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Individual work

Describe a thing that has become a fashion or matter of status nowadays

Throughout time, the possession of certain items has been linked to achieve a
higher status or such as having a car. The ownership of expensive car brands
indicates the financial superiority and marks as image in the mind of the people
in the society. Therefore, in this materialistic world, people of different cultural
and financial background want to have a four-wheeler.

In some countries, the majority of people cannot afford a car but with the
emergence of options like car loans and the availability of second hand cars,
everyone enjoys this privilege. Millennial today believe in giving a “good
impression” to others because of which they urge their elders to invest in fancy
and latest models. Possessing a car has its own convenience, comfort which also
comes with some liabilities like maintenance and environment concerns.

All in all, the utility of a car is replaced by the image and status symbol that in
offers. With the booming economy and stagnant car prices, more and more
people are getting influenced to purchase a car in the future. However, people
consider ownership of expensive four-vehicle equivalent to a luxury. In
addition, in the period of conscious environmentalism and hefty fuel prices,
people must be more concerned about the pollution it causes rather than their
own image and status.

Teacher: Gunay Hajizada

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