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Task Title: Flutter App Development with GetX State Management

Task Description:
As a Flutter developer, your task is to implement a mobile application using Flutter for the UI
and GetX as state management. You will be replicating the UI of the provided Adobe XD
design and ensuring that the app runs seamlessly on both Android and iOS emulators. The
completed project should be pushed to a GitHub repository and shared with us via a link.

UI Replication:
 Implement the UI design provided in the Adobe XD link
 Ensure the UI matches the design as closely as possible.

GetX State Management:

 Utilize GetX for state management in the Flutter application.
 Implement GetX for routing, controllers, and other state management tasks.

Best Practices:
 Follow Flutter best practices and guidelines recommended by Google for coding
standards and project structure.

GitHub Repository:
 Create a GitHub repository to host your Flutter project.
 Ensure the repository is well-organized with clear documentation.

Cross-Platform Compatibility:
 Verify that the app runs without issues on both Android and iOS emulators.

GitHub Repository Instructions:

 Create a GitHub repository for your Flutter project.

 Upload the complete Flutter project, including all necessary files, assets, and
configurations, to your GitHub repository.
 Include a README file in the repository with the following information:
 Overview of the project and its purpose.
 Prerequisites: List any tools or dependencies that need to be installed before running
the project.
 Instructions for running the Flutter app on Android and iOS emulators.
 Explanation of how GetX state management is utilized in the project.
 Briefly describe how you adhered to Flutter best practices.
 Make sure your GitHub repository is public and accessible by anyone with the link.

 Share the link to your GitHub repository as the result of this task.

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