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Next we go to investigation phase

First we collect turn back and this is we have 23 list turn back
need to be follow up.
2. This is our current process mapping. We place the turn back
collection based on category as kaizen idea. As we see in the slide,
we have 6 kaizen ideas.
3. We go to verification phase
We will show where the kaizen idea implemented. Most of our
kaizen ideas was implemented on system digitalization. As we can
see here. This is our new PM Dashboard. We have one kaizen
idea on the first screen PM system.
4. Next, we have 2 kaizen ideas. We can see the different before &
5. Next, we have 3 kaizen ideas in the finding dashboard. From the
screen, we can see PM status and history. This new dashboard
makes us easy to analyze and determine next action to close the
okay thank you bu beby

In this slide

untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam melakukan pencarian spare part,maka di dalam aplikasi ini kita membuat location penempatan spare part
tersebut disimpan. Ketika location show button di klik maka Form location muncul dan menunjukkan nama lokasi serta nama part dan jumlah
stock sparepart yang dicari.

To make it easier for users to find spare parts, in this application we create spare parts storage locations. When the location show button is
clicked, a location form will appear and show the name of the location as well as the name of the part and stock quantity of the spare part you are
looking for.

To make it easier for users to find spare parts, in this application we have an overview of the actual location of spare parts storage. When the
location show button is clicked, a location form will appear and show the name of the location as well as the name of the part and stock quantity
of the spare part you are looking for.

Next in this slide

Kita mempunyai display 5S score monitoring. Disini kita membaginya dalam 5 area dan setiap area punya penanggung jawab. Ketika score
bernilai 1 dan 2 maka ditandai warna merah,ketika bernilai 3 ditandai warna kuning ,nilai 4 warna biru dan 5 itu warna hijau yang menandakan
5S sudah terlaksana dengan baik.

We have 5S score monitoring display. Here we divide it into 5 areas and each area has a person in charge. If scores 1 and 2 are marked in red, if
score 3 is marked in yellow, a score of 4 is blue and 5 is green, which indicates 5S has done well.

If scores 1 and 2 are marked in red, if score 3 is marked in yellow, score 4 is blue and 5 is green. A score of 5 indicates 5S has done well

Di slide ini,kita dapat melihat untuk visual monitoring motor pump ada dimaintenance room dan
untuk pump yang telah dipasang box panel serta keempat sensor ada di area platting

Dislide ini kita dapat melihat secara realtime pembacaan output dari keempat sensor yang telah

Okay thank you Bu Beby,on this slide is kaizen

burst number 2
To make it easier for our team to find spare parts,
in this application we have an overview of the
actual location of spare parts storage. When the
location show button is clicked, a location display
will appear and show the name of the location as
well as the name of the part and stock quantity of
the spare part that looking for.
Next, on this slide is kaizen burst number 3
We have 5S score display monitoring and control.
Here we divide it into 5 areas and each area has
responsible person. If scores 1 and 2 are marked
in red, if score 3 is marked in yellow, a score of 4
is blue and 5 is green, which indicates 5S has
done well.
Assessors only need to input the results of the
assessment by digitizing it.
For the next slide will be present by Pak Andy.

Okay thank you Bu Ulya,on this slide

Di slide ini,kita dapat melihat hasil pemasangan dari visual monitoring yang terdapat di
maintenance room dan rangkaian elekrik di area paltting

Di slide ini,kita dapat melihat secara realtime hasil pembacaan output dari sensor yang
dipasang pada motor pump. Disini,kita juga bisa lihat record dari pembacaan data. Ketika nilai
pembacaan dibawah nilai minimal dan diatas nilai maksimal yang sudah ditentukan maka akan
mengirim alert berupa status yang terlihat di monitor .
Okay thank you Bu Ulya,
on this slide, we can see the installation results from visual monitoring in the
maintenance room and electrical circuits in the platting area.

We can view the output values from the sensors connected to the pump
motor in real time on this slide. Additionally, we can see data reading
records here. The monitor will display a status as an alert when the reading
value is both below the minimum value and over the set maximum value.

For the next slide will be present by Pak Suryo.

Alert berupa perubahan warna pada status,ditandai warna merah jika diluar batas yang telah
ditentukan. Dan warna hijau status pump bagus.

Alert in the form of a color change in the status, marked in red if it is outside the specified limit. And the
green colored pump status is good.
Okay thank you Pak Rahman,

As we can see from the slide, this is the process for creating a
temperature monitoring system. With the additional cooling system,
we can monitor the temperature panel from the maintenance
dashboard. This system sends signals to the maintenance dashboard
and is able to record data every second. With this system, we can
control the electrical panel temperature through a sensor signal. In
other words, this system can be used as an early warning system for
electrical panel temperature.

On the slide, we can see the simulation process and how the system
works. In the video, we will see how we create the early warning
system, and we can also see the abnormality through red or green
visualization. Please click the play video button, Pak Amla.

If there is an abnormality, then the display is marked in red.

