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Problem Solving Anecdote

The day started like any other. I had opened the facility, returned any missed calls, and
cleaned up any messes that was left behind the night before. We have teams that come in on a
weekly basis and they are written in the schedule every week. The problem that had occurred
was that the owner booked two teams in the same time slot even though one of them was a
regular and were already written in the schedule.
Let’s call the team that comes in on a regular basis Team A and the other non-regular
team, Team B. When the time slot started approaching, Team B showed up early with all their
players and they came to me to check-in. I had noticed the problem during this time as I saw
Team A was already written in the schedule. I contacted the owner about this issue, and he
stated to give Team B the cages since Team A was late. I did so and Team B started to set up
their cages and practicing. Five minutes after the time had started, Team A showed up and were
confused as to why another team was in their cages. I had informed the head coach for Team A
that they were late, we had an overbooking, and that the owner told me to give the cages to
Team B since they were on time and Team A was late. The head coach of Team A was justifiably
furious at this since they are supposed to be in the schedule every week.
The solution that I quickly came up with was for the teams to split the cages and have
one each. The teams both agreed to this, and they were both able to practice. The owner was
also pleased with this since this also meant more revenue for the facility. If one team were to
have both cages for an hour it would be $80, but since they each had one cage, each team paid
$50, resulting in $20 more.

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