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Meredith's Husband 0:08

Hey, this is Meredith husband, I've got some SEO advice for you. But I'm gonna keep
it really simple so that you can understand it. So make sense. And most
importantly, so you can actually use

Okay, yeah. So you have a question about it. I do have a question. All right. So
I'm a little bit scared. But um, let's go. Let's try this.

Meredith 0:32
I can't remember it. Oh, so I also do films. And I wanted to know, if I should link
my Vimeo or my YouTube to my website for a link.

Meredith's Husband 0:53

Well, yes, that's, I don't know. We can start there. Okay, some other questions
that might come up along. But let's answer that. Yeah, you should always, if you
can link your social media to your website. So your Yeah, yeah. YouTube, I think I
think what what you mentioned last night was linking from your website to those
platforms. Great. Okay. There's no idea people do that to the little icons at the
in the footer or whatever. That doesn't help your or header or wherever. That
doesn't help your SEO. Exactly. But if you and I personally, I don't like doing
that. Like, once people are like, to me social media is used to bring people to
your website, once they are on your Yeah, not the reverse. Because once people go
from your website to social media, guess what? They're on social media, they're
gone. Yeah,

Meredith 1:49
they're not gonna cut behind cave of quicksand.

Meredith's Husband 1:53

Now, I do get like, it is good for SEO purposes to have all those properties
linked? Oh, it is, it is good. Because what can happen is, if you have a Instagram,
I see this happen a lot. If you have an Instagram page, and somebody does a search
for your business, it doesn't your Instagram page doesn't show up and somebody
else's Instagram page shows up. So Google is trying, like somebody usually with the
same name happens to photographers, if your name is Jane Smith, and there's another
Jane Smith photography, and somebody does a search for Jane Smith photography,
Google might show their the other Jane Smith photography profile instead of yours.
That's why you want to link to your social media profiles to so that Google is
aware, oh, hey, these all these properties belong to to this Jane Smith. Right?
Yeah, that's why that's one, that's the only reason for SEO, you would want to link
to them. Now, I do get that, you know, some companies, they do something really
great on or they put a lot of effort into like YouTube. And they and they want to
get subscribers and they monetize that channel somehow. And so if you're doing
something on YouTube, just as an example, that you're not doing on your website,
that can generate money, then sure I get that such as you know, say you're running
a YouTube channel and you get affiliate income. And you would, in that case, you
would rather have people subscribe to your YouTube channel and visit your website,
most likely, okay? Because that's where you're making your money, right? But I'm
not that photographer, right? So there's no real advantage for you to link out to
those other properties. And aside from just letting Google know, hey, this is my
YouTube channel, this is where it is. What I would think you would want to do is
you would want to take the video that you made and embedded on your website. How do
you so it's pretty easy to do that if you're like you're on WordPress? Yes, you are
in WordPress, why am I asking you? You're on WordPress, it's easy to embed, like,
with the new version, the newest latest version of WordPress, it's super easy. Just
say embed video it'll give you it'll that there'll be a Vimeo logo. There'll be a
YouTube logo, you just choose one and you embed your video. Now that's going to
show the video on your website. Okay, even though it's still on YouTube, and or
Vimeo let me back up one second. Hosting videos is kind of tricky, to be honest. So
I don't recommend uploading the video directly to your website. Oh, because then
the video is on your server and getting videos to play back quickly and smoothly on
a number of different devices and different speed internet connections is tricky.

Meredith 4:33
Now it would it would it slow down the rest of your website. Yes, exactly. dead
weight. It

Meredith's Husband 4:39

very much can guess who is really good at hosting videos. YouTube and so I am of
the opinion used probably both of those services if you have them to host your
video and then embed them on your website. It's pretty easy to do. If you have
trouble, just Google embed video, Squarespace, something like that. Okay, now that
is going to solve the problem of getting the website. I'm sorry, getting the video
onto your website, correct. Now, how can we use that video to help our SEO? If
there is dialogue in the video, if there's if there's people talking, then do this,
have that video transcribed, okay. And to do that, there's a number of ways to do
this. I use a website called otter, a n, o

Meredith 5:34
t e r

Meredith's Husband 5:38 It's just automatic transcription. It's pretty good, like, but there are
so many services that do this now. In fact, I think you can get a transcript right
out of YouTube. And you know, I think probably

Meredith 5:51
even Vimeo, I don't know,

Meredith's Husband 5:54

yeah, it's so easy nowadays to do that. Almost any service where you would host a
video is going to do that, and how is that beneficial? Okay, so you take that
transcript, and then you have your YouTube or Vimeo video embedded on a blog page.
beneath the video, you want to put that transcript? And what that does is that puts
the words there so that Google can read them. Google can't hear and understand the
words in a video, at least for indexing purposes right now, that will probably
change. But for right now, you want to have words on that page as well.

Meredith 6:31
But what if I do the words that are said in the film? Doesn't that take away from
watching the film?

