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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 14th Year No 20

አ‫ףם‬ኦ‫ـף‬ኛ ዓ‫ ُא‬qÜ_R @
yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA 25th March, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫א וֹ‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2‫ ְֱך‬ዓ.‫ו‬


xêJ qÜ_R 5)^8/2‫ְך‬ሀ ›.M Proclamation No. 568/2008

የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫א ُעום ףם‬ብُ አዋጅ......... Right to Employment of Persons with Disability
ገጽ 4¹þ@7 Proclamation ……Page 4027

xêJ qÜ_R 5)^8/2‫ְֱך‬ PROCLAMATION NO. 568/2008

ስֳአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ ףם‬ስ‫א ُעו‬ብُ A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR

የወጣ አዋጅ

በ‫ֱד‬በ‫ שּרנ‬ዘንድ ‫ר ץם‬ዶ የ‫בּ‬የው ስֳአካָ WHEREAS, the negative perception of persons’
ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኝነُ ያֳው የ‫ـ‬ሳሳ‫ ـ‬ግንዛቤ በአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ disablement in society is deep rooted that, it has
የ‫א ُעום ףם‬ብُ ֶይ የ‫שף‬ን አִٍዊ ‫ـ‬ጽእኖ adversely affected the right of persons with disability
ያሳደ‫ֲא נ‬ኑን በ‫נא‬ደُ፣ to employment;

በ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ የ‫בּ‬የው የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ףם‬ WHEREAS, the existing legislation on the right of
ስ‫א ُעו‬ብُ አዋጅ ֳአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬ኑ disabled persons to employment created, by providing
የ‫א ףם‬ደቦ٤ እንዲֳዩ ‫א‬ደንገጉ አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ for reservation of vacancies for disabled persons, an
በ٤ֹٍْው ‫ـ‬ወዳድ‫נ‬ው ‫ ُףםא‬የ‫ד‬ይ٤ִ image whereby people with disabilities to be
አድ‫ץ‬ጎ የ‫בּג‬ጥ‫ץ‬፣ ‫ו‬٠ የ‫ ףם‬ሁኔٍ የ‫ד‬ይፈጥ‫ץ‬ considered as incapable of performing jobs based on
እና ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን የሕግ ከֳֶ የ‫ד‬ይ‫ר‬ጥ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፤ merit and failed to guarantee their right to reasonable
accommodation and to provide for proper protection;

WHEREAS, it has become necessary to enact a

አገ‫ ًע‬ከ‫ُו‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው እኩָ የ‫ ףם‬ዕድָ ‫ֲץא‬ new law that complies with the countries policy of
ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ጣጣ‫ו‬፣ ֳአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ ‫ו‬٠ የ‫ףם‬ equal employment opportunity, provides reasonable
ሁኔٍ የ‫ג‬ፈጥ‫ץ‬ና በ‫ ُעום ףם‬የ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ‫ْוֹ‬ውን accommodation for people with disabilities to
‫א‬ድָዎ በፍ‫ץ‬ድ ‫א‬ድ‫נ‬ኮ٤ በ‫דֳ ִֶשׂ‬ስ‫נ‬ዳُ employment and lays down simple procedural rule that
የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ አ‫ ץףט‬የ‫ג‬ዘ‫נ‬ጋ አዲስ ሕግ ‫ד‬ውጣُ enable them to prove before any judicial organ
አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፣ discriminations encountered in employment;

በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብֵክ NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1)
ሕገ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬አን‫שׂ‬ጽ $5 /1/ እና /3/ ‫ُנטא‬ and (3) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
የ‫ג‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው ٍውጇָ፡፡

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 4¹þ@8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4028

2. አጭ‫ץ ץ‬ዕስ 1. Short Title

ይֱ አዋጅ #የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ُעום ףם‬ This Proclamation may be cited as the “Right to
‫א‬ብُ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬5)%8/2‫ְֱך‬$ ‫ـ‬ብֹ ֵጠ Employment of Persons With Disability
‫שׂ‬ስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ Proclamation No. 568/2008”.

