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Joseph become the Governor all over Egypt

2. Joseph had one younger brother, Benjamin and ten other half-brother.

3. Joseph was little, his half-brothers plotted to kill him. Reuben attempted to save him but in

4. Judah succeeded in selling Joseph to some traders.


6. Joseph was imprisoned because of the false accusation by Potiphar’s wife, who had failed in
seducing him and so hated him very much.

7. Joseph’s brothers disliked him and were never on good terms with him due to their’s father’s
favoritism and special gift for him. Also because of Joseph’s dreams of having the whole family
bow down to him, his brothers hated him more and even plotted to kill him

8. When serving his term in prision, Joseph explained the dreams of Pharaoh's wine steward and
chief baker. The dreams came true as Joseph had interpreted. After being released and
restored to his original position, the wine steward forgot his promise of getting Joseph out of
9. The wine steward saw a grapevine with three branches on it, with blossoms blooming and
grapes ripening after the leaves had come out. He then squeezed the grapes into Pharaoh's cup
and handed it to Pharaoh. Joseph explained that the three branches symbolised three days
and what would happen was that Pharaoh would restore the wine steward to his former
position in three days.

10. The chief baker dreamed of carrying three bread baskets on his head. The top basket was filled
with all kinds of pastries for Pharaoh, which some birds were eating. According to Joseph’s
interpretation, the three baskets symbolized three days. Three days later, Pharaoh would chop
off the chief baker’s head, hang his body on a pole, and birds would eat his flesh.

11. When no one could explain Pharaoh's two dreams did the wine steward think of Joseph again
and recommend him to Pharaoh. Joseph came and told Pharaoh God was warning them about
a destructive famine and giving them instructions of how to deal with it through the dreams.
Pharaoh could see that God was with this young man, so he appointed Joseph as the Governor
over all Egypt and put him in charge of the country

12. Joseph's brothers had taken Benjamin to him. Although deep in his heart, Joseph was very
touched by the brotherly bond they all shared and cried in private after seeing Benjamin, he
decided to test his brothers and so ordered that his silver cup be hidden inside Benjamin's sack.
The following day, the servant in charge of Joseph's house caught Benjamin with the missing
silver cup

13. Joseph announced the one who has taken my cup will be my slave

14. Judah then begged allow me to stay here as your slave in place of the boy. our elderly father
loves the boy very much, if he finds that the boy not with me the sorrow will kill him.

15. what Judah had said reminded Joseph of his loving father, he could no longer control his
feeling. After sending the servants away, he cried and revealed his identity, I am your brother
Joseph. It was God who send me ahead of you to save your lives. So don't blame yourselves.
All of the brothers cried and Joseph embraced each of them
Joseph’s Profile

Meaning : The Lord has added

Father : Jacob
Mother : Rachel
Title : The governor over all Egypt

1)Received a decorated robe from his father and so was disliked by his brothers at age 17

2) Sold to Egypt by his brothers and became the steward of Potiphar’s household, but was
later put to jail because of the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife

3) Interpreted dreams for Pharaoh’s wine steward and chief baker

4) Interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and was made the governor over all Egypt at the age of 30

5) Succeeded in leading Egypt to overcome the years of famine

6) Revealed his identity and reconciled with his brothers who had come to buy food in Egypt.

7) Took care of his father and brothers by inviting them to live with him in Egypt

8) Passed away at the age of 110

Pharaoh’s dreams
After dreaming of seven fat and sleek cows being eaten up by seven thin and bony cows, Pharaoh
had another dream in which seven ears of full and ripe com were being swallowed by seven ears of
thin and scorched com. Joseph explained that the two dreams carried the same message there
would be seven years of great harvest followed by seven years of famine. He suggested Pharaoh
put someone wise and insightful to be in charge of the country. Also, during the fruitful years, one
fifth of the crops should be collected from people and stored up for future use in the years of
famine. Under the leadership of Joseph, who had been appointed the Governor over all Egypt, not
only did Egypt survive the famine, but it also had more than enough food to sell to its neighbouring
1. Moses, Israelite adopted by the Egyptian princess, escaped from a murder he had committed and
lived a life of an ordinary shepherd

2. Moses saw on Mount Sinai that a bush was on fire but not burning up, so he moved towards it to
take a closer look. Suddenly, God said from the middle of the bush. I have indeed seen the misery
of my people in Egypt, so I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians and to bring them
to a spacious land flowing with milk and honey. Now I am sending you to the king of Egypt, so that
you can lead my people out of his country

3. Since the king of Eygpt refused to do so, God struck Egypt with the ten plagues. Every time a
plague took place, the king promised to let the Israelites go so that in return the plague would
stop, However, soon after the plague was over, the king would take back his words and refuse to
let the Israelites go.

