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Tasnim 1

Samina Tasnim

Andrea Zehentner

4th Period ISM

20 October 2023

Final Product Proposal

Influenza (Flu) is one of the most common viral infections in the world. It mainly affects

the upper respiratory systems of the body, such as the nose, throat, and lungs, and depending on

the severity of the issue, it can lead to acute repercussions if not diagnosed and treated

accordingly. The flu also remains one of the most contagious infections, which intrigued and led

me to research more about it, such as its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. Essentially, this

curiosity has led me to pursue a mentorship in healthcare, specifically in pediatrics.

I was given the opportunity to mentor under Nurse Practitioner Kinsey Armstrong and

observe not only patient interactions and clinical care in general but also learn why the flu or

other similar upper respiratory infections remain so prominent, especially among adolescents,

despite several treatment plans, such as vaccines or at-home remedies. Given my experience in

the clinic so far, I have learned to enjoy working with children. In fact, recently, I started

working in the education department of Space Center Houston. Through my experience as an

instructor, I have worked with various age groups, from four years to 11, and I have thoroughly

enjoyed every bit as children tend to be so playful; one of the reasons why I believe this

mentorship will allow me to pick and pursue a major in healthcare as I look forward to

working/treating younger patients.

As mentioned, I am interested in researching the flu. I want to do an in-depth analysis of

why viral infection cases remain relatively high, by examining its origins, symptoms, diagnosis,
Tasnim 2

and treatments. Even though I plan on focusing primarily on the flu, I will also compare and

contrast other viral infections, such as Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep), Coronavirus Disease 19

(COVID-19), or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which all have similar symptoms to that of

the flu, some of which include, fever, congestion, sore throat, and headaches, and differentiate

how one can identify and treat the alike yet different cases. Through my research, I hope to

provide valuable information about prevention or treatment ideas for families or patients in need

to clear any misconceptions they may have regarding these common infections.

As for my project, I plan on getting most of my research from online resources. I would

first, as mentioned, research the symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments. This way, I can learn

about the similarities and differences, but also how healthcare specialists generally treat these

infections. Next, I would consult with my mentor and clarify and correct any information. Then,

I plan to compare these results to the clinic. I plan on giving my mentor a questionnaire on

several aspects, such as the number of patients she gets, how she treats them, or if she

recommends any safe yet common at-home practices. Afterward, I can compare results from my

mentor and other specialists and provide beneficial information to patients.

As for my final product, I plan on creating a website. This website would, as mentioned,

primarily focus on the flu, emphasizing its symptoms, complications, treatments, etc.., yet also

highlight the other infections by identifying the relationship between each. In addition, I plan on

creating a brochure that would simplify my website into basically user-friendly pieces of text to

make it easier for the audience to comprehend and access.

Overall, I hope that my project can give insight to patients or families in general about

these viral infections, allowing them to feel at ease when ill, as they are common and treatable. I

hope they can use this information to trust healthcare professionals and their treatment plans.

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