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Code Explanation line by line

1)<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html> is an instruction or declaration at the beginning of an HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) document that specifies the version of HTML being used
and helps the web browser understand how to render the page. It defines the document
type and ensures the browser interprets the code correctly.

<html> is the opening tag that signifies the beginning of an HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) document. It encapsulates the entire
content of the web page and provides the structure for elements like
headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more.

<head> is an HTML element that contains meta-information about the document, such as
its title, links to stylesheets or scripts, character set declarations, and other essential
metadata that doesn't appear directly in the main content of the webpage.

4)<title>RailTrackPro - Railway Tracking

<title>RailTrackPro - Railway Tracking System</title> is an HTML
element used within the <head> section to define the title of the web
page. It appears on the browser's title bar or tab and provides a brief
description of the page's content or purpose to the user.

5) <style>
<style> is an HTML element used to embed CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) within an
HTML document. It allows you to define the visual presentation and layout of elements
on a webpage, such as fonts, colors, spacing, and more, directly within the HTML file.
6) body {
body { is the starting point of a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rule that
targets the <body> element in HTML. This rule allows you to define
various styling properties (like color, background, font, etc.) that will be
applied to the entire content of the webpage.

7) font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

font-family: Arial, sans-serif; is a CSS property used to specify the
preferred font or font family for text within a webpage. In this case, it
suggests using Arial as the primary font and a generic sans-serif font
(such as Helvetica or Arial, if unavailable) as a backup, ensuring the text
displays in a sans-serif style for better readability across different devices
and platforms.

8)margin: 0;
margin: 0; is a CSS property that sets the margin of an element to zero.
In this context, it removes any margin space around the element,
ensuring that there is no extra space between the element's border and
surrounding elements or the edges of its container.

9)padding: 0;
padding: 0; is a CSS property used to set the padding of an element to
zero. It removes any space between the content of the element and its
border, effectively eliminating any internal spacing within the element.

In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of
code. It's used to close a set of style rules that were opened with an
opening curly brace {. This symbol helps define the scope of styles
applied to specific HTML elements or classes.
11) header {
header { in CSS denotes the beginning of a style rule targeting the
<header> HTML element. Any CSS properties defined within this block
will apply specifically to the styling of the <header> element on the web

12) background-color: #333;

background-color: #333; is a CSS property used to set the
background color of an element to a specific color. In this case, the
color specified is a dark shade represented by the hexadecimal color
code #333, which corresponds to a dark gray color.

13)color: white;
color: white; in CSS sets the text color of an element to white. It
defines the foreground color for the text content within that element,
making the text appear in white on the webpage.

14)text-align: center;
text-align: center; is a CSS property used to horizontally align the text content
within an element to the center. It centers the text within its container along the horizontal

15)padding: 20px 0;
padding: 20px 0; in CSS is a shorthand property for setting padding. In
this case:

 20px refers to the top and bottom padding, specifying a padding of

20px for the top and bottom edges.
 0 refers to the left and right padding, indicating no padding (0 pixels)
for the left and right edges of the element.
16) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to signify the end of a block of
code. It closes a set of style rules that were initiated with an opening
curly brace {. This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to
specific HTML elements or classes.

17)nav ul {
nav ul { in CSS targets the <ul> elements that are nested within a <nav>
element. Any CSS properties defined within this block will apply
specifically to unordered lists (<ul>) that are contained within a <nav>
element in the HTML structure of the webpage.

18) list-style-type: none;

list-style-type: none; is a CSS property used to remove the bullets or
markers (such as discs or numbers) from an unordered list ( <ul>) or ordered
list (<ol>). Setting it to none hides these default list styles, effectively
removing the bullets or numbers associated with list items.

19) margin: 0;
margin: 0; in CSS sets the margin of an element to zero. In this context, it removes any
margin space around the targeted element, ensuring there is no extra space between the
element's border and surrounding elements or the edges of its container.

