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The secret life of Walter Mitty

Author: James Thurber

Illustrator: AB- Hemminger

Favorite Character: Mitty


Setting: In mitty's car


This story was:

At first, Mitty imagines he's a naval commander Supervising a seaplane during a raging
storm he's actually in the car with his wife.

Mitty imagines himself in an operating room and Prepares to operate on a millionaire banker.
Mitty is running errands for Mrs. Mitty and a newsboy shouts out the headlines of a lawsuit
for murder. Mitty begins to imagine himself in court.

Mitty's wife goes to the drugstore while Mitty waits. The lights a cigarette it starts to rain then
he faced the firing squad.

Favorite Event:
When mitty begins to imagine that he sees himself as a WWI Pilot heroically bombing a
German munitions Plant.

Author: William Saroyan

Illustrators: Alice Beach Winter / Auguste Renoir

Favorite Character: Gaston


-Setting: Father's house


This story was: Ok

The girl went for a walk in the neighborhood and saw some peaches and bought them, but
one came out defective and the father peeled the defective peach.

An insect came out of the peach; the father is not going to kill it, and the daughter does not
understand why he does not. The father went for more defective peaches

The girl received a call from her mother that she would send a driver. The father returned
and realized that the girl crushed Gaston.

Fav Event:
The Father names the worm Gaston and creates a story about his life.
The Child is the Master

Author: Robert Horn

illustrator: Greg Spalenka

character: Robert Donnelly


setting: Lyman Chess Institute


This book was: pretty good

Begging: Donnelly and Pandolfini are looking for someone so Donnelly competed with
someone and nobody wanted to compete with him.

Donnelly competes with Robert and everyone comes to see them.

Donnelly loses but Pandolfini congratulates him.

Fav event:
when Donnelly competed with Robert.
From Black Boy

Author: Richard Wright

Illustrator: John Wilson


This story was: pretty good

The story begins when four-year-old Richard sets fire to his grandmother's house in
Jackson, Mississippi, and, as punishment, is nearly beaten to death by his mother.

Racism as a problem among individuals is a familiar topic in literature. Black Boy, however,
explores racism not only as an odious belief held by odious people but also as an insidious
problem knit into the very fabric of society as a whole.

He realizes that he is destined to become a writer and soon flees to Chicago. He knows that
the South will always be a part of him, but he is determined to flourish in his new life, thus
exacting revenge on the Southern social system.

Favorite Event:
Richard Discovers the KKK Newspaper That He Has Been Selling.

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