2. Definitions
1. ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ה‬

የቃִ አገ‫וֹ‬ብ ֶַ ُ‫ץ‬ጉ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬ጠው ካֲָነ In this Proclamation, unless the context requires
በስ‫ ץשׂـ‬በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ otherwise:

1/ “የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ” ‫ ֳُד‬በደ‫רנ‬በُ የአካָ፣

1/ “Person with disability” means an individual
የአእ‫ צו‬ወይ‫ ו‬የስ‫ ُה‬ሕዋሳُ ጉዳُ
whose equal employment opportunity is
‫ـ‬ከֹُ የ‫אג‬ጣ የኢኮኖ‫ג‬ያዊ፣ የ‫ֱד‬
reduced as a result of his physical, mental or
በ‫ף‬ዊ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ֱֶוֹ‬ዊ ‫א‬ድֹ ሳ‫תּ‬ያ sensory impairments in relation with social,
በ‫ ُעום ףם‬የእኩָ ዕዳָ ‫ـ‬ጠቃ‫ג‬ economic and cultural discrimination ;
ያֲָነ ‫ר‬ው ነው፣

2/ “የሥራ ሥምሪት” ‫ ֳُד‬ቅጥ‫ץ‬፣ ዕድገُ፣ 2/ “Employment” means a relationship that exists

between any person with disability and an
‫ָם‬ጠና፣ ዝውው‫ץ‬ና ַֹ٤ የ‫ףם‬
employer, which includes recruitment,
ሁኔٍዎ٤ን ጨ‫ צו‬በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ
promotion, training, transfer and other
ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛና በአ‫עט‬ ‫א‬ካከָ በ‫ףם‬ conditions of work;
‫ו‬ክንያُ የ‫ג‬ፈጠ‫ ץ‬ግንኙነُ ነው፣

3/ “አ‫ד ֳُד ”עט‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የፌዴ‫ ָף‬ወይ‫ו‬ 3/ “Employer” means any federal or regional
የክָָ ‫א‬ንግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ ቤُ ወይ‫ו‬ government office or an undertaking
በአ‫עט‬ና ‫ـףט‬ኛ አዋጅ የ‫ـג‬ዳደ‫ד ץ‬ንኛ governed by the Labor Proclamation;
ው‫ ו‬ድ‫ץ‬ጅُ ነው፣

4/ “‫א‬ድָዎ” ‫ֳُד‬ የ‫ףם‬ ዕድָን 4/ “Discrimination” means to accord different

በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ በአካָ ጉዳُ ֶይ ‫אـ‬ስ‫ِץ‬ treatment in employment opportunity as a
የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግ ָዩነُ ‫ֲת‬ን ከ‫ףם‬ው ፀ‫וֹ‬ይ result of disability; provided, however, that
የ‫ـ‬ነሳ ወይ‫ֳ ו‬አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛው አወን any inherent requirement of the job or
ٍዊ ድጋፍ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ ָוֹת‬የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ measures of affirmative actions may not be
አ‫צףט‬٤ን አይጨ‫וץו‬፣ considered as discrimination;