20)padding: 0;
padding: 0; in CSS sets the padding of an element to zero. It removes
any space between the content of the element and its border,
effectively eliminating any internal spacing within the element.
21) display: flex;
display: flex; in CSS is used to create a flex container, turning the
targeted element and its children into flex items. This property allows for
flexible layout options by enabling various properties like justify-content,
align-items , and flex-direction to control the arrangement and alignment
of the items within the container.

22) justify-content: center;

justify-content: center; in CSS, when used with a flex container (display:
flex;), horizontally aligns the flex items along the main axis (in this case,
the horizontal axis) and centers them within the flex container.

23) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code.
It's used to close a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly
brace {. This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific
HTML elements or classes.

24) nav ul li {
nav ul li { in CSS targets the list items (<li>) that are nested within an unordered list
(<ul>) which, in turn, is contained within a <nav> element. Any CSS properties defined
within this block will apply specifically to list items within unordered lists that are children of
a <nav> element in the HTML structure of the webpage.

25) margin: 0 10px;

margin: 0 10px; in CSS is a shorthand property for setting margins.

 0 sets the top and bottom margins to zero.

 10px sets the left and right margins to 10px.

So, in this case, it creates a margin of 0 pixels for the top and bottom edges
and a margin of 10px for the left and right edges of the targeted element.
26) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It
closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.

27)nav ul li a {
nav ul li a { in CSS targets the anchor (<a>) elements that are nested
within list items (<li>) which, in turn, are nested within an unordered list
(<ul>) within a <nav> element. Any CSS properties defined within this block
will apply specifically to anchor elements that are descendants of list items
within unordered lists contained within a <nav> element in the HTML
structure of the webpage.

28) text-decoration: none;

text-decoration: none; in CSS is used to remove the default underline
decoration from text. Applying this property to an element removes any
underlining on the text within that element, typically used for hyperlinks
(<a> tags) to eliminate the default underlined appearance.

29) color: white;

color: white; in CSS sets the text color of an element to white. It defines
the foreground color for the text content within that element, making the
text appear in white on the webpage.

In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It closes a set of
style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {. This symbol helps define the
scope of styles applied to specific HTML elements or classes.
31) main {
main { in CSS denotes the beginning of a style rule targeting the <main>
HTML element. Any CSS properties defined within this block will apply
specifically to the styling of the <main> element on the web page.

32) padding: 20px;

padding: 20px; in CSS sets the padding of an element to 20px on all sides.
This property creates space between the content of the element and its
border, adding 20px of space uniformly around the element.

33) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It
closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.

34) section {
section { in CSS denotes the beginning of a style rule targeting the
<section> HTML element. Any CSS properties defined within this block will
apply specifically to the styling of the <section> elements on the web page.

35)margin-bottom: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px; in CSS sets the bottom margin of an element to 20px .
This property creates space specifically at the bottom of the targeted
element, pushing away any content or elements immediately below it by a
distance of 20px.
36) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It
closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.

37) select, button {

select, button { in CSS denotes the beginning of a style rule targeting
both <select> elements and <button> elements. Any CSS properties defined
within this block will apply specifically to the styling of <select> elements
and <button> elements on the web page.

38)padding: 10px;
padding: 10px; in CSS sets the padding of an element to 10px on all sides.
This property creates space between the content of the element and its
border, adding 10px of space uniformly around the element.

39)font-size: 16px;
font-size: 16px; in CSS sets the size of the font for the targeted element to
16 pixels. It determines the height of the characters within that element,
making the text appear larger or smaller based on the specified size.

40) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It
closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.
41)@media only screen and (max-width:
600px) {
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { in CSS is a media query that
specifies styles for devices with a maximum width of 600 pixels. The styles
within this query will apply only when the screen width is 600px or less,
allowing for responsive design adjustments on smaller screens like mobile

42)nav ul {
nav ul { in CSS denotes a style rule targeting <ul> elements that are
children of a <nav> element. Any CSS properties defined within this block
will apply specifically to unordered lists ( <ul>) that are directly nested within
a <nav> element in the HTML structure of the webpage.

