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1. No report can convey the _________________ suffering that this war has caused. (SPEAK)

2. Mary is a really _________________ pessimist. (CURE)

3. His conduct is _______________ to a priest and people don’t go to his church. (BECOME)

4. _________________ of a former queen have been reported at Hampton Court. (APPEAR)

5. The President authorizes the ____________ use of military force to protect our citizens. (JUDGE)

6.You should put an ad in the ____________ if you want to look for a roommate. CLASS

7. The road was icy but he managed to stop the car ____________. EXPERTISE

8. In his ____________, Mike smashed all the breakable items in the kitchen. FURIOUS

9.She was a wild and ____________ girl, always getting into trouble. HEAD

10.You must judge each film on its own merits, without any ____________ notions about what it’s like.

11. I was glad that the bad guy got his __________ at the end of the movie. (COME)

12. He’d dyed his hair, which was almost __________ in the 1960s. (HEAR)

13. A number of local church leaders have acted as ________ with the people in the vicinity. (GO)


14. Many years had gone by until the Africans captured by the English colonizers managed to break free
from ________ to their masters. (SERVE)

15. The system of counties was essential to Frankish government, and a count could wield considerable
power, particularly in ________ regions.(FAR)

16. Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for, had never asked her to do anything illegal or
________. (TASTE)

17. Darwin's theory of evolution was a(n) ________dividing the old way of thinking from the new one.

18. Because of the excessive speed, the tires lost their _______________ . (adhere)

19. That is the ____________________ American scene that was shattered by a gunman's bullets.

20. The politician gave a ________________ speech about the importance of family values, when we all
know about his sordid affairs. (hypocrisy)

21. While Mark Twain and William Dean Howells ________________ European manners at times,
Henry James was an admirer of ancient European civilization. (satire)
22. When the lab findings and the research results were _________________________, an amazing
discovery came to light. (RELATE)

23. All this talk of changes in the company is rather ____________________________. (SETTLE)

24. Mark’s __________________________to customers led to his finally being dismissed. (CIVIL)

25. “Is there any ____________________________in your abdomen?” asked the doctor. (TENDER)

26. There was a ______________________smell coming from inside the old disused well. (REPEL)

27. Write a paragraph about Tet Holiday (PERSON) ……………, that is, as though you are not involved in
the holiday.

28. His behavior in his father's presence caused his (INHERIT)…………. and his sister ended up inheriting
the whole family fortune.

29.Today, demand for zinc - a lightweight, (PROOF)…………..… metal favored in the car and construction
industries - has remained steady.

30. He was born into a ______ family; therefore, he had an opportunity to attend the most prestigious
private school in the country. (BLOOD)

31. When going on business trip, Henry enjoys staying in luxurious hotels that offer ______ suites.

32. After a year of thorough ______, they agreed to get a divorce. (SEARCH)

33. It was quite obvious that there had been a definite ______________ between her and her daughter-
in-law right from the beginning. (STRANGE)

34. Osteoarthritis is a(n) ______________ joint disease due to the wear and tear of joint cartilage.

35. Antiseptics and ______________ are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria. (INFECT)

36. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly
nothing more than a mere ______________. (STOP)

37. I listened with great interest to the ___________ way in which he made his points. (CANDLE)

38. They were an average family living a boring life in a(n) ___________ little house in the suburbs.

39. Cindy showed ___________ support at Josh’s project. She always believes him. (FALTER)

40. Towards the end of the ___________ period, the child is becoming more perspicacious. (INFANT)

41. He is ______________for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel industry. (KNOW)

42. Our bodies are naturally _____________by our organs of elimination - the skin, lungs, intestines,
kidneys and liver (TOXIC)

43. He’s such a/an ____________who always pretends to know everything (INTELLECT)
44. She should take these__________drugs to treat her state. (DEPRESS)

45. The audience was mesmerized by her clear ________voice (SOUND)

46. The ban on firecrackers was _____________introduced to reduce the number of accidents

47. He sold the car to a/an___________who paid with a worthless stolen cheque. (TRICK)

48. It was___________for a new band to be offered such a great deal (HEAR)

49. Because opera is a collaborative genre, the mechanisms of its production and its resulting meaning
are often heteroglossic or at best ____________(GAIN)