5/ “ ‫אـ‬ጣጣኝ ‫אד‬٢ُْ” ‫ ֳُד‬የአካָ 5/ “Reasonable accommodation” means an

ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ـףט‬ኛን የ‫ ףם‬ሁኔٍ ֳ‫אד‬٢ adjustment or accommodation with respect to
ُْ ‫ ָוֹת‬በ‫עםא‬ያ ‫עכא‬ያዎ٤፣ equipment at the work place, requirement of
በ‫ ףם‬ይዘُ ‫א‬ዘ‫ץ‬ዘ‫ץ‬፣ በ‫ר ףם‬ዓُ፣ the job, working hours, structure of the
በ‫ ףם‬አደ‫נ‬ጃጀُና የ‫ ףם‬አካ‫ֶ תּוֹ‬ይ business and working environment with a
የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግ ֳውጥ ወይ‫ד ו‬ስ‫ـ‬ካከያ ነው፣ view to accommodate persons with
disabilities to employment;
6/ “ያָ‫אـ‬ጣጠነ ጫና” ‫ֳ ֳُד‬አካָ 6/ “Undue burden” means an action that entails
ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ו‬٠ የ‫ ףם‬ሁኔٍ ֳ‫א‬ፍጠ‫ץ‬ considerable difficulty or expense on the
‫ ָוֹת‬ከ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬ደው የ‫ד‬ስ‫ـ‬ካከያ እ‫וץ‬ጃ employer in accommodating persons with
‫וֹ‬ሕ‫ץ‬ይ፣ ከድ‫ץ‬ጅً ስፋُ ወይ‫ו‬ disabilities when considered in light of the
ከአጠቃֶይ ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤ ብዛُና ስብጥ‫ץ‬ nature and cost of the adjustments, the size
አንፃ‫את ץ‬ዛዘን በአ‫עט‬ው ֶይ ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ and structure of the business, the cost of its
የአ‫ ץףט‬٤ግ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬የወጭ ጫና operations and the number and composition
የ‫ג‬ያስከָُ እ‫וץ‬ጃ ነው፣ of its employees:
gA 4¹þ@9 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4029

7/ “ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ” ‫ ֳُד‬እንደአግ‫ שּוֹ‬የፌዴ‫ָף‬ 7/ “Court” means the Federal First Instance
የ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ ደ‫נ‬ጃ ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ ወይ‫ ו‬የክָָ Court or regional High Court or federal or
ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ ወይ‫ ו‬የፌዴ‫ ָף‬ወይ‫ו‬ regional civil service administrative tribunal;
የክָָ የ‫ת‬ቪָ ‫ץר‬ቪስ የአስ‫ـ‬ዳደ‫ ץ‬ፍ‫ץ‬ድ
ቤُ ነው፣
8/ “Unless the nature of the work dictates”
8/ “የ‫ףם‬ው ፀ‫וֹ‬ይ የ‫ד‬ይፈቅድ” ‫ـ ֳُד‬ፈֶጊ means a job that could not be performed by a
ውን ٤ֹٍ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ ֶח‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫אـ‬ qualified person with disabilities even if
ጣጣኝ ‫אד‬٢ُْ ‫ـ‬ደ‫ץ‬ጎֳُ‫ֲתּ ו‬ን ֵያከ reasonable accommodation is provided.
ናውነው የ‫ד‬ይ٤ָ ‫ףם‬ን ያ‫ֳא‬ክָٍ፣
9/ provisions of this Proclamation set out in the
9/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ በወንድ ጾٍ የ‫ـ‬ደነ masculine gender shall also apply to the
ገገው የሴُን‫ ו‬ጾٍ ያካָٍُ፡፡ feminine gender.

3. የ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ ወ‫ר‬ን 3. Scope of Application

ይֱ አዋጅ በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ףם ו‬ፈֶጊ አካָ This Proclamation shall be applicable to the

ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ወይ‫ ו‬አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ـףט‬ኛና በአ‫ער‬ Employment relationship between a qualified
‫א‬ካከָ በ‫ג‬ኖ‫ ץ‬የ‫ ףם‬ስ‫ ُעו‬ግንኙነُ ֶይ worker or job-seeker with disability and an
‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ג‬ነُ ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡ employer.

4. የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ን የ‫ףם‬ ‫א ُעום‬ብُ 4. Protection of the Right of Persons with Disab
ስֳ‫א‬ጠበቅ ility to Employment

1/ የ‫ףם‬ው ጠ‫וֹ‬ይ የ‫ד‬ይፈቅድ ካֲָነ በስ‫ـ‬

1/ Unless the nature of the work dictates
‫ ץץשׂ‬የ‫ـ‬ፈֶጊ ٤ֹٍ ‫אא‬ዘኛዎ٤ን አ‫ח‬ otherwise, a person with disability having the
ָِ የ‫ـ‬ገኘና በውድድ‫ ץ‬ውጤً ብָጫ necessary qualification and scored more to
ነጥብ ያገኘ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ በ‫ו‬ that of other candidates shall have the right
ን‫ ו‬ዓይነُ ‫ָא‬ኩ ‫א‬ድָዎ ሳይደ‫נ‬ግበُ፣ with out any discrimination:

ሀ/ በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫עםא ו‬ያ ቤُ ወይ‫ו‬ a) to occupy a vacant post in any office or

ድ‫ץ‬ጅُ ውስጥ የ‫ג‬ገኝ ክፍُ የ‫ףם‬ undertaking through recruitment,
ቦٍን በቅጥ‫ץ‬፣ በዕድገُ፣ በድָድָ promotion, placement or transfer
ወይ‫ ו‬በዝውው‫אֳ ץ‬ያዝ፣ ወይ‫ו‬ procedures; or

ֳ/ በአገ‫ ץ‬ውስጥ‫ֲ ו‬ነ በውጭ አገ‫ץ‬ b) to participate in a training programme to

በ‫רג‬ጥ የ‫ָם‬ጠና ፕ‫צ‬ግ‫אֳ וף‬ሳ be conducted either locally or abroad.
‫ـ‬ፍ፣‫א‬ብُ አֳው፡፡

2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ֶይ የ‫ـ‬ደነ 2/ Subject to the provision of Sub-Article (1) of
ገገው እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ የ‫ـ‬ፈֶጊ ٤ֹٍ this Article, where a person with disability
acquires the necessary qualification and
‫אא‬ዘኛዎ٤ን አ‫ ָِח‬የ‫ـ‬ገኘና ֳውድ
having equal or close score to that of other
ድ‫ ץ‬ውጤُ እኩָ ወይ‫ תּףףשׂـ ו‬ነጥብ
candidates, preference shall be given to the
ያገኘ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ በ‫ו‬ን‫ו‬ conditions provided for in Sub-Article 1 (a)
ዓይነُ ‫ָא‬ኩ ‫א‬ድָዎ ሳይደ‫נ‬ግበُ በዚֱ and (b) of this Article.
አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 1/ሀ/ እና /ֳ/ ֳ‫אـ‬
ֳከًُ ‫א‬ብِ٤ ቅድ‫ג‬ያ ይ‫ר‬ጠዋָ፡፡
3/ No selection criteria shall refer to disabilities
3/ በ‫ףם‬ው ጠ‫וֹ‬ይ አስገዳጅነُ ካֲָነ በስ‫ـ‬ of a candidate unless the nature of the work
‫ד ץשׂ‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ ‫םא‬ፈ‫ُץ‬ dictates otherwise.
በ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ው ֶይ ያֳውን ጉዳُ የ‫ֳאג‬
ከُ ‫ֲא‬ን የֳበُ‫ו‬፡፡
gA 4¹þ# ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4030

4/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ የ‫אـ‬ደበበُ 4/ Any person with disability shall have the right
የ‫א ףם‬ደብ የ‫ג‬ያስገኘውን ደ‫א‬ወዝና to get the wage and other benefits of the
ַֹ٤ ጥቅ‫ז‬٤ የ‫ד‬ግኘُ ‫א‬ብُ አֳው፡፡ position he occupies.

