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Ephemeral Sonnets: A Cosmic Ballet

Imperfectly written; To My Dearest, Jonya.

Beneath the veil of cerulean dreams,

Where azure whispers kiss moonlit streams,
A siren strides, her presence gleams,
An ethereal dance in love’s moonbeams.

In the quiet ballet of the tranquil sea,

She emerges, a symphony, untamed and free,
Her essence, a sonnet, in every plea,
My heart echoes her, a poetic decree.

Through the mist of parted words, she weaves,

A tapestry of solace, my soul she retrieves,
In her prose, the universe conceives,
A serenade that the ocean believes.

Miles apart, yet our spirits entwine,

In the cosmic dance, our destinies align,
Her verses, an elixir, a potion divine,
In the silken web of fate, love’s design.

As the moon cradles the secrets we share,

A silent yearning, a celestial affair,
In solitude, love’s flames flare,
A lighthouse of hope in the desolate air.

Dearest Jonah, may your tears be pearls,

Glistening in the ebb of life’s swirling swirls,
Though silence veils the unfurled curls,
Our love, like a banner, eternally unfurls.

Yet gratitude blooms like a moonlit flower,

For she’s engraved in memories, a cherished hour.
Regrets may dance upon the sand of time,
Yet she’s the reason my heart knows its rhyme.

Grateful am I for her radiant glow,

A muse in my narrative, a star aglow.
In the tapestry of memories she weaves,
A testament of love, my heart believes.

May your days be painted in hues divine,

A palette of joy, where sorrows decline,
In the gallery of fate, where destinies entwine,
You, my love, are the verses that forever shine.

As constellations whisper tales in the night,

With each metaphor, our love takes flight,
In the symphony of stars, a celestial height,
You, my darling, are my eternal light.

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