50. They were_______________in the tradition of public service from their contact with older regimes

51. Many students consider coding as an utterly ______________language distinct from human
language in general. (SCRUTINY)

52. When we came to the platform on the railway station we were met by the station master,
an__________little man with a peaked cap. (OFFICIAL)

53. However, this new style of theatre caused some___________among the spectators, who criticized
anything that lacked complete realism. (MUSE)

54.It would be ______________on our part to pretend ignorance of our book’s impact, both in sales and
controversy (GENIUS)

55. This black comedy is a comment on the alienating and _________________effects of contemporary
urban life. (HUMAN)

56. Nuclear cost ________________have put many state utility commissions in difficulty.

57. Due to the ten-minute standing ovation of the audience , the violinist had to take his third

58. I don’t always fancy modern gadgets or recent scientific techniques; I sometimes find them really

59. I just heard st broken in the kitchen again; nothing surprising. My children are

60. Industry is a key sector in HP including food processing, light industries and heavy industries. Major
products include fish sauce, beer, pharmaceuticals, electric fans, ships and _____________ software
implementation (SOURCE)

61. On the road signs, the Greek place names have been ____________into the Roman alphabet

62. _______________toilet paper in response to the outbreak has become a meme on social media,
with young Australian Tiktok users mocking those who are stripping supermarket shelves bare (BUY)
63. ____________refers to a lack of concern for history, historical development, or tradition (HISTORY)

64. If we continue to cut down the trees at such a fast pace , we will leave much of our land
___________( FORESTRY)

65. Many houses in HN are built and decorated in such a __________way so that it fit in with other
houses (DESCRIBE)

66. The hotel is very____________and offers a babysitting service (CHILD)

67. For any coutry which has fought for many years for indepence, its people should treasure the
__________peace and stability (WIN)

68. Many unemployed __________could be pushed back towards crime by the closure of job training
programs. (PRISON)

69. There is a _________ belief that flamenco is typical throughout Spain, but that is not true. (HOLD)

70. With free-market globalization, investment funds can move _____ from the rich countries to the
developing countries. (IMPEDIMENT)

71. We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for every
______. (EVENTUATE)

72. The organization insists that it is ______ and does not identify with any one particular party.

73. Globalisation has become the ______ of governments and policy-makers across the world, being
alternately blamed and celebrated, depending on what particular action (or outcome) is being justified.

74. A sound dome could thus be regarded as a gigantic well-tempered spatial instrument with _____
loudspeakers on its periphery. (DISTANT)

75. The opposing counsel had a last opportunity to ________ the witness to address the facts brought
out in redirect examination. (EXAMINE)

76. The government announced that more than a million dollars will be ________ for COVID-19 vaccine
research. (EAR)

77. The president of this company is merely a ________ the Chief Executive is the one who is truly in
control. (HEAD)

78. His behaviour in his father's presence caused his ____________ and his sister ended up inheriting
the whole family fortune. (INHERIT)

79.The ____________ of any manned mission to the planets will be increased if a secure fuel supply can
be found beforehand. (SURVIVAL)

80.There was a distinct danger that the second day of the trail was going to be a/an ________ disaster.
81. The fauna is becoming comparatively ___________ due to the isolation, young geological age of the
island and forestry activities within habitats. (PAUPER)

82. He made a ____________ attempt to climb the tree to recover his kite. (FOOL)

83. Management decided the office was ____________ and sacked three junior typists. (MAN)

84. Now that this has been fully understood, the industy is __________ fighting online for the loyalty of
fans, but it may already be a lost cause. LATE

85. All the talk about global warming really has some __________ for me after being flooded last year.

86. All human beings need some degree of physical exertion to keep fit, and inline skating is a great
__________ source of exercise. ROUND

87.The Palme d’Or was awarded to the director of that movie because of his having created a
__________ film. THINK