5. ‫א‬ድָዎ ስֳ‫א‬ከָከִ 5. Prohibition of Discrimination

1/ Any law, practice, custom, attitude or other

1/ የ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ ו‬አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ እኩָ የ‫ףם‬
discriminatory situations that impair the
ዕድָ የ‫ג‬ያጣብብ፣ ሕግ፣ አ‫ץףט‬፣
equal opportunities of employment of a
ָ‫ד‬ድ፣ ዝን‫ ַוֹ‬ወይ‫א ו‬ድָዎ የ‫ג‬ፈጥ‫ץ‬ disabled person are illegal.
ֶַ ሁኔٍ ሕገወጥ ነው፡፡
2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ /1/ የ‫ـ‬ደነገገው እንደ Article, selection criteria which can impair
‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ በቅጥ‫ץ‬፣ በዕድገُ፣ በድָ the equal opportunity of disabled persons in
ድָ፣ በዝውው‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬በַֹ٤ የ‫ףם‬ recruitment, promotion, placement, transfer
‫ ُעום‬ሁኔٍዎ٤ ֳ‫ד‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ የ‫שׂג‬ or other employment conditions shall be
‫א‬ጡ ‫א‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ን regarded as discriminatory acts.
የ‫ ףם‬እድָ የ‫ג‬ያጣብ‫ֲ שּ‬ነው ከ‫ـ‬ገኙ
እንደ‫א‬ድָዎ ይ‫בּ‬ጠ‫ִף‬፡፡
3/ When a disabled person is not in a position to
3/ ‫אـ‬ጣጣኝ የֲነ ‫ו‬٠ የ‫ ףם‬ሁኔٍ exercise his equal right of employment
‫אֳוֹ‬ፈጠ‫ ס‬የ‫ـ‬ነሳ አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ በእኩָ opportunity, as a result of absence of a
የ‫ ףם‬ዕድָ ‫א‬ብً ‫א‬ጠ‫אֳוֹ ושׂ‬٢ִ reasonable accommodation, such an act shall
የ‫ג‬ፈጠ‫ ץ‬የ‫ ףם‬እድָ ‫א‬ጣበብ ‫א‬ድָዎ be regarded as discrimination.
እንደ‫א‬ፈጸ‫ ו‬ይ‫בּ‬ጠ‫ָף‬፡፡
4/ Affirmative actions taken to create equal
4/ የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛን የእኩָ የ‫ ףם‬ዕድָ
employment opportunity to persons with
‫ـ‬ጠቃ‫דֳ ג‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ ָוֹת‬የ‫ג‬ፈጸ‫ו‬ disabilities or exclusions dictated by the
አዎንٍዊ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከ‫ףם‬ው ፀ‫וֹ‬ይ nature of the work may not be regarded as
አስገዳጅነُ የ‫ـ‬ነሳ የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግ ָዩነُ discrimination.
‫א‬ድָዎ እንደ‫א‬ፈጸ‫ ו‬አይ‫בּ‬ጠ‫וץ‬፡፡

6. የአ‫ עט‬٪ֶፊነِ٤ 6. Responsibilities of Employers

1/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬አ‫עט‬፣ 1/ Any employer shall have the responsibility to:

ሀ/ ֳአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ףם‬ና የ‫ָם‬ጠና a) take measures to provide appropriate

አካ‫תּוֹ‬ን የ‫אד‬٢ُْና ‫ـ‬ስ‫ גד‬የֲኑ working and training conditions and
የ‫ ףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ָם‬ጠና ‫עכא‬ያዎ٤ን working and training materials for
የ‫ֶُחד‬፣ persons with disability;

b) take all reasonable accommodation and

ֳ/ ֳሴُ አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ በጾٍና በአካָ
measures of affirmative action to
ጉዳُ ‫ו‬ክንያُ ያֳ‫ْוֹ‬ውን ‫ـ‬ደ‫תּףף‬
women with disability taking into
ጫና ያገናዘበ ‫ـ‬ገ‫ תּ‬የֲነ ‫ד‬ስ‫ـ‬ካከያና account their multiple burden that arise
የድጋፍ እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤ የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣ from their sex and disability;

ּ/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫נ ו‬ዳُ የ‫ג‬ያስፈָገው አካָ c) shall assign an assistant to enable a

ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ףם‬ውን ֳ‫ ُףםא‬ወይ‫ו‬ person with disability to perform his
‫ָם‬ጠናውን ֳ‫א‬ከٍ‫ ָـ‬የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ work or follow his training;
ֳው ‫נ‬ዳُ የ‫אא‬ደብ፣
gA 4¹þ#1 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4031

‫א‬/ ሴُ አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ በ‫ ףם‬ቦٍ d) protect women with disabilities from

