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Code No: R22052 R10

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II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec-2016

(Com. to CSE, IT, ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks

1. a) Explain in detail fundamental principles of OOPs with respect to java language. (7M)
b) Discuss all control statements available in JAVA with examples. (8M)

2. a) What is scope and life time of a variable? Discuss about various data types (7M)
supported by java.
b) Explain Usage of ‘this’ key word with suitable example. (8M)

3. a) With example, explain about abstract classes. (8M)

b) Explain with suitable example, how super class variable can refer subclass (7M)

4. a) Define an interface in java. How interfaces are implemented? How they can be (15M)

5. a) What is an exception? Explain, with an example, how exception is handled in java. (8M)
b) With example, explain the usage of try catch block in exception handling. (7M)

6. a) Explain applet life cycle with neat diagram. (8M)

b) What is the difference between applets and applications (7M)

7. a) Write short notes on event, event source and event listeners. (7M)
b) Explain about layout manager and different layouts and also write an example (8M)
program to demonstrate layouts.

8. Write a java program with swing components button, text field, check box and list (15M)


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