88. Excuses like poor connections and __________ , or the inability to reach someone just don’t work
when even the most inaccessible places have wireless coverage. COMMUNICATE

89. The Southerners were like the colonists in the Revolutionary War in that they were _____________
but geographically protected. (MAN)

90.We have long known that hearing loss is America’s number one ________health problem (FATE)\

91.Some argue ______________ is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together,
and without with they may never flourish. (SIZE)

92. Nothing is more __________than being completely dependent on another person. (DESTROY)

93.One way to make your furniture products __________is by differentiating yourself with high quality
visuals. (STAND)

94. The idea of our group being apportioned blame only is ____________ and outrageous. (POSTURE)

95. The team were basking in the ___________ of winning the cup. (GLOW)

96. Scented oils can act as a ____________ or antidepressant if inhaled or massaged. (STRESS)

97. She was a unique and ____________ interviewee who spoke with great confidence. (VOLUME)

98. Stock markets have crashed in the biggest ____________ this century, with dollars suddenly fast
falling in value. (DIVE)

99. The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a
____________ test. (SOBER)

100. The second time the player was shown the yellow card for his __________________ actions during
the game, he was dismissed from the field. (SPORT)
101. I later put my shoes back on because shells and gravel made walking __________________ on the
beach uncomfortable for me. (FOOT)

102. The regulation of human action, on the other hand (except on occasions of special difficulty, for
which omens and oracles might be _________________, they had left to human reason. (SAFE)

103. She was full of _________________ indignation after finding out the truth. (RIGHT)

104. She _________________ deceived everybody present by being all smiles. (ART)

105. It can be a condition for some people to have a _________________ of events which may take
place later in their lives. (SENTIMENT)

106. Everyone expected the government’s _________________ of responsibility for the long war.

107. In this competitive age it is very important for a person to appear _________________ . (PRESENT)

108. By being rude to his supervisors, he is considered to have _______ the mark. STEP

109. After the earthquake, the entrance hall was turned into a _______ casualty ward. SHIFT

110. Elsa continued as if nothing was _______. MISS

111. Books can now be read on iPhones, and (OPPORTUNITY) ________________ young writers in Japan
are using their cell phone keypads to write the best-selling short novels.

112. They respond to questions from broadcasters with a nauseating mixture of arrogance and

113. These garments could be worn ___________by men and women.(CHANGE)

114. The editorial section of the paper tends to be _______ and rarely contains any criticism. (GOVERN)

115.. They paid little attention to the _______ of the pieces. (FRAGMENT)

116. Chrissy tossed the junk mail in the bin and in doing so, she_______ made a joke of the lives of
people she would. (WIT)

117 Because we had to arrive on time, our ship had no choice but to ___________ the congested area.

118. Many gun shops offer _____ services on the premises for customers to buy, custom and
fix right at the shop. (GUN)

119. The science fair is an annual event of this school and is regarded as a(n) _____ of their
scientific superiority. (SHOW)

120. With so many areas of ancient _____ being cut down, many rare species are put under
threat of habitat loss and extinction. (WOOD)

121. My children always take pride in their grandmother, who is a(n) _____ of the Vietnam
People’s Navy with lots of old stories to tell. (SERVICE)
122. My whole family has agreed on the living room design but wood _____ is still something
that requires consideration due to its cost. (FLOOR)

123. __________ by the haze of alcohol, Mi resisted when A Su prevented her from going to
the Spring festival instead of giving in as usual. (BOLD)

124. I hope my clumsy wording and expression won’t prevent the teacher from recognizing
my ___________ gratitude to her. (HEART)

125. “A child called “it”” is a misery _____________ written by Dave Pelzer, chronicling his
story as the victim of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. (MEMORY)

126. In January 2001 the _______________ Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its latest
report on climate change (GOVERN)

127. According to the report, human activities are _______________ to blame for the
temperature rise. (VOCAL)

128. Methane concentrations have also gone up dramatically because of increases in rice
culture and _______________ (CATTLE)

129. Although the technique seems simple compared to those of modern days,

paper produced by Cai Lun was considered ______________ at that time. (GROUND)

130. I made it clear right from the ______ that I strongly disapproved of the changes that
had been made. (OUT)

131. Death, from this perspective, seems unproblematically universal, a simple, irreducible
fact of our nature, ________ the same across all societies and throughout time (YIELD)

132. His failures ________ the difference between theatre and film direction. (LINE)

133. I think I must have known ________ that something was going on between them.

134. The image of peace and prosperity appearing on TV is rather (FACT) ________ and does
not reflect the actual situation of the city.

