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The Mystery of Popping Popcorn

1. Identify the highlighted sentences on the dialogue as:

a. Simple Present Tense
b. Simple Past Tense
c. Present Perfect Tense
d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
e. Passive Sentences
f. Present Continuous Tense

2. What is the use or the function of each Tenses?

3. Write the pattern of each Tenses

Sarah: Hi Alex. What are you doing?

Alex: I am preparing the ingredient to make popcorn

Sarah: Hey, have you ever wondered why popcorn pops?

Alex: Yeah, it's interesting. I think it's because of the moisture inside the seed. When you
heat it up, the moisture turns into steam.

Sarah: Exactly! And did you know that people have been enjoying popped corn for
centuries? Native Americans were the first to discover it.

Alex: No way! I didn't know that. How did they find out?

Sarah: Well, they used to heat corn seeds in sand. The heat caused the moisture inside
to turn into steam, making the seeds pop. It's like a natural explosion! Can you
understand my explanation?

Alex: That's pretty cool. I guess popcorn has been a snack for a long time.

Sarah: Oh, absolutely. And today, we've perfected the art of making popcorn. Microwave
popcorn, for example, is so convenient.

Alex: True. I've always wondered, though, why some seeds don't pop.

Sarah: Ah, that's a good question. It's because each seed has a different amount of
moisture. The ones with more moisture pop, while the drier ones stay unpopped.

Alex: Interesting. So, we've been popping popcorn for centuries, and there's still some
science behind it.

Sarah: Definitely. And did you know that popcorn is often enjoyed at the movies?

Alex: Yeah, it's a classic snack. I've also heard that popcorn can be made into different

Sarah: Yes, you can get creative with toppings like caramel, cheese, or even chocolate.
It's amazing how versatile popcorn can be.

Alex: Absolutely. The mystery of why popcorn pops adds to the enjoyment of this tasty

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