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In the world in which we live in, there will always be people who continue to experience
setbacks. However, successful people have also passed through serious problems and have
many huge failures in their lives. This is one of the realities that has made us understand that it
is okay to fail because it is a continuous process towards reaching our dreams and becoming
successful. Mistakes and failures serve as lessons towards our way to success. Like at times
when we fail to listen to a friend, we would regret not noticing it until they’re gone. Other than
that, we would fail in catching any interest in continuing our studies, thus, being more
discouraged because of it, consequently affecting us in various circumstances. Becoming
lethargic on the way home, or neither talking nor socializing with the family. But, we have
learned now that not all the opportunities we get, we would succeed. We must also experience
disruptions in the journey throughout our lives. If it was not for our failures back then, we
would not have been able to shape ourselves as well as our lives the way we should. We do not
know when failures will arrive, but we must acknowledge it in order to change ourselves. We
are continuously strengthened as it serves as an inspiration in reaching what we desire. I have
noticed that most people who fail, give up right away, not even understanding the benefits of it
to human endeavors. We used to be like that before, also experiencing such situations,the only
thing I had failed to do is give up. Believe that success is the result of mistakes, trials,
experiences, and failures in life.

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