የ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ‫ْוֹ‬ውን ጾٍዊ ጥቃُ የ‫א‬ከ sexual violence that occur in work
ֶከָና ‫ـ‬ፈጽ‫ת ז‬ገኝ‫ ו‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ው places and, without prejudice to other
በ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ ֱግ የ‫א‬ጠየ‫ שּׁ‬ሁኔٍ እን sanctions to be taken against the
ደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ አስ‫ـ‬ዳደ‫ף‬ዊ እ‫וץ‬ጃ offender under the relevant laws, take
የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣ administrative measures against the
perpetrator of acts of violence.
٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡
2/ An employer shall be relieved from taking
2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬አ‫ עט‬በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን any measure as provided in Sub-Article (1)
‫שׂ‬ጽ /1//ሀ/ እና /ֳ/ የ‫ـ‬ደነገገውን እንዲፈ (a) and (b) of this Article where it creates an
ጽ‫ ו‬የ‫ד‬ይገደደው እ‫וץ‬ጃው ያָ‫אـ‬ጣጠነ undue burden to him; provided, however, that
ጫና የ‫ג‬ፈጥ‫ץ‬በُ ֲኖ ‫ת‬ገኝ ነው፡፡ ֲኖ‫ו‬ the assignment of an assistant for a person
በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬ሁኔٍ ֳአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫נ‬ዳُ with disability shall, under no circumstance,
‫אא‬ደብ ያָ‫אـ‬ጣጠነ ‫אד‬٢ُْ በአ‫ט‬ constitute undue burden to an employer.
‫ע‬ው ֶይ አስከָֻُ ֵ‫ ָוֹ‬አይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡፡

7. የ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ዳُ ግዴٍ 7. Burden of Proof

1/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ በአካָ ጉዳُ 1/ Any person with disability who alleges that
‫ו‬ክንያُ ብ٢ በቅጥ‫ץ‬፣ በዕድገُ፣ በድָ discrimination on the ground of his disability
ድָ፣ በዝውው‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬በַֹ٤ የ‫ףם‬ existed with respect to recruitment,
ሁኔٍዎ٤ ֶይ ‫א‬ድָዎ ‫ـ‬ፈጽ‫ז‬ብኛָ promotion, placement, transfer or other
የ‫ ָג‬ጭብጥ በ‫ד‬ስያዝ ብ٢ ֳ‫ֳאג‬ከ‫ـ‬ው conditions of employment may institute a suit
to the competent court on the issue with out
ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ ክስ ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ ይ٢ֶָ፡፡
the requirement of the burden of proof.
2/ በአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ክስ የ‫נשׂ‬በበُ ወገን
2/ The defendant to a suit instituted pursuant to
ድ‫ץ‬ጊً አድֻዊ እንዳָነበ‫ נ‬በ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ጃ Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be
የ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡ responsible to prove that there was no act of
discrimination. the.

8. የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ـףט‬ኛ ٪ֶፊነُ 8. Responsibility of Employee with Disability

1/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ የ‫אـ‬ደበበُን 1/ Any employee with disability shall perform his
‫ ףם‬በ‫ ִב‬٪ֶፊነُ የ‫ד‬ከናወን ግዴٍ duty with full responsibility.
2/ የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛው የ‫ ףם‬٪ֶፊነًን በُክ 2/ Where an employee with disability does not
ክָ ‫וֹ‬ይወጣ ወይ‫ ו‬ጥፋُ ‫תּ‬ፈጽ‫ ו‬የአካָ perform his duty appropriately or commits a
ጉዳً ከ‫ـ‬ጠያ‫שּׂ‬ነُ አያድነው‫ו‬፡፡ fault, his disability shall not relive him from
9. ስֳአዋጁ አፈጻጸ‫ו‬
9. Implementation of the Proclamation
1/ የ‫ג‬ኒስُ‫צ‬٤ ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ቤُ ይֱንን አዋጅ
1/ The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
በ‫ג‬ገ‫דֳ וֹ‬ስፈጸ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያስፈָጉ ደንቦ٤ን
necessary for the proper implementation of
ֵያወጣ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ this Proclamation.
2/ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ 2/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-
እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ የ‫ـףט‬ኛና ‫ֱד‬በ‫ף‬ዊ Article (1) of this Article, the Ministry of
ጉዳይ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ץ‬፣ የፌዴ‫ת ָף‬ቪָ ‫ץר‬ቪስ Labor and Social Affairs, the Federal Civil
ኤጀን‫ ת‬እና አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ያֶْው የክָָ አካֶُ Service Agency and the appropriate regional
ይֱን አዋጅ በ‫ג‬ገ‫דֳ וֹ‬ስፈጸ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያስ organs may, in their respective jurisdiction,
ፈָጉ ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ን በየ‫ָם‬ጣን ክֶָْው issue directives necessary for the proper
ֳ‫ד‬ውጣُ ይ٤ִֶ፡፡ implementation of this Proclamation.
gA 4¹þ#2 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4032

