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Advanced Research in Conservation Science, Vol.

3, Issue 2, 2022, 15-26

Advanced Research in Conservation Science

Journal homepage:
DOI: 10.21608/arcs.2022.136413.1026

Multidisciplinary approach for documentation of an Anthro-

poid Wooden Coffin from the Late Period in Egypt
Abdelmoniem M. Abdelmoniema*, Naglaa Mahmouda, Saleh Mohameda,
Mostafa Ahmed Abdel-fatahb, Mokhtar Mohammadc, Nour M. Badrd

a. Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt.

b. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt
c. Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt.
d. Conservation Centre, The Grand Egyptian Museum, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt


 Use several techniques for the docu-

mentation of the wooden coffin.
 Diagnose the Deterioration factors of
the wooden coffin.
 Using AutoCAD and Illustrator pro-
grams for documentation.
 Agisoft PhotoScan program was used
to generate a metric 3D model.
 Interpretation and documentation of
hieroglyphic texts


Article History: This paper aims to document the current state
Received: 29 April 2022. of an anthropoid wooden coffin using differ-
Revised: 1 June 2022. ent methods and to provide necessary infor-
Accepted: 26 June 2022. mation for suitable future conservation works.
Available online: 29 December 2022. Text transliteration, photographic documenta-
tion, technical photography, 2D illustrations,
and 3D modules were utilized to document
Keywords: the coffin. The results showed the presence of
Wooden coffin, Photogrammetric docu- an insect infestation in the head of the coffin.
mentation, Technical photography, 2D Text transliteration showed that the studied
illustrations, 3D models. coffin dates back to the late period in ancient

* Corresponding author: Abdelmoniem (

Abdelmoniem, A. M. et al.

2D illustrations showed the places of the previous conservation and missing parts of the cof-
fin. Moreover, 3D modules showed that the lid of the coffin had an inward curvature. Tech-
nical photography highlighted the places of the previous conservation and the area of the
Egyptian blue color.

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Digital analysis of artifact morphology has Visual assessment
become an increasingly affordable and ac- The critical eye of the conservator could
cessible method of archaeological investiga- help diagnose the deterioration factor and
tion [1. The recording of the cultural objects choose the best technique for the conserva-
is the first step for the accomplishment of tion process of the coffin [7, 8].
cultural documentation and further preserva-
tion, conservation, and publication [2]. Poly- Photographic documentation
chrome wooden coffins were one of the most Photographic documentation was used to
important archeological materials as they document the current state of the coffin and
contained colors, scenes, texts, and ancient the aspects of damage. The images were also
writings that revealed important historical used in 2D and 3D documentation using a
information, facts, and secrets [3]. However, smartphone camera and a Sony A6000 digi-
wooden artifacts underwent complex altera- tal camera.
tion and degradation during aging [4].
The coffin was discovered in Saqqara and Transliteration of hieroglyphic texts
was transferred to the Dahshur archaeologi- JSesh program was used to document hier-
cal site after the January Revolution in 2011. oglyphic texts on the lid of the coffin JSesh
The coffin under registration number T. C is a word processor for documenting hiero-
339. The size of the coffin is relatively small, glyphic texts. Its texts can be copied and
and the color of the face is bright red. It may pasted into other software (e.g., MS/Word or
belong to a woman. It consists of body and Open office). It is also possible to create pic-
lid which formed by many wooden pieces. tures in various graphical formats (JPEG,
The coffin lid was coated from the outside PNG, PDF, SVG, EMF, MACPICT, etc.)
with two preparation layers. the first prepara- [9].
tion layer was composed of mud mixture
applied on the entire surface of the lid to act Technical photography (TP)
as a leveling surface, the second one was a Technical images were obtained using a
fine layer composed of calcium carbonate, as modified digital camera for documentation
a preparation for the coloring process [5] and initial color check. Technical Photog-
and decorated with a painted layer (red, blue, raphy (TP) helped identify the previous con-
yellow, white, and black). The interior of the servation [10] and non-destructive diagnos-
coffin was composed of wood only without tics of paintings [11]. This method was
any pigments. The painted layers of this cof- commonly used to identify the pigments [12-
fin suffered from many deterioration aspects, 14]. It depends on the camera, lens, and dif-
including powdering, flaking, cracking, and ferent filters [15-17]. It was applied to col-
missing parts. Furthermore, it was covered ored wooden coffins in previous research
with a thick layer of dust resulting from pre- [18-20]. Various electromagnetic spectrum
vious inappropriate conservation [6] and bad bands provide a quick but detailed analysis
storage inside the storerooms of Dahshur of the works [21].
archaeological site, Egypt. The present study MSI images acquired in 4 spectral bands
aims to use several techniques for the docu- [22]: ultraviolet [23] (360-400 nm) [24], UV
mentation of the coffin. show us previous conservation to select non
treated area for analysis [25] visible (400-
780 nm), and infrared [26] (780-1700 nm).
infrared used for detecting and visualize un-
der drawings in paintings [27] IRF (Infrared