135. His profound knowledge and significant contribution to the agriculture of Vietnam has
made him a ________ scientist in this country.(HEAVY)

136. That the teacher suddenly ________ on her promise to reward points for the project
has rendered our efforts meaningless. (TRACK)

137. You may earn a six-figure salary from that job but your health will be the cost, it’s all
swings and ________. (ROUND)

138. His recent …………… behaviour keeps me wondering whether there is something wrong
going on. TYPE
139. Most common in the Northern Hemisphere, around 15% of the Northern Hemisphere or
11% of the global surface is ....................... by permafrost LAY

140. The framework also explains how high-seed-yielding ....................... perennials could be
developed through selection, despite their rarity in natural ecosystems. HERB

141. Most irrational fears begin in the first instance as mild forms of anxiety, and only
develop gradually into .............................................. phobias BLOWN

142. Now that this has been fully understood, the industry is (LATE) ______ fighting online
for the loyalty of fans, but it may already be a lost cause.

143. Scented oils can act as a (STRESS) ______ or antidepressant if inhaled or massaged.

144. Lisa was a_____________, she is intelligent and well-educated, she spends most of her
time studying and is therefore not approved of by some men. (STOCK)

145. Few plants grow under the dense shade cast by the ____________(GREEN)

146. In the new curriculum, Geo is __________. Students can opt for whether or not to take
this subject at school. (COMPEL)

147. Despite from___________are less noticeable on lighter-coloured surfaces than on

darker-coloured ones .(FLOWER)

148. Ann thought that Scottish men wearing kilt is an act of_________because a kilt is really
similar to a femenine skirt (DRESS)


150. During the brainstorming session, the team engaged in creative__________ to generate
innovative solutions. [idea]

151. After the breakup, she decided to start ________ and move to a new city. [fresh]

152. The restaurant implemented strict __________ measures to ensure the safety of its
customers and staff. [Covid]
153. The school's approach is __________, focusing on the unique needs and interests of
each student. [child]

154. I love collecting sports _______ from my favorite teams. [memory]

155. The highly anticipated movie had an _______ ending that left the audience
disappointed. [climax]

156. She always hides or turns away when someone tries to take her picture because she is
_______. [camera]

157. During our family photo, an unexpected _______ popped up in the background. [photo]

158. The family gathers every year to celebrate the __________ tradition of baking holiday
cookies together. [honor]

159. Due to the unexpected circumstances, we had to __________ change our travel plans.

160. The couple’s_________love and commitment carried them through many challenges.

161. His_________and repeated infidelity (sự phản bội) led to their divorce (FAITH)

162. The__________scent of the flowers gave her a headache (POWER)

163. The army unit skillfully _________their opponent’s position in a surprise night attack

164. It was rather ________ to find that someone had been opening my letters. (CONCERT)

165. No one seemed to notice the rather ________ woman sitting in the lobby. She seemed
to blend into the wallpaper. (SCRIPT)