3/ የ‫ـףט‬ኛና ‫ֱד‬በ‫ף‬ዊ ጉዳይ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ץ‬፣ 3/ The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the
የፌዴ‫ת ָף‬ቪָ ‫ץר‬ቪስ ኤጀን‫ ת‬እና Federal Civil Service Agency and the
የ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው የክָָ አካֶُ ይֱ አዋ appropriate regional organs shall have the
ጅና በአዋጁ ‫ ُנטא‬የወጡ ደንቦ٤ና ‫אא‬ power to follow up and ensure the proper
‫ע‬ያዎ٤ በُክክָ ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ‫א‬ዋֶْውን በየ implementation of the provisions of this
‫ָם‬ጣን ክֶָْው የ‫א‬ከٍ‫ָـ‬ና የ‫בּא‬ Proclamation and regulation and directive
issued pursuant to this Proclamation..
ጣጠ‫ָם ץ‬ጣን ‫רـ‬ጥّْዋָ፡፡
10. Right to Institute an Action
0. ክስ የ‫אא‬ስ‫א ُנ‬ብُ
1/ Any person with disability whose rights are
1/ የዚֱ አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬ይֱን አዋጅ infringed due to non-observance of the
ֳ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫ ו‬የወጡ ደንቦ٤ ወይ‫עאא ו‬ያ provisions of this Proclamation, regulations
ዎ٤ ‫אֳוֹ‬ከበ‫ْף‬ው ‫ו‬ክንያُ ‫א‬ብً የ‫ـ‬ነ or directives issued for the proper
ካበُ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ ወይ‫ו‬ implementation of this proclamation or the
አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛው አ‫ ָוֹ‬የֲነበُ የአካָ ጉዳ association of persons with disabilities of
‫ـ‬ኞ٤ ‫ֱד‬በ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬አካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛው which he is a member, or the trade union of
አ‫ ָוֹ‬የֲነበُ የ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤ ‫ֱד‬በ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ו‬ which he is a member, or the concerned
ይֱን አዋጅ የ‫ג‬ያስፈጽ‫ ו‬አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ያֳው organ entrusted to implement this
አካָ ֳ‫ֳאג‬ከ‫ـ‬ው ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ ክስ Proclamation may institute a suit before the
‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ competent court.

2/ ክ‫ ש‬የ‫נשׂ‬በֳُ ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ‫ ו‬ጉዳዩ 2/ The court shall render its decision within 60
በ‫נשׂ‬በֳُ በ% ‫שׂ‬ናُ ውስጥ ውሳኔ ‫א‬ስጠُ days from the date on which the suit is
11. Penalty
01. ስֳቅጣُ

1/ በወንጀֳኛ ‫א‬ቅጫ ሕግ የበֳጠ የ‫ג‬ያስ 1/ Unless the provisions of the Criminal Code
‫שׂ‬ጣ ካֲָነ በስ‫ ץשׂـ‬የዚֱን አዋጅ ድንጋ provide more severe penalties, an employer
ጌዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬በአዋጁ ‫ ُנטא‬የወጡ ደን who contravenes the provisions of this
ቦ٤ን ወይ‫עאא ו‬ያዎ٤ን የ‫ֳֶـ‬ፈ አ‫עט‬ Proclamation or regulations or directives
ከብ‫ ץ‬2ሺ /ሁለት ሺህ ብር/ በ‫ד‬ያንስና issued pursuant to this Proclamation shall be
ከብ‫ ץ‬5ሺ /Aምስት ሺህ ብር/ በ‫ד‬ይበָጥ penalized by a fine not less than Birr 2,000 or
‫שׂא‬ጮ ይ‫שׂ‬ጣָ፡፡ not exceeding Birr 5,000.