43) flex-direction: column;

flex-direction: column; in CSS, when applied to a flex container (display:
flex;), arranges the flex items vertically, stacking them in a column layout
along the main axis (from top to bottom).

44)align-items: center;
align-items: center; in CSS, when used with a flex container ( display:
flex;), aligns the flex items along the cross-axis (perpendicular to the main
axis). In this case, it centers the flex items vertically within the flex container.

45) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to mark the end of a block of code. It
closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.
46) }
In CSS, } is a closing curly brace used to signify the end of a block of code.
It closes a set of style rules that were opened with an opening curly brace {.
This symbol helps define the scope of styles applied to specific HTML
elements or classes.

47) </style>
</style> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <style> element.
It signifies the end of the CSS code block embedded within the HTML
document and indicates that the styling information for the webpage has

</head> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of the <head> element
in an HTML document. This element typically contains meta-information
about the document, such as its title, links to stylesheets or scripts,
character set declarations, and other essential metadata that doesn't
appear directly in the main content of the webpage.

<body> is the opening tag that signifies the beginning of the <body> section
in an HTML document. It encapsulates the entire content of the web page
that will be displayed to the user, including text, images, links, and other
visible elements.

<header> is an HTML element used to define introductory content or a
group of navigational links at the top of a webpage. It often includes logos,
introductory texts, navigation menus, or other elements that appear at the
top of a website.
51)<h1>RailTrackPro - Railway Tracking
<h1>RailTrackPro - Railway Tracking System</h1> is an HTML heading
element (<h1>) that displays the main title or heading of a webpage. In this
case, it presents the title "RailTrackPro - Railway Tracking System" as the
most prominent heading on the page, typically styled with a larger font size
to indicate its importance.

52) <nav>
<nav> is an HTML element used to define a section of navigation links on a
webpage. It's meant to contain various navigation elements, such as menus,
lists of links, or other navigation-related content that helps users navigate
through different sections or pages of the website.

<ul> is an HTML element used to create an unordered list. It's used to
group together related items that don't have a specific order or sequence.
Each item in an unordered list is represented by the <li> (list item) element,
nested within the <ul> tags.

54)<li><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#home">Home</a></li> is an HTML list item (<li>) containing a
hyperlink (<a>) element. This construct creates a list item that, when clicked,
typically directs the user to the section of the webpage marked with the id
attribute "home" (using #home as the link reference). This is often used for
internal page navigation.
55)<li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#about">About</a></li> represents an HTML list item (<li>)
containing a hyperlink (<a>) element. This construct creates a list item that,
when clicked, typically directs the user to the section of the webpage
marked with the id attribute "about" (using #about as the link reference),
enabling internal page navigation to the "About" section.

<li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> is an HTML list item (<li>)
containing a hyperlink (<a>) element. Clicking on this link typically directs
the user to the section of the webpage marked with the id attribute
"contact" (using #contact as the link reference), facilitating internal page
navigation to the "Contact" section.

57) </ul>
</ul> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of an unordered list
(<ul>) element. It signifies the completion of the list, encapsulating all the
list items (<li>) and ending the unordered list structure in the HTML

58) </nav>
</nav> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a navigation ( <nav>)
element in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the navigation
section on the webpage.
</header> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a header
(<header>) element in an HTML document. It indicates the completion of the
header section, which often contains introductory content, logos,
navigation menus, or other elements at the top of a webpage.

<main> is an HTML element that defines the main content area of a
webpage. It typically encapsulates the primary content, such as articles,
posts, or the central focus of the webpage. The <main> element separates
the main content from other auxiliary sections on the page like headers,
footers, sidebars, etc.

61)<section id="home">
<section id="home"> is an HTML element representing a section with the
unique identifier "home". The id attribute allows for unique identification of
this section within the HTML document. This ID can be used to target and
link to this specific section within the webpage.

