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1. All official candidates shall file their Statement of

Contributions and Expenditures, despite that:

a. They were not elected;

b. Their campaign was self-funded;

c. They neither received contributions nor incur


d. They did not pursue or continue their campaign; or

e. They withdrew their candidacy, unless they officially

withdrawn the same before October 19,2023.

2. The SOCE must be personally signed by the candidate,

subscribed and sworn to any person authorized to
administer oath.

3. The candidate shall file a soft/electronic copy (i.e. PDF and

excel file format) and two (2) hard/printed copies of SOCE
using the prescribed forms.

4. The soft/electronic copy of the SOCE must be store or save

in an external storage device.

5. It must be filed by the candidate or the duly authorized

representative within thirty (30) days from the date of
elections, or until November 29,2023, at the Office of the
Election Officer of the city/municipality where the candidate
submitted his or her Certificate of Candidacy. The
submission must be made during weekdays from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 pm.

6. The deadline shall be final and non-extendible. Any SOCE

filed beyond the deadline shall not be accepted.

7. Submissions via registered mail, electronic mail, courier, or

messenger services shall not be allowed and accepted.
8. No elected candidate shall assume office unless he or she
complied with the submission of SOCE and within the period
allowed by law.

Source: Political Finance and Affairs Department

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