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Ramesh Prajapat 13K Followers@ Mining Professional # Deloitte_Corporate Internal Auditor #Talent Acquisition¢Resume & Career BuildingInterview Guidelines@ Personal Counseling Deloitte + M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India 18,286 followers - 500+ connections Follow me on Linkedin:- /https:/www linkedin, com/in/ramesh-prajapat-662637897utm_source=shareautm_ campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app A PRESENTS YOU Co PNM MID eK ecel0] == elle J USEFULL DEFINITIONS TO UNDERSTAND TIME FLOW _ (Availability, UOA, Utilization, Productivity... ) Total hours : Total of up-time and downtime. This is equal to the scheduled hours for the pit. Up-time Time : Time during which machine is able to perform its specified function. It consists of working hours and stand by hours. Working hours : Time that an operator or crew is assigned to the piece of equipment and itis in workable condition. It is expressed as clocktime and not in terms of the service meter reading. Working hours include all operating delay hours. Pause hours : That pan of the working hours during which the equipment could be cycling. Efficiency hours : That portion of the operating time that the machine is in the cycling mode. For a shovel, it would include the time spent in the dig, hoist and swing, dump, and swing and lower actions. Operating delay hours : This time would include delays such as * short move time « daily maintenance, fuel, lubrication + wait time + time lost due to weather conditions Stand-by hours : Time during which an operational machine is not used on account of weather, the work schedule, long moves, etc. Long mote hours : Time during which the machine is operational but scheduled for long moves. Non-scheduled hours : Portion of the total hours which the operational machine is not scheduled to work. Downtime : Time during which a machine cannot perform its specified function. It consists of maintenance hours, supply delay hours and administrative hours. Maintenance hours : Time necessary to carry out preventive and corrective maintenance. Supply delay hours : Time during which maintenance work is not possible owing to lack of immediate availability of parts and materials necessary to perform maintenance. Administrative hours : Downtime minus maintenance hours and supply delay hours. 1 Administrative hours represent the time necessary to report machine failure, give work directions for maintenance, etc. Overtime maintenance hours : Overtime maintenance hours represent maintenance conducted during those hours that the machine would not have been scheduled to work. For a machine scheduled to work day shift, this would describe maintenance performed on another shift. Daily maintenance hours : Time required to perform daily maintenance. It is included in working hours. Going by the strict definition from the field of reliability engineering, daily maintenance hours should be included in maintenance hours. Here, however, it is included in working hours in consideration of common practice in the mining industry. Mean time between failure (MTBF) : Average value of operating time between successive failures of a product, device, component or part. Mean time to repair (MTTR) : Average length of time necessary to repair a failure. It does not include supply delay hours or administrative hours. OPEN PIT PLANNING AND DESIGN

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