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Q1: Home to chariot racing, this "horse track" in Constantinople was also used for public


The crrect Answer is: the Hippodrome

Q2: Made famous by a 2011 book, this type of parent is strict & demanding & pushes
children to be successful?

The crrect Answer is: a tiger mom

Q3: From the Latin for "faithful", it's loyalty or faithfulness to one's spouse?

The crrect Answer is: fidelity

Q4: The cut of meat between the neck & the shoulder blade; it also is a clamp between the
bit & the drill?

The crrect Answer is: chuck

Q5: The Donnersmarck emerald & diamond this, a semi-circular crown, went for $12.7
million in 2011 & it would set off your eyes?

The crrect Answer is: a tiara

Q6: About $2.80 of ours equals 10 of this currency in 2019 rates?

The crrect Answer is: a shekel

Q7: A hawksbill, loggerhead or leatherback?

The crrect Answer is: sea turtles

Q8: This man and his son ruled England following the execution of King Charles I?

The crrect Answer is: Oliver Cromwell

Q9: Sen. LaFollette's door handles?

The crrect Answer is: Bob\'s knobs

Q10: This South American country is named for an Italian navigator (don't think too much)?

The crrect Answer is: Colombia

Q11: A cruise on this sea might include stops in St. Thomas, Puerto Rico & Martinique?

The crrect Answer is: the Caribbean

Q12: On Dec. 20, 1981 Jennifer Holliday's Effie sang "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" in
this show's premiere at the Imperial?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Dreamgirls</i>

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