Advanced Research in Conservation Science, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2022

Fluorescence) [28] visible-induced infrared ally 70–80%. An output of the camera

luminescence (VIL) and infrared (IR)) pre- alignment is a sparse point cloud along
sented in this study. with a representation of the camera's posi-
Technical images were taken using a Sony tion for each photograph.
A6000 digital camera modified to “full spec- 2. Based on the camera positions identified
trum” with a 90C IR Filter and a LED lamp in step 1, the software can produce a
to view the fluorescence (luminescence). dense point cloud.
The camera was equipped with a Sony 3. Photoscan can create a 3D polygonal
A6000 digital camera. Visible (Vis) images mesh based on the dense point cloud. This
were acquired by using two sources of two represents the surface or structure of the
fluorescent lamps. Two UV 365nm LED photographed subject.
lambs were used for ultraviolet (UV). In the 4. A texture can be provided for the mesh
case of infrared Fluorescence (IRF) image utilizing of the original images taken of
two LED lamps illuminated the coffin and a the feature, providing a 3D photorealistic
Schott RG840 cut-on filter was placed in representation [39-41].
front of the lens, to block all stray radiations
from visible spectrum and investigate only USB light digital microscope
the emission of IR radiation in the 850– The structure of the painted layer fragments
1000nm region. a Schott RG840 cut-on filter was studied using a Veho digital USB micro-
was placed in front of the lens to prevent the scope with a 1.3 MP visible light digital
visible component and investigate the range camera (variable magnification of 20–200×.
between 850 and 1000nm. The X-rite Color
Checker Passport was used as a reference Scanning Electron Microscope attached
alongside the coffin [29]. with Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-
2D documentation Identifying the elemental composition of
Adobe Illustrator and Auto CAD were used the Egyptian blue were performed using a
to highlight the decoration of the lid of the Quanta 250 FEG with SEM-EDX (Energy
coffin (Fig.2), which helped translate the Dispersive X-ray Analyses). The accelerating
decoration to document further information voltage was 30 K.V.
about the coffin [30, 31] and document the
signs of damage on the wooden coffin. 3. Results and discussion
Agisoft PhotoScan program was used for The coffin suffered from many aspects of
photogrammetric documentation to make a damage, such as separation on the mud
3D modules of the images [32, 33]. It is an ground layer and gesso layer, loss of the
inexpensive technique [34] used to create a painted layer, many micro and macro cracks,
3D module, but there must be an overlap as well as loss of the head area on the lid and
among the photos [35]. It helps anyone see the foot area of the coffin (Fig. 1. a, b and c)
cultural heritage sites and steps to perform (Fig. 2.a-i). Moreover, a thick layer of dust
the excavations and exhibit them in special- covered the coffin. There was an insect infes-
ized museums [36, 37]. tation on the coffin. There were traces of
To generate a metric 3D module, only a se- previous conservation materials on the lid
ries of high quality photographs document- and left and right sides of the coffin. There
ing the scene and at least three ground con- was a curvature in the lid of the coffin It may
trol points (GCPs) with known xY, yY and be curvature in the lid during discovery or
zY coordinates are required [38]. from poor storage
To create the modules through a four- The previous conservation was for the pur-
step system it is necessary that: pose of strengthening the coffin, as the coffin
1. The software aligns the photographs consisted of a group of wooden
through the matching of their common boards(Fig.3a), and a layer of mud was made
points between, which requires a signifi- on it to level the surface and in preparation
cant overlap between photographs, gener- for the ground layer and colored layer.

Abdelmoniem, A. M. et al.

Fig. 1. General View of the coffin; a) right side; b) exterior of the coffin; c)
left side.