2/ ፍ‫ץ‬ድ ቤُ በ‫רג‬ጠው ውሳኔ ‫ُנטא‬ 2/ Where the employer fails to rectify the
የ‫ـ‬ጣ‫ר‬ው ግዴٍ በአንድ ወ‫ ץ‬ጊዜ ውስጥ contravention, within one month, in
በአ‫עט‬ው ካָ‫ـ‬ስ‫ـ‬ካከֳ የቅጣً ‫א‬ጠን accordance with the decision of the court, the
penalty shall be increased by twofold.
በእጥፍ ጨ‫ֵ צו‬ወ‫ר‬ን ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
3/ The employer may, in accordance with the
3/ አ‫עט‬ው ግዴٍውን ያָ‫ـ‬ወጣው በ‫ֳאג‬
appropriate law, hold responsible its officer
ከ‫ـ‬ው ٪ֶፊ ወይ‫ـףט ו‬ኛ ጥፋُ ‫ו‬ክን or employee where the contravention is
ያُ ከֲነ ٪ֶፊውን ወይ‫ـףט ו‬ኛውን attributable to the fault of such officer or
አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው ሕግ ‫ـ ُנטא‬ጠያ‫ֵ שּׂ‬ያደ employee.
‫ץ‬ገው ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
12. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws
02. የ‫סָךـ‬ና ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ ג‬የ‫ד‬ይֲኑ ሕጎ٤

1/ የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫א ُעום ףם‬ብُ 1/ The Right of Disabled Persons to Employment
አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬1)1/09)W6 በዚֱ አዋጅ Proclamation No. 101/1994 is hereby
‫ָקֹּלـ‬፡፡ repealed.
gA 4¹þ#3 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @ ‫א‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 20 25th March, 2008 …. page 4033

2/ ይֱን አዋጅ የ‫ג‬ቃ‫נ‬ን ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ሕግ፣ 2/ No law, regulation, directive or practice shall,
ደንብ፣ ‫עאא‬ያ ወይ‫ ו‬የአ‫וָ ץףט‬ድ in so far as it is inconsistent with this
በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ በ‫ֳאـ‬ከً ጉዳዮ٤ ֶይ Proclamations, have force and effect in
‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ አይኖ‫נ‬ው‫ו‬፡፡ respect of matters provided for in this

13. Transitory Provisions

03. የ‫א‬₪ጋገ‫ע‬ያ ድንጋጌ
Labor disputes pending before any competent body
‫ָם‬ጣን ‫ֳוֹ‬ው አካָ በ‫ٍא‬የُ ֶይ ያֳ የአካָ prior to the coming into force of this Proclamation, shall
ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኞ٤ የ‫ ףם‬ስ‫ ُעו‬ክ‫ץ‬ክ‫ ץ‬ይֱ አዋጅ be settled in accordance with the law which was in force
ከ‫א‬ጽናً በፊُ በነበ‫נ‬ው ሕግ ‫ ُנטא‬ፍጻ‫ה‬ before this Proclamation come into force.

14. Effective Date

04. አዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀናበُ ጊዜ
This Proclamation shall enter into force up on
ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ‫ ָף‬ነጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
ከወጣበُ ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬የፀና ይֲናָ፡፡
Done at Addis Ababa, this 25th day of March, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫א וֹ‬ጋ‫ ُתּ‬06 ‫שׂ‬ን 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬
GR¥ wLdgþ×RgþS
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