don't think vampires can exist, but maybe vampires feed just like humans
S: I think the vampire eats blood and human flesh according to a discovery channel report
Z; In my family they taught me that there is life after death and that we will see each other
again with our ancestors. Do you think there can be life after death?
G: It could be life after death. There are books about reincarnation, for example, the religion
of induismo or the religion of budismo.
Z: For me maybe if there can be life after death to be able to live with God
S: I think, It can’t life after death. My family and I don’t believe that, we are religious.
Z: Do you think that after we die we will be able to see our ancestors again?
G: It could to see our ancestors after to die, In the bible says that you can see our ancestros
after to die in the sky, but scientists don’t believe that because they don’t have proof to
explain that.
S: It might see our ancestors again. Because is your soul who meet whit your ancestors .
Z: I think that after we die, we maybe all see our ancestors and our relatives who died.
G: Well, there are a lot of mysteries, and it was interesting to talk about these misteoures
with you. See you guys.
z:it was very interesting to talk about these mysteries
S:See you friends. take care

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