The previous conservation was using pri- Translation and interpretation of the
mal with cotton to fill the voids (Fig. 3b), in hieroglyphic text
pervious conservation it must be use a good  An offering made by the king to Osiris, the
holder to support the lid from inside and no master of Mendes (Tel-Rub‟), the great
good holders were used to lift the coffin lid god
after treating the curvature so it was very  The Lord of heaven, king of the gods, ruler
important to document the current state of of eternity, may he give offerings and food
the coffin to help us on future conservation (Fig. 4)
works. The interpretation of the text is a line on the
There are many tunnels for insects in the lid along the length of the sarcophagus. It
head area of the coffin, which requires that was written by drawing. Some hashs and
there be a complete sterilization before the cracks extended over it. The text includes the
conservation process to find out whether the formula of the offering or the formula of al-
infestation is live or inactive. Insects feed on hotb de nsu [42], which was one of the most
famous formulas in ancient Egypt.
the organic materials in the muddy structure,
which increases its deterioration

Advanced Research in Conservation Science, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2022

Fig. 2. Deterioration aspects on the coffin: A & b) Flaking and missing

parts; c) Cracks; d) Previous gap filing; e) Old insect attack; f) Missing
parts; g) Some parts wrongly reassembled and missing parts; h) Thick layer
of dust and cracks; i) Missing parts

Fig. 3. The base of the coffin; a) the wooden panels of the base of the coffin from inside ; b)
the base of the coffin from outside showed the previous restoration

Abdelmoniem, A. M. et al.

Fig. 4. Transliteration of the Hieroglyphic texts of the central decorative panels on

the lid of the coffin

Here, the offering formula is for the god prove that the owner of this coffin was from
Osiris, the god of the dead, that was one of that region. Usually, gods took the titles of
the most well-known gods with this formula the Master of Abu Sir and the Master of
in addition to the god Anubis, Wub, Awut, Abydos as the main areas of their worship.
Ptah and others. The titles of this god were In later periods, however, his worship spread
numerous in this formula, the most im- in many areas, and the formula of offerings
portant of which was the master of Mendes did not include the different types of food, as
(current Tel-Rub‟ area in Delta). This may

Advanced Research in Conservation Science, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2022

usual, but included offerings and food, in coffin and highlighted the fading of Egyptian
general. blue on the lappet of the wig and both sides
of the central decorative panels, and the red
2D documentation color of the module for imagining of the
head and foot area of the coffin and help
The condition of the coffin was recorded
conservator on future conservation process
using 2D program. The schematic diagram
(Fig. 5. a, b and c).
documented the deterioration aspects of the

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the coffin showing the deterioration aspects in

2D Program: a) right side; b) exterior of the coffin; c) left side

Abdelmoniem, A. M. et al.

Technical Photography that the ancient Egyptian used on the coffin.

IRF showed that the ancient Egyptian paint-
Technical Photography showed the blue
ed blue pigment first and used the red pig-
painted layer that appeared white bright in
ment to fill selected areas (Fig.7 a and b).
the VIL image (Fig. 6), suggesting the use of
Then, they used the black pigment to deter-
Egyptian blue [43, 44] but did not appear in
mine the outline of paintings on the pectoral
visible light. There was an Egyptian blue
area. The ancient Egyptian highlighted the
pigment on the upper and abdomen of the lid
decoration on both sides of the central deco-
and fading Egyptian blue on both sides of the
rative panels by red pigment and painted the
central decorative panels. The EDX of the
Egyptian blue followed by the red pigment.
Egyptian blue showed calcium (Ca), Copper
(OM) image (Fig. 7c) showed that the yellow
(Cu), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O), CaCu-
painted layer was coated with blue painted
Si4O10. that confirm the use of Egyptian blue.
layer and used the black pigment to deter-
From technical Photography (TP) it can al-
mine the outline of paintings (Fig. 7d and e)
so show the arrangement of the color palette

Fig. 6. Technical images of the lid of the coffin made by Infrared Fluores-
cence (IRF)

Fig. 7. The color palette of the coffin; a&b) Infrared Fluorescence images
shows the color palette Optical photomicrographs showing the course mor-
phology of the painted layers surface used in the coffin: a and b blue ,black,
blue layer; c-e insect tunel

Advanced Research in Conservation Science, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2022

Photogrammetric Documentation of the coffin (Fig. 8 e, f) and save the 3D

modules on the archive of the Dahshour ar-
The morphological characteristics of the
chaeological area. This could help the con-
surface of the coffin would be preserved by
servator to follow up the changes on the sur-
record [45].
face of the coffin. The 3D module can be
uploaded on the Internet to make specialists
The 3D documentation of the coffin (Fig. 8
and common people see the cultural heritage
a, b) showed the extent of the descent in the
of the ancient Egyptians in museums and
lid of the coffin that did not appear well on
storerooms [46] when objects are in accessi-
the photographic documentation (Fig. 8 b, c).
ble or storerooms that are not allowed to the
The 3D modules helped observe all sides of
public and require a special statement from
the coffin on the computer to make good
documentation of the condition

Fig. 8. Stages of producing a 3D modules ;a) camera positions and image

overlap; b) solid phase; c) building dense point cloud; d) point cloud;e)
generating texture; f) 3D modules

Abdelmoniem, A. M. et al.

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