4. After nine plagues, God sent the last punishment. All the firstborn sons, including the firstborn son
of the king, and all the firstborn of the animals were killed. Grieved with such hearbreaking loss,
the king finally let the Israelites leave. Since then, the Israelites have started celebrating the
passover each year to commemorate God's delivering them from the hands of the Egyptians

5. The ten commandments are the laws that God proclaimed to the Israelites while they were living
in the wilderness. God wanted the Israelites to show to others they were God's chosen people by
obeying, his ten commandments. The first four commandments are related to religious duties,
whereas the last six are basic morals for people.

6. Ten commandments
Relationships between God and Human
1. Worship no god but the Lord
2. Do not worship or bow down to any idols
3. Do not use God’s name for evil purposes.
4. Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Interpersonal Relationships and Attitudes towards Life

5. Respect your father and your mother
6. Do not commit murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not accuse anyone falsely
10. Do not desire another man’s house, his wife, his slaves, his cattle, his donkeys or anything else
that he owns.
11. After the Israelites had left Egypt, the king changed his mind and sent armies to pursue them.
With the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian armies chasing them from behind, the
Israelites were terrified and began to blame Moses for bringing them there. Moses, however,
calmed down the crowd and said to them. Don’t be afraid, stand your ground, and you will see
what the Lord will do to save you today

12. God blocked the way of the Egyptians with a pillar of cloud, Then Moses held out his hand over
the sea, the water was divided by a strong wind. So the Israelites were able to walk through
the sea on dry ground with walls of water on both sides. The Egyptian armies that followed
also set foot on the dry ground, but were all swallowed up by the water from both sides when
Moses held out his hand over the sea again

13. With the encouragement given by God, Moses went beyond his limits of being cowardly and
tongue-tied, and became courageous enough to take on the responsibility of leading his fellow
Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

14. Passover means “go pass” and “take refuge” In the plague of the killing of the firstborn sons,
Moses instructed the Israelites to wipe blood of lamb on their door posts and above the doors
so the Angel of Death would pass their houses and not kill their firstborns inside. God called it
“Passover” and commanded the Israelites to commemorate it for all time to come. Since then,
the Israelites have been celebrating this festival annually till now.

15.Celebrating the Pawsover

Every Israelite household has to kill a one-year-old male sheep without defect, roast it, eat it
with unleavened bread and leave none of the food till the following morning. Taking
unleavened bread (bread without yeast) is to commemorate the Israelites hasty departure from
Egypt. In short, the festival is to commemorate God’s deliverance of his people

6 5

3 2


1. Moses in a shining yellow cloak angrily beating an Egyptian

2. Moses fleeing to Midian

3.4. Moses dispersing a group of shepherds who are preventing the daughters of Jethro from
drawing water at the well

5.6. Moses encountering God in a burning bush and answering God’s call

7. Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

17. Moses’ Profile

Meaning of name : Pulled out of water

Status : The leader leading Israelites out of Egypt
1) Was put inside a basket and placed at the bank of River Nile by his mother when three
months old

2) Was later adopted by the Egyptian king’s daughter and so was not killed by the king as
other newborn Hebrew boys were

3) At age 40 killed an Egyptian who was bullying his fellow Israelites and fled to Midian,
where he formed his own family and shepherded for his father-in-law, Jethro

4) At age 80 accepted God’s call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt with his brother, Aaron

5) Presented God’s Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai

6) Made Joshua his successor, who would continue to lead the Israelites to God’s Promised
Land, Canaan

7) Passed away at age 120

Abraham’s Journey to Canaan

The route of the Israelites to Canaan out of Egypt

Josolua : A savior, a deliver ever, God is generous

Joseph : The lord has added

Jacob : Holding the heel

Esau : The hairy one

Isaac : Laughter

Rebecca : To tie firmly

Sarah : Princess

Abraham : Father of many nations

Leah : Weary, delicate

Rachel : Female lamb, ewe

Samson : Like the sun

Delilah : Amorons

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