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Echoes of the Morphed- the inconstant constant

In the ever-evolving tapestry of literature, where words dance with the shifting sands of time,
change is the Constant Inconstant. The pages of the forthcoming edition of Willow seek to delve
into this realm of 'change' – a force both revered and feared, like a silent protagonist that sits in
the backdrop of all the experiences we undergo. Change orchestrates the drama of our lives,
sweeping through with the unpredictability of a sudden storm, leaving trails of transformation in
its wake. It is the ink that writes our stories, etching characters with the indelible marks of its
nature. Here, 'change' reigns supreme, demanding your attention, and inviting you to confront the
dramatic, ever-unfolding narrative of existence itself.

Change in the self comes about not only through ourselves but also through various catalysts,
time being the leading agent. Time as a patient sculptor weaves its subtle threads through the
tapestry of our lives, composing transformation within us. It shapes us gradually as we navigate
the shifting tides of our surroundings and the evolving connections with the people we make.
Like seasons shift with time, so do our selves, bringing forth growth and newfound horizons.
Nothing stays through it all, except the concept of change.

It is an innate human yearning to stay in the realm of the known. The pillars of familiarity create
an illusion of protection from uncertainty. And thus change is often the unwelcome entity, an
intruder that shakes us up and forces us to confront our reality as one of many, our truth as
something that could be taken away from us any day. Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye
resisted entering adulthood due to his perception of adulthood being a realm of 'phonies'.
However, the futile endeavor to desperately cling to the innocence of childhood doesn't provide
relief either. Acknowledging the resistance becomes the first step of shielding the self from the
gruesome consequences of staying frozen in time. Seasons change, people change and so does
the self. In the Odyssey of Life, the metamorphosis of self becomes the central theme. The self is
as inconstant as the environment around it. With the emptying of sand in the hourglass, the
alchemy of growth takes place, transforming the self into a more aware and resilient being. As
one embarks on the uncomfortable journey of self-growth, embracing the emotions of love, joy,
despair, and disappointment makes the serene picture of human existence more profound. While
the metamorphosis is an uncomfortable phase, acceptance becomes the key to softening the
blow. Embracing the reality for what it is and evolving, rather than choosing to stay within the
illusions of familiarity leads to transformation. Change is thus the only way forward.

The Bildungsroman, a literary genre, masterfully encapsulates this very essence of

transformation. It unfurls the captivating journey of a protagonist as they navigate the labyrinth
of life, with one change seamlessly leading to another. Through trials and tribulations, they
evolve, their growth echoing the profound impact of each experience. The Bildungsroman serves
as a poignant reminder that change is not merely a linear progression but a complex mosaic of
moments, where one alteration sparks a chain reaction, shaping character and destiny in an
intricate dance of self-discovery.

Loss is the ominous ghost that often accompanies change. It carries heavy emotions, the absence
of the force behind the memories we make, the heartache of what once was but is no longer. Loss
is universal, taking forms of heartbreak, death, separation, and so much more. In its wake, we're
left with a void, an emptiness that echoes through our days. Memories bear the bittersweet taste
of what's gone, and grief becomes the canvas upon which we paint our sorrows. It is within this
shadowed realm that we uncover our most authentic selves, navigating the intricate terrain of
loss with grace and unwavering courage.

Time changes, and so does the human experience. Horizons change. Moments turn into
memories and time slips through our fingers like grains of sand. And isn’t that what life is all
about? An ever-turning wheel. Sometimes we welcome this change with open arms, embracing
the spark that keeps kindling new horizons for us. But there are also times when it becomes an
unwelcome guest, tearing down our comfort zones and leaving behind the debris of uncertainty.
Consequently, it becomes a preserver for some and a destroyer for others but what remains
constant is the change itself.
In this edition of Willow, we attempt to capture the essence of change, the inconstant constant.
Change is like that thread that shifts colors, but weaves through every single moment in our
evolving lives. It shapes us in ways we might never completely understand. But it’s the essence
of change itself that keeps our stories going. So why not take a moment to celebrate these
fleeting moments in our art? It is a multi-layered and multi-faceted theme, for which we invite
both visual and written art.

Further guidelines on submission:

- Submissions should be in doc. docx. pdf.
- The subject line in the email should be "Willow 2023-24 Submission".
- Photo submissions can be multiple but should be in a single file and all the photos should be in
.jpg or .jpeg format.
- All academic submissions should follow the MLA 9 format.
- Submissions in the form of Poetry/ Prose/ Lyric/ Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Opinions/ Photographs/
Photo Essays/ Paintings/ Graphics/ Illustrations and Letters are invited.
-Essays/ Prose/ Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Opinions/ Letters are expected to be within the range of
1000-1500 words but please do not be bound by the word limit in case the submission exceeds it.
- All entries must be in English and original pieces without any form of plagiarism.
- Kindly mention your name, year, department, college, a short bio note, and contact details as a
declaration that you are sending us original work and not any plagiarized content.

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