Answer keyyys >_<

1. unspeakable

2. incurable

3. unbecoming

4. apparitions

5. Judicious

6. classifieds

7. expertly

9. headstrong

10. preconceived

11. comeuppance

12. unheard-of

13. go-betweens

14. servitude


16. distasteful

17. watershed

18. adhesion

19. quintessentially

20. hypocritical

21. satirized

22. correlated

23. unsettling


25. tenderness

26. repellent

27. impersonally

28. disinheritance

29. rustproof

30. blue-blooded

31. well-appointed

32. heart-searching

33. estrangement

34. degenerative

35. disinfectants

36. Stopgap

37. Incandescent
38. nondescript

39. Unfaltering

40. Infantile

41. Better-known

42. Detoxified

43. Pseudo-intellectual

44. Antidepressant

45. Sonorous

46. Expressly

47. Trickster

48. Unheard-of

49. Ungainly (Adj): awkward, clumsy

50. Acculturated

51. Inscrutable

52. Officious

53. Bemusement

54. Disingenuos

55. Dehumanizing

56. Overruns (n): the act of taking more time or money than was intended.

57. Curtain-call: sự vỗ tay mời diễn viên ra thêm 1 lần nx

58. Newfangled (a): dùng để mô tả vật mới đc phát minh nhg bạn k thik vì đã quá quen hoặc vì nó
quá phức tạp

59. Butterfingered (a): vụng về

60. Out-sourcing

61. Transliterated

62. Panic-buying

63. Ahistoricism

64. Deforested

65. Nondescript
66. Child-friendly

67. Hard-won

68. Ex-prisoners

69. Widely-held

70. Unimpeded

71. Eventuality

72. Apolitical

73. Watchword

74. Equidistant

75. Cross-examine

76. Earmarked

77. Figurehead

78. Disinheritance

79. Survivability

80. Unmitigated

81. Depauperate

82. Foolhardy

83. Over-manned

84. Belatedly

85. Resonance(s)

86. All-round

87. Thought-provoking

88. Miscommunication(s)

89. Undermanned

90. Non-fatal

91. Downsizing

92. Soul-destroying

93. Standout

94. Preposterous
95. Afterglow

96. Stress-buster

97. Voluble

98. Nosedive

99. Sobriety

100. Unsporting

101. Barefoot

102. Vouchsafed

103. Righteous

104. Artfully

105. Presentiment

106. Presentable

107. Abnegation

108. Overstepped

109. Makeshift

110. Amiss

111. Opportunistic

112. Self-righteous

113. interchangeably

114. Pro-government

115. Fragmentariness

116. Unwittingly

117. circumnavigate

118. Gunsmith

119. Showcase

120. Woodland

121. Ex-servicewoman

122. Flooring

123. Emboldened
124. Heartfelt

125. Memoir

126. Intergovernmental

127. Unequivocally

128. Cattle-raising

129. Groundbreaking

130. Outset

131. Unyeildingly

132. Underlined

133. Subconsciously

134. Factitious

135. Roundabouts

136. Heavyweight

137. Backtracked

138. Atypical

139. Underlain

140. Herbaceous

141. Full-blown

142. Belatedly

143. Stress-buster

144. Evergreens

145. Bluestocking

146. Non-compulsory

147. efflorescence

148. Cross-dressing

+ self-policing

+ provenance

+ drive-through
+ pseudo-intellectual

+ shell-shocked

150. idea -> ideation (noun - noun) : the activity of forming ideas in the mind

151. fresh -> afresh (adjective - adverb) : If you do something afresh, you deal with it again in
a new way

152. Covid -> Covid-secure (noun - adjective) : protecting people against the possibility of the
Covid-19 infection being passed from one person to another, especially because of rules or
processes that are being followed (also Covid-safe)

153. child -> child-centered (noun - adjective) : used to refer to ways of teaching and treating
children in which the child's needs and wishes are the most important thing

154. memory ->memorabilia:Kỷ vật (n)

155. anti-climactic(adj): causing disappointment at the end of an exciting or impressive

series of event

climax: the most exciting or important event or point in time

(Phrase: come to /reach a climax)

156. camera-shy(adj): reluctant to be photographed or filmed

157. photobomber(n): a person who appears behinds or in front of someone when their
photograph is being taken(người chen lấn vào mặt người khác khi đang chụp ảnh)

158. time-honored(adj): respected or valued because it has existed for a long time

159. perforce(adv):=necessarily: because it is necessary or can not be avoided

160. Undying

161. Faithlessness

162. Overpowering

163. Outflanked

164. Disconcerting

165. Nondescript

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