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Nadia Szulska

2023 may 3

Should some knowledge not be sought on

ethical grounds ?
How do we know ? , well . Maybe we think we know … In today's world, technological
advancements have opened up new frontiers in knowledge, with driverless cars,
artificial intelligence, and Neuralink's brain-machine interfaces leading the way.
However, as these technologies continue to push the boundaries of what we thought
was possible, new ethical questions have emerged: Should there be limits on what we
can know, or is all knowledge worth pursuing? What are the emerging ethical issues of
pushing these technologies forward?
Essentially in this exhibition im going to answer the question what are the
dangers of these technologies that constantly develop and provide us with new
knowledge, and how does it related to other peoples perspectives, morals and the
To answer these question we will have to look at different concepts why people
and seeking more and more knowledge. Pragmatist approach, decision made are
supposed to make benefits, they are not theoretical they are practical. To Help me
answer the question I will use the discovery of the AI, closely liked driverless cars and
the Elon Musk’s company Neurolink, who is the investor of these advancements, or …


As my first object I picked chat GPT which is recent advancement ( 2021) of company
OpenAI, supported financially by Elon Musk till 2019, when he tweeted to OpenAI CEO
Sam Altman that it is “scary good” and complained that news media wasn't widely covering it
because “ChatGPT is not a far left cause.” What’s more Elon musks ideas and OpenAi’s
organisation weren’t in a good correlation, Elon Musk decided to cut off chatGPT form
internet and his Tesla company. As a prevention of AI’s self improvement ? , he didn’t
explained himself far good in social media, in December on twitter he suggested the tech
suffered from bias issues and that it was capable of lying. Since then, Musk has accused
OpenAI of being a "maximum profit" company and has signed an open letter that called for
a six-month pause on AI development, but was it really the main cause why he cut off
ChatGPT form the Internet ?. What would happen if Chat would still be in the internet
“sucking in “ all the information ?, there are some theories that it would gain consciousness
itself, with the risk of tricking the society. Which leads us to another ethical issue of cyber-
danger, and question how does AI challenge our understanding of human desicion - making
and responsibility. One way Machine learning algorithms are a type of AI that can learn from
data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. These
algorithms can identify patterns in data that humans may not be able to discern, and can
make predictions or decisions based on these patterns. However, because machine learning
algorithms are not explicitly programmed, it can be difficult to understand how they arrive at
their decisions. This raises questions about transparency, accountability, and the potential for
bias. For example, if an AI system is used to make decisions about who to hire for a job, it
may be difficult to understand why certain candidates were selected or rejected, and whether
the system is biased against certain groups of people.
Can artificial inteligane trick society and disrupt social norms ? Focusing on social
norms and the society and its responsibility. “Before releasing GPT-4, OpenAI's 'red team'
asked the ChatGPT model how to murder people, build a bomb, and say antisemitic things”,
which chat according to different people’s perspectives it may seem normal, some subgroups
will perceive this thing us unimportant not seeing this as un ethical obstacle in keeping the
development of the AI. However according to official civil rights which operate in majority of
the countries it should be taken into account, which will conclude that some knowledge
shouldn’t be sought on ethical grounds, in these case AI.


As my second object I choose driverless cars. Firstly, driverless cars raise questions about
safety and responsibility. As autonomous vehicles become more common on the roads, there
are concerns about the potential for accidents and how to assign responsibility in the event
of a crash. This raises ethical questions about the pursuit of knowledge that may have
negative consequences for human safety. The concept that may be used to explore more this
ethical consideration is utilitarian and Kantian approach.Utilitarianism is an ethical theory
that emphasizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In the context of
driverless cars, a utilitarian approach might prioritize the safety benefits of the technology,
as it has the potential to significantly reduce the number of accidents caused by human
error. A utilitarian might argue that the benefits of this technology outweigh the potential
negative consequences, such as job losses or concerns about privacy.
On the other hand, a Kantian approach would prioritize the dignity and autonomy of
individual human beings. In the context of driverless cars, a Kantian might argue that
individuals have a right to make decisions about their own safety and that the use of
autonomous vehicles could violate this right. For example, if a passenger were to be harmed
as a result of a decision made by the vehicle's algorithms, this could be seen as a violation of
the passenger's autonomy and dignity.
Secondly, the development of driverless cars raises questions about the impact on
employment and the economy. If driverless cars become widespread, there may be
significant job losses in the transportation sector. This raises ethical questions about the
pursuit of knowledge that may have negative consequences for society as a whole.
Finally, the development of driverless cars raises questions about privacy and data security.
Autonomous vehicles are equipped with a range of sensors and cameras that collect data on
the environment and the passengers. This raises ethical questions about the collection,
storage, and use of this data, particularly in light of concerns about data breaches and the
potential for misuse. As
Overall, the development of driverless cars raises ethical questions about the pursuit of
knowledge in the context of safety, employment, and privacy. These questions challenge us
to consider the potential negative consequences of technological advancements and to think
critically about the ethical implications of pursuing certain types of knowledge.

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