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TRAN ixore CHIiNH SACH BAN HANG DANH CHO KHACH HANG SALES POLICIES FOR CUSTOMERS (Ixora Ho Tram by Fusion — Giai doan 2/ Phase 2) 1. CHINE SACH BAN HANG DANH CHO SU KIEN MO BAN/ SALES LAUNCH POLICY: 1. Chiét khiiu bin hang chung! General Sales discounts: 1.1 Chiét khdu 2% (hai phan trim) trén gid (“Gia”) ban/thué (“Giao djeh”) can hg khiich sé (“Bat Dong San”) chira bao gdm thué GGT cho tit cd céc khach hang dap img cae di A discount of 2% (two percent) on the sales/lease (“Transaction”) price (the “Price” of the Condotel Units and/or Villas (the “Property”), before VAT will be granted to all customers who ‘fulfill the following conditions: a, Khach hang thanh todin tién dat ché khOng hodn Iai (s6 tién VND 50,000,000 d5i v6i Can HO Khach San va VND 200,000,000 d6i vi Biét Thy, sau day duoe goi la “Tiém Dt Ch”) va ky Phiéw Dat Ché Khéng Hoan Lai va Thu Xéc Nhan Giao Dich (ca hai duige goi chung la “Xe Nhin Giao Dich”) trong thé gian tir ngay 21/07/2022 dén ngay 16/10/2022; They provide a non-refundable booking fee (in the amount of VND 50,000,000 for Condotel Units and VND 200,000,000 for Villas, hereinafter referred to as the “Booking Fee”) and sign a Non- Refundable Booking Form and a Confirmation Letter (together, the “Confirmation Letter") during the period of time from 21/07/2022 to 16/10/2022; b. Khach hing ky hop ding dat coc (“Hop Dong Coe”) va hoin tat thanh ton Dot 1 (khong hoan lai) la 10% Gia Bat Dong San trong ving 15 ngiy ké tr ngay thanh ton tién dft ché khing hodn Iai trong khodng thoi gian tir ngay 21/07/2022 dén ngay 31/10/2022. They execute a deposit agreement (the “Deposit Agreement") and make the initial payment (non- refundable) of 10% ofthe Property Price within 15 days from the date of paving Booking Fee during the period of time from 21/07/2022 0 31/10/22. 1.2. Ney t6 chite sy kign ban hang du kién vio ngiy 10/09/2022 hod vao mét ngiy do Céng ty TNHH Dy én H6 Trim (“HTP”) chi dinh nhung khéng teé hon ngay 16/10/2022 (“Ngay TS Chire Sw Kign Ban Hang”). A sales event is expected to take place on 10/09/2022 or another date to be designated by Ho Tram Project Company Limited (“HTP”) but no later than 16/10/2022 (the “Sales Event Date”). ‘Chiét khau thém 0,5% (khong, nim phan trim) trén Gia Bat Bong San chua bao gom thué GGT cho khich hang da than toan Tién Dat Cho trade Neay Té Chie Sy Kign Ban Hang va nhiing kivich hing nay duge phép thanh toan Dot 1 theo Hop Bong Coe (tong dong 10% Git Bit Dong Sin) trong vong 15 ngay sau Ngay Té Chie Sy Kign Ban Hang. An additional discount 0.5% (zero-point five percent) on the Property Price before VAT, will be granted to all customers who have paid the Booking Fee before the Sales Event Date and those customers will be allowed to make the Ist payment under the Deposit Agreement (corresponding to 10% of the Property Price) until the date that is 15 days after the Sales Event Date 1.3. Chiét khdu thém 0,5% (khéng phy nm phan trim) trén Gié Bat Dong San chua bao gom thue GTGT ‘danh cho céc khdch hang than thiét cla HTP da thué dai han san phim bat déng san cia HTP. ‘An additional discoumt of 0.5% (zero-point five percent) on the Price before VAT. will be granted to HTP loyal customers who have long-term leased real estate property of HTP. Phwoe Thuan, Nuyer Moe. Ba Ria = Vung Tau, Vietnam 1 84913 333 881 | www. iserahomram com ixore Cac giao dich mua nhiéu can sé duge hurong thes Additional discounts will be grated to the Transaction’s bulk program as follows ~ 2 Bat DOng San: chiét khdu thém 0,5% (khdng phay n&im phan trim) trén Gid chua bao gdm thué GTGT, Ap dung trén gid cia tat ca cae Bat Déng San. 2 Properties: additional 0.5% (zero-point five percent) discount on the Price before VAT, applied on the Price of all Properties. = Tiv3 dén 4 Bat Dong San: chiét khau thém 1% (mét phan trim trén Gid chua bao gdm thué GTGT, ap dung trén Gia cia tat a cae Bat Dong San. From 3 to 4 Properties: additional 1% (one percent) discount on the Price before VAT, applied to the Price of all Properties. - TiS Bat Déng San tro lén: chiét khau thém 2% (hai phan tram) trén Gid chura bao gm thué GGT. ap dung trén Gid cia tit ca cae Bat Dong San. From 5 Properties: additional 2% (two percent) discount on the Price before VAT, applied to the Price ofall Properties - Giao dich déi véi mét hay nhiéu Bat Dong San ca cae thanh vién trong gia dinh cia mt khach hang, (bao gdm vo/ chéng, cdc con, cha/mg va anh chj em rut) duoc xem nhu la Giao Dich Bat Dong San cia Khéch hang dé va duge huréng chinh sich chiét khdu nhiéu cain nhur bén trén, A Transaction of one or more Properties to any family members of the customer (including wife/ Inusand, sons and daughters, parents and siblings) shall be counted as a Transaction of Property by that customer and considered for the discount of the bulk program as mentioned above. = Trong trudng hyp néu mt (hog hon) trong ede Giao Dich bj hiy va khiich hang khdng edn d4p img digu kign dé huong chinh sch chiét khau nhieu cdn, thi mite chiét khau da ap dung sé durge hiiy b6 hoe digu chinh va tinh dyra trén s6 lurgng Giao Dich the té. Theo 46, Giao Dich duge ghi nhjin khi khach hang da thanh toan dii 10% gia tri hop dong va ky Hop Bong Coc cho cae giao dich dé. In case one (or more) Transaction is cancelled and the customer is no longer eligible for the relevant Bulk Program discount rates, the applied discount shall be cancelled or revised based on the actual number of Transactions. For this purpose, Transaction means a transaction for which the customer has fully paid the first 10% deposit under the Deposit Agreement. 3. Chwong trinh béc thim may min/ Lucky draw program: - Tat ea khdch hang ky xe Nhin Giao Dich theo n Ban Hang sé duwge quyén tham gia chuong trinh béc tham tring thudng dé tring gidi thuéng 1 chiée Mercedes E200, All customers who sign the Confirmation Letter in the form provided by HTP before or at the Sales Event Date will be eligible to participate in the lucky draw and win a Mercedes Benz E200. - M&i mdt chiée xe trong ting sé 07 (bay) xe Mercedes Benz Bat Dong San da duge khdch hang ky Xe Nhan Giao Dich. Each of the total 07 (seven) Mercedes Benz E200 cars will be drawn amongst the customers for each group of 82 Properties in relation to which a Confirmation letter has been issued. 00 s® duge bée thai cho mdi nhém 82 - Saw khi ky Xe Nhin Giao Dich, Khach hing sé duge nhdn phiéu béc thim tring thudng dya trén logi Bat Déng San thé hign béi Xe Nhan Giao Dich theo thé Ié sau: After signing the Confirmation Letter, customers will be entitled to receive the lucky draw tickets based ‘on the type of Property specified in the Confirmation Letter with the following rules: v Déi voi Cn h6 khéch san logi | hoc 2 phong ngit: sé nhan duge 01 (mét) phiéu béc tham cho 1 (mét) Xe Nhan Giao Dich./BR or 2BR Condotel unit: will be entitled 10 01 (one) lucky draw ticket for O1(one) Confirmation Letter. Phuoe Thuan, Nuyen Nive, Ba Ria Ving Ta, Vitam 2 SU9IS383 881 into eioruhotmam com www. iNerahotram.c ixOVre v h6 khach san loai Penthouse: sé nhan duge 02 (hai) phiéu boc thim cho 01 (mot) Xe Nhiin Giao Dich,/ Condotel unit — Penthouse: will be entitled to 02 (two) lucky draw tickets for 01 (one) Confirmation Letter. ¥ —"Dbi voi Bigt thy: sé nhan dirge 04 (bén) phiéu bée thm cho O1 (mbt) Xde Nhiin Giao Dich! Villa: will be entitled to 04 (four) lucky draw tickets for 01 (ome) Confirmation Letter. ~ Méi X4e Nhéin Giao Dich déi vei mét Bat Déng San chi duge nhén gidi | lan. Each Confirmation Letter will be eligible to receive the prize one time only. - Néu giao dich bj hity va khach hang khéng tién hanh ky Hop Déng Coe thi phan thudng sé bi huy. If the Transaction is cancelled and the customers do not sign the Deposit Agreement, the prize will be cancelled. luge nhan gidi, khdch hang sé phai thanh todn t6i thiéu 40% gid tri Bat Dong San. In order to receive the prize, the customers are required to make the payment of at least 40% of the Property Price. ~ Nguoi tring thuéng sé phai thanh toén moi khodn thué thu nh§p ca nhan ba va ede chi phi khae dé sit dung xe. The prize recipient shall pay all relevant personal income taxes, car registration fees and other expenses arising from the car ownership. quan, phi dang ky trade = Chuong trinh béc thm may min nay chi ap dung déi v6i khach hing da ky Xde hin Giao Dich trirée hode vio ngay TS Chite Su Kign Bin Hang va vao ngay T6 Chite Su Kign Ban Hang, The lucky draw program is only applicable to customers who signed a Confirmation Letter before or at the Sales Event Date and execute on the Sales Event Date. 4. Qua tng tri in khéch hing/ Gifts for all customers: ~ _ Khach hang ky Thur Xde Nhén tir ngay 21/07/2022 dén ngay 16/10/2022 sé nhiin dure qua tang la Customers who signed the Confirmation Letter within the period from 21/07/22 to 16/10/22 will be entitled to: ‘+ 2 voucher mign phi tai Khdch sen Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram / Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Bluffs Golf Course cho 01 (mét) Giao Dich thanh cng d6i véi ein ho khdch san, 2 free vouchers at Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram / Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Bluffs Golf Course for each Condotel Transaction, © 4 voucher mign phi tai Khiich san Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram / Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Bluffs Golf Course cho 01 (m§t) Giao Djch thanh cng 46i v6i bigt thy hode penthouse. 4 free vouchers at Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram/ Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Bluffs Golf Course for each Villa or Condotel penthouse Transaction. = Voucher durge sir dung tity thude vao tinh trang e6 sin ctia Khdch san Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram / Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Blufls Golf Course. Voucher is subject to availability of Intercontinental The Grand Ho Tram for / Holiday Inn Resort Ho Tram Beach / Bluffs Golf Course. - Qua tang khéng duge quy doi thanh tién mat. Prizes cannot be exchanged for eash. 5. Tang Thé Hgi Vien Golf cho Khach hang Bigt thy! Golf Membership offer for villa customers - Tang Thé HOi Vien Golf 01 nam ciia The Bluffs cho 01 Giao Dich bigt thy. Promotion gift of One - year Bluffs Golf Membership for each Villa Transaction, 7 wh, Nuyent Moe. Ba Ria = Ving La, View 3 Vung Tat, Viet 4 ass

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