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1A Final Essay: Critical Materials FAQ

This guidance document is meant to assist you in your final essay. Please discuss
concerns and questions with your seminar tutors in the first instance.

What is the word count?

Your assessment is split into 2 components that combine to produce 2500 words in total. We
have suggested the following break down:
1) Close reading of two poems from one form1000 words
2) Critical analysis of one poem in relation to selected critical material, 1500 words
As with the first assessment the word limits are strict. Any submissions that go over the
stipulated word count of 2500 words in total are subject to a penalty. See Moodle for more
guidance on word counts.
How do I perform a summative critique?
The summative critique is asking you to do two things: 1) summarise your chosen materials
2) critically evaluate them.
To summarise:
- Identify the core claim(s) or thesis statement of your chosen material(s). What is this
piece attempting to argue?
- Identify what you see to be the key terms and concepts that are central to these
arguments. How are these terms and concepts being used?
- What are the main conclusions of this argument?
To critique:
- Consider why these arguments are being made; what is the argument attempting to
prove or convince you of?
- What evidentiary materials and sources are used to support the author’s claims?
- Are these arguments effective and convincing? What makes them so?
- How might these ideas be useful for the purpose of analysing poetry?
Do I write the summative critique in my own words?
Yes. Your summary should be a concise and condensed version of the text written in your
own words.
Do I include quotes in my summative critique?
Yes. You should quote directly from your chosen text to support your interpretations.
Can I choose The Poetry Toolkit for my summative critique?
No. While TPT is useful for introducing you to the specific histories and general theories of
poetic form it does not offer a specific argument or critical lens for reading poetry. You’ll find
it very difficult to evaluate!
Can I use TPT in my analysis at all?
Yes, of course! You can use TPT to help define and introduce your chosen form.
Can I select critical material from a different week to that of my chosen form? E.g.
Nomadic Subjects (Week 9) to discuss Lyric (week 7&8)?
Yes. You can pair your form with any critical text in your analysis. Just please make sure to
choose a text that suits your chosen form!
What text(s) can I choose for my ‘critical’ material?
You can choose from any of the material set in the weekly ‘critical’ texts list. You can also
select from any secondary materials detailed in lectures and referenced in lecture slides or
lecture handouts. If you are unsure about where to source a material from lectures don’t
hesitate to contact the lecturer!
If you are unsure about whether a source is ‘critical’ or not, consult with your seminar tutor in
the first instance.

Good luck!

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