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Long term causes of World War 1

By 1914, Germany had

the greatest increase in
military build up. Great
Britain and Germany both
greatly increased their
navies in this time period.
Furthermore, in Germany
and Russia particularly,
the military establishment
began to have a greater
influence on public policy.
This increase in militarism
helped push the countries
involved to war.’
Source B: An American
historian writing in 2011

Source A: A Dreadnought, in 1906

Country Personnel Dreadnoughts

Russia 54,000 4

France 68,000 10

Britain 209,000 29

TOTAL 331,000 43

Germany 79,000 17

Austria-Hungary 16,000 4

TOTAL 95,000 21

Source C: The naval strength of the countries in 1914


1) SOURCE A: What is a Dreadnought? And why were countries so keen to build them before

2) SOURCE B and C: How did Militarism affect relations between the European powers?

3) Why might Militarism contribute to the outbreak of war? You can use details from any of the
sources in your answer.

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