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Q1: In 1995 10 players were ejected for a brawl on "Strike Out Domestic Violence" night at

this Durham, N.C. team's park?

The crrect Answer is: the Durham Bulls

Q2: The Cortland variety of these brown very slowly after they're cut, making them a good
choice for garnishes?

The crrect Answer is: apples

Q3: The Chinook variety of this fish is Oregon's state fish?

The crrect Answer is: salmon

Q4: Ratified on March 29, the 23rd Amendment granted this U.S. district the right to vote in
pres. elections?

The crrect Answer is: Washington, D.C.

Q5: 2013:Con woman Sydney Prosser?

The crrect Answer is: <i>American Hustle</i>

Q6: Edvard Munch bequeathed his works of art to this Norwegian capital, which built a
museum to display them?

The crrect Answer is: Oslo

Q7: In 1955, 52-year-old Ray Kroc opened his first burger joint in the chain called not Kroc's
but this?

The crrect Answer is: McDonald\'s

Q8: Henny Youngman always begs, "Take my wife..."?

The crrect Answer is: "...please"

Q9: In 1890 William Kemmler, who had killed his mistress, became the first convict to be
executed this way?

The crrect Answer is: electrocution

Q10: Google is this to Alphabet, this being one company owned by another?

The crrect Answer is: a subsidiary

Q11: As you can see, the Japanese type of this breakfast item is a bit fluffier than the Yank

The crrect Answer is: a pancake

Q12: In 1937 a search party was sent for one of the goalies when a soccer game was stopped
in England due to this weather condition?

The crrect Answer is: fog

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