62)<h2>Welcome to RailTrackPro</h2>
<h2>Welcome to RailTrackPro</h2> is an HTML heading element (<h2>) that
displays a secondary-level heading on a webpage. In this case, it presents
the text "Welcome to RailTrackPro" as a subheading, typically styled with a
slightly smaller font size than the main heading (<h1>).
63) <p>Explore our railway tracking system
and get live updates on train arrivals.</p>
<p>Explore our railway tracking system and get live updates on train
arrivals.</p> is an HTML paragraph element ( <p>) containing text. It
represents a paragraph on a webpage and displays the text "Explore our
railway tracking system and get live updates on train arrivals." Typically, <p>
elements are used to structure and present textual content within a

</section> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <section>
element in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the section
defined by the <section> opening tag, encapsulating a specific portion of
content within the webpage.

65) <section id="about">

<section id="about"> is an HTML element representing a section with the
unique identifier "about". The id attribute allows for unique identification of
this section within the HTML document. This ID can be used to target and
link to this specific section within the webpage.

66)<h2>About RailTrackPro</h2>
<h2>About RailTrackPro</h2> is an HTML heading element (<h2>) that
displays a secondary-level heading on a webpage. In this case, it presents
the text "About RailTrackPro" as a subheading, typically styled with a
slightly smaller font size than the main heading (<h1>).
67)<p>RailTrackPro is a cutting-edge railway
tracking system designed to provide accurate
information about train arrivals and
<p>RailTrackPro is a cutting-edge railway tracking system designed to
provide accurate information about train arrivals and departures.</p> is
an HTML paragraph element (<p>) containing text. It represents a paragraph
on a webpage and displays the text "RailTrackPro is a cutting-edge railway
tracking system designed to provide accurate information about train
arrivals and departures." Typically, <p> elements are used to structure and
present textual content within a webpage.

68) </section>
</section> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <section>
element in an HTML document. It indicates the completion of the section
defined by the <section> opening tag, encapsulating a specific portion of
content within the webpage.

69) <section id="contact">

<section id="contact"> is an HTML element representing a section with the
unique identifier "contact". The id attribute allows for unique identification
of this section within the HTML document. This ID can be used to target
and link to this specific section within the webpage.

70)<h2>Contact Us</h2>
<h2>Contact Us</h2> is an HTML heading element (<h2>) that displays a
secondary-level heading on a webpage. In this case, it presents the text
"Contact Us" as a subheading, typically styled with a slightly smaller font
size than the main heading (<h1>).
71)<p>For inquiries and support, please
contact us at</p>
<p>For inquiries and support, please contact us at</p> is an HTML paragraph element ( <p>)
containing text. It represents a paragraph on a webpage and displays the
text "For inquiries and support, please contact us at". Typically, <p> elements are used to structure
and present textual content within a webpage.

</section> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <section>
element in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the section
defined by the <section> opening tag, encapsulating a specific portion of
content within the webpage.

73)<section id="train-info">
<section id="train-info"> is an HTML element representing a section with
the unique identifier "train-info". The id attribute allows for unique
identification of this section within the HTML document. This ID can be
used to target and link to this specific section within the webpage.

74)<h2>Train Information</h2>
<h2>Train Information</h2> is an HTML heading element (<h2>) that
displays a secondary-level heading on a webpage. In this case, it presents
the text "Train Information" as a subheading, typically styled with a slightly
smaller font size than the main heading ( <h1>).
75)<label for="train-select">Select
<label for="train-select">Select Train:</label> is an HTML label element
(<label>) that associates with a form input element using the for attribute.
In this case, it labels an input field with the id attribute of "train-select",
providing a description or title for that particular input field.

76) <select id="train-select">

<select id="train-select"> is an HTML element representing a dropdown
menu, created using the <select> tag. It provides a selection list where
users can choose one option from various pre-defined choices. The id
attribute "train-select" allows for unique identification of this element
within the HTML document.