Meredith's Husband 6:38

Not really. I don't think people are going to most people anyway, I don't think
they're going to go to a blog page that has a video at the top and instead read the
transcript. Okay.

Meredith 6:51
Perhaps recommend doing putting the blog having a little something, something to
talk about, and introducing it and then have the transcript below. Yes,

Meredith's Husband 7:02

yeah, that would be good, too. So I'll get into that in just a second. But yeah, if
people want to read along, that's great. It can be good for usability. Because if I
were going back and watching a video, that is, it's like a how to video. And I want
to find, I want to find the point in the video where they're talking about a
specific topic, I can just do a find I can do like, I can search that text and find
Oh, they're looking about it, or they're talking about it at near, you know, near
the middle of the video. And if you want to use timestamps, that's one reason I
like otter is you can include timestamps. So it makes it I think, more usable.
Yeah. To, to your point, the transcripts, especially if there's more than one
person speaking in a video transcripts are not very user friendly, right out of the
gate. Like they're kind of difficult to read. Okay, so my approach to this, and
this is what I do for these podcast episodes.

Meredith 8:03
We're listening to right now.

Meredith's Husband 8:04

This will become a blog, and there will be a video at the top in our case, audio,
no video. Nobody's looking at our faces right now. But then beneath that will be
the transcript. No missing

Meredith 8:16
anything. On What? What? Oh, God, do it. Not missing anything on my husband set?
Right? I get to look at my Gloria says,

Meredith's Husband 8:27

What was I talking about? You're

Meredith 8:28
talking about?

Meredith's Husband 8:32

I don't know. So this podcast episode, for example, will have audio at the top of
the page. Then beneath it, we'll have a bunch of text now. I used to put just the
transcript in because that because it was easy and fast. But to be honest, it was
not very user friendly. Then I started adding in some the Table of Contents there
are SEC the topics we discuss, yes. Adding I added that in. So funny. No. And then
what I started doing is I actually use chat and GPT. And I copy and paste the
transcript into chat GPT and say, give me a summary of this. And then I use that
summary. And the summary is way better than reading the transcript. And it's it's
the same type of stuff. It's the same words a lot of time. You know what actually
what I should do is I should probably keep the transcript and at the variant of
that blog page, just to give it some more content.

Meredith 9:30
Yeah, and also for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. If

Meredith's Husband 9:34

you have a video that has dialogue in it, that's how you would take advantage of it
in terms of SEO, if there's no dialogue in it. It can't do you any good for SEO
purposes, right? Okay. Then what I would do or if it does or doesn't have dialogue,
what I would do is I would probably choose Vimeo I would actually take the video
and put it both on YouTube and Vimeo and embed the video from Vimeo on your website
because it just looks nice. Okay, it looks more professional, it is a little more
professional. Because you know, at the end of YouTube videos, it has, hey, you
might also be interested in they show you a whole bunch of thumbnails. Remember
what Google is trying to do. Google owns YouTube. Google is trying to get people to
go to YouTube and spend time watching videos. That's how they that's how they make
money from advertisers. So that's what Google is trying to do there. Just be aware,
Google's ideal is to get people away from your website and onto YouTube. And to
watch videos. That's what they're trying to do. Vimeo doesn't really do that as
much. Vimeo lets you control what happens after your video. If you have a pro
account, you can do like calls to action and stuff like that. Or you can just have
a blank screen or you can have looper or do a number of things. So it looks nicer.
Another thing to think about if the video and I don't think this applies to your
channel, I don't think this applies to your video. But if you have a video that's
like I do videos like how to do XYZ, and I know that people are going to be looking
for how to do XYZ. So I want that video to appear in search results. So you put it
on YouTube. Exactly. So that's a YouTube is a much better way to do that. Vimeo can
also appear in search results. But in my experience, it's pretty rare. Well,

Meredith 11:17
because if Google owns YouTube, pushing YouTube way over, that's just common sense.

Meredith's Husband 11:25

Google says they have no preference. They say a video was a video and everybody's
like, you know.

Meredith 11:31
So you could hire a stranger. You could hire my brother Hinton's, then I

Meredith's Husband 11:35

would do the same thing. I would still host your or embed your Vimeo video on your
website. Yeah. So yeah. And that might also show up if somebody if you have a how
to do XYZ video. Now if that's the topic, you might get two results there right at
the top of Google one coming from YouTube and one coming from your website. That
would be great. That doesn't, obviously, it doesn't always happen, but okay.

Meredith 11:59
Thank you.

Meredith's Husband 12:00

Yeah, does that. I mean, I think that more than answers your question, right. Does.

Meredith 12:03
Did I have any other questions?

Meredith's Husband 12:07

Yeah, remember, if you're finding these episodes helpful, I created something that
I think you're going to find even more helpful. It explains the SEO process similar
to these episodes in a way that I hope is new for you, but it also puts them in
order so that you know what to do first and second and third through the entire SEO
process. And I hope saves you a lot of time by giving you an actionable step by
step plan. It's called the SEO roadmap, and you can find it at Meritus

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