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So we've talked about the major triad and the minor triad.
And if you remember, when we talked about the major triad,
I constructed them starting on [PLAYING CHORD] the I
chord-- in this case, C major; the IV chord-- [PLAYING CHORD]
in this case, F major; the V chord-- [PLAYING CHORD] G Major;
and then I went back to the I chord. [PLAYING CHORD].
The reason why I did that is because those three chords
you hear all the time in songs.
One chord, [PLAYING CHORD] which is also the tonic; [PLAYING CHORD] IV
chord, which is the subdominant; [PLAYING CHORD] V chord
is the dominant chord.
Now with the I chord, [PLAYING CHORD] the tonic, that's our home base.
That's our tonal center.
[PLAYING CHORD] The key of C, C major is our I chord-- the tonic.
Number I. IV chord-- [PLAYING CHORD] subdominant.
It's a step below the dominant chord.
Now the dominant chord [PLAYING CHORD] is interesting,
because it's the fall V chord.
And it's the dominant chord.
And the V chord has a tendency to go back to I.
And that's created by this, what they call the leading tone [PLAYING CHORD]
going back to I. [PLAYING CHORD] So dominant [PLAYING CHORD]
very often goes back to tonic.
So those three chords-- the I chord [PLAYING CHORD] IV chord
You've probably heard a dozen or so songs with those three chords
in the last couple months.
[PLAYING CHORD] So what I'd like to do is
I'd like to play through a few progressions with those three chords.
And I want you to sing along, singing the root of the chord.
The first one starts with the I chord, then goes to the IV
chord, V chord, back to the I chord.
Starts over again.
So we'll sing the tonic. [PLAYING CHORD] [SINGING RHYTHM] La, la, la, la.
Let's try it.
1, 2, 3, 4. [PLAYING CHORD AND SINGING RHYTHM] La, la, la, la.
Do it again. [PLAYING PIANO]
Let's look at the second progression.
That again starts on the I chord.
Then it goes to the V. Then the IV chord.
Then the V. Then back to the I. Here we go.
1, 2, 3. [PLAYING PIANO] [SINGING RHYTHM] La, la, la, la, la.
La, la, la, la, la.
Let me hear you sing it.
Let's do the next one now.
The next one starts with the IV chord.
1, 2, 3.
[PLAYING PIANO] Sing the root. [SINGING RHYTHM] La, la, la, la.
Now the last one there starts with the V chord.
1, 3, 3, 4.
Bass note. [SINGING RHYTHM] La, la, la, la.
The I chord the IV chord, the V chord.
The tonic, subdominant, dominant.
Major triads.
I chord, IV chord, V chord.
All in the key of C.

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