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Kaydence Tranter

English 101 and English-Lab

Mr. Wolfe

3 Dec 2023

Reflective Piece
What I have learned from this semester is how to write in MLA format, write a proper essay,

how to say what I need to say by using good evidence to back me up. By doing the debate, I have

learned that standing Infront of people isn't as scary even when you must support a side you

didn’t think you would support. I have also learned better partnership and being better at working

as a team. Learning how to write a proper essay will help me in the future for my career and

certain jobs. In my opinion the easiest essay to write was the comparison essay because I was

very interested in the way Malcolm x and Fredrick Douglas learned how to read and write. Also,

their background and how they fought for their rights and no matter what got in their way they

figured out a way to push through it. Malcolm X and Fredrick Douglass are two very important

people in history. I do not have a least favorite essay because personally I loved them all

because they all have their own story, and they all made a huge impact in history. I learned a lot

of things reading the pieces and writing about them. I will use pathos, ethos and logos in the

future because of certain jobs I might need it for, putting a point across for it to be understood,

also use it for other classes. For example, I want to be a therapist and I am going to have to use

ethos, pathos and logos within that job. Overall, the class was a fantastic experience and I have

learned a lot and grew from the things I learned.

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