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MEGHATAYA STATE [t[,'ililxlTf,11+'&r^,,,
GSy/ sz / z02s/ s Dated Shillong the 7th
November 2023

Refer to IFB No: p@EO-SRRDA/.M

GSy/g2 /Z0ZZ/7, Dt.
'":li':il;::li:il1i'jl;xlii,)o: 3'1'3 (ii), page 13 which
'!rs'q rrrrdrruralturnoverof reads as:
years.,, Rs 5.0 (five)crores duringthe
This shall now read
"An annual average financial
turnover of Rs 2.5 crores
during the last three years.,,
2. Joint Ventures:
Joint Ventures are allowed"
Bids submitted b
more than two firms rr p.rin"r,
(a) There sha' be
a ioint venture Agreement
indicating clearly, amongst between the constituent
other things, the proposed
responsibilities both financial distribution of
as well as technicarfor
them' The most experienced execution of the work amongst
read partner wi, be
Jointventure agreernent the one defined. A copy
in accordance with requirements of the
submitted before any mentioned sha, be
award of work could
(b) The bid' and in be finalized.
the case of the successfur
sha' be signed and or bidder, the Form ofAgreement,
/ in such , ;;;;;;;smay etc.,
making it regary binding"r".ri"o be required for
on .rr oruners (incruoing
ensuing contractin respect operative parts of the
of agr""rent of Arbitration,
work, the Form of Agreement etc.). on award of
and contract o".rr"nas
partners ofthe Joint sha, be signed by a,
Venture to concrude
(c) Lead partner sha,
be nominated as being
and this
ffJ ?"Hil ff;::]ff *i::::i * :; ?il.JI?"T,,*e r or a,,o r n e s ig n e
I o oy
(d) The partner-in-charge
shall be authorized
instructions for and to incur riabirities and
on beharf of the p.rtnu* to receive
jointry or severaily, oiin"l",r, venture,
I*".rtion of the contract (incruding whether
payment) sha,
ffiil:j,LT ff:l[:1,;;ffi:*;i5;;;il::ff:[e A .iir,u,. a
(e) A', partners of
the Joint venture shalr
execution of the contract be riabre jointry and
severary for the
in accordance with
statement to this effect ar," a"l,r"ct terms, and a rerevant
shall be incruded in
sub crause (c) above
as we, as in the Form
th" ;;orization mentioned under
of tender and the Form
Agreement (in case of a successful bidder).
(f) ln the event of default by any partner, in the
execution of his part of contract,
the Employer shall be so notified within 30 days by
the partner-in-charge, or in
the case of the partner-in-charge being the defaulter,
by the partner nominated
as partner-in-charge of the remaining ioint
Venture. The partner-in-charge
shall' within 60 daysof the said notice, assign
the work of the defaulting partner
to any other equally competent oarty acceptable to
the Employer to ensure the
execution of that part of the contract, as envisaged
at the time of bid. Failure to
comply with the above provisions will make the
contractor.liable for action by
the Employer under the conditions ofcontract. lf the
Most Experienced i.e. Lead
Partner defined as such inthe communication
approving the qualification
defaults, it shall be construed as default of the
contractor and Employer will
take action under the Conditions of Contract.
(g) Notwithstanding the permission to assigning
the responsibilities of the defaulting
partner to any other equaily competent party
acceptabre tothe Emproyer as
mentioned in sub clause (f) above, allthe partners
ofthe Joint Venture will
retain the full and undivided responsibility
for the performance of their
obligations under the contract and/ or for satisfactory
completion of the works.
(h) The bid submitted shall include all
the relevant information as required under
the provisions of rrB and furnishedseparatery
for each partner.

3. Qualification of Joint Ventures:

lf bidder is a Joint Venture, the partners would
be limited to two (including lead
partner)' Joint Venture firm shall be jointly
and severaily responsible for completion
the project' JointVenture must fulfill the following of
minimum qualification requirement.
i' The Lead partnershall meet not less than 50% of qualification
criteria given in
the RFp.
ii' Theremainingpartnershall meetnotless thanzl%of allthecriteriagivenin
the RFp.
iii' The Joint Venture must also individually satisfy
the subject of the criteria of
RFP to the extent of their participation
in the Joint Venture. Also the Joint
venture must satisfy collectively the criteria
as stipulated in RFp. For this
purpose the relevant figures for each
of the partners shall be added together
arrive at the JointVenture totar capacity to
which shail be too%ormore.

lt ,/
(o Aai-wroh)
Chief Engineer(standard), pWD(Roads)
Cum Empowered Officer, SRRDA,
Meghalaya, Shillong.

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