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Q1: ...from *NSYNC with "Like I Love You"; nice career move, son?

The crrect Answer is: (Justin) Timberlake

Q2: "Fire & Blood" is a novel from this author, set centuries before the events in "Game of

The crrect Answer is: (George) Martin

Q3: The 16-ton statue seen here was created to honor the university of this state?

The crrect Answer is: Florida

Q4: The person sitting to the right of the dealer does this after the shuffle?

The crrect Answer is: cuts the cards (cuts the deck)

Q5: In 2018 his Sean John line turned 20?

The crrect Answer is: Sean Combs, Puffy Combs

Q6: Appropriately, this CCR hit was on the soundtrack to "An American Werewolf in

The crrect Answer is: "Bad Moon Rising"

Q7: Used by Desmond Tutu: "Rainbow Nation"?

The crrect Answer is: South Africa

Q8: Infra-?

The crrect Answer is: below

Q9: The subtitle of this numerical book by Eliot Asinof is "The Black Sox and the 1919 World

The crrect Answer is: <i>Eight Men Out</i>

Q10: The crab-eating one of these masked animals eats fish, fruit & frogs, too?

The crrect Answer is: raccoons

Q11: Held each February, this Florida contest is the premier race on the NASCAR circuit?

The crrect Answer is: the Daytona 500

Q12: India?

The crrect Answer is: Hinduism

Q13: Its 4 major islands form a curve that extends for about 1,500 miles?

The crrect Answer is: Japan

Q14: 8-letter word for knives, forks & spoons when used at the dinner table?

The crrect Answer is: flatware

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