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Real World Waves: Rogue Waves and Earthquakes Part 1: Scan the QR code to the right. Read the article. Then answer the questions below. 1, What does it take to be classified as a “rogue wave”? 2. For rogue waves to form so often, they must follow a non-linear system, instead of the linear constructive interference system scientists once thought was to explain these waves. What is docs it mean to be a non-linear equation? Part 2: Scan the QR code to the right. Watch the video. Then answer the questions below. 3. What is superposition? 4, If everything lines up perfectly for superposition to occur, these massive waves would break with a force of 100 metric tons per m?, She compares this to how much force standing on a car? 5. For hundreds of years scientists denied the existence of rogue waves, until the pres record, When and where was the first time a rogue wave was measured? of one was finally caught on 6. Why can’t superposition fully explain the formation of rogue waves? 7. Superposition can only be used to explain rogue waves in what types of water? Waves Unit i's Not Rocket Science 2017 Part 3: Scan the OR code to the right. Read the article. Then answer the questions below. 8. The shockwaves of released energy that radiate through Earth during a hurricane are classified as which type of wave? 10, There are three types of these waves. ‘a. Which type(s) are considered body waves? b. Which travels at the greatest velocity through Earth? c. Which acts as a longitudinal wave, with particle motion parallel to wave motion? d. Which acts as a transverse wave, with particle motion perpendicular to wave motion? €. Which has the largest amplitude and thus is the most destructive? f. Which type acts similarly to water waves? Part 4: Scan the QR code to the right, Watch the video. Then answer the questions below. 11, Earthquakes are measured on a Richter scale, In order to increase 1 number on the scale, how much more energy must be released? 12, How many earthquakes a year occur that people actually feel? 13, How many earthquakes a year are actually strong enough to damage property? 14, What number on the Richter scale did the biggest carthquake to hit North America reach? Where did it hit? 15, Reflect: What was the most interesting thing you read or heard today about waves? Did your reading and viewing spark any additional questions about waves? If'so, write them below. Waves Unit i's Not Rocket Science 2017

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