77) <option value="Angel

Express">Angel Express</option>
<option value="Angel Express">Angel Express</option> is an HTML
<option> element within a <select> dropdown menu. It represents one
selectable item within the dropdown list. In this case, "Angel Express" is the
visible text shown to the user, and the value attribute provides the data
associated with this option, which could be used by scripts or form
78) <option value="Logic Express">Logic
<option value="Logic Express">Logic Express</option> is an HTML
<option> element within a <select> dropdown menu. It represents one
selectable item within the dropdown list. In this case, "Logic Express" is the
visible text shown to the user, and the value attribute provides the data
associated with this option, which could be used by scripts or form

79) <option value="King Superfast

Express">King Superfast Express</option>
<option value="King Superfast Express">King Superfast Express</option>
is an HTML <option> element within a <select> dropdown menu. It represents one
selectable item within the dropdown list. In this case, "King Superfast Express" is the visible
text shown to the user, and the value attribute provides the data associated with this option,
which could be used by scripts or form submissions.

80)<option value="Durga
Express">Durga Express</option>
<option value="Durga Express">Durga Express</option> is an HTML
<option> element within a <select> dropdown menu. It represents one
selectable item within the dropdown list. In this case, "Durga Express" is the
visible text shown to the user, and the value attribute provides the data
associated with this option, which could be used by scripts or form
81) </select>
</select> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <select>
element in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the dropdown
menu structure, enclosing all the <option> elements within the dropdown

82) <button
<button onclick="trackTrain()">Track</button> is an HTML button element
(<button>) that triggers a JavaScript function named trackTrain() when
clicked. This button is typically used for user interactions, where clicking it
initiates a specific action or function, in this case, likely to track a train
based on user input or selection.

83)<p id="arrival-time">Estimated Arrival

Time: </p>
<p id="arrival-time">Estimated Arrival Time: </p> is an HTML paragraph
element (<p>) with the id attribute set to "arrival-time". This ID can be used to uniquely
identify this paragraph element in the HTML document. It's commonly used to display
information, and in this case, it might represent a placeholder for displaying the estimated
arrival time of a train, which could be updated dynamically using JavaScript.

84)<p id="arrival-prediction">Predicted
Arrival Time: </p>
<p id="arrival-prediction">Predicted Arrival Time: </p> is an HTML
paragraph element (<p>) with the id attribute set to "arrival-prediction".
This ID can uniquely identify this paragraph element within the HTML
document. It's typically used to display information, and in this case, it
might represent a placeholder for showing the predicted arrival time of a
train, which could be updated dynamically using JavaScript or server-side
85)<div id="train-details"></div>
<div id="train-details"></div> is an HTML <div> element with the id attribute set
to "train-details". This ID serves as a unique identifier for this division within the HTML
document. It's commonly used as a container to hold and structure content, and in this case, it
might be used to display or contain detailed information about the selected train, which could
be dynamically updated via JavaScript or server-side data.

86)<div id="train-schedule"></div>
<div id="train-schedule"></div> is an HTML <div> element with the id
attribute set to "train-schedule". This ID serves as a unique identifier for this
division within the HTML document. It's commonly used as a container to
hold and structure content, and in this case, it might be used to display or
contain the schedule information of the selected train, which could be
dynamically updated via JavaScript or server-side data.

</section> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of a <section>
element in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the section
defined by the <section> opening tag, encapsulating a specific portion of
content within the webpage.

88) </main>
</main> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of the <main> element
in an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the main content
section of the webpage, separating it from other auxiliary sections such as
headers, footers, and sidebars.
<script> is an HTML element used to embed JavaScript code within an
HTML document. It allows developers to include client-side scripts that can
interact with the HTML content, modify the page's behavior, handle events,
and more. JavaScript code placed within <script> tags will be executed by
the web browser when the page is loaded or when triggered by specific

</script> is the closing tag used to mark the end of a JavaScript block
embedded within an HTML document. It signifies the completion of the
JavaScript code section, enclosing all the JavaScript code between the
opening <script> tag and the closing </script> tag.

</body> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of the <body> section in an HTML
document. It signifies the completion of the content visible to the user, including text, images,
and other elements displayed on the webpage.

</html> is an HTML closing tag used to mark the end of an HTML
document. It signifies the completion of the HTML structure and
encapsulates the entire content of the webpage. All HTML elements and
content should be placed between the opening <html> tag and the closing
</html> tag.

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