For the next slide will be present by Pak Agus

Pada slide ini, Kita melakukan improvement digitalisasi pada meeting tier3 dengan mengintegrasikan
dashboard tier3 dengan SPM Program. Sebelumnya pada meeting tier3 Kita menggunakan power point
untuk menampilkan data dari mulai downtime, machine Pareto, hours breakdown machine, MTBF,
MTTR, Finding, spare part serta maintenance budget. Dan Kita membutuhkan waktu untuk mengedit
data tersebut baru kemudian ditampilkan Di slide power point. Ketika ada update,otomatis Kita Akan
selalu mengedit secara berulang power point tersebut. Dan untuk file power pointnya sendiri hanya
beberapa orang yang tahu. Dengan adanya sistem digitalisasi ini,Kita dapat melihat keseluruhan data
secara live dalam bentuk grafik pada 1 halaman saja serta tidak membutuhkan waktu untuk mengedit
ketika ada pembaharuan data. Serta semua orang juga bisa melihat data tersebut pada sistem seperti
teknisi Dan lainnya.

Di slide ini,salah satu manfaat dari realtime

monitoring pump ini adalah mengurangi man travel
saat dilakukan PM. Disini kita melakuan improvement
pada 1 pompa dari 47 pompa yang ada di area
platting. Setelah adanya improvement ini, man yravel
pm berkurang sebesar 150 meter dari 688 meter
menjadi 538 meter dalam satu aktivitas pm.
Thank you Dimas, good afternoon everyone my
name is Maissy.
On this slide,I will explain Heater monitoring
system Interface.
Data from each panel is sent to a monitoring
interface in the plating room’s main computer,
which can easily be read by operators.

On this slide I will explain the color code & a

detailed explanation on the dashboard.
In the picture on the left, it shows the name of the
tank & heater number on it.
Two clicks, 2nd & 3rd kaizen we use to improve
maintenance troubleshooting time.
Previous activity, maintenance must check one-by-
one all heaters that are suspected to be broken,
but now just by looking at the screen we can see
directly the location of the tank and which heater is

This slide show us the color code of heater status

on dashboard
Green color means the heater is in good condition
If the heater showing Red, it means the heater is
If Yellow, it means the heater is beyond its lifetime
& need replacement ASAP
Then if the color is Gray, it means the panel is
For NEXT slide will be presented by Suryo.
This will significantly reduce our MTTR on heating
Then we will use the 4th kaizen to prevent heater
failure due to overuse.
This data is then sent to be displayed in the
maintenance room.
A warning is sent to both rooms when a problem
Terimakasih Pak Yudi,Berikut adalah Focus improvement di Share Resources system early warning for
heater. Background dari Improvement ini adalah adanya reject cost quality sebesar 16k usd yang
disebabkan oleh line down di Line 4 sampai 216 jam. Dan pada saat itu kita tidak memiliki sistem
peringatan dini untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan. Setelah kami lakukan improvement dan
dimplementasikan sampai sekarang tidak ditemukan defect parts spoiler dan elevator akibat kerusakan
heater, dan tidak ada mwo breakdown untuk line 4 Dari maret 2023 hingga saat ini, yang terkait dengan
issue heater. Dan dengan system heater monitoring, kondisi heater dapat kita pantau. Dari project ini
kita berhasil melakukan cost avoidance sebesar 79K USD

Berikut progress terbaru dari Pengembangan mwo system yang sudah kita lakukan. Kita sudah
melakukan update untuk map machine disetiap andon dan kita juga sudah menginstall touch screen
modul di 4 andon, untuk andon area shaft belum terpasang dikarenakan Posisi tv nya masih diatas tiang.
Untuk Towerlight sudah kita terima dan untuk buzzer sendiri kita masih menunggu
kedatangan,kemungkinan ditanggal 29 September. Untuk pemasangan kita lakukan di November.

Berikut timeline dari Pengembangan MWO kita. Ada 3 yang belum kita close seperti yang telah
dijelaskan di slide sebelumnya. Sekian dari saya terimakasih.

Thank you Mr. Yudi, here is the Focus improvement in the Share Resources early warning system for
heaters. The background to this improvement is that there is a reject cost quality of 16k caused by line
down on Line 4 for up to 216 hours. And at that time we did not have an early warning system to
prevent damage. After we made improvements and implemented them, up to now we have found no
defects in the spoiler and elevator parts due to heater damage, and there have been no MWO
breakdowns for line 4 from March 2023 until now, which is related to the heater issue. And with a
heater monitoring system, we can monitor the condition of the heater. From the entire system that has
been created, we have succeeded in carrying out cost avoidance of 79K USD.

The following is the latest progress of the mwo system development that we have carried out. We have
updated the map machine on each andon and we have also installed the touch screen module on 4
andons, for the andon shaft area it has not been installed because the TV is still on a pole. We have
received the Towerlight and we are still waiting for the buzzer to arrive, possibly on September 29. We
will do the installation in November.

The following is the timeline of our MWO Development. There are 3 that we haven't closed as explained
in the previous slide. So much from me, thanks.

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