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Change the directory command

$ cd E:/Blockchain

2. To create the private blockchain network using genesis block

$ geth --datadir ./chaindata init genesis.json

3. To check if private network is working using geth command

$ geth --datadir ./chaindata

4. To create new account

$ geth --datadir ./datadir account new

5. Copy Accounts from Datadir Keystore to Chaindata Keystore

6. Command to start new private network & start javascript console

$ geth --datadir ./chaindata --networkid 1114 console 2>>Eth.log

7. geth --datadir ./chaindata --networkid 2018 --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcapi


geth attach \\\\.\\pipe\\geth.ipc

> personal.createAccount()
> eth.accounts

8. To start & stop mining

> miner.start()
> miner.stop()

9. eth.getBalance("WRITE THE ADDRESS")

10. web3.personal.unlockAccount(web3.personal.listAccounts[0], null, 180)
11. eth.sendTransaction({from:"0x8f28d459510aBF718f139E3a76a24d56A1D584C4",
to:"0xF6CD6c5fCE260d35cD366eD04004447Ab0bFC222", value